Enquire Within Upon Everything
Chapter 20 : 117. Quadrille.This game, formerly very popular, has been superseded by Whist.Quadrille

117. Quadrille.

This game, formerly very popular, has been superseded by Whist.

Quadrille, the game referred to by Pope in his "Rape of the Lock," is now obsolete.

118. Ecarte.

This game, which has lately revived in popularity, is played by two persons with a pack of cards from which the twos, threes, fours, fives, and sixes have been discarded. In the clubs it is usual to play with two packs, used alternately. The players cut for deal, the highest card deals. The pack is shuffled and the non-dealer cuts. The dealer then from the united pack gives five cards to each, beginning with his adversary, by twos and threes, or threes and twos; and always dealing in the same way throughout the game. The eleventh card is turned up for trump. If the turn-up be a king, the dealer marks one point; five points being game. The non-dealer looks at his cards, and if he be dissatisfied with them, he may propose--that is, change any or all of them for others from the stock, or remainder of the pack on the table. Should he propose, he says, "I propose," or "cards," and it is in the option of the dealer to give or refuse cards. When he decides to give, he says, "I accept," or "How many?" Should he refuse to change he says, "I decline," or "Play." The dealer may, if he accept the proposal, change any or all the cards in his own hand.

Sometimes a second discard is allowed, but that must be by previous agreement. Of course the non-dealer may play without discarding, in which case the dealer must play his own hand without changing any of his cards. When the hands are arranged the non-dealer plays a card, which is won or lost by the playing of a superior card of the suit led. The second must follow suit, or win the trick if he can; otherwise he may throw any card he chooses. The order in value of the cards is--king, queen, knave, ace, ten, nine, eight, seven. The winner of the trick leads for the next trick, and so on, till the five cards on each side are played. The winner of three tricks scores one point; if he win the whole five tricks--the _role_--he scores two points; if he hold the king, he names it before playing his first card--"I mark king." Should the non-dealer play without proposing, and fail to make three tricks, his adversary marks two points; should the dealer refuse to accept and fail to win three tricks, his opponent scores two. The game is five up; that is, the player who first marks five points, wins. The score is marked by two cards, a three and a two, or by counters. The deal is taken alternately; but when the play is for rubbers it is usual to cut for deal at the end of each rubber.


119. Rules of Ecarte.

i. Each player has right to shuffle the cards above the table.

ii. The cut must not be fewer than two cards off the pack, and at least two cards must be left on the table.

iii. When more than one card is exposed in cutting, there must be a new deal.

iv. The highest ecarte card cut secures the deal, which holds good even though the pack be imperfect.

v. The dealer must give five cards to each by three and two, or by two and three, at a time, which plan must not be changed, during the game.

vi. An incorrect deal, playing out of turn, or a faced card, necessitates a new deal.

vii. The eleventh card must be turned up for trumps; and the remaining cards placed, face downwards, on the table.

viii. The king turned up must be marked by the dealer before the trump of the next deal is turned up.

ix. A king of trumps held in hand must be announced and marked before the player lays down his first card, or he loses his right to mark it. If played in the first trick, it must be announced before it is played to.

x. A proposal or acceptance cannot be retracted or altered.

xi. Before taking cards, the player must place his discarded cards, face downwards, on the table, and neither look at or touch them till the round be over.

xii. The player holding king marks one point; making three tricks, one point; five tricks, two points.

xiii. The non-dealer playing without proposing and failing to win the point, gives two tricks to his opponent.

xiv. The dealer who refuses the first proposal and fails to win the point (three tricks), gives his opponent two points.

xv. An admitted overscore or underscore may be amended without penalty before the cards are dealt for the following round.

120. Euchre,

which is founded on Ecarte, and is the national game of the United States, is played with a pack of cards from which the twos, threes, fours, fives, and sixes have been withdrawn. In the Euchre pack the cards rank as at Whist, with this exception--the knave of trumps, called the Right Bower, and the other knave of the same colour, known as the Left Bower take precedence over the rest of the trumps. Thus, when hearts are trumps, the cards rank thus:--Knave of hearts, knave of diamonds, ace, king, queen, ten, nine, eight, and seven of hearts.

When diamonds are trumps, the knave is right bower, and the knave of hearts left bower; and in like manner the knaves of spades and clubs become right and left bower, when the black suits are trumps.--In Four-handed Euchre, two play against two, and the tricks taken by both partners count for points.


121. Rules for Euchre.

i. The players cut for deal; the higher card cut dealing.

ii. The cards are dealt by twos and threes, each player having five.

iii. The eleventh card is turned up for trumps.

iv. Five points const.i.tute game.

v. The player winning three or four tricks marks one point; winning five tricks, two points.

vi. When the first player considers his hand strong enough to score, he can order it up--that is, he can oblige the dealer to discard one of his cards and take up the trump in its stead.

vii. When the first player does not find his hand strong enough, he may pa.s.s--" I pa.s.s;" with the view of changing the suit.

viii. In case of the first player "ordering it up," the game begins by his playing a card, to which the dealer must follow suit or trump, or throw away. The winner of the trick then leads: and so on till all the five cards in each hand are played.

ix. If the player order up the trump and fail to make three tricks, he is euchred, and his opponent marks two points.

x. If the player, not being strong enough, pa.s.ses, the dealer can say, "I play," and take the trump into his own hand; but, as before, if he fail to score, he is euchred.

xi. If both players pa.s.s, the first has the privilege of altering the trump, and the dealer is compelled to play. Should the first player fail to score, he is euchred.

xii. If he pa.s.s for the second time, the dealer can alter the trump, with the same penalty if he fail to score.

xiii. When trumps are led and you cannot follow suit, you must play the left bower if you have it, to win the trick.

The score is marked as in Ecarte, by each side with a two and three.

122. Bezique.

This fas.h.i.+onable game is played with two packs of cards, from which the twos, threes, fours, fives, and sixes, have been discarded. The sixty-four cards of both packs, shuffled well together, are then dealt out, eight to each player, by threes, twos, and threes; the seventeenth turned up for trump, and the rest left, face downwards, on the table. If the trump card be a seven, the dealer scores ten points.

An incorrect deal or an exposed card necessitates a new deal, which pa.s.ses to the other player. A trump card takes any card of another suit. Except trumping, the higher card, whether of the same suit or not, takes the trick--the ace ranking highest, the ten next, and then the king, queen, knave, nine, &c. When two cards of equal value are played, the first wins. _Some players require the winning card to be of the same suit as that led, unless trumped._ After each trick is taken, an additional card is drawn by each player from the top of the pack--the taker of the last trick drawing first, and so on till all the pack is exhausted, including the trump card. Players are not obliged to follow suit or trump until all the cards have been drawn from the pack. Tricks are of no value, except for the aces and tens they may contain. Tricks should not be looked at till the end of the deal, except by mutual consent. When a player plays without drawing, he must draw two cards next time, and his opponent scores ten. When a player draws out of turn, his opponent scores ten, if he has not drawn a card himself. When a player draws two cards instead of one, his opponent may decide which card is to be returned to the pack--it should not be placed at the top, but towards the middle of the pack. A player discovering his opponent holding more than eight cards, while he only holds eight, adds 100 to his score. Should both have more than their proper number there is no penalty, but each must play without drawing.


123. Mode of Playing.

Chapter 20 : 117. Quadrille.This game, formerly very popular, has been superseded by Whist.Quadrille
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