Fated Marriage
Chapter 10 : Chapter Five (Part 2 of 2) The whole night, Han Ting Ting had bizarre dreams. She dream

Chapter Five (Part 2 of 2)

The whole night, Han Ting Ting had bizarre dreams. She dreamt she was back in her old house. Dong Dong was little, everyday Dong Dong was sent to a nursery and she’d pick Dong Dong up after work. She’d run out of the nursery and that person was leaning against a black SUV, smoking and waiting for them. His expression was carefree and had a handsome cold aura. When he saw her running toward his car, he’d smile and spoke gently to her. ‘You’re all grown up now and still running and jumping about.’

Han Ting Ting’s dream morphed to her childhood. That person wore a white s.h.i.+rt. It was her birthday. He crouched down in front of her and gave her a cute teddy bear! He rubbed her head and smile. ‘Today’s little Ting Ting’s birthday, happy birthday!’

Han Ting Ting was raised under a strict military style. Her birthday gift every year was an egg bread. That birthday it was the first time someone happily said happy birthday to her. It was also the first time she knew that such a warm person existed in the world.

Back then Putt Putt was brand new and had a fresh smell. When she was little that person was exclusively good natured toward her.

It was a precious and memorable period of her life.

When she woke up her pillow was wet and she hugged Putt Putt. She rubbed her eyes for a long time before lazily getting out of bed and was.h.i.+ng her face.

Han Ting Ting stepped out of her room and saw Qin Song coming downstairs. His suit was impeccable, a jacket draped on his arm, he carried a briefcase and doc.u.ments in his hands. He looked like he was ready to go to work.

‘Ah, why are you up so early today? I haven’t made breakfast for you…’ Han Ting Ting said.

Qin Song lifted his head and walked quickly pa.s.sed Han Ting Ting. His back was straight as he walked to the door to change his shoes. He acted like she didn’t exist.

A silent cold war between Qin Song and Han Ting Ting started from that morning.

Properties listed under Qin Song’s name were too many to count in one go, he didn’t need to worry he didn’t have anywhere to go. Before he got married, he’d decided to renovate one of his properties and furnish it lavishly. He thought he was going to go through the pretence of getting married then moved out on his own. He finally got a good opportunity to move out and make use of the renovated house.

Han Ting Ting at the start of the cold silent war had forgotten what happened between her and Qin Song. But after she saw him left their home in a puff, he didn’t come back for two nights. She stayed at home worried and thought about what she did wrong and finally she remembered the night she pushed him and he fell onto the floor.

After she remembered, she didn’t care about saving money and immediately called a taxi to drive her straight to Liang’s company building.

It was rare for all six Liang’s sworn brothers to meet up on a weekend. They were discussing one of Qin’s company finance investment proposals. Qin Song kept s.p.a.cing out and disrupted the meeting. Rong Yan lost his patience and pounded the meeting table.

‘Qin Song!’ Rong Yan called.

Qin Song used his pen to prop his chin and Rong Yan’s outburst woke him up from his deep thoughts. ‘What?’

Rong Yan narrowed his eyes and aimed a dagger at Qin Song.

Ji Nan pulled Qin Song’s ear and teasingly scolded Qin Song. ‘Qin Song, we asked how things are progressing at your end. But why are you in a daze?’

Qin Song rubbed his face and awkwardly coughed.

Li Wei Ran saw Qin Song’s lost look and helped Qin Song out. Li Wei Ran turned off the projector. ‘I’m tired too. Let’s all take a break and order for food as well.’

Everyone stretched their bodies, drank water and gossiped. Qin Song quietly left the meeting room by himself and went to wash his face.

The moment Qin Song left, Ji Nan pulled Li Wei Ran aside to grill him. ‘What’s wrong with Song Song?’

Li Wei Ran shrugged his shoulders. ‘How should I know?’

Their conversation was interrupted by an a.s.sistant who rushed into the meeting room.

‘Mrs Qin junior is here. She also brought a lot of home cooked food.’

Li Wei Ran coughed, put his phone down and went to escort Han Ting Ting into the meeting room. Ji Nan rushed around the room looking for drink a.s.sortments. Chen Yu Bai silently tidied the paperwork on the meeting table to make room for food. Rong Yan tucked a handkerchief into the front of his s.h.i.+rt collar to use as a makes.h.i.+ft napkin and happily waited for food to arrive. Big boss leisurely loosened his tie and rolled up his s.h.i.+rt sleeves.

