Fated Marriage
Chapter 19 : Chapter Ten Qin Song and Han Ting Ting’s first Christmas Day together as a married coup

Chapter Ten

Qin Song and Han Ting Ting’s first Christmas Day together as a married couple coincided with the first day of snow that year.

Han Ting Ting woke up early on Christmas Day. She went downstairs and looked out the window and saw snowflakes falling outside. She loved snow! She rushed upstairs to wake Song Song up. ‘Song Song! Song Song!’

Qin Song had worked overtime last night and didn’t get to bed until three in the morning. He was still sleepy when Ting Ting heartlessly called him to wake up. He rolled over and tucked his head under his pillow. ‘Honey, what’s wrong?’

Han Ting Ting jumped onto the bed. ‘It’s snowing outside! Song Song, wake up and come outside to see the first day of snow with me.’

Qin Song sighed. He saw Ting Ting’s excitement through his squinted eyes. ‘It snows every year.’

Han Ting Ting from the country could count the number of days she saw snow on one hand. She couldn’t understand the bored look on Song Song’s face at the mention of snow. ‘Ok Song Song, go back to sleep. I’ll go play in the snow outside by myself.’

Han Ting Ting couldn’t wait for Song Song to wake up and jumped off the bed to go outside.

‘Hey, wait,’ Qin Song said.

Qin Song grabbed his ‘little country bun’ and pulled her back onto the bed. He lifted the bed sheet over them and hugged Ting Ting from behind. He rested his face between the curve of her neck and shoulder, inhaled her scent and closed his tired eyes. ‘Give me ten minutes.’

It was hard for Qin Song to have a weekend off and when he finally had a weekend off he couldn’t sleep in. The ground was covered by white snow. His sleepy mood turned elated as he took his sheltered ‘little country bun’ to see the wide world outside and build snow people with her.

Qin Song’s middle name was ‘play.’ Since he was little his snowman building skills were unbeatable. He slowly built a row of snow people whilst holding his wife’s hand on the front lawn. The little kids in the neighbourhood playing outside were immediately drawn to his vivid snow people.

Most of the neighbouring little kids went to Ting Ting’s preschool. The little kids all loved their teacher Miss Han. The moment they spotted Qin Song’s wife outside they all ran to her and surrounded her. The little kids kept twittering nonsense to his wife. A moment ago he was happily building the snow people whilst holding his wife’s hand. Then a moment later he gritted his teeth. He wasn’t happy he was pushed aside by little kids who weren’t half his size. His blazing eyes asked them ‘how dare they break apart a happily married couple?’

‘Ahem,’ Qin Song coughed. He swept his intelligent eyes around the circle of little kids who spoiled his precious snow date with his wife and smiled deviously. ‘My little friends, should we get into teams and have a fun snow fight?’

Qin Song was positive his plan to distract his enemies would work. Then he’d take back his wife and run far away from his enemies’ sight.

The little kids fell into Qin Song’s trap.

‘Ok!’ the little kids said together. They ran beside Qin Song’s wife. ‘Miss Han, I want to be on your team.’

A chorus of little kids wanting to be on the same team as Qin Song’s wife was an unforeseen setback to his plan to get back his wife.

The result of the snow war was that there were two opposing teams. Qin Song on one team and the little kids took his wife hostage to be on their team. He was under attack by round snow bombs. No matter where he hid, each time his head poked out of his hiding spot more round snow bombs smashed against his face and neck. Outnumbered and no escape in sight, he realised he needed to temporarily wave a white flag. With his enemies’ guard down, it would bid him time to think of another way to get back his wife.

Qin Song’s backup plan had worked. Whilst the kids played amongst themselves, he used it as an opening to piggy back his wife away from the snow war zone. As he ran his wife was shaken from side to side on his back and she laughed like a crazy fool.

Qin Song piggy backed ‘little country bun’ to their driveway then she climbed down from his back. He silently held her face and bit her lips.

‘Ah!’ Han Ting Ting mumbled a cry.

Qin Song wasn’t going to let his wife be captured by his little enemies again. He pushed Ting Ting against the side of the car. She gasped from the shock of her back being rammed onto the car and her chest was pressed against his hard chest. His animal instinct took over and he kissed her more forcefully. It wasn’t an elegant orchestrated kiss. It was the frantically swallow her whole kind of kiss. He closed his eyes and hugged her tighter until not even a snowflake could fall between their hot bodies. He kissed her to the extent of making the world that only the two of them shared to spin chaotically. Their tongues sought out each other. His mint mouthwash was the only cool sensation on their hot tongues. They couldn’t feel the cold snowflakes on their bodies. All they could feel was their bodies tingling together.

Qin Song was disappointed when he heard his little enemies’ footsteps. They figured out his ruse and tracked down his hiding spot with his wife. He reluctantly let go of Ting Ting. Her legs became jelly and her back slowly slid down the side of the car. He quickly grabbed hold of her waist to stop her from falling onto the ground of snow. Suddenly he felt like he’d climbed the highest mountain and smiled. He rubbed his cheek against her soft and hot cheek.

Qin Song was elated he got to kiss his wife in public.

‘Honey,’ Qin Song whispered and nibbled his wife’s ear. ‘In the future when we have a child together, will you love our child more than me? Then you’ll forget you have a husband?’

