Battaglia Mafia: La Famiglia
Chapter 32 : "Come in.""Domi?" she said. She peeked inside to see him running th

"Come in."

"Domi?" she said. She peeked inside to see him running the zipper along his luggage shut. "Are you leaving?"

"I am. What do you need, Rosie?"

"I was hoping to talk to you. I wanted to know if you would... well it's hard to say."

Dominic glanced up at her. Rosetta forced herself to continue. "I wanted to know if you would speak to Gio about renting me an apartment in Milano. One near Fabiana's."

"That won't happen. Gio won't have you living in the city alone," Dominic said. He picked up his suitcase and started toward the door. Rosetta stepped in front of him.

"After the babies are born the Donna is sending me and Catalina to Milano. We don't get along Domi. You know this. I can't live with her. I need my own place. So I can be you know, on my own two feet." She stepped closer. "You come to Milano a lot. You could always check in on me. Make sure I'm okay."

He stared down at her. Those eyes! Brown swirls reminded her of warm honey. They were always cast low and dreamy under dark lashes. She loved his eyes. And he smelled nice too. Catalina was a fool. If she had a chance at being with Dominic, and secretly she prayed she would someday, Rosetta would be sure to drag him to the priest. Make him hers immediately. You didn't let a man like Dominic slip away.

"You and Catalina will stay together in Milano. You'll just have to learn to get along," he smiled. "I think you can manage it."

Rosetta acted. She couldn't help herself. And her actions were quick, giving Dominic no room to respond. She hugged him. A famiglia hug. She wrapped her arms around his waist soft enough to be feminine but strong enough to secure him to her. In doing so her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, that were slightly larger than Catalina's, grazed up his chest. Dominic didn't drop his luggage or return the embrace. But he didn't tell her to let him go either. And G.o.d help her he felt so good.

Eventually the hug felt inappropriate. She looked up into his eyes and was slow to let him go. "How long before you come back?"

"Soon. You help the family take care of the Donna," he said.

"I will," she stepped aside. Dominic stared at her for a brief moment then shook his head and walked out. Rosetta followed him to the hall and watched him go. She couldn't contain herself, she was so happy.

* B *

The day would be an interesting one. Marietta had changed three times before she decided to wear a fitted low waist army green pencil skirt that nicely defined her hips and a.s.s. Lorenzo loved her in skirts instead of pants. She chose a midriff white halter-top. Her belly piercing and chain was revealed. Not the typical attire of a Mafia socialite she supposed but it gave her such a sultry feel and she couldn't help but grin at her reflection. She took the time to smooth her bushy curls into a French braid to the back of her head. She pinned the long plait. And soon the time forced her to hurry from the room. When she arrived to the front of the villa she could see Catalina was impressed with her transformation. Catalina wore a lime green summer dress that belled out around her hips and stopped a few inches above her knees. She wore matching strappy sandals.

"Sorry to make you wait. I'm ready," Marietta said.

"Benissima! Andiamo." Catalina's voice faltered and the light in her smile dimmed. Her gaze now focused on someone behind Marietta. The stark change in Catalina's demeanor caused Marietta's head and gaze to turn. The man Lorenzo referred to as Dominic approached with his luggage. He was a handsome guy. He looked younger than the other men and less intense.

"You're leaving?" Catalina asked.

He nodded his head in response.

"You weren't going to tell me?" Catalina shouted.

"Did I need to?" he asked in an aloof manner.

"So nothing has changed?" Catalina asked. She took a step away from the door to the man. "Answer me, Domi? Nothing has changed for you?"

He didn't bother to answer.

"Che palle! Fine, Domi. Go. I won't stop you." Catalina opened the door for him. He walked out without missing a beat. "We're over!" she shouted to his retreating back. Vattene! Vai via!" Catalina continued to shout after him until tears sprung to her eyes. She slammed the door. She paced and cursed in Italian. Marietta watched her a bit amused. She liked her fire. Catalina put her face in her hands and Marietta's smile faded.

"Do you want to call it off? Our trip into Palermo?" Marietta asked with a hint of frustration in her voice. Catalina looked up and realized Marietta waited on her still.

"h.e.l.l no. Let's go," Catalina said with the toss of her hair. She opened the door and marched out of it. Marietta shook her head and followed. She had to pause as Catalina began to yell at the men who worked for her brother to bring the d.a.m.ned car around for them. Marietta rolled her eyes at the temper tantrum. Maybe she should be the one to call it off. Her gaze switched back to the door to the villa as she tried to decide and then lifted up to the windows. There before the gla.s.s stood Mirabella. She wore a long white night gown. Her baby daughter was at her side. The toddler pressed her hands and face to the window gla.s.s with a playful grin. Marietta's and Mira's eyes met. Queen B smiled at her and Marietta couldn't help but smile in return. She felt a deep pang of sadness looking at her that way. As if the Donna of the Battaglia family had been locked away from the world-stripped of her ident.i.ty. And then the moment pa.s.sed. Mira turned away from the window and the brown, blue-eyed toddler raced after her mother.

