Battaglia Mafia: La Famiglia
Chapter 31 : The door opened and Giovanni walked out with a towel tied around his waist and another

The door opened and Giovanni walked out with a towel tied around his waist and another in his hand drying his hair. He paused when he saw Carmella. The look of disapproval hardened his features. "What the h.e.l.l are you doing in here?" he asked.

"Buongiorno, Gio," Carmella replied.

Mira looked into the woman's face and saw the flush of desire redden her cheeks. Mira then looked to Giovanni's muscular form, beaded with moisture from the steamy shower. Even after weeks of staying by her side his body was packed tight with muscles. Mira rolled her eyes. They both made her sick.

"Allora... Madre had to see to her sister in Bagheria. She asked me to come and fulfill her duties. The Donna approved."

Giovanni's gaze switched to Mira. She didn't answer. She felt like an idiot for bringing the woman back into her home. But what choice did she have? She could barely bathe herself. They would need the help.

"Se ne vada Carmella!" he ordered.

Carmella turned and picked up the teapot and the mug to take with her. Mirabella thought that odd since she was trying to push the tea on her just minutes earlier. More surprising was the nasty way in which Giovanni dismissed Carmella. Still Mira didn't care. She wanted her gone. She watched as the woman left and Giovanni closed the door. He turned on her with angry eyes. "Why did you bring her back here? If she upsets you, why would you okay her return? Do you want to be stressed?"

Mirabella burst into tears. Giovanni threw the towel in frustration. When she wept harder he walked around the bed and went to her. He pulled her upright into his arms and she cried out her frustration. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to cry. But I'm so d.a.m.n frustrated."

"Because of Carmella?" he asked.

"No. No of course not. I don't care about her, not really. I agreed for her to come because... Cecilia is busy with Eve and I know you and your men won't live off of sandwiches. What else was I to do?" she sighed. "I don't know. I feel so miserable. I'm trying but some days it's hard. Some days I feel fat and miserable, and trapped in a body I can't control. I'm a terrible mother."

Although she considered her twins to be the final round of pregnancy for her the idea that she couldn't conceive after this pregnancy tore at her heart. "I know you want more children, Giovanni. Don't lie to me."

"I want you, Bella. I always have. Always. And nothing within my power will ever take you from me. Not even the birth of our bambinis. Do you understand?"

Mira stared into his eyes and read the truth there. He meant every word. She nodded that she understood.

"I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. We'll get through this together. I'll find a place for us in a few days and we will leave Mondello. We'll stay in Palermo next to the ospedale. I've called Zia. She's returning to Sicily to be of help to you. Anything you want, Bella. Name it."

"Ti amo, Giovanni," she said through a smile.

He kissed her lids, her face, and her mouth. He kissed her cheeks. She felt better.

"Hungry?" he asked after letting her go.

"I am," she replied.

He picked up her plate and a fork. Mira settled back against her pillows and wiped her tears. She opened her mouth and he fed her. She studied him as he did so. "So many people don't know the real you. Not the way I do."

"Of course they don't. No one other than my wife has that privilege."

"You came to Sicily at a great risk to your business didn't you?"

Giovanni stopped feeding her. "Why do you say that?"

"I hear the calls, I see the whispers. We could have stayed in Sorrento but you love Sicilia. You brought us here and even from this bed I see why. This is where family is. Isn't it?"

"Yes, Bella. This is where family begins and ends for us. Sicily." He winked and for the moment everything felt right in the world. So she ignored the dreaded feeling of doom she woke with. It was just her anxiety. There was nothing to fear. Nothing bad could happen with them now.

* B *

Marietta waved bye to Lorenzo and Carlo as they backed out of the drive. The car turned and sped away from Villa Mare Blu, and then was gone.

Alone so soon? A cynical inner voice cut through her courage.

"He'll be back," she said softly to herself.

Marietta's gaze lifted to the sky. The entire eastern arc of the horizon just beyond the mountainous cliffs was bright and vivid with sunlight. Not a cloud to be seen. Thankfully the moisture in the air from the sea tempered the morning heat. She felt like a swim, or some time to lie and relax in the sun. Even though she was a black woman her skin was fair enough to bring her ethnicity into question. Often she purposefully tanned to a deep shade of brown if she stayed in the sun. She preferred her darker skin tone.

Alone again? Her inner voice whispered.

With the cross of her arms she ignored her anxiety. She turned and walked back inside determined to start the day free of her insecurities. Where should she begin? She loved to cook. Over the past few months Marietta had gotten in the habit of feeding Lorenzo her special recipes. Maybe she could cook herself a nice omelet before she ventured out to the beach to go for a swim. She used to have a terrifying fear of water. But an ex-boyfriend helped her get over it. She never drowned or anything, but she could recall dreams as a little girl of drowning that left her screaming in the night.

When Marietta turned the corner she heard a woman weeping. She paused. The woman spoke in a hushed tone on the phone to someone in Italian.

Armando, per favore, I couldn't do it. She wouldn't even drink the tea. Yes. Yes. I understand, but... really? Oh G.o.d bless. Thank you so much for changing your mind. If I had gone through with it I wouldn't have been able to live with myself. I trust you, I do, but I can no longer be your weapon, your spy. Of course. I will call you everyday with an update on her condition. Thank you.