Qin Song didn’t like Ting Ting’s attention on the little kids. From the sideline he had to endure her laughing and playing with the little kids. That was when an image of her laughing and playing with their future baby popped into his head. He wanted to protest out loud, her attention should be solely his. He couldn’t take her away from the little kids fast enough as he wanted to in order to kiss her senseless and have her undivided attention on him.

Han Ting Ting thought about Song Song’s question deeply… would she love their child too much to make Song Song unhappy? She loved kids to pieces. They smelled sweet, their little cheeks were soft and they were simply too loveable! She wanted their future child to look like Song Song. Their future child would be loveable as Song Song, round dark eyes, their smile would light up the sky, their cute frown would make it irresistible not to console them… she pursed her swollen lips that Song Song bit and suckled. The thought of their future child that was a reflection of Song Song in her arms gave her an indescribable sense of happiness.

Han Ting Ting was too lost in her euphoria that she forgot to answer Song Song. He bent his head, kissed her lips and all over her hot and embarra.s.sed face. No matter which way she angled her head, his lips always landed on her face.

‘I promise I won’t love our future child more than you,’ Han Ting Ting whispered.

Han Ting Ting wasn’t blind enough to tell Song Song the other part of her promise. She wasn’t going to love their future child more than Song Song, she was going to love them both with all her heart.

Qin Song heard Ting Ting’s promise not to love their future child more than him made him happy enough to fly amongst the clouds.

Little did Qin Song know that by the following Christmas, Ting Ting’s promise was a white lie. But on that day he heard her promise to always love him the most made him the happiness man alive. He didn’t know how to show the happiness he felt, he could only hug her tight to glue her to him for life. He closed his eyes and his smile couldn’t be melted away.

Later that day the happiest man alive brought his wife that he loved the most to have Christmas lunch and dinner at Commander Zhang’s mansion.

Qin Song and Ting Ting arrived at his granddad’s mansion whilst lunch was being prepared. He didn’t eat breakfast. He played with the little kids all morning and made him work up an appet.i.te. He held Ting Ting’s hand to the dining table. He sat in between his granddad and Ting Ting. He picked up beef skewers and swallowed the beef to ease his appet.i.te.

‘Song Song, can’t you act like a married man? You’re even more childish than before you got married,’ Commander Zhang scolded. Then he turned to one of his guards. ‘Get him a bowl of soup as an appetizer.’

The bowl of soup was brought to the table and Song Song put it in front of Han Ting Ting. She usually felt out of place in formal settings. Being dragged by Song Song to sit near the head of the dining table increased her anxiety. Apart from Commander Zhang, they were the only ones who sat at the dining table. How could she dare eat before everyone was seated?

Qin Song smiled too broadly. ‘Honey, let me feed you the soup.’

Han Ting Ting blushed red. Song Song was leaning into her so she pushed him away and stood.

At that moment Qin Song’s grandmother was a few steps away from the dining table. Mrs Zhang senior knocked her darling grandson on the head. ‘Can’t you see we have guests? You haven’t said one word of greeting to the guest. The moment you’re here you’ve caused a racket. How were you raised?’ She held her loveable granddaughter-in-law’s hand. ‘Ting Ting, come sit with me. Let Song Song make a fool of himself on his own. We’ll pretend we don’t know him.’

Mrs Zhang senior pulled Han Ting Ting over the right side of Commander Zhang to sit.

The Christmas food platters were brought to the table. Everyone took their seats. Commander Zhang spotted someone who was still standing nearby. ‘Yi Feng, come sit next to me.’

Chen Yi Feng bypa.s.sed people pulling chairs and went to sit next to Commander Zhang.

Chen Yi Feng was dressed casually. In his casual attire of a black s.h.i.+rt and pants, he looked like a das.h.i.+ng knight from the Arthurian legend. Mrs Zhang senior politely gave up her seat of honour for him and went to sit beside her grandson Qin Song.

The unexpected reshuffling of seats meant Ting Ting and Chen Yi Feng sat shoulder to shoulder and Qin Song could only sit stiffly and stare at them from the opposite side of the dining table.

Chen Yi Feng sat comfortably between Commander Zhang and Han Ting Ting. Chen Yi Feng rubbed her head. ‘Hi.’

Chen Yi Feng turned to Commander Zhang and smiled. ‘What a coincidence. Ting Ting was my neighbouring little sister that I’ve always treasured.’

Commander Zhang was slightly puzzled until he remembered. ‘Ah, that’s right. You own a property in the same district as Ting Ting’s old home.’

Chen Yi Feng nodded. ‘My house and Ting Ting’s old home was walking distance between each other.’

Qin Song buried his head in his bowl. He held a piece of beef with chopsticks and used his teeth to rip the beef in half.

‘Song Song,’ Commander Zhang called and smiled. ‘Because of Ting Ting, you and Yi Feng have a closer connection.’

Qin Song did his best to act nonchalantly as if Chen Yi Feng didn’t affect him. He stuffed more food into his bowl and grunted as a courteous acknowledgement of his granddad’s comment.

‘Yi Feng’s father and I are friends. Song Song that means you should greet Yi Feng as your uncle,’ Commander Zhang said.

Commander Zhang didn’t know Chen Yi Feng was his grandson’s love rival and unintentionally added another stab to his grandson’s already weakened heart by stating another connection to tie Chen Yi Feng and his grandson closer.

Chen Yi Feng deliberately looked at Qin Song with an aura of an elder looking down at his nephew.