Apart from Li Wei Ran, Han Ting Ting wasn’t familiar with Qin Song’s other sworn brothers. Her initial impression of them was that they were immaculate otherworldly geniuses. Unexpectedly the high cla.s.s sworn brothers at the meeting table were fighting with each other over food. It left Han Ting Ting standing frozen in a speechless daze.

Li Wei Ran was the most chivalrous. He ignored the ghastly beasts killing each other and remembered to be courteous toward Han Ting Ting and asked her to take a seat.

‘Li Wei Ran, where’s Qin… Song Song?’ Han Ting Ting asked softly.

Li Wei Ran pointed to the direction of the bathroom built inside the meeting room. ‘What’s wrong with Song Song the last two days? He hasn’t been himself and seemed a bit lost.’

‘He’s… mad at me.’ Han Ting Ting said awkwardly and fiddled her hair. ‘I’m not good, I pushed him and caused him to fall. That’s why he’s not happy.’

Han Ting Ting was busy explaining when she turned her head the four sworn brothers that were using brute force to scavenge for food suddenly surrounded her back. She was startled and looked at Li Wei Ran blankly.

Li Wei Ran maintained a serene smile. ‘You… pushed Song Song to fall?’

Han Ting Ting didn’t notice anything strange and nodded her head. ‘The last two nights he didn’t come home. I called his phone but he didn’t pick up… I came here to say sorry to him.’

Ji Nan was the first to burst out laughing. Suddenly the bathroom door opened and Qin Song stepped out. Li Wei Ran withdrew his strange speculations and acted like he didn’t hear or see anything.

Qin Song saw Han Ting Ting stood in the meeting room and his expression changed to that of a stern master of the house and silently gave a look of indifference.

Han Ting Ting felt embarra.s.sed and fiddled here and there. ‘Song Song…’

Qin Song saw Han Ting Ting’s embarra.s.sed state and his heart softened. He reluctantly stepped toward her. ‘What are you doing here?’

Qin Song saw Han Ting Ting’s face turned red, she looked like a white and pink bun… but he also noticed five amused critters in the meeting room watching their conversation play out from the sidelines. Then he pulled her out of the meeting room. ‘Wait outside while I finish the meeting!’

Han Ting Ting obediently agreed and carefully closed the meeting room door on her way out.

The meeting resumed and the productiveness of the meeting shot up. The Liang’s sworn brothers saw Qin Song was pumped up to finish the meeting, and they secretly exchanged knowing glances at each other.

‘I’m done!’ Qin Song said and grinned. ‘Let’s stop the meeting here.’

Everyone else was silent. Then Ji Nan propped her chin up with her hand and looked at Qin Song. ‘I’m hungry!’

Qin Song hurriedly tidied the paperwork on the meeting table and didn’t bother to lift his head. ‘You ate like a pig and can still say you’re hungry… None of you have a conscience, no one left a portion of the food for me!’

Rong Yan smiled slyly. ‘The young Qin master is not happy.’

‘Oh, why is the young Qin master not happy?’ Chen Yu Bai asked with a rare smile.

Li Wei Ran innocently put his hands up in the air. ‘It has nothing to do with me. I wasn’t the one who pushed him to fall!’

Qin Song was completely framed.

‘Meeting adjourned! Stop the nonsense,’ Big boss said. Big boss knocked on the table, stood up and gently added fuel to the fire. ‘Or our young Qin master will run away from home.’

Li Wei Ran couldn’t take it anymore, lost his composure and burst out laughing.

Qin Song’s eyes had a misty layer of shame. He hugged his suitcase and ran outside to escape the taunting.

Han Ting Ting’s waiting stance was that of someone who felt remorseful. Her two legs were closed together and tilted on an angle, two hands were clasped on her knees and her head bent. She sat on the sofa, didn’t move an inch and waited patiently.

Qin Song rarely waited for anyone but there have been many women who had frivolously waited for him. Those women played with their phones, read a magazine or entertained themselves with something else… when he stepped out of the meeting room it was the first time a girl radiantly sat in silence and waited for him.

Qin Song thought having someone seriously waiting for him was a beautiful sight!

For that reason when he stepped toward Han Ting Ting, he was powerless to put up a cold att.i.tude toward her.