Marietta peeked inside. The woman hung up the phone. She wore jean shorts and a grey s.h.i.+rt. She had a short haircut with thick brown curls, and looked to be in her mid-twenties or a bit older. Marietta observed her as she dumped a powdery substance in the sink and ran water to wash it away. She then poured out the tea she had in a teapot.

Who was she? A spy? That s.h.i.+t can't be good. What was it she couldn't do? Did it have anything to do with Mirabella? The woman turned and saw her. Marietta stepped inside to make sure she understood she was heard and seen.

"Madonna! Dio mia." The woman put her hand to her heart. "You surprised me. Ciao. Buongiorno. Mi chiamo Carmella," the woman said as she quickly wiped away her tears.

Marietta looked her over. "What were you pouring into the sink?"

"Sorry? I don't understand?" Carmella said.

"The sink. You dumped something in it," Marietta pointed.

"Oh, the tea went bad. I make it from fresh herbs for the Donna. I wanted to make a new pot. Are you hungry? I can fix you something to eat." The woman said and began to tidy up. Marietta glanced at the clear baggie that was left on the counter. It still had a white residue in it. Apparently the woman noticed what drew Marietta's attention and immediately picked up the baggie and crumbled it in her hand.

"Who are you spying on?" Marietta asked. She stepped closer.

Carmella laughed. "No one! I work for the Battaglias. My mother and I keep this place in order."

"Who were you talking to?" Marietta took another step closer.

"Mi scusi? That was a private conversation."

Marietta smirked. "Really? So I'll go tell King B what I heard... what was the person's name you spoke to? Oh, Armando?"

"Aspettare! Forgive me. Non importa. It was my boyfriend. He wanted me to quit and come home. I told him I couldn't go through with it. He wanted me to spy on one of the men here, Leonardo. He owes him money and he... he wanted to know if he had his car tuned, if he was being flashy so he could catch him in a lie about the debt." She stepped forward wringing the dishrag nervously. "I am no spy. And I could not abandon la famiglia in their time of need. I couldn't live with myself. We worked it out. Please don't say anything. I don't want to disappoint the Don or Donna."

The explanation would have worked if she hadn't heard the conversation and seen the dumping the evidence.

Carmella smiled. "Permesso," she said as she pa.s.sed. "If you need anything let me know."

"Like a cup of tea?" Marietta gripped her arm and kept her from escaping. "You can run that bulls.h.i.+t on the people here but I saw you. If I find out you are doing anything to hurt Mirabella or that you have lied to me, I will share with the Don what I overheard. We clear?"

"Si, arrivederci." The woman hurried out of the kitchen taking the plastic baggie with her.

Marietta shook her head. "People in this place are shady as h.e.l.l," she said with disgust.

* B *

"Mira? Are you up?" Catalina asked. She peeked inside.

"Yes." Mira said, as she turned the page on the book she read for Eve. Her daughter pointed at a picture of a bear. Mira read to her some more. Catalina closed the door.

"Cecilia said you wanted to see me." Catalina walked in.

"Did Lorenzo leave? I heard Giovanni on the phone saying they were leaving today. Is he gone?" Mira asked. Eve took the book from her mother's hands and pretended at reading it to her.

"Yeah, they've left. Dominic and Gio are locked up in the office. But everyone else is gone." Catalina took a deep unsteady breath and tried to sound casual about it. The truth was she wanted to talk to Dominic again. She had lingered for a long time outside of her brother's office before eventually giving up. She stood motionless until she felt Mira and Eve's curious stares. Catalina didn't want to worry her sister in-law. She walked around the room. "I came to hang out with you," she said in a cheerful voice. And then she decided to open the door to the belvedere to allow in some fresh air. "It's such a pretty day outside. I hate you are locked away in here."

"Oh, me too. That's why I wanted to see you. And thanks for opening up the room for me." Mira smiled. Eve began to scoot away from her mother and down the bed. She hurried toward her aunt but ran past her to go outside. Catalina laughed and so did Mira.

"I'm going to tell Cecelia to take her to the beach again. She loves the beach," said Mira.

"She's growing so fast." Catalina glanced back at Mira. "What is it you want to see me about?"

"Marietta. If Lorenzo's gone she must feel a little isolated. I was wondering if you could take her into the town and do some sightseeing, maybe a bit of shopping with her?" Mira asked.

"Are you kidding me? Why me?" Catalina whined. "We can't stand each other."

"That's not true. You don't know each other. I want her to get to know us. And because you were rude to her yesterday I think it would be nice if you offered." Mira said. Her sister in-law threw her hands up in the air in dramatic fas.h.i.+on and turned away. "Catalina? You're better than this. She has done nothing wrong," Mira said.

"Oh good grief. Send Rosetta with her. I can't be bothered," Catalina said. "Besides I have some boutiques to visit in Palermo today for Fabiana's."

"Listen to yourself," Mira said. "Please do this. She's Lorenzo's wife."

Catalina sighed. "He marries a stranger and I have to make nice?"