Qin Song choked on his food. On Qin Song’s other side was Li Wei Ran who was laughing so hard that his shoulders shook.

Qin Song whilst choking thought about the meaning of a human tragedy.

Qin Song realised a human tragedy was witnessing his love rival and his wife sit beside each other shoulder to shoulder in public. It was bad enough he couldn’t leap over the dining table and scratch the smug look off his love rival’s face, but he had to degrade himself by calling his love rival ‘uncle.’

Chen Yi Feng’s father and Commander Zhang together fought off enemies in the past. Chen Yi Feng’s father was injured and was transferred to a country post. Chen Yi Feng’s father was the one who took Ting’s dad under his wing.

Commander Zhang’s intention of inviting Chen Yi Feng over for Christmas festivities was to create an opportunity for Song Song and Chen Yi Feng to bond. Commander Zhang heard the rumors of Chen Yi Feng wanting to dispose of Song Song’s position as head of Qin’s company. If Chen Yi Feng and Song Song became friends then Chen Yi Feng would withdraw the support offered to Song Song’s uncles.

But Commander Zhang was perplexed why his precious youngest grandson didn’t appreciate his good intentions. Not only didn’t Song Song want to befriend Chen Yi Feng, Song Song’s aloofness looked like he wanted nothing to do with Chen Yi Feng.

Han Ting Ting kept her eyes on Song Song who looked unhappy, which made her worried about Song Song. Chen Yi Feng next to her acted like there was no tension and he continued to chat gently with her.

After the Christmas lunch, Chen Yi Feng asked Han Ting Ting to have a catch up session with him in the living room. She obliged and sat next to him on the sofa.

‘Are you and Song Song working together?’ Han Ting Ting asked because Qin Sang had mentioned it to her during lunch.

‘No,’ Chen Yi Feng laughed. ‘We’re at loggerheads.’

Chen Yi Feng saw Han Ting Ting’s eyes widened like she would whenever she was surprised. ‘Ting Bao! If I’m Qin Song’s enemy, will you hate me? In the future would you… wouldn’t want to pick up my calls even more?

Han Ting Ting was silently thinking. Chen Yi Feng saw on her face the look of someone who was thinking of a way to protect her husband.

Chen Yi Feng remembered Han Ting Ting as a timid person who only smiled at him. He never thought there would be a day Han Ting Ting was weary of him. His heart ached but he acted calm on the outside. ‘I was kidding.’

‘I don’t want to see you and Song Song fighting with each other. I don’t know anything about business… but if it’s inevitable for the two of you to not be on the same page then I wouldn’t hate you for opposing Song Song. But I wouldn’t be happy about the situation,’ Han Ting Ting said after serious thought.

‘Little brat!’ Chen Yi Feng said teasingly. ‘I’ve doted on you for how many years? I can’t believe after you got married you have forgotten everything I’ve done for you. Do you only have your husband in your heart?’

‘As if,’ Han Ting Ting said honestly. ‘But the biggest part of my heart is reserved for Song Song.’

Han Ting Ting finally understood how Chen Yi Feng felt. After being together with Song Song, she understood once a person loved someone completely, there wasn’t room to have feelings for anyone else.

Han Ting Ting felt blessed she got to experience reciprocated real love, it brought a lot of happiness into her world.

‘Little brat you caused me to worry about you a lot. You used to be timid and quiet… but now it’s good you’ve married the right person,’ Chen Yi Feng said. He couldn’t control himself, he hugged Han Ting Ting and stroke her hair. ‘Ting Bao, it’s enough for me to see you happy.’

Chen Yi Feng let Han Ting Ting go. She felt like in the past she couldn’t understand his inner thoughts. But in that moment she felt he was decisive about something. She brushed off that feeling and accepted she didn’t need to understand how his mind worked.

Whilst Ting Ting and Chen Yi Feng sat on the sofa chatting, Qin Song stood two metres behind them holding a gla.s.s of apple juice but he couldn’t drink a single sip.

How dare ‘little country bun’ smile and laugh with that old critter? Qin Song’s aura was that of someone outside in the rain without an umbrella. He gripped his gla.s.s of apple juice, gritted his teeth and strode to the sofa.

Han Ting Ting felt the sofa seat next to her compressed. She turned around and saw Song Song. She gave him a smile.

The sofa was long and had plenty of room to fit many people. Song Song didn’t bother to look at Han Ting Ting. But he sat hip to hip with her. If she moved a little, he’d inch closer to her. His hand shamelessly caressed her body up and down. He caressed her neck, arm, waist and thigh indiscriminately.

Han Ting Ting acted like she didn’t notice what Song Song was doing. Chen Yi Feng knew Han Ting Ting too well and it didn’t take long for him to notice she was uncomfortable. Chen Yi Feng glanced over at Qin Song who in that moment was rubbing Han Ting Ting’s shoulder. Chen Yi Feng laughed on the inside at Qin Song’s petty tactics to get rid of him. Then Chen Yi Feng stood and left the sofa.

The moment Chen Yi Feng was gone, Song Song withdrew his hand and written on Song Song’s face was – ‘I’m unhappy, hurry up and make me feel better.’

‘Honey, where are you going?’ Qin Song asked.

Qin Song pulled Ting Ting onto his lap before she could escape. He locked her in his arms.

‘Don’t be like this, there are guests around us,’ Han Ting Ting said.

‘All the guests know that you’re my wife!’ Qin Song said and locked his arms around Ting Ting tighter.