Han Ting Ting saw Qin Song and happily stood up. ‘Is your meeting finish? Are you tired?’

‘I’m ok,’ Qin Song said. ‘Is there something you wanted?’

Han Ting Ting fiddled with her hands for a while and struggled to open her mouth.

‘I’m sorry. This time it’s my fault. I’m sorry…’ Han Ting Ting said seriously. ‘I hope you’ll forgive me.’

Qin Song was taken back from her sudden apology and took a step back. It was the first time he’d seen someone sincerely apologised to him.

Qin Song didn’t know what to say.

‘Ahem… forget it. I’m not going to make a fuss about it with you,’ Qin Song said.

Qin Song felt it was strange he forgave Han Ting Ting easily. Didn’t he take a silent oath that he’d ignore her existence?

‘Thank you!’ Han Ting Ting said on the verge of tears.

Qin Song still had a bit of reservation but he saw Han Ting Ting’s pitiful choked distress and melted. If he said he’d let it go then he should. After all, he was a generous and a mature man so there was no need to get even with her.

‘Han Ting Ting, on the outside you appear like a normal girl. But that night, what voodoo possessed you? Do you have a mental illness you’re hiding from me?’ Qin Song scolded.

‘I don’t…’ Han Ting Ting said. ‘That… that night I received a call from that person. He’s back… it made me feel uncomfortable. Then you were venting on me and kept bothering me… that’s when I lost it and pushed you. In the future I won’t be like that anymore. I promise!’

‘Who called you? Who’s back?’ Qin Song asked and grimanced. ‘Was it that person who wants you to be his daughter’s step-mum, right?’

‘He doesn’t want me to be Dong Dong’s step-mum! Don’t talk nonsense!’ Han Ting Ting said.

Qin Song crossed his arms and laughed coldly at her. That warm mood he was in a moment ago suddenly vaporised.

Qin Song felt he should have seen it from the start. Han Ting Ting was that kind of person. What gently waiting? What sincere apology? It was just part of her nature. She didn’t specifically wait or said sorry to him because he was someone special to her. Instead one call from that widower changed her from her usual easy going approach into a different person.

Qin Song knew that love was special. A few years ago, someone he knew said to him something he’d couldn’t forget. She said she wouldn’t kill herself over someone, she vowed to continue living because of one person, no matter what obstacles life threw at her. The Qin Song those years ago was a thousand times more arrogant and childish. But that Qin Song at least knew that he wasn’t the reason she wanted to keep living no matter how much she struggled and that was why he let her go.

Qin Song’s heart suddenly became cold and in turn his mood became cold. ‘Han Ting Ting! I can’t stop you from wanting to be her step-mum. But don’t ever forget your current status! If you dare do anything disgraceful then you and that person will have me to deal with!’

Qin Song’s crazy outburst was scary. Han Ting Ting pursed her lips too scared to reply.

‘Did you hear me?’ Qin Song asked harshly.

‘I didn’t do anything disgraceful…’ Han Ting Ting muttered.

After a while Han Ting Ting dared to reply. ‘I heard you.’

Han Ting Ting’s pitiful state caused Qin Song to not know where to tuck his angry outburst. He gritted his teeth for a while then grabbed her hand. ‘Let’s go to my parent’ house for dinner!’

At Qin Song’s parents’ dining table, Zhang Yu discovered that her son’s complexion that night was poor, as if someone made him angry.

‘Ting Ting!’ Zhang Yu whispered into her daughter-in-law’s ear. ‘What’s wrong with Song Song? It’s hard to look straight at him.’

Han Ting Ting shook her head and hid her guilty conscience. ‘I don’t know.’

‘Zhang Yu!’ Qin Yun scolded gently and put food into his wife’s bowl. ‘Eat properly.’

Zhang Yu sat properly in her chair, buried her head and ate two spoons of rice but wasn’t satisfied. She looked back and forth from her son and daughter-in-law. Finally she decided to attack Qin Song.

‘Song Song, what’s wrong? You haven’t said a word all night. Isn’t the food appetizing? I can ask the chef to make more dishes that you like,’ Zhang Yu coaxed.

‘You don’t have to,’ Qin Song said and fell silent.

Qin Yun saw his wife’s happy face suddenly turned disappointed and felt disgruntled toward his son. ‘If you don’t like the food then don’t force yourself! Putting on such a long face, who are you doing it for to see?’

