Fated Marriage
Chapter 20 : Chapter Ten (The Fight At The End) Qin Song was a naughty kid. He loved to play pranks

Chapter Ten (The Fight At The End)

Qin Song was a naughty kid. He loved to play pranks and wasn’t scared of heaven or earth. Fighting was one of his favourite pastimes.

Chen Yi Feng was from a military family. Fighting was his forte. Each of his punches and kicks were precise and deadly.

Qin Song and Chen Yi Feng fought each other like how King Arthur would fight Lancelot over Guinevere, gloves were all off. Whatever wasn’t nailed in the room Qin Song and Chen Yi Feng used it as weapons to take out their enemy. By the time Han Ting Ting came back to the room with Commander Zhang’s guards to stop the fight, it was too late… the room was demolished.

Qin Song grabbed a chair and aimed it at Chen Yi Feng. Chen Yi Feng used his wrists to deflect the chair. Qin Song grabbed another chair, Chen Yi Feng moved closer to the door and Qin Song threw the chair at the door. At that moment Han Ting Ting stood at the door and the chair would have hit her face if Li Wei Ran didn’t pull her out of the way in time. The chair flew out the room, downstairs and got caught on a hanging chandelier.

Unfortunately for Commander Zhang’s guests that were minding their own business having breakfast at the dining table had to give their vocal chords a workout. The chandelier that made contact with the chair was hung directly above the dining table and dozens of the chandelier’s crystal gla.s.ses fell onto the heads of Commander Zhang’s guests. The guests shrieked and ran for their lives.

Li Wei Ran attempted to enter the war zone but the rivals inside wouldn’t let him in. In the end a troop of Commander Zhang’s soldiers were called in to pull Qin Song and Chen Yi Feng apart.

The room took the biggest hit like a freak tornado came for a visit. Windows and mirrors were smashed, walls were dented and wardrobes collapsed. Nothing was left standing. The demolished room would have broken the hearts of the room’s architect and interior designer.

Chen Yi Feng was breathing heavily. He pulled down his s.h.i.+rt sleeves that were folded up before the fight broke out. Apart from the two surprise punches to his face, he didn’t have another injury on his body.

Qin Song’s handsome face took a beating too. His left wrist was swollen. Mrs Zhang senior was startled and worried for her youngest grandson and didn’t stop directing her other grandson Li Wei Ran who was supporting Qin Song’s arm to be gentle.

‘Wei Ran, be gentle! Be careful you don’t hurt Song Song’s wrist,’ Mrs Zhang senior advised.

Commander Zhang strode into the room with his hands folded behind his back. He wasn’t happy his guests were attacked by crystal gla.s.ses under his watch. ‘Who made the first move?’

Qin Song used the towel handed to him to wipe the blood off the corner of his mouth. Adrenaline was still pumped through his hot blood. ‘Granddad, it was me.’

Chen Yi Feng stared at Qin Song and laughed coldly. Chen Yi Feng opened his mouth but Han Ting Ting ran to Chen Yi Feng and pulled his arm.

‘It wasn’t what you…’ Han Ting Ting said.

‘Ah!’ Qin Song cried out.

Qin Song grabbed his left arm that was injured not long ago and slid to the floor. It scared everyone in the room. Ting Ting rushed to Qin Song’s side. He used the opportunity to bite her earlobe and to whisper into her ear. ‘Honey, don’t say anything. Go escort Chen Yi Feng to the door and let him leave.’

Song Song was his family’s darling. It wasn’t convenient for his family to scold Song Song for giving them a scare in front of the guests. But Han Ting Ting knew that his family were heartbroken seeing him injured right under their noses. If Song Song and Chen Yi Feng were fighting over business then it wasn’t an issue. But if everyone knew that they were fighting over a misunderstanding about her bruised cheek then her parents would find out… her dad would go ballistic and a scarier fight would break loose.

Chen Yi Feng saw through Qin Song’s att.i.tude and understood what happened. Chen Yi Feng made eye contact with Commander Zhang and apologised. ‘Today I was out of line. I’ll come back another time to accept my punishment.’

Commander Zhang figured out why Song Song and Chen Yi Feng couldn’t get along. Commander Zhang pitied Chen Yi Feng. Commander Zhang patted Chen Yi Feng but didn’t say a word.