‘I want to drink water,’ Han Ting Ting said.

Han Ting Ting saw the knowing smiles of the guests around them. She felt it was disrespectful for her and Song Song to be too affectionate in front of elders. She wasn’t thirsty but used it as an excuse to escape the smiles aimed at her and Song Song.

Qin Song didn’t care about the critters staring at them. He pa.s.sed his gla.s.s of apple juice to Ting Ting. ‘Here!’

‘You’ve drank from it,’ Han Ting Ting said.

Qin Song pinched her waist and whispered into her ear. ‘Are you going to drink or not?’

Han Ting Ting accepted the gla.s.s of apple juice and took a sip. Song Song pinched her waist a little harder and she gulped half of the gla.s.s of apple juice down her throat.

Qin Song’s heart bloomed. His ‘little country bun’ was drinking the same gla.s.s of apple juice he drank from. That would neutralise her body from being contaminated by that old critter’s filthy touch.

Ting Ting didn’t get to finish the gla.s.s of apple juice before Qin Song noticed the old critter had crept behind the sofa. The old critter’s filthy phone was held in front of Ting Ting.

‘Ting Ting, it’s a call from Dong Dong. She wants to talk to you,’ Chen Yi Feng said from behind the sofa.

Ting Ting stretched her arm to the coffee table and put the gla.s.s of apple juice on it. She unlocked Qin Song’s arms and went to a quiet place to talk with that old critter’s daughter.

Qin Song didn’t missed the way that old critter displayed the filthy phone so Qin Song could see the wallpaper on the old critter’s filthy phone. The wallpaper was a photo of the old critter holding a girl that was about seven or eight years old. His ‘little country bun’s’ head leaned onto the girl’s head. In the photo Ting Ting was beaming and her cheeks were rosy. They looked like a happy family of three.

Qin Song sat speechless on the sofa but on his face was written – ‘I want to mincemeat that old critter!’

Han Ting Ting ended her call with Dong Dong. Then she went back into the living room but couldn’t find Song Song. She asked the other guests if they’ve seen Song Song. One of the guests did see Song Song earlier. The guest said that Song Song’s complexion wasn’t good and he headed upstairs.

Han Ting Ting rushed upstairs. She knocked on the door of the bedroom that was reserved for him whenever he slept over Commander Zhang’s mansion. After knocking for five minutes he still wouldn’t open the door for her and that made her unhappy. ‘Ok, I’ll leave!’

Han Ting Ting turned around to leave but the door opened, followed by a loud bang noise. Song Song’s arm reached out and grabbed her. He pulled her into the room.

‘Aren’t you supposed to be ignoring me?’ Han Ting Ting asked teasingly. The moment the door closed, she pinched Song Song’s cheeks and smiled. ‘Look at you, you’re a petty beast.’

Song Song bit Han Ting Ting’s wrist and he was still puffing. She rubbed his face. ‘Be good. Don’t be angry anymore.’

‘You were talking with Chen Yi Feng happily! As if you would care if I was angry,’ Qin Song said.

Qin Song saw his bite mark on Ting Ting’s wrist and became angry at himself. He licked her wrist to sooth the pressure of his bite.

Han Ting Ting giggled and pulled her hand away because she was easily ticklish. ‘When you were talking with Qin Sang, I didn’t get angry.’

Han Ting Ting’s intention was to let Song Song know that Chen Yi Feng was a big part of her past. Chen Yi Feng treated her well and she liked him for a long time. But it was like Qin Song and Qin Sang, it was all in the past. In Han Ting Ting’s heart she could only fit one person to love and Song Song was the one living inside her heart.

Qin Song misunderstood Ting Ting’s intention.

‘Han-Ting-Ting!’ Qin Song said coldly. ‘I didn’t confide in you about my past for you to throw it back in my face!’

Han Ting Ting was in disbelief. How did her good intention ended up as ammunition aimed at Song Song?

Han Ting Ting felt framed. ‘I confided in you too. I didn’t tell you about Chen Yi Feng for you to use it as an excuse to be angry at me.’

‘You think I’m accusing you without evidence? I’m not blind. I saw the way you and him were lovey-dovey in front of me!’ Qin Song boomed. ‘If you want to go and be his daughter’s step-mum then go ahead and leave! I don’t need you! Don’t appear in front of me anymore!’

‘You…’ Han Ting Ting said softly.

Han Ting Ting’s eyes were full of tears. She only said a few words with Chen Yi Feng. She wasn’t lovey-dovey toward Chen Yi Feng. It was Song Song who used her past as his amus.e.m.e.nt. Song Song never missed a chance to step-mum that and step-mum over there, it was hard for her to swallow his mocking. She turned away to wipe her tears that fell.

‘Why aren’t you leaving?’ Qin Song asked coldly.

Song Song was no stranger to bullying people, he knew when to use heavy words to hurt someone. Han Ting Ting felt her heart was torn, she wiped her tears, opened the door and ran outside before slamming the door.

The moment Ting Ting left Qin Song regretted everything he said. He wanted to chase after her but the door was slammed shut. He punched the door.

Outside Han Ting Ting wanted to go home… at home no one would chase her away.

But Han Ting Ting’s parents would ask her why she came back to live with them. What was she supposed to say… Song Song chased her away because of Chen Yi Feng?

Han Ting Ting couldn’t say that to her parents, her dad would have a heart attack!

