Fated Marriage
Chapter 9 : Chapter Four Continued Liang’s big boss, Liang Fei Fang during a celebration banquet in

Chapter Four Continued

Liang’s big boss, Liang Fei Fang during a celebration banquet in honour of the newly appointed vice president, kidnapped Gu Yan for a private meeting of lips. But big boss was caught red handed kissing Gu Yan on the balcony.

Rong Yan in pursuit of Ye Mu was forced to film a clip about a handsome man picking nose, and the clip was uploaded to a famous gossip site. Then everyone in their district was entertained by the comedy clip.

Black belly Chen Yu Bai at a prestigious banquet, in front of a crowd of highly influential big wigs, professed his love for his beloved dummy, An Xiao Li.

The cross dressing Ji Nan’s devoted unrequited love for Rong Yan was the worst best-kept secret.

Li Wei Ran was at the disposal of Qin Sang’s deadly tongue and there were too many embarra.s.sing scenes to recount.

The status of Qin Song’s bathroom scandal was quickly circulated and was considered on par with his other five sworn brothers on the high end of the humiliation scale.

Qin Song and Han Ting Ting returned to the festivities and everyone gave them meaningful sly smiles. Qin Song had recovered and looked composed. Whereas the ‘little country bun’ beside him was still blus.h.i.+ng profusely almost at boiling point. On the inside Qin Song was full of regret he only got to sample a taste of Han Ting Ting and was robbed of the main course.

Qin Song felt a bout of discomfort and coughed twice. He turned to Han Ting Ting to whisper his concern. ‘Are you ok?’

Han Ting Ting felt she wasn’t ok. She kept her head down, Qin Song’s jacket was draped on her shoulders but highlighted her slender neck. After a while she built the courage to lift her head, looked at Qin Song and her body temperature boiled.

‘Let’s go home!’ Qin Song said and adjusted his jacket to cover more of Han Ting Ting’s bare skin.

‘Can we really go home?’ Han Ting Ting whispered.

It wasn’t the appropriate time for them to leave but Qin Song saw Han Ting Ting’s delectable embarra.s.sed state and didn’t want to share it with critters. He didn’t care if they were male, female, young, old, married or unattached critters. In that moment he felt Han Ting Ting’s rawness was reserved for his private viewing.

‘Don’t worry, let’s go!’ Qin Song said.

It wasn’t convenient for Qin Song to explain, he simply pulled her closer to him and navigated them pa.s.s the waves of eyes that misunderstood their private moment in the bathroom.

End of Chapter Four

Chapter Five (Part 1)

After Qin Song’s birthday celebration the shared kiss between Qin Song and Han Ting Ting was a taboo topic.

That night Qin Song was hot and bothered that he was wide awake the whole night. The following day at the break of dawn he got up out of bed and went downstairs. He wasn’t surprised to see that ‘little country bun’ woke up before him.

Qin Song idled in the living room whilst waiting for breakfast.

By the time breakfast was laid out on the dining table, Han Ting Ting was in the middle of setting the bowls and utensils when she noticed Qin Song was staring at her strangely.

‘Qin Song, what’s wrong?’ Han Ting Ting asked.

Qin Song’s heart was pounding at an unusual rate but he hid it well. ‘What do you mean?’

‘Why aren’t you wearing your slippers?’ Han Ting Ting asked suspiciously. ‘Aren’t you cold?’

Qin Song looked down at his feet and was startled. He couldn’t believe he’d walked around the whole morning with bare feet.

‘I don’t feel cold at all!’ Qin Song said.

Han Ting Ting looked away from the living room and Qin Song’s toes immediately curled. It was a cold autumn’s day but wasn’t as cold as his heart. He quietly laid down on the sofa and draped a hand on his forehead. He felt utterly wronged. The one who made him tossed and turned all night, unlike him had warm feet. He’d kissed her and she acted like nothing happened, how hateful!

Han Ting Ting skipped to her bedroom and came out again. Qin Song was still resting on the sofa waiting to be called to eat breakfast.

‘Qin Song,’ Han Ting Ting called.

Qin Song rolled over into the sofa, he didn’t want to see ‘little country bun.’

‘Qin Song!’ Han Ting Ting called and knelt in front of the sofa. ‘Hey, this is for you, your birthday gift!’