Zhang Pu and Zhang Yu escorted a doctor to examine Song Song who was still pretending his left arm was in pain. In the mist of the chaos Han Ting Ting pushed Chen Yi Feng out the door like Song Song asked her to do. Yesterday everyone found out their Ting Ting were neighbouring friends with Chen Yi Feng so no one found it strange that she escorted him outside. Especially Song Song’s parents who thought their daughter-in-law excelled at her duties as a hostess.

At the allocated parking area, Han Ting Ting jumped into Song Song’s car and turned on the ignition. She drove alongside Chen Yi Feng whose strides were as fast as her driving. She wound down the window and waved Chen Yi Feng to the car. ‘Get in, I’ll take you where you want to go.’

Chen Yi Feng’s right fingers were swollen and wrapped in a towel. He couldn’t drive so he used his left hand to open the car and accepted a lift from Han Ting Ting. He couldn’t help but smile in disbelief at the sight of her in the driver’s seat.

‘What’s wrong? Why are you staring at me?’ Han Ting Ting asked.

‘When did you become a steady driver?’ Chen Yi Feng asked.

Chen Yi Feng couldn’t believe the Han Ting Ting that was manoeuvring the steering wheel well was the same Han Ting Ting that used to clutch the steering wheel and was scared to make turns. He thought it was true that no one could predict the future.

‘Ah… because Song Song’s left arm was injured recently. I was forced to learn how to drive properly,’ Han Ting Ting said and smiled. ‘It took after cras.h.i.+ng a few of Song Song’s cars for me to get the hang of driving.’

Chen Yi Feng brooded and his eyes looked like it was taken back to the distant past. ‘If I knew back then, I wouldn’t have bothered trying to teach you to drive.’

Chen Yi Feng felt regretful. He regretted he didn’t acknowledge his heart until it was too late.

Han Ting Ting was reflecting on her heart. She felt the biggest difference between Chen Yi Feng and Song Song was how the time she knew each of them was spent. During the shorter time she’d known Song Song, they’ve leaned on one another for support, teased and fought with each other, they made up after fighting and loved each other. Whereas the years alongside Chen Yi Feng she spent it looking at him at a distance.

It didn’t matter how Chen Yi Feng taught her how to drive, she couldn’t get over her own fears. But Song Song gave her all his car keys. Each time she crashed, he’d give her a new car key and waited patiently for her to get over the fear of cras.h.i.+ng.

Han Ting Ting knew it was selfish of her to be grateful nothing happened between her and Chen Yi Feng. She was happy with Song Song and also had Chen Yi Feng as an older brother figure in her life, watching over her.

‘Concentrate on driving!’ Chen Yi Feng said and his body broke out in a cold sweat.

Chen Yi Feng’s heart calmed a little and he looked over at Han Ting Ting. ‘Are you worrying about Qin Song?’

‘The cast on Song Song’s left arm was removed just last week,’ Han Ting Ting said.

‘Is that so?’ Chen Yi Feng asked. He rubbed his swollen face. ‘I couldn’t tell.’

Chen Yi Feng removed the towel wrapped around his right hand, it was so swollen that he couldn’t close his right hand.

‘Do you want me to take you to the hospital to check out your hand injury?’ Han Ting Ting asked.

‘It’s nothing. You…’ Chen Yi Feng said and pointed at her cheek. ‘If your vision is blurry you need to tell me straight away. My life is in your hands.’

Han Ting Ting explained to Chen Yi Feng what happened last night to cause her cheek to bruise. But she left out the reason why Song Song wanted to take a picture of them in bed together.

It didn’t take long for Chen Yi Feng to guessed why. ‘Little Qin Song is more childish than I imagined.’

‘Song Song is a good person!’ Han Ting Ting said. ‘You… you didn’t wait for me to finish my explanation and jumped to conclusions.’

Han Ting Ting thought that Chen Yi Feng was more hot blooded than Song Song. Who would pick a fight on behalf of someone else before understanding what happened?

Chen Yi Feng closed his eyes, draped an arm over his forehead and sighed. ‘Girls… what’s the point of raising girls when they’ll desert you the moment they’re married? I’m worried in the future Dong Dong will love someone the way you love Song Song, I’ll die of frustration that I sacrificed everything to raise my daughter for someone else to receive the benefits of my labour.’