Chen Yi Feng would worry about Han Ting Ting too if he found out Song Song chased her away because of him. Earlier she told Chen Yi Feng she was living a good life with Song Song.

Han Ting Ting was walking with her head down toward the bathroom. Suddenly she heard footsteps from the stairs, she looked up and Chen Yi Feng was standing in front of her.

Chen Yi Feng was surprised to see Han Ting Ting’s red eyes. ‘Why are you crying? What happened?’

Han Ting Ting rubbed her red eyes and shook her head. ‘I wasn’t crying.’

Chen Yi Feng sighed. Of course he could sense if Han Ting Ting was crying even with his eyes closed. ‘Christmas dinner is ready downstairs in the dining room. Where’s Qin Song?’

Han Ting Ting heard Song Song’s name mentioned and her nose stung more. She didn’t take notice of Chen Yi Feng’s concerned look. She ran to the bathroom and sat on the toilet seat to sob.

Han Ting Ting didn’t know how long she sat on the toilet seat. She heard a knock on the bathroom door followed by Qin Sang’s voice. ‘Ting Ting? Are you in there?’

‘Um,’ Han Ting Ting said and wiped her face.

‘Dinner’s starting. Grandmother asked me to come find you. Are you ok? Do you need me to come in and help you with anything?’ Qin Sang asked.

‘No need. I’ll be right out,’ Han Ting Ting said.

The moment Han Ting Ting stepped downstairs, everyone turned to her and couldn’t miss her red swollen eyes. She reflexively sat down on an empty seat and kept her head down.

Unfortunately for Han Ting Ting the Christmas dinner seating arrangements were different from the Christmas lunch seating arrangements. The empty seat Han Ting Ting sat on was beside Song Song. She didn’t dare to look at Song Song.

Commander Zhang gave the signal for everyone to start dinner and no one dared not pick up their chopsticks and put food into their bowls.

Qin Song scooped soup into a soup bowl for Ting Ting but she didn’t accept it or looked at him. A moment later he carefully slid the soup bowl in front of her. But she was still angry and pushed the soup bowl away.

Qin Song slammed his chopsticks down. He forcefully took back the soup bowl and some of the soup was flung onto the table and his neck.

Everyone heard the commotion and Zhang Yu was the first to open her mouth. ‘Song Song, what are you doing?’

Mrs Zhang senior wasn’t happy with her darling grandson either. ‘Song Song, I can’t believe you. You gave Ting Ting a scare.’

Like the others at the dining table, Zhang Pu wasn’t happy with her nephew. ‘Song Song, hurry up and scoop a new bowl of soup for your wife!’

Qin Song was accustomed to being stubborn. Usually he would do whatever he wanted to and no one could persuade him to change his mind. He slammed his bowl onto the table and wanted to explode. But he turned to look at Ting Ting and all his anger sunk.

In that moment Qin Sang scooped a new bowl of soup for Han Ting Ting. Qin Sang didn’t care about her cousin-in-law’s tantrum, she saved her concern for Han Ting Ting. Han Ting Ting was doing her best not to cry, but everyone was taking her side and worried about it. It made Han Ting Ting’s heart erupt with sadness, warmth and a fresh sense of belonging all in one hit. Han Ting Ting was overwhelmed and couldn’t hold back her tears.

Chen Yi Feng didn’t say a word, his eyes never stopped probing Han Ting Ting’s posture. Chen Yi Feng didn’t need to see her expression for his back to turn icy cold. Chen Yi Feng was itching to give his little ‘nephew’ a painful lesson.

Everyone gathered around the bright Christmas tree after dinner. The little kids were salivating to open their presents that were within hand reach. But Qin Song sat at the corner of the sofa with a stay-away-from-me aura around him.

Han Ting Ting stood at a far distance from Song Song. She was contemplating her sleeping arrangement. She couldn’t go to her parents’ home. Her option left was to go to Song Song’s room to sleep first. If Song Song came in and saw her sleeping he would go find a different room to sleep.

Han Ting Ting quietly went upstairs. She gently opened the door and gently closed the door. Suddenly someone from outside pushed the door open. She stumbled back and nearly fell.

It was Song Song. He came into the room and slammed the door shut.

‘Usually you don’t listen to me. But I tell you to leave and you actually left?’ Qin Song asked.

Qin Song lifted Ting Ting’s chin. ‘Look at me! What is it about me that can’t match up to Chen Yi Feng’s standard?’

Han Ting Ting shoved Song Song’s hand away from her chin. ‘I’ve never compared you to him. It’s you that’s constantly comparing yourself to him!’

‘Every time he appears in front of you, you’re a different person. How can I not compare myself to him?’ Qin Song said. ‘You’ve liked him for so many years, how can I not compare myself to him?’

Song Song’s tone lacked its usual air of self-confidence. Han Ting Ting’s heart softened even though she was still a little angry with him, her heart ached for him that he doubted her feelings for him.

‘Song Song, Chen Yi Feng took care of me the way I took care of Dong Dong. Since I was little, he treated me well. Nothing ever happened between me and him. He never knew about how I felt about him in the past. Is it because of my one sided feelings for him in the past that you don’t want me to talk to him?’ Han Ting Ting said.

Qin Song gritted his teeth and let go of his ego. ‘What I care about isn’t him! I just need to think about you marrying me so you can divorce me to be with him makes me want to strangle you!’

‘It’s not like that anymore…’ Han Ting Ting said softly.

