Enquire Within Upon Everything
Chapter 21 : i. Immediately after taking a trick, and then only, a player can make a Declaration; bu

i. Immediately after taking a trick, and then only, a player can make a Declaration; but he must do so before drawing another card.

Only one Declaration can be made after each trick.

ii. If, in making a declaration, a player put down a wrong card or cards, either in addition to or in the place of any card or cards of that declaration, he is not allowed to score until he has taken another trick. Moreover, he must resume the cards, subject to their being called for as "faced" cards.

iii. The seven of trumps may be exchanged for the trump card, and for this exchange ten is scored. This exchange is made immediately after he has taken a trick, but he may make a declaration at the same time, the card exchanged not being used in such declaration.

iv. Whenever the seven of trumps is played, except in the last eight tricks, the player scores ten for it, no matter whether he wins the trick or not.

v. When all the cards are drawn from the pack, the players take up their eight cards. No more declarations can he made, and the play proceeds as at Whist, the ten ranking higher than the king, and the ace highest.

vi. In the last eight tricks the player is obliged to follow suit, and he must win the trick if possible, either by playing a higher card, or, if he has not a card of the same suit, by playing a trump.

vii. A player who revokes in the last eight tricks, or omits to take when he can, forfeits the eight tricks to his opponent.

viii. The last trick is the thirty-second, for which the winner scores ten. The game may be varied by making the last trick the twenty-fourth--the next before the last eight tricks. It is an unimportant point, but one that should be agreed upon before the game is commenced.

ix. After the last eight tricks are played, each player examines his cards, and for each ace and ten that he holds he scores ten.

x. The non-dealer scores aces and tens first; and in case of a tie, the player scoring the highest number of points, less the aces and tens in the last deal, wins the game. If still a tie, the taker of the last trick wins.

xi. All cards played in error are liable to be called for as "faced"

cards at any period of the game, except during the last eight tricks.

xii. In counting forfeits a player may either add the points to his own score or deduct them from the score of his opponent.

124. Terms used in Bezique.

i. _A Declaration_ is the exhibition on the table of any cards or combination of, cards, as follows:

ii. _Bezique_ is the queen of spades and knave of diamonds, for which the holder scores 40 points. A variation provides that when the trump is either spades or diamonds, Bezique may be queen of clubs and knave of hearts. Bezique having been declared, may be again used to form Double Bezique--two queens of spades and two knaves of diamonds. All four cards must be visible on the table together--500 points.

iii. _Sequence_ is ace, ten, king, queen, and knave of trumps--250 points.

iv. _Royal Marriage_ is the king and queen of trumps--40 points.

v. _Common Marriage_ is the king and queen of any suit, except trumps--20 points.

vi. _Four aces_ are the aces of any suits--100 points.

vii. _Four kings_ are the kings of any suits--80 points.

viii. _Four Queens_ are the queens of any suits--60 points.

ix. _Four knaves_ are the knaves of any suits--40 points.


125. Marriages, Sequences, &c.

i. The cards forming the declarations are placed on the table to show that they are properly scored, and the cards may thence be played into tricks as if in your hand.

ii. Kings and queens once married cannot be re-married, but can be used, while they remain on the table, to make up four kings, four queens, or a sequence.

iii. The king and queen used in a sequence cannot afterwards be declared as a royal marriage.

iv. If four knaves have been declared, the knave of diamonds may be used again for a bezique, or to complete a sequence.

v. If four aces have been declared, the ace of trumps may he again used to perfect a sequence.

vi. If the queen of spades has been married, she may he again used to form a bezique, and _vice versa_, and again for four queens.

vii. Playing the seven of trumps--except in last eight tricks--10; exchanging the seven of trumps for the trump card--10; the last trick--10; each ace and ten in the tricks--at the end of each deal--10.

viii. The game is 1,000, 2,000, or 4,000 up. Markers are sold with the cards.

126. Forfeits at Bezique.

The following are Forfeits:

i. For drawing out of turn, 10;

ii. For playing out of turn, 10;

iii. For playing without drawing, 10;

iv. For overdrawing, 100;

v. For a revoke in the last eight tricks, all the eight tricks.

127. Cautions in Bezique.

In playing Bezique, it is best to keep your tens till you can make them count; to retain your sequence cards as long as possible; to watch your opponent's play; to declare a royal marriage previous to declaring a sequence or double bezique; to make sure of the last trick but one in order to prevent your opponent from declaring; to declare as soon as you have an opportunity.

128. Three-Handed Bezique.

i. The above rules hold good in the case of three-handed games--treble bezique counting 1,500. An extra pack of cards is required for the third other player; so that, in the case of three, the trump card is the twenty-fifth.

ii. The game is always played from left to right, the first player on the left of the dealer commencing. Three-handed bezique is sometimes played with two packs of cards, suppressing an eight, thus rendering them divisible by three.

Chapter 21 : i. Immediately after taking a trick, and then only, a player can make a Declaration; bu
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