Mira smiled. "I'd do it but I can't now can I?" Mira gestured to the bed. "I'm only allowed out to go to the bathroom or do some light standing. It'll make me feel better if I know she's with you learning about our family. And maybe you can learn a little about her. She has me curious." Mira admitted.

"Fine. But you owe me." Catalina pointed a finger at her. "I want six dresses made just for me after you have the babies."

Mira grinned. "I always pay my debts!"

* B *

Marietta had found a fas.h.i.+on magazine. It looked to be a year old but she fingered the pages with mild interest while eating her omelet. She put everything in it but mushrooms. She was deathly allergic to mushrooms.

"I said buongiorno." Catalina repeated herself.

Marietta stopped chewing. She glanced up and blinked at the raven-haired beauty staring down at her. She chewed and swallowed. "Morning," Marietta said.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot." Catalina drew out the chair to the table and took a seat without invitation. "I was uh," her voice faltered.

"Don't worry about it. I'm okay with you." Marietta ate more hoping that was the end of the visit. But when she looked up she saw Catalina staring again. "Need something else?"

"Yes. I had intended to do a bit of shopping in Palermo today. I wanted to know if you'd like to come. We can ride through Mondello, stop at the Charleston for gelato or sweets."

Marietta listened.

"I have a few dress shops to visit," Catalina prattled on. "I have some order requests to pick up. I can show you the city."

"Why?" Marietta asked after a deep swallow of tolerance. She tossed her fork to her plate and crossed her arms.

"Excuse me?"

"Why do you want me to go with you?" asked Marietta.

"Truth?" Catalina smiled.

Marietta nodded. "Yes. I want the truth."

"It's the Donna's idea. She wants me to make the effort. Personally your att.i.tude gets under my skin. But I understand it I suppose. We are unfamiliar. I tend to be suspicious of people I don't know."

Marietta chuckled. "So Queen B is giving me charity?"

Catalina leaned forward and her tone lowered with a lethal intensity. "Don't do that. Don't disrespect her-ever. I'm only going to tell you once."

"Oh please! I meant nothing by it." Marietta laughed. "And you know what? Why not? I want to get out of here today. So yes. I'll go. I'll need to change first." Marietta pushed back from the table and stood. She saw the look of surprise on Catalina's face. If she was stuck for two days with these women she might as well find a way to get along with them. It would make Lorenzo happy if she tried.

* B *

"Is that everything?" Giovanni signed the last doc.u.ment before him.

"It is," Dominic said. He folded the docs and tucked them back inside the leather sleeve of his satchel. "I'll be leaving soon. Taking the train out of Palermo back to Rome."

"Today? I thought you'd stay until Lorenzo and Carlo returned?" Giovanni asked.

"No. The `Ndrangheta is a problem. It's best Santo and I make sure things haven't gotten worse with the clan bosses. I need to be a.s.sured Bonaduce hasn't been stirring up trouble as well." Dominic advised. His manner was cool and abrupt. Giovanni had detected a change in att.i.tude from him all morning, but didn't speak on it. Dominic turned to leave and stopped. He looked back at Giovanni. He set the satchel in the chair and braced his stance by gripping the back of the chair. "I think you should know that Catalina and I have ended our relations.h.i.+p."

"Is that so?" Giovanni asked. "So soon?"

"You were right, Gio. We don't work. I think we both see that now."

Giovanni suppressed a smile. He loved Dominic. A blind man could see his brother was in pain. Dominic lowered his head. The silver medallion Giovanni put around his neck when he was only a boy swung out of his s.h.i.+rt and caught the light. "I know you have issues with me still, Gio. My betrayal of your trust may never be forgiven. Do what you wish. Letting go of Catalina is the hardest thing I've ever endured in this life. And I don't do it because of my fear of you." He looked up at Giovanni. "I let her go for her. She's growing up. She's a woman now and she deserves this opportunity Mira is giving her."

"I understand," Giovanni said. And for the first time he had the insight to see it from Dominic's point of view. He too walked with a shadow of doubt and uncertainty over his actions with the woman he loved. He wished things could have been different for Dominic and Catalina but he felt a larger measure of relief that they would end their relations.h.i.+p. They are blood, whether they share the same bloodline or not. Brother and sister is all they were ever destined to be. "I respect your decision. Travel safe," Giovanni said.

Dominic gave him a respectful nod of his head. He picked up the satchel with a weary sigh. "You'll hear from me soon."

He turned and walked out. Giovanni rocked back in his chair. "What's done is done," he smiled. "Never to be undone."

* B *

To her delight he approached. She was quick to duck behind the corner and avoided being seen. He could only be headed to his room from this end of the hall. Rosetta carefully peeked out at Dominic. The man wore handsome effortlessly. He wasn't as tall as the others in the family but the dark suit and open s.h.i.+rt he wore screamed masculinity. And those eyes were to die for. Though they were downcast Rosetta loved when he focused them her way. He stopped halfway down the hall and went inside his room. She could walk away. In fact she knew it might be best with tensions so high now in the family. But her chances with Dominic were always so few. She approached his room and knocked.

Chapter 31 : The door opened and Giovanni walked out with a towel tied around his waist and another
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