Han Ting Ting stopped to ponder… she and Song Song have been through a lot of hard times together, they’ve leaned on each other to get pa.s.s it. They’ve hugged each other, kissed each other and have been sleeping in the same bed for a while. It was Song Song who made her heart flutter, it had nothing to do with Chen Yi Feng.

Qin Song reached for Ting Ting’s hand and spoke gently. ‘Today I treated you badly. Will you find it hard to forgive me?’

Ting Ting quietly kept her head down. She refused to look at Qin Song. He held her hand tighter. ‘When we got engaged, you wanted to find someone to marry for the sake of being married once. For me there were too many women to choose from but my eyes were set on you. At that time I thought I randomly chose you. But later, we were happy together. Then I seriously thought about why did I choose you out of all those women? It hit me, I didn’t randomly choose you. I fell in love with you at first sight. I didn’t know back then I only felt we were compatible. The truth was I loved you from the first day we met. Out of all those women I only wanted to be with you. Qin Sang… looking back I can see Qin Sang wasn’t important to me. If it wasn’t for Li Wei Ran then I would have dumped Qin Sang quickly. I never loved Qin Sang. I couldn’t accept Li Wei Ran needed her more than he needed me so I foolishly wanted to steal her back to get back at him. Ting Ting, it’s different with you. You’re my wife, but I feel more insecure than I did when there was nothing between us.’

Song Song usually spoke arrogantly, Han Ting Ting never heard him lower himself before and spoke with such vulnerability. She was deeply moved.

‘It’s because I’m not the only one you like. You’ve liked Chen Yi Feng for many years. You married me because of him. It drives me nuts. At work Chen Yi Feng sits on my head and at home the woman I love the most liked him longer than liking me, it makes me angry to death. Seeing you and him being familiar with one another made me explode. Honey, I was wrong. I’m sorry,’ Qin Song apologised.

The young Qin master for the first time lowered his status and begged for forgiveness from someone.

During the Christmas dinner everyone was blaming him for not treating Ting Ting well. But he hated himself for treating Ting Ting badly more than anyone else. Her eyes were red, she looked weak as if a snowflake falling on her would topple her over and it made him wanted to strangle himself!

Qin Song’s anger was on the same level as his anxiety.

Qin Song for thirty years was fed with a silver spoon. There wasn’t anyone like Ting Ting. No matter how many times he failed to get her to return his love, he was helplessly in love with her and couldn’t stop even if he wanted to stop loving her.

Qin Song realised he didn’t love Ting Ting because she was conveniently by his side. There were plenty of women prettier, gentler and smarter than Ting Ting. But he chose Ting Ting, no one else could replace her in his heart. It was a fated love.

Han Ting Ting interlocked her fingers with Song Song. ‘You were that mean to me, you think after one apology I’ll let it go that easily?’

Qin Song heard Ting Ting’s gentle tone and he relaxed a little. ‘You can hit me!’

Qin Song lifted Ting Ting’s hand and used her palm to slap his cheek.

‘Ah!’ Han Ting Ting cried out because the slap hurt her palm more than it hurt Song Song’s cheek.

Song Song quickly blew on Han Ting Ting’s sore palm. ‘Song Song, it doesn’t hurt.’

Song Song’s anxiously soothing her sore palm made Han Ting Ting’s heart flutter more than any other time.

Song Song was childish, stubborn, arrogant and belittled other people. He was the opposite of Han Ting Ting’s ideal lover.

But Song Song toward Han Ting Ting was sincere, honest, let his image go and showed her he loved her in different ways. Living with him she received a lot of his sweet love, it was a thousand times sweeter than the unrequited love she let go.

Han Ting Ting wanted to treasure Song Song’s precious love reserved for her.

‘Honey!’ Qin Song said. He kissed her fingers and looked at Ting Ting pitifully. ‘I know I was wrong, don’t be angry with me anymore.’

Han Ting Ting took her hand back and looked at Song Song. ‘You have an unpredictable bad temper. How would I know if next time you were angry at me, you won’t point your finger at me and chase me out of the house?’

Qin Song lifted his hand. ‘I promise…’

‘You don’t have to make a b.l.o.o.d.y oath!’ Han Ting Ting said. She was scared Song Song would make an impulsive promise he couldn’t keep. ‘As long as you remember how you treated me badly. Song Song, I’m used to your temper. I can let it go as long as you don’t take it too far. In the afternoon when you were mean to me and chased me away like you didn’t want to see me for another minute, you hurt me a lot.’

‘The moment I said that to you I regretted it immediately. I wanted to keep you from leaving the room but you ran off too quick. I never wanted to chase you away, How can I let you leave me?’ Qin Song explained. He hugged Ting Ting. ‘Honey, in the future I’ll never ask you to leave again. No matter how angry I get, I won’t treat you badly as I did today. I promise!’

It turned out Song Song was an obedient kid who kept his promises. Many years later, there were countless times he lost his temper and sometimes he vented on Han Ting Ting but he never chased her out of the house.

‘Honey…’ Qin Song whispered.

‘What about me?’ Han Ting Ting asked

‘Honey, you can’t go anywhere,’ Qin Song spat out. He pulled his hair and opened the door. ‘I’ll go!’

A little later the obedient Song Song returned to their room. Han Ting Ting laughed at his pitiful look. ‘Song Song, you can’t say ‘step-mum’ anymore! I don’t like hearing you talk that way.’