Qin Song opened his eyes in antic.i.p.ation, finally she was going to give it to him.

‘I wanted to give you it to you last night but you were drunk,’ Han Ting Ting said and pa.s.sed him a box. ‘Happy birthday! I hope every year you’ll be at ease like today.’

Qin Song sat up straight on the soft and wore an indifferent expression to pretend he didn’t care about it. He accepted the box and was giddy on the inside. He opened the box… it was a watch? He felt confused. ‘Why… did you get me this?’

Han Ting Ting felt disappointed, she’d wasted two months’ pay to buy it for him.

‘Han Ting Ting! The pair of gloves you knitted, who did you knit it for?’ Qin Song asked.

‘Gloves? I haven’t been knitting gloves…’ Han Ting Ting said.

Qin Song couldn’t believe her nerves, she dared to deny. His temper flared. She stayed up late many nights in a row knitting, he’d sneaked downstairs at night and seen her.

‘Oh… do you mean the blue wool?’ Han Ting Ting asked after having a light bulb moment. ‘That wasn’t gloves. They were mini clothes I made for Putt Putt.’

Putt Putt… Qin Song suffered a severe trauma. He was less important than a raggy bear.

‘You wanted gloves?’ Han Ting Ting asked.

Qin Song glared at ‘little country bun.’

Han Ting Ting knitted her eyebrows in distress. ‘But I don’t know how to knit… How about I’ll go buy you a pair tomorrow? What colour do you like?’

‘No need!’ Qin Song said.

Qin Song was in a rage that the hair on his head stood up. He stood, took two steps then turned back to retrieve the box and watch on Han Ting Ting’s hand. He gave her another glare before he walked off.

From the morning after Qin Song’s birthday, his name became ‘Not Happy.’ No matter what Han Ting Ting did, he wasn’t happy. His handsome face became a frozen grouch. She tried b.u.t.tering up in different ways but his face stayed in a frozen grouch state.

Ting’s mum recognised something was wrong between Han Ting Ting and Qin Song. When Ting’s mum was frying vegetables, Han Ting Ting was dragged into the kitchen for a grilling.

‘Ting Ting, are you and Song Song fighting?’ Ting’s mum asked.

‘No we’re not,’ Han Ting Ting said innocently and checked if the water in the pot was boiled. ‘Now and then he’s overworked and doesn’t want to talk… nothing’s wrong mum.’

Han Ting Ting speculated that Qin Song must still be upset about seeing Chen Yun’s picture perfect family on his birthday. She didn’t blame him for being angry. The woman that he loved was sleeping in another man’s bed, bearing a child for another man and the child was a cutie pie too…

‘Ting Bao! Water! Water! Stop pouring water!’ Ting’s mum shouted.

‘Not Happy’ heard the commotion, ran to the kitchen door and poked his head into the kitchen. ‘What happened?’

‘Nothing to worry about… Ting Ting, grab me the flour above the cupboard. I can savage the soggy noodles if I add flour to it,’ Ting’s mum said.

Han Ting Ting was preoccupied feeling sorry for Qin Song’s broken heart over his beloved beauty that she poured too much water into the pot and made the noodles turned soggy. She panicked and tiptoed to grab the flour above the cupboard.

Han Ting Ting stretched both her arms to grab the flour. Her s.h.i.+rt rode up and bared her waist that was usually supposed to be soft and white. But Ting’s mum was shocked to see black and blue fingerprints that perfectly matched the shape of Qin Song’s fingers.

Qin Song also saw his fingerprints on Han Ting Ting’s waist, he stepped into the kitchen and pulled her outstretched arms down. ‘Ahem… let me get it.’

Han Ting Ting was surprised when Qin Song’s chest was pressed up against her back that she pushed him away from her.

‘No need. Go back outside and watch tv,’ Han Ting Ting said.

Qin Song’s face tensed. He used one hand to grab the flour and one hand to pull down Han Ting Ting’s s.h.i.+rt and in his heart he sighed in distress.

Suddenly Han Ting Ting’s phone rang and Qin Song grimaced when he saw the caller’s area code number displayed on the screen. She hurriedly ran out to take the call and left behind Qin Song to deal with his mum-in-law’s unspoken concerned face.