‘Hey, it was your fault for misunderstanding Song Song. Song Song didn’t start the fight,’ Han Ting Ting said.

Chen Yi Feng closed his eyes to rest. ‘It doesn’t matter. It was an excuse I was waiting for. I wanted to beat him up long ago.’

‘Because of me?’ Han Ting Ting asked softly.

Chen Yi Feng opened his eyes and stared at Han Ting Ting who wasn’t his timid little Ting Ting anymore. He closed his eyes. ‘Concentrate on driving!’

End of Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

On the first day back at work after the Christmas break, Li Wei Ran re-enacted the fighting sequence between their sixth brother and Chen Yi Feng at Liang’s company during a morning meeting.

Ji Nan was the most enthusiastic of the Liang’s sworn brothers. ‘Sixth brother you pretend your Chen Yi Feng and attack me. I’ll pretend to be you and defend.’

Rong Yan rubbed his tears of laughter from his eyes. ‘Forth brother if you pretend to be sixth brother then you’ll be beaten pitifully.’

‘Rong Yan, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d! It was a tie!’ Qin Song denied.

Apart from Qin Song, everyone was suspicious whether the fight was a draw. Big boss was the only one out of those who were suspicious that have fought one on one with Qin Song. They all turned to silently ask big boss if he reckon Qin Song was telling the truth.

Big boss put the newspaper in his hands down. He lifted Qin Song’s left arm. ‘Um, it was kind of Chen Yi Feng to go easy on sixth brother to keep sixth brother’s reputation intact.’

Qin Song quietly fumed.

‘Is Chen Yi Feng going to sign with sixth brother’s uncles?’ Chen Yu Bai asked.

Li Wei Ran nodded his head and looked at big boss. ‘First brother, isn’t this the time for you to show your cards? The investment amount to sixth brother’s uncles is a substantial amount but for Chen Yi Feng it’s petty cash. Why is he making life hard for sixth brother?’

Big boss was about to reply when Qin Song jumped up. ‘No one gets to interfere. This is between me and him.’

‘You reckon you can beat him on a one on one fight?’ Rong Yan asked.

‘He’s messing with me. Why can’t I find someone to mess with him?’ Qin Song said. ‘You guys stand back and wait to see my victory. I’ll make mincemeat out of him. He won’t be able to chew and swallow for a long time.’

‘What about your little wife? Do you need me to teach you some new tricks?’ Rong Yan asked.

Qin Song was insulted and kept silent. His sworn brothers all gave him the same concerned look.

Chen Yu Bai had a knife in his hand and sliced a little egg in half. ‘Sixth brother, I’ll teach you the only trick you need.’

Chen Yu Bai popped half of the hot little egg in his mouth. ‘What you can eat, hurry up and eat it up to satisfy your stomach. The earlier you eat it up the earlier you’ll be at peace.’

Chen Yu Bai pushed the bridge of his gla.s.ses up and gave sixth brother a sly smile. Qin Song was in a daze for a while before there was a bright gleam in his eyes.

Whilst driving home, dirty thoughts consumed Qin Song’s head.

‘What would the white ‘little country bun’ taste like?’ Qin Song’s animal drive asked.

‘Where’s the best place to start eating? How many times can the bun be eaten? Should he ask for leave tomorrow? Mmm, at least he should ask her preschool to let her take leave tomorrow…’ Qin Song’s asked his animal drive.

Qin Song’s dirty thoughts didn’t hinder him from returning home in one piece. He opened the door and heard his ‘little country bun’ sobbing.

Qin Song was startled and didn’t take his shoes off before running to Ting Ting. ‘Did the hospital called? What’s wrong with my dad?’

Han Ting Ting was shaken by Song Song back and forth until she became dizzy. ‘No one called… did something happened to dad?’

Qin Song’s heart that jumped up to his throat slowly jumped down to its resting place. His dad had a second surgery two days ago. The results of the second surgery were still unknown but he couldn’t shake off the bad feeling in his heart and it scared him.

Qin Song went to the shoe rack to change out of his shoes. Whilst he was changing he poked his head into the living room. ‘Honey, what happened? Why are you crying?’

Han Ting Ting sobbed louder. ‘Song Song… I’m in big trouble.’