‘Um, I won’t!’ Qin Song promised.

‘You can’t fight with me over Chen Yi Feng again. A man shouldn’t be that petty,’ Han Ting Ting said.

‘Ok…’ Qin Song said reluctantly.

‘You can’t, a o um a um um…’ Han Ting Ting said to Song Song’s inattentive ears.

After Qin Song felt he was forgiven. His attention was distracted by Ting Ting’s sweet mouth opening and closing that he didn’t hear what else she said. He felt his mouth dry. He couldn’t hold in the temptation, hugged her and bent down to lock lips with her. He deliberately showed off his kissing talent, he kissed her gently, his tongue teased her tongue and he felt her weaken inside his chest.

Qin Song took a deep breath. He lifted Ting Ting into his arms and carried her to the bed. Her soft body trembled against his chest…

Suddenly Qin Song and Ting Ting’s loving moment was interrupted by persistent knocking on the door.

Qin Song and Ting Ting froze on the spot.

‘Who is it?’ Qin Song asked.

‘Song Song, it’s me. Your grandmother,’ Mrs Zhang senior said from outside the door.

Han Ting Ting regained her senses. She hit Song Song’s shoulder, jumped down from his arms, covered her face and ran to the bed to hide herself under the bed sheet.

Qin Song punched a wall. He opened the door for his oblivious grandmother.

Mrs Zhang senior saw her darling grandson looked angry and was deeply concerned. She pulled him out of the room. ‘Song Song, you still haven’t reconciled with Ting Ting?’

‘What are you talking about?’ Qin Song asked.

‘Kiddo! You only know how to bully others!’ Mrs Zhang senior scolded. She pinched her darling grandson’s frustrated cheek. ‘Ting Ting is sweet, gentle and loving! If you dare make her sad again everyone won’t forgive you! Did you see your dad’s expression at dinner?’

‘Grandmother…’ Qin Song said.

‘Your granddad asked me to come up and give you an earful. Don’t think because Ting Ting’s family background is not rich that you can treat her however you want! When Ting Ting’s grandpa was protecting your granddad from bombs and bullets, you won’t even born yet! You were lucky today there were guests and we let it slide. But the next time you dare bully Ting Ting, I’ll take out the horse whip to give to your granddad for him to whip you until you run out of tears!’ Mrs Zhang senior threatened.

‘I know, I know,’ Qin Song said. He didn’t have enough patience left to listen to the rest of his grandmother’s lecture. ‘Ting Ting and I want to sleep. Grandmother you should go sleep too.’

Mrs Zhang senior gave her grandson a sly smile and hit his shoulder. She gave him two sets of pyjamas and two sets of toiletries. ‘The old pyjamas are for you. The new one is for Ting Ting. Go back inside and console Ting Ting. Whose family would want their daughter to live with your moodiness? I’ll go give the horse whip a good clean. Don’t make me give the horse whip to your granddad!’

Han Ting Ting wanted to brush her teeth and heard Song Song’s footsteps. She poked her head out of the bathroom. She saw him holding pyjamas and smiled. ‘Is that for me?’

‘It’s mine,’ Qin Song said. He gently pushed Ting Ting’s head back into the bathroom. He gave his old pyjamas to her and pointed to his old set of toiletries he stored in the bathroom. ‘Honey, you use those.’

Han Ting Ting held a blue electric toothbrush that looked like it suited men more than women. ‘Song Song, is this your toothbrush?’

‘Um,’ Qin Song said.

Song Song looked like if Han Ting Ting dared not to use his toothbrush he was going to brush her teeth for her. She washed her face. Then with shaky hands put mint toothpaste onto the toothbrush and put the toothbrush into her mouth.

Finally Qin Song felt his whole body relaxed. He took out a new pink toothbrush and a new pink face towel. Then he stood shoulder to shoulder and hip to hip next to Ting Ting. They brushed their teeth together like a close pair of newlyweds.

The sky slowly became a dark night sky.

Song Song and Han Ting Ting were toasty warm in bed. She listened to him talk about the time he was twelve and why he broke the kid next door’s leg. The whole day she was tensed being around upper cla.s.s guests. Song Song’s soothing voice relaxed her tired body and she fell asleep without being aware.

One of Qin Song’s arms was used as Ting Ting’s pillow. The other arm was wrapped around her waist and he gently patted her back. The other hand brushed the knots out of her soft hair. Then he gently caressed her cheek.

Qin Song thought he had the best life! In his life he finally met someone he could protect and who could sleep peacefully on his chest each night.

The dim bedroom light softly shone on Ting Ting’s body. Her beautiful sleeping posture melted Qin Song’s heart.

The wallpaper photo displayed on the old critter’s filthy phone popped up inside Qin Song’s head. That photo made him furiously jealous. He and Ting Ting haven’t taken a photo together that was as close as she was with that old critter and the old critter’s daughter in that wallpaper photo.

Qin Song reached for his phone. He switched off the sound and flash. He positioned the phone at a flattering angle. Then he pressed his face against Ting Ting’s face. He forced himself not to smile. The moment he was about to take the photo, her eyes opened.

Song Song’s nose and Han Ting Ting’s nose b.u.mped into each other. She woke up and felt his hot breath on her face. Her heart pounded. She took a deep breath and pressed her lips onto his lips.

Qin Song was stunned.