‘Ah, Song Song…’ Ting’s mum said. ‘Ting Ting’s skin is sensitive since she was little. A little pressure on her skin will leave a bruise mark. You… ah… when the two of you… ah… need to be a bit more gentle!’

The deep meaning behind Ting’s mum’s words of caution made Qin Song’s ears flushed red and steam was ready to rise from his ears. He quickly nodded his head. ‘Mum… I know.’

‘h.e.l.lo,’ Han Ting Ting said.

The autumn night wind blew cold air through Han Ting Ting’s bleak heart.

‘Ting Bao?’ that person said in a familiar low voice.

Han Ting Ting’s bleak heart suddenly turned warm.

‘Um,’ Han Ting Ting murmured in a daze.

‘Little brat! I went to the US for a trip and flew home to find you silently moved houses. You even got yourself a husband!’ that person said.

A sincere laugh was heard. ‘Why didn’t you say a word to me? I should have been present on your wedding day!’

Han Ting Ting’s throat felt choked. Her voice was soft and rambled an incoherent explanation that she didn’t know what she said to him and grilled him to deflect the attention off her.

‘You… how did you know my phone number?’ Han Ting Ting asked.

‘That’s not a hard task to do,’ that person said to counteract Han Ting Ting’s diversion tactic. ‘How have you been? How’s married life treating you?’

That person was probably smoking. Whenever he talked on the phone with someone else he had a habit of smoking a cigarette, said a few words and would blow out a ring of smoke and his face would relax… Han Ting Ting’s thoughts about him smoking and talking happily… suddenly it felt like a needle p.r.i.c.ked her heart.

That person’s habits, likes and dislikes were well known to her and she realised she hadn’t forgotten them.

Those memories and feelings Han Ting Ting thought she purged out, stayed familiar with her and didn’t drift far from her heart. They hid deep at the bottom of her heart and waiting for one call from that person to ruin her efforts to suppress their existence. Like a harmonised army they joined forces to escape, breaking apart her heart. It didn’t matter if she hid in the clouds or sunk to the bottom of the ocean, she couldn’t win against them.

‘Ting Bao?’ that person asked after Han Ting Ting was silent for a while. ‘What’s wrong?’

‘Nothing’s wrong…’ Han Ting Ting said. ‘Is Dong Dong well?’

‘She’s good. Hey, why aren’t you bothering to ask if I’m well? I’ve been on a business trip for almost a year and you haven’t called once to check up on me and offer words of encouragement. Little brat, when you were a kid I thought you were good natured but straight after getting married, you’ve cut me off!’ that person said.

That person’s tone was like an elder that tracked Han Ting Ting’s life progression from a kid to an adult and sincerely cared about her happiness.

Han Ting Ting couldn’t stand it anymore and hung up on that person. Her shaky hands removed the phone battery and tucked it in her s.h.i.+rt pocket.

It was almost seven in the evening. The street lights shone down on the neighbouring houses. Han Ting Ting stood on the balcony by her lonesome self against the autumn night chilly breezes. In her heart she felt the last shred of hope left finally evaporated. That person said on her wedding day he should have been present. When she decided to marry Qin Song, she did want to call that person and let him know but her fingers didn’t cooperate. For hours her fingers had held onto her phone and hovered over the call b.u.t.ton but never pressed the call b.u.t.ton.

That person didn’t know anything! He wouldn’t have rushed from miles away to stop her from marrying Qin Song. He would have had the same att.i.tude as before, comfortably laugh with her and ask if marriage was good and if she was happy being someone’s wife.

How could it be good? She wasn’t that person’s wife, how could she be happy?

Why did she have to make it hard on herself? She knew from the beginning that she would feel the same way after she got married.

The sky darkened and the wind became colder. Han Ting Ting covered her face. She needed to give herself more time to forget. No matter how heartbroken she felt, what was most important were her parents who were inside their house. Her parents gave her flesh and blood, a soul, love and everything that was good in her life. She couldn’t chase after a burdensome love and throw away her parents.

She dried her eyes and returned into the house.

Qin Song wasn’t in the kitchen. Ting’s mum was kneading dough into a ball. Han Ting Ting approached her mum to help. ‘Mum, where’s Qin Song?’