Qin Song changed into his slippers and went to hug Ting Ting on the sofa. ‘How big? Tell me about it, if it can make me cry I’ll give you a reward.’

‘Song Song, look,’ Han Ting Ting said.

Han Ting Ting opened the red fabric she held in her hand. On top of the fabric were broken pieces of a jade bracelet.

‘Qin Sang hand delivered it to me. She said she found it broken at granddad’s mansion. She didn’t tell anyone and came today to give it to me,’ Han Ting Ting explained.

Qin Song thought the jade pieces looked familiar. ‘Is it the green jade bracelet my mum gave you?’

Han Ting Ting wiped her tears and nodded her head. Zhang Yu had handed the green jade bracelet down to her on her wedding day. Usually she kept it safe in a draw at home. She only took it out to wear at important functions. On Christmas Day she wore it to Song Song’s granddad’s mansion. That day because Song Song and Chen Yi Feng’s fight she didn’t know the bracelet was lost.

‘Is it that easy to break?’ Qin Song asked. He took a piece and knocked it against the table. He saw Ting Ting wiping her eyes and gave her a sly smile. He pointed at his lips. ‘Give me a kiss and I’ll buy you a replacement.’

Han Ting Ting was in no mood for Song Song’s teasing. She pushed his face that was leaning into her away.

‘You’re not going to listen to me?’ Qin Song said teasingly. ‘I’m going to tell mum. I’ll tell her that you broke the family’s precious jade that was handed down from mother to daughter-in-law for centuries.’

Han Ting Ting couldn’t believe Song Song would tell his mum. She covered her face and sobbed. He tried to pull her hands away but she grabbed a cus.h.i.+on to hug and sob louder.

‘Hey, I was teasing. Honey, don’t cry anymore,’ Qin Song consoled.

Qin Song lifted Ting Ting onto his lap. ‘Ting Bao, be good. Don’t cry. I was teasing. I’ll think of a way to hide it. No one will find out. Don’t cry anymore.’

Han Ting Ting grabbed Song Song’s s.h.i.+rt and stared at him suspiciously. ‘You’re not lying to me?’

Qin Song put his hand over his heart. ‘I promise!’

‘Um,’ Han Ting Ting said.

‘Now are you going to kiss me?’ Qin Song asked.

‘Stay away, you trickster!’ Han Ting Ting said.

A few days later the trickster became Han Ting Ting’s hero. Song Song came home with a pair replica vintage clear green jade bracelet to the one that was given to her on her wedding day. She inspected the new bracelets all night. ‘Song Song, was it expensive?’

Qin Song was playing on the wii and didn’t bother to turn around to face Ting Ting. ‘It was one hundred for the pair.’

Han Ting Ting’s eyes widened. ‘They’re fake?’

‘Um,’ Qin Song said. He turned around briefly to rea.s.sure Ting Ting. ‘Honey, you can wear them comfortably. Except for jade specialists, no one else will know if they’re real or not.’

Han Ting Ting didn’t hesitate to accept the bracelets. Since they were fakes she wore them on her wrist every day.

New Year’s Eve arrived and Han Ting Ting and Song Song were going to her parents’ home to celebrate.

In the kitchen of the Han household Ting’s mum praised that her daughter’s bracelets were beautiful.

Han Ting Ting took one bracelet off and gave it to her mum.

‘No need,’ Ting’s mum declined and waved her hands. ‘I don’t even want to dream about wearing something that expensive. Ting Bao, it looks pretty on you. Make sure you take care of it.’

‘Mum, it’s not expensive,’ Han Ting Ting happily explained. ‘It looks like real jade but it’s a fake.’

Ting’s mum heard that it was a fake and happily accepted it from Han Ting Ting. The mother and daughter pair gossiped and laughed animatedly together. After Ting’s dad listened to Song Song’s words of encouragement the Han household lived a more peaceful life. Ting’s dad still worked hard but his duties were lighter, he received bonuses that were rightfully his and before New Year’s Eve he was also honoured with a medal for bravery. Song Song secretly told her that her dad was going to have another promotion at the beginning of the New Year.

Ting’s mum and Han Ting Ting didn’t need Ting’s dad to be rich and successful. They were happy to know that his achievements were acknowledged and his abilities were used to the fullest.