Ting Ting blushed. She opened her lips and bit Qin Song’s lips. Then she was scared she bit too hard and licked his lips. She was gentle. But his body was feverish and it felt like her breath was gnawing his heart. The blood around his body flowed to one place below his stomach.

‘Ah!’ Ting Ting cried out.

Han Ting Ting’s vision turned black and she felt a dull pain on her face.

Qin Song was overwhelmed and wanted to lie on top of Ting Ting. But he forgot he was holding his phone. The moment he opened his hand the phone fell. She was kissing him and her face s.h.i.+elded his face… the phone fell onto her face. It must have been painful because her cry echoed in their room.

Qin Song’s heart exploded with anxiety and he sat up. ‘Honey, my phone is customized so it’s heavier than normal phones used by men.’

Ting Ting covered one side of her face and she curled her body. Qin Song hugged her and pulled her hand away to access her injury. Her eyes were closed and she was crying. He cursed his petty jealousy!

Qin Song let go of Ting Ting and jumped out of bed. ‘Honey, I’m going to call for a doctor.’

‘Song Song…’ Han Ting Ting whispered and pulled him back to bed.

‘What is it?’ Qin Song asked.

‘It’s nothing. The phone fell on my cheek. It didn’t hit my eyes,’ Han Ting Ting explained.

Han Ting Ting cried out because of the sudden pain but after a while it didn’t hurt.

Qin Song saw Ting Ting’s cheek was swollen and bruised. He stood but she pulled him back down.

‘Don’t go to call for a doctor. Song Song, go get me an ice pack or my cheek will swell up like a bun,’ Han Ting Ting said.

Qin Song wanted to call a doctor but Ting Ting pleaded with him not to. ‘Honey, don’t move. I’ll right back with an ice pack.’

True to Song Song’s word, he came back to bed quicker than Han Ting Ting could find a comfortable position that wouldn’t put pressure on her injured cheek. He gently rested the ice pack on her cheek and laid beside her.

Unlike their mood before the phone fell, Qin Song and Han Ting Ting quietly hugged each other to sleep.

Qin Song was scared Ting Ting was still hurt. He hugged her from behind and held the ice pack on her injured cheek and waited for her to sleep.

Han Ting Ting leaned back onto Song Song’s body. ‘Song Song, it’s enough. You can let go of the ice pack. My cheek doesn’t hurt.’

‘Honey, go to sleep,’ Qin Song whispered. He carefully adjusted the bed sheet over Ting Ting’s body. He kissed her earlobe. ‘Be good and sleep.’

‘Um,’ Han Ting Ting said.

Han Ting Ting was too sleepy to reason with Song Song. She felt her cheek was cold but her heart was warm. A moment later she fell asleep.

The next morning Han Ting Ting woke up and saw Song Song slept in the same position as last night. The ice pack fell on her pillow. She picked the ice pack up and felt it lost its chill. She put it on the headrest of their bed. Then she carefully got out of bed and went into the bathroom.

Song Song held the ice pack all night ensured that Han Ting Ting’s cheek didn’t swell. But it couldn’t prevent her cheek from turning black and blue like someone had punched her cheek. She remembered how he meticulously looked after her and couldn’t help but smile in front of the mirror.

Han Ting Ting lightly powdered her injured cheek but it didn’t hide the bruise. Usually she didn’t use concealer so she decided to go and ask to borrow Qin Sang’s concealer. Unexpectedly the moment she stepped out of the room she b.u.mped into Chen Yi Feng. Chen Yi Feng was a special guest and was allowed to sleep upstairs.

‘Morning!’ Chen Yi Feng greeted.

Han Ting Ting wanted to run back into the room but Chen Yi Feng called her to turn around and face him. She slowly turned around and he saw the bruise on her cheek.

‘Who did that to you? Qin Song?’ Chen Yi Feng asked.

‘No!’ Han Ting Ting denied. Whenever she was tensed she was like a headless chicken. ‘Song Song… he didn’t mean to…’

Chen Yi Feng saw Han Ting Ting’s panic, she wore more makeup than she usually wore and there was a black and blue bruise under her makeup. ‘He dared to hit you?’

Chen Yi Feng didn’t let Han Ting Ting finish her explanation. He pushed her aside, kicked Qin Song’s bedroom door down and strode into the room.

Qin Song heard a noise and forced himself to get out of bed. In his dreamy state he was shocked to see Chen Yi Feng was inside his room.

Chen Yi Feng laughed coldly. ‘You hit Ting Ting?’

Qin Song glared at Chen Yi Feng. ‘Are you crazy?’

Qin Song dismissed Chen Yi Feng and stepped toward the bathroom but was pulled back.

Who did Chen Yi Feng mistook Qin Song for? As if Qin Song would let his love rival come into his territory and be provoked to make the first move.

Chen Yi Feng punched Qin Song’s face but was surprised Qin Song didn’t avoid, defend or flinch at his hard punch.

Whilst Chen Yi Feng was surprised, Qin Song delivered a harder punch into Chen Yi Feng’s face and his lips bled. Chen Yi Feng laughed coldly.

The old critter could still laugh! Qin Song didn’t need to think twice and punched the other side of the old critter’s face.

End of Chapter Ten, except for Qin Song recounting his fight with Chen Yi Feng to the Liang’s sworn brothers. The recount will be included at the beginning of Chapter Eleven.

Chapter 19 : Chapter Ten Qin Song and Han Ting Ting’s first Christmas Day together as a married coup
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