Ting’s mum stopped kneading for a bit then kneaded another two b.a.l.l.s. Ting’s mum hesitated again and decided to put them aside. Ting’s mum pulled Han Ting Ting closer. ‘Ting Bao… on your waist… did Song Song do that?’

Han Ting Ting was startled. Then she recalled the black and blue bruises on her waist. The morning after Qin Song’s birthday banquet she’d discovered the bruises and thought it happened in the bathroom… Qin Song’s fingers kneaded her body… the flashback of what caused her bruises turned her face bright red.

Ting’s mum saw Han Ting Ting’s embarra.s.sed and guilty look and it made Ting’s mum both overjoyed and worried. ‘You and Song Song are newlyweds, being impatient a bit… is perfectly normal. But later don’t be like that anymore. Know your limits… do you get what I’m saying?’

‘I…’ Han Ting Ting said, bit her lips and nodded.

On the way home, Qin Song and Han Ting Ting were both quiet.

Han Ting Ting’s heart had a lot of grievances and didn’t want to bother with Qin Song’s side glances secretly a.s.sessing her.

At home, Ting Ting quietly went straight to her room.

Qin Song couldn’t hold back anymore and called her back. ‘Ahem… your waist… does it still hurt?’

Han Ting Ting rubbed her waist gently. ‘It doesn’t matter, almost healed.’

‘Han Ting Ting, I…’ Qin Song said and took a deep breath.

Qin Song summoned all his courage. ‘That night I kissed you.’

Han Ting Ting was tensed and an instant later nodded her head. ‘Um.’

Um? Qin Song’s deep intake of breath was let out. That kind of response, what was that supposed to mean?

‘It doesn’t matter. I know, I’m not bothered about it,’ Han Ting Ting said.

Han Ting Ting was exhausted and wanted to go to bed to talk with Putt Putt.

Qin Song smirked. ‘What do you know? What new circ.u.mstances did you find out?’

‘That night you were drunk and you didn’t see clearly who I was, right?’ Han Ting Ting said. ‘Qin Song, I think you should have a careful rethink. Chen Yun’s daughter is sweet and lovely. If you still want to be a homewrecker, it’ll traumatise Chen Yun’s daughter.’

He-knew-it! Qin Song was crazy enough to flip the table. He knew Han Ting Ting would think about that kind of misguided nonsense.

‘Han-Ting-Ting!’ Qin Song said. ‘There’s something wrong with your brain!’

Han Ting Ting’s heart felt uncomfortable. ‘I care about you as a friend but you’re ungrateful. In the future I won’t meddle with what happens between you and Chen Yun. Have a goodnight!’

Qin Song saw Han Ting Ting turned around to leave and exploded.

‘Who gave you permission to go to sleep?’ Qin Song asked loudly.

Han Ting Ting lost her temper too and sternly faced Qin Song. ‘I don’t need your permission! I’m tired. If I want to sleep then I’ll sleep!’

Han Ting Ting turned around and walked to her room. Qin Song took long strides and caught up to her and pulled her back. He was going to say something when she coldly shoved his arm away. The sudden movement caused him to stumble back two steps and fall to the floor.

Qin Song was shocked and froze on the spot. He stared at Han Ting Ting… it was the first time one push from a girl made him fall.

‘Don’t bother me anymore!’ Han Ting Ting yelled.

Han Ting Ting saw Qin Song lifted himself off the ground. But her loud yell, scared away his soul and he fell down again.

Han Ting Ting’s face flushed red with anger and she glared at him for another ten seconds then her legs felt a little steely and she turned around to walk back to her room.

Qin Song sat on the floor on his own. His heart thought the world must have spun the opposite direction. Did he teleported to another dimension? The girl who glared at him and yelled loudly… was it really his ‘little country bun?’

The dim lights that twinkled in a s.p.a.cious living room, highlighted the lonesome sofa. Qin Song pitifully crawled to the sofa and boosted himself up. He stood and stared at Han Ting Ting’s bedroom door that was closed shut a long while ago. Then he quietly used the rail to guide him upstairs.

End of Chapter Five (Part 1)

Chapter 9 : Chapter Four Continued Liang’s big boss, Liang Fei Fang during a celebration banquet in
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