‘Song Song is a good man. He treats your father and me like he does his own parents. We’re lucky to have him as a son-in-law,’ Ting’s mum praised. ‘There are plenty of rich playboys out there but it’s rare to find a man who’s rich like Song Song who doesn’t play around behind his wife’s back.’

Han Ting Ting was arranging the buns. ‘Mum, how do you know he’s a good man and isn’t a player? In front of you he pretends to be obedient. But at home in front of me he’s childish and likes to hide Putt Putt.’

Ting’s mum gave her daughter a dirty look. She knew who gave Putt Putt to her daughter. ‘The right thing to do is to get rid of it.’

‘Mum…’ Han Ting Ting sulked.

‘Ahem… Ting Bao… are you and Song Song… ahem… purposely avoiding having kids? It’s near your six month anniversary but you’re not pregnant. If the two of you aren’t using protection then both of you should have a health check. There is good medicine these days to help… ahem… do you get what I’m saying?’ Ting’s mum said.

Han Ting Ting didn’t know where to hide her embarra.s.sed face. She couldn’t answer any of her mum’s questions. She and Song Song have been married nearly for half a year. It was normal for her parents to discuss the issue of having kids with her.

Han Ting Ting and Song Song were enjoying their honeymoon period… but if she gave birth to their child it would make their family of two become a warm family of three. Song Song’s so childish he’d hog their child’s toys and would be jealous of their child. On Christmas Day Song Song asked her if she’d love their child more than him and forget about him… he must have had thoughts of expanding their family back then. But thinking about having kids wouldn’t get her pregnant… that thought made her whole body hot. She fled the kitchen and used the excuse of getting water to drink. Outside in front of the water mill she covered her face and laughed like a fool.

Qin Song held New Year gifts in both of his hands. He arrived at his in-laws house and saw his ‘little country bun’ covering her face and laughing like a fool. He put the gifts on the ground then strode to Ting Ting. He hugged her tight and lifted her off the ground. He bit her lips and kissed her.

Ting’s mum heard a m.u.f.fled cry and rushed outside. She saw her son-in-law spinning her daughter around and kissing her. She was happy her daughter married someone who loved her as much as she loved her daughter. She quietly went back to the kitchen.

‘You finish work early today?’ Han Ting Ting asked.

Han Ting Ting’s feet were allowed to touch the ground but she couldn’t get rid of her blush.

Qin Song saw her pink cheeks and couldn’t help but give her another kiss. ‘Nothing strange about it. Today is New Year’s Eve.’

‘My dad said he’s working overtime tonight. He’d be home at eight for dinner,’ Han Ting Ting said. She wrapped her arms around Song Song’s neck and smiled. ‘Song Song, are you hungry? I’ll scoop you a bowl of soup if you’re hungry.’

Qin Song glanced at the kitchen and didn’t see anyone coming out. He pressed his cheek to Ting Ting’s cheek and blew hot air into her ear. ‘Honey, it’s you I want to eat.’

Han Ting Ting’s ear tingled and the tingle flowed down her body. She leaned her head on his shoulder and too shy to say anything.

New Year’s Eve dinner at the Han household was simple and filled with two pairs of lovers. Fire crackers were heard from outside. Four people sat around one round table and on the table were steaming hot dishes. The atmosphere around them was sweet and peaceful.

Ting’s dad loved to drink with his son-in-law. They drank many shots of alcohol. Song Song was tipsy enough to cheer his shot toward Ting’s mum instead of Ting’s dad.

‘Ancient hubby, take it easy. Song Song has to drive later,’ Ting’s mum advised.

Ting’s dad laughed loudly and scratched his head. ‘Ting Ting knows how to drive too.’

Qin Song was surprised and looked at his wife. ‘Aren’t we sleeping here tonight?’

‘Mum said we can leave after dinner. We need to head over to your parents’ house. Besides, you’re not used to sleeping here. We can sleep over at your parents’ house,’ Han Ting Ting said.

Han Ting Ting thought that Qin Yun’s health was deteriorating by the day. New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day only came once a year, it was better for her and Song Song to be beside Qin Yun.

Qin Song wasn’t fond of his dad’s side of the family. But like Ting Ting, he wanted to spend New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day with his dad. His mood lifted and he drank another shot with his dad-in-law.

The Qin’s household was noisy and everyone surrounded Qin Yun to chat. Qin Yun was shocked to see Song Song and Ting Ting holding hands at the front door.