Qin Song’s burning anger intensified and he slammed his chopsticks on the table. ‘Dad, have you said enough? Dad, do you think I enjoy coming here to eat dinner?’

‘You insolent child!’ Qin Yun cursed and slammed his chopsticks too. ‘Get out of my house!’

Qin Song laughed coldly. ‘Going round in circles, you still can only repeat the same broken tune.’

‘You!’ Qin Yun shouted.

Qin Yun’s anger boiled over. He pounded the table and caused Han Ting Ting and Zhang Yu to be scared witless.

Zhang Yu rushed to hold back her husband and scolded Qin Song. ‘Song Song, what are you doing? Can’t you be civil toward your father? Every time you’re in the same room as your father, you always pick a fight!’

Qin Song laughed viciously. ‘Where can I find a dad? That man disowned me a long time ago!’

‘Song Song!’ Han Ting Ting called gently.

Han Ting Ting stood beside Qin Song and tugged his s.h.i.+rt sleeve. ‘Don’t say anything else.’

Qin Yun being held back by his wife made him wanted to explode. He pointed a condemning finger at Qin Song. ‘You caused such a mess to disgrace the Qin family. It couldn’t be you’re still hopeful I’ll take the blame for you and wipe your slate clean?’

Qin Song’s complexion darkened and charged toward his dad.

Han Ting Ting hugged Qin Song’s waist from behind and used all her strength to pull him back.

‘Ting Ting, let him go. I want to see what he’ll do!’ Qin Yun said.

Zhang Yu braced her husband’s waist from the front. ‘What are you doing? Is it fun fighting with your son?’

‘I don’t have that kind of son who’s not even on par with a pig or dog!’ Qin Yun shouted.

Qin Yun exploded and the veins on his forehead were clearly visible.

‘Ah…’ Zhang Yu mumbled and rubbed her ear. ‘My ear is almost deaf from your shouting!’

Qin Song was held tightly by Han Ting Ting and she wouldn’t let go. He was scared of injuring her and didn’t use force to push her away. He waited for his anger to subside. Then he calmly turned around and dragged her outside.

Han Ting Ting whilst being dragged turned her head around to face Qin Song’s parents. ‘I’m sorry dad. I’m sorry mum… we’ll be leaving.’

‘Speak for yourself!’ Qin Song vented.

Qin Song didn’t bother looking back and stormed off with Han Ting Ting.

Outside Qin Song’s parents’ house, Han Ting Ting thought his anger must have made his head dizzy because he forgot to go to the parking area to get his car. They walked pa.s.s the garden path, pa.s.sed the gate and continued to walk to the main road.

Han Ting Ting’s hand was held tight by Qin Song and she was forced to run little steps to keep up with him.

Han Ting Ting couldn’t run anymore. She was breathing heavily. Qin Song didn’t reply to her so she decided to plop herself on the ground. She looked like a suitcase being pulled along by him.

Qin Song halted. His heart wouldn’t stop pounding. He looked at the dark night sky and his eyes were bleak that Han Ting Ting wasn’t used to seeing from him.

‘Qin Song…’ Han Ting Ting said gently and pulled his pants hem. ‘Let’s sit here and take a rest for a bit.’

Han Ting Ting sat down and stared up at Qin Song pleadingly. He obediently sad down beside her.

‘Qin Song, why did your dad scold you that you can’t compare to a pig or dog?’ Han Ting Ting asked.

Han Ting Ting ma.s.saged her sore legs.

Qin Song inhaled the cold air into his chest. He turned to face Han Ting Ting. ‘Who would comfort another person the same way as you?’

‘Well, I need to know what happened first so I can think of an appropriate way to comfort you,’ Han Ting Ting said sternly. ‘Why did your dad disown you? What did you do?’

Qin Song felt calmer, looked at the sky and took a deep breath. ‘A few years ago, I loved a girl and caused a lot of trouble.’

‘Was the girl Chen Yun?’ Han Ting Ting asked fearlessly.

Qin Song choked. He held ‘little country bun’s’ face and pinched her cheeks. He wanted to do that for a long time. Each time he said chicken and she said duck, she’d look at him innocently with that soft white face of hers and made him wanted to pinch her cheeks.

Qin Song pinched ‘little country bun’s’ cheeks until she looked like she was about to cry then felt a sense of triumph.