‘Come over here and sit,’ Qin Yun said and waved Song Song and Ting Ting over.

‘Everyone was just mentioning the two of you,’ Zhang Yu said.

‘Talking bad about me?’ Qin Song asked teasingly.

‘What talking bad?’ One of Qin Song’s cousins asked. She put down the newspaper. ‘We were commending you on your love for your beautiful wife that you didn’t mind burning one hundred thousand dollars. Ting Ting, show us your pair of jade bracelets.’

Qin Song opened the newspaper. There was a page dedicated to news about him. He had asked an a.s.sistant to bid on a pair of jade bracelets at an auction. There were two side shots. One was a close up of the bracelets sold at the auction. The other one was a blurred photo of Ting Ting at the supermarkets lifting a price tag and the bracelets she wore on her wrists were identical to the ones sold at the auction.

Qin Song cursed Chen Yun! How did Chen Yun dig up the news about him buying the jade bracelets for Ting Ting? He wasn’t happy having his married life being exploited for publicity.

‘Wow, it’s beautiful!’ One of Qin Song’s cousins said.

Han Ting Ting’s wrist was pulled about by everyone from the Qin household. She felt a cold sweat on her back. She racked her head about how she was going to open her mouth to ask her mum to give back the other jade bracelet.

Qin Yun waited until the commotion calmed down and grilled Song Song and Ting Ting. ‘Why did you two decide to come over here? Aren’t you two supposed to be at Ting Ting’s parents’ house tonight?’

‘I brought Ting Ting here to demand a red packet from you and mum,’ Qin Song joked. He showed off the red packet he and Ting Ting received from her parents. ‘Ting Ting’s parents were generous.’

Zhang Yu wanted to grab the red packet in her son’s hand but he hid it behind his back too quick.

Qin Song put out an empty palm in front of his parents. ‘I wish both of you a happy New Year! May everything go both your ways. Hurry up and cough up the red packet both of you owe me and Ting Ting.’

Qin Song’s childish act made everyone burst into laughter.

Qin Yun took out three red packets from the pile of red packets reserved for his nephews and nieces. He gave Song Song one red packet and two red packets to Ting Ting. ‘Have a Happy New Year! May everything go both your ways too. I hope the year will bring peace and happiness to you both.’

‘What? It’s not fair Ting Ting gets two and I only get one,’ Qin Song protested.

‘Of course Ting Ting gets two. One for her and one for the baby in her tummy,’ One of Qin Song’s cousin said.

Song Song knew that there was no baby in Ting Ting’s tummy but he couldn’t tell everyone in the room the truth. He kept smiling at her. She didn’t have thick skin like him. Being surrounded by his relatives giving her sly smiles wasn’t what she expected. She accepted the two red packets with shaky hands. She didn’t know if she should return one later to his parents or save it for their future child.

‘The two red packets, one for my favourite daughter-in-law and one for your wife,’ Qin Yun teased. ‘Ting Ting has excelled at both roles. I hope the next New Year, Ting Ting can receive three red packets.’

Han Ting Ting and Song Song went upstairs to sleep in his old room. ‘Why did you tell me the bracelets were fakes? I was too scared to say anything before. It was lucky mum didn’t ask otherwise I couldn’t answer her.’

‘I told you a pair was one hundred. I didn’t say one hundred dollars. It was you that said it was fake,’ Qin Song said and shrugged his shoulders. ‘I didn’t expect it would be reported on the news.’

Han Ting Ting fiddled with the bracelet and was lost in her thoughts to say anything else.

Qin Song took no notice of the bracelet. It was the bracelet’s owner that he took notice of. He hugged her and whispered in her ear. ‘If you like the bracelet then wear it. I don’t care how expensive it is because it can’t compare to your happiness.’

Han Ting Ting tilted her head to the side and smiled. ‘Song Song, your tongue is getting sweeter by the day.’

‘Um,’ Qin Song admitted. ‘That’s because I love my wife more each day.’

Qin Song’s fingers that were slowly caressing Han Ting Ting’s wrist, carried an indescribable feeling that gave them a sense of strangeness and longing. That feeling was like a strand of silk slowly tying them tightly together so that they couldn’t be separated.

‘The jade bracelet contains life essence, if it belongs to you then it won’t be lost. You should wear it, if it isn’t lost we’ll keep it for the next generation. Heirlooms from our generation or from previous generations pa.s.sed down to future generations, it’s the same concept,’ Qin Song whispered.

Qin Song kissed Ting Ting from the ear down to the hollow of her neck and down her shoulders.

Han Ting Ting didn’t know when Song Song had unb.u.t.toned three b.u.t.tons of her collared s.h.i.+rt the colour of lotus pink. The collar of her s.h.i.+rt was pulled down to her chest.

The combination of Ting Ting’s pink s.h.i.+rt and her smooth skin was more than alluring, it was a deadly enchantment. Qin Song suckled her snow white shoulder. His breath was hot and his voice was husky. ‘Honey, do you want three red packets?’

Han Ting Ting closed her eyes and rested on Song Song’s chest, her soul was gravitated toward his soul and her voice trembled. ‘Um…’

Han Ting Ting’s whole body felt light, she took a deep breath and Song Song carried her in his arms. She shyly looked at him, her arms wrapped around his neck and her head leaned against his heart. She listened to his strong heart beats and she slowly closed her eyes.

The grandfather clock downstairs chimed twelves times, outside firecrackers exploded and shook the earth, the sky seemed torn and the brilliant spots of the fireworks adorned the sky.

The welcoming of the New Year was a boisterous celebration. But Han Ting Ting only clearly heard Song Song’s voice softly whispering ‘Ting Bao, I love you.’ Only a few seconds ago her body felt very uncomfortable then it quickly s.h.i.+fted to intense vibrations. She was overwhelmed by the effect of her body trembling and his gentleness. It was his way of showing he loved her.

The most beautiful flower bloomed throughout the atmosphere…

The pa.s.sionate spring scent that pervaded the room was slowly melting…

Qin Song inserted his fingers between Ting Ting’s fingers, their ten fingers interlocked and he slowly caressed the cool jade bracelet on her wrist.

A long time later…

‘Honey…’ Qin Song whispered. His body was still pressed against Ting Ting’s body. ‘I’m sorry. I’ve hurt you.’ A while later he withdrew. He gently exhaled a breath. ‘Next time it won’t hurt like this.’

‘Song Song… after we met you’ve never?’ Han Ting Ting asked.

Earlier Song Song said that his legs and arms ached and Han Ting Ting wanted to ask if since he met her if he’d been with other women.

‘Um,’ Qin Song said. ‘In the past I fought over girls with Li Wei Ran only to play around, I never treated it as serious. Later after the situation with Qin Sang… I felt everything was bland and meaningless.’

Han Ting Ting was silent a while. ‘Mmm… I should thank her.’

Song Song used an arm to prop his body up and ‘hovered’ over Han Ting Ting’s body. His eyes were filled with happiness and stared at her lovingly. His intense gaze made her blush, she covered his eyes with her hand but she couldn’t hide her smile.

The white satin curtains flapped against the window frame. The brilliant spots of the fireworks crept through the slightly opened window. Downstairs were sounds of laughter. Qin Song laid on a soft fragrant bed, throughout the years he never thought there would be a year when he’d welcome the New Year with his dad’s side of the family and his heart would be filled with warmth until he also spent it with Ting Ting.

When the earth was at peace…

Chen Yu Bai put his phone down on the table. He climbed into bed and hugged his wife under the bed sheet.

An Xiao Li had suffered under her husband all last night until she was almost unconscious. She leaned against his chest and squint her eyes. ‘Who was it?’

‘Sixth brother,’ Chen Yu Bai said.

‘Why did he call you at this late hour?’ An Xiao Li asked.

Chen Yu Bai laughed softly, his fingers that were caressing his wife’s neck slowly slid down. ‘Sixth brother opened a New Year present, he was overwhelmed and couldn’t sleep so he called me to tell me the good news.’

An Xiao Li fully opened her eyes. ‘What present made him that excited?’

Chen Yu Bai felt rejuvenized. He silently wrapped his wife’s leg around his waist and pressed their bodies together. He kissed her and laughed softly. ‘Let’s open a New Year present too and we’ll know why.’

Chen Yu Bai never seen such a foolish kiddo like sixth brother. Sixth brother only got to eat meat once but was overwhelmed that he couldn’t sleep and hid in the bathroom and sat on the toilet seat to announce it to the world.