‘You-keep-talking!’ Han Ting Ting said and rubbed her sore cheeks.

Qin Song’s mood improved. On the road there weren’t any pa.s.sing cars. He straightened his legs on the road and laid back on the footpath and his arms stretched out. He recalled his hot-headed younger years and grinned. ‘I loved her but she loved someone else. Back then I was stubborn and arrogant. I used a lot of deceitful methods to force her to be my girlfriend.’

Han Ting Ting felt her heart was deeply moved! She laid down next to him.

‘My dad was against me and her being together. After dad found out what sort of deceitful methods I used to separate her and the person she loved, dad was furious. Since little dad loved that Li Wei Ran more than he loved me…’ Qin Song said.

‘You…’ Han Ting Ting uttered and her eyes spun. ‘You stole Li Wei Ran’s girlfriend? The girl was Qin Sang?’

Han Ting Ting sat up straight. Qin Song got her to lie back down then glared at ‘little country bun.’

‘It was Li Wei Ran who stole Qin Sang from me! I was intimate with Qin Sang first!’

Han Ting Ting gasped and her mouth was wide open for a long time.

‘Out of our relatives from the younger generation, me and Li Wei Ran were the closest in age to each other. When we were kids we fought. When we grew up we sowed a lot of oats. We were inseparable, each other’s shadow. When we used to play around, I used to steal the girls he was intimate with too,’ Qin Song said.

Qin Song realised it was the first time he confided to someone else about his shameful past involving Li Wei Ran in a calmly manner. It wasn’t as hard to voice his grievances out loud than he had thought it would be. He’d bottled them for too many years and never dared to acknowledge them.

‘Now thinking back, Qin Sang said a truth I couldn’t refute. She said that the person I took notice of and cared about was Li Wei Ran instead of her. She said if someone else had stolen her from me, I would have let her go straight away. But the person who stole her from me was Li Wei Ran and I couldn’t accept it was him and felt a sense of betrayal… You’ve seen it. Ever since Li Wei Ran and Qin Sang became a couple they’ve always joined forces to bully me,’ Qin Song said.

Qin Song’s arms relaxed. He felt a heavy burden fell from his heart and he felt a sense of freedom he’d never felt before.

Han Ting Ting smiled and patted Qin Song’s relaxed arm. She admired him a bit. Admired that he had the courage to make mistakes and to admit his mistakes freely. Whereas, she still hadn’t dared to voice her mistakes.

‘I’m hungry…’ Qin Song said. He looked up at the sky and stared at ‘little country bun.’ ‘Let’s go eat something!’

Han Ting Ting nodded. Then she remembered there wasn’t food left at home. ‘Let’s eat at a restaurant, my treat!’

Qin Song glanced at Han Ting Ting with a strange look. ‘Why’s that? Have you fallen for me?’

Han Ting Ting laughed loudly. ‘How could that happen?’

Han Ting Ting answered too quickly and too firmly, which dampened Qin Song’s good mood.

‘I’ve caused you a lot of trouble. But I’ll remember our agreement about I’m not allowed to love you,’ Han Ting Ting said with absolute certainty.

Qin Song felt a little uncomfortable and forced himself to smile. ‘It’s good you remember.’

‘Let’s get going!’ Han Ting Ting said.

Han Ting Ting and Qin Song had laid down for a long time and the night became colder. Han Ting Ting stood up and jumped about to warm up. Then she pulled him up and they walked side by side together.

‘What do you want to eat?’ Han Ting Ting asked.

‘Golden Age seafood!’ Qin Song said to turn his grief to appet.i.te.

Han Ting Ting was startled. ‘Hey! How can you take advantage of me like that? Golden Age seafood is too expensive!’

Qin Song laughed. ‘I’m only giving you a good opportunity to show your sincereness.’

‘Don’t be like that… the supermarkets haven’t closed yet, let’s go buy food to cook at home!’ Han Ting Ting suggested. ‘Do you want to eat crabs? Crabs in this season are the fattest!’

‘Um, like you,’ Qin Song said.

‘You!’ Han Ting Ting said.

The road was long, the night was deep, under the street lights, two people walked hand in hand and they lived fully in a single day.

End of Chapter Five (Part 2 of 2)

Chapter 10 : Chapter Five (Part 2 of 2) The whole night, Han Ting Ting had bizarre dreams. She dream
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