Chen Yu Bai got to eat meat several times a day, for him each day was like a happy New Year.

Sixth brother Qin Song was indeed a love fool!

On the first day of the New Year…

Qin Song for the first time woke up before his phone alarm and didn’t need anyone to wake him up either. He opened his eyes and searched for Ting Ting. Her back was leaning against his chest and the white curve of the back of her neck was close to his lips. He couldn’t hold back his urge and kissed the back of her neck.

Last night Han Ting Ting slept deeply. The morning sunlight and the ticklish sensation on the back of her neck woke her up. The moment she realised Song Song was kissing her, her body softened and she didn’t have enough energy left to even lift a finger.

One of Han Ting Ting’s dreams was that each morning she’d be woken up by a gentle kiss from the man that she loved.

Qin Song kissed the back of Ting Ting’s neck until she woke up. Then he kissed her lips. ‘I’ll carry you to the shower.’

Han Ting Ting shook her head. ‘I’ll go on my own.’

‘Honey, you can still walk?’ Qin Song asked suspiciously.

Qin Song’s hand slid down Ting Ting’s stomach.

‘Hey… don’t be like that,’ Han Ting Ting said. She twisted her aching body to stop Song Song’s hand from being too active. She sat up and held the bed sheet over her naked chest. ‘Song Song don’t look. I want to go shower.’

Qin Song smiled, reached for his night s.h.i.+rt from the floor and gave it to Ting Ting.

Han Ting Ting showered and came back to the bedroom and saw Song Song wore his loose night pants. He was pacing up and down the room talking on the phone and his good mood was evident on his face.

Qin Song saw Ting Ting returned to the bedroom and immediately ended the call. He strode to her and hugged her tight. ‘Honey!’

‘Um?’ Han Ting Ting asked.

Han Ting Ting blushed. She was Song Song’s legitimate wife and lover.

‘Was last night good for you?’ Qin Song asked.

Did Song Song need to ask such an embarra.s.sing question? Han Ting Ting’s blush flowed to the rest of her body. ‘I don’t know… what’s good and what’s not good? Song Song go shower or it’ll be night time soon.’

Qin Song hugged Ting Ting tighter. He wasn’t going to let her go until she understood his question. ‘Last night was my performance good?’

Han Ting Ting held Song Song’s face to push him back because she didn’t want to answer. Song Song almost stumbled back so he held her waist tighter until their bodies were glued to each other.

Qin Song the night beast who got to eat meat last night was hungry for more meat. ‘Why don’t we re-enact last night for a bit? Honey, look at you, you’ve almost forgotten about last night.’

Han Ting Ting’s legs suddenly became jelly. ‘I don’t want to. Song Song, you were good, really good.’

‘Good to what extent?’ Qin Song asked.

Qin Song pressed Ting Ting’s body onto the bed. He bit her soft chest through the white bath towel.

‘Ah!’ Han Ting Ting cried out.

Qin Song took Ting Ting’s cry as her desire to proceed. His animal drive flooded his body. He lowered his body but she pushed him away.

‘Song Song!’ Han Ting Ting said.

Han Ting Ting escaped from under Song Song’s body. She wrapped the bed sheet around her body. Then she noticed spots of blood in the middle of the white bed. Around the spots of blood were fluid stains. ‘Song Song, what do we do now?’

Qin Song thought for a bit, smiled happily, hugged Ting Ting and kissed her. ‘Honey, don’t worry. I’ll take care of it.’

Ting Ting was stiff with worry over the state of the mattress. Qin Song loosened his hold around her waist. He postponed turning his night beast into a day beast too. He was in love with her and happy before last night but after last night he felt even happier, because he possessed both her body and soul.

‘Honey!’ Qin Song said. ‘I’m really happy!’

Qin Song felt happy Ting Ting waited for him to come find her and he was happy that he waited for her to be his.

Qin Song was happy that he met Ting Ting when it wasn’t too late.

Many years later Qin Song was happy they still got to be beside each other each day.

What would never change for Qin Song was that he was happy Ting Ting was in his life!

End of Chapter Eleven

Chapter 20 : Chapter Ten (The Fight At The End) Qin Song was a naughty kid. He loved to play pranks
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