"You coming?" Catalina shouted from the inside of the car. The door to the car was open. Marietta felt like she should stay. Go upstairs and sit with Mira. The incident with Carmella still gnawed at her gut. But she wasn't sure what she'd be protecting the mafia queen from.

Marietta walked over to the car and with the help of their driver eased inside. It was of no surprise that Catalina openly wept. A tantrum of any kind usually ended in tears. Marietta looked away. She was so uncomfortable. Not sure what to say.

The driver pulled away from the Battaglia estates and they drove out around the side of Monte Gallo. Catalina sniffed a few times and then exhaled. Marietta's gaze switched over to her. "Are you okay?"

"I will be," Catalina replied.

"Is he, your husband?" Marietta asked.

Catalina gave a snort of disgust. "Hardly. He's the man I gave my heart to when I was barely able to walk. The man who crushed it to dust because he has no spine. The He's a coward. A bugiardo! And I hate him!"

"No you don't," Marietta chuckled.

Catalina laughed through a veil of tears and she grinned as she made obscene gestures with her fist and arms. They laughed together.

"Maybe not. But I'd cut his b.a.l.l.s off if he was here right now," Catalina confessed.

Marietta nodded as if she understood. And she did. "Men can be disappointments."

"He's my ex-boyfriend-fiance, oh h.e.l.l he's just my ex. And he will be sorry for dumping me."

"I thought at one time you two were related? But Lorenzo said no?" Marietta asked. She remembered that Lorenzo referred to Dominic as a brother. And Catalina was his cousin. But he then referenced them as a couple. And then suddenly he said they were both his cousins. It didn't make sense.

"No. Not relatives the way you think. My father adopted him when he was five or six. He and I fell in love, now it's... it's done," Catalina said. "I'm sure Gio is somewhere smoking his cigar laughing at us." Catalina's bottom lip quivered and her eyes glistened with repressed tears. Marietta opened her purse. She had a travel pack of tissues and removed some to hand over to Catalina. She hated to see anyone cry.

"Why would the Don laugh at your misery? He is your brother."

"Ha!" Catalina said bitterly. "More like my dictator. He rules all of our lives and yours too!"

"No I don't think so-"

"Yes! The day you married into our family you married into our family." Catalina said with quiet emphases. "Gio turned Dominic against me. He hates our love. He could never give his blessing. I went to him for help and he told Domi that I didn't want to marry."

"Why?" Marietta pressed.

"Because that is what Gio does. He's a traditionalist, a chauvinist, a tyrant when it comes to the rules of this family. He has to be because of who he is I suppose. He never approved. He thought our relations.h.i.+p was incestuous. We fought hard to be together, and now my mistake is our undoing. I should have never trusted Gio," Catalina said softly.

They continued to ride in silence until the cover of trees cleared and the citrus orange sun blazing over the turquoise waters of the beaches glared inside each window. Marietta had to put on her to withstand the cheery day.

"Give it some time. Maybe you two will work it out," Marietta said with disinterest.

Catalina sighed. "Maybe." She cut her gaze over to Marietta. "So you and Lorenzo are married? I find it hard to believe."

"Me too," Marietta said. She glanced down at her ring. She resisted the urge to kiss the diamond. She cherished the d.a.m.n thing. No man had ever put a ring on her finger. No man had ever asked her to be his wife. And no man had ever made her feel more cherished.

"How did he propose?" Catalina asked.

"In a nightclub, over some drinks while smoking his cigar." Marietta grinned. When Catalina didn't she shrugged. She loved her first and second proposal, her wedding, every single minute of it. "He made up for it when he took me to buy my ring. We got married at sea."

"You didn't get married in a church?" Catalina gasped.

"Is that a problem?" Marietta frowned.

"Um, yeeessss. Lorenzo is Catholic. Mirabella had to switch faiths to marry into our family. Are you Catholic?" Catalina asked.

"I was raised Catholic by my adoptive parents. They are Italian. But I don't believe in G.o.d or Catholicism. Never seen any proof of him. The devil exists though. Met a few of his disciples a couple of times."

Catalina made the sign of the cross over her and side-eyed Marietta as if she had spiders in her hair. Marietta had to laugh. "No disrespect, Catalina. Seriously you have to get over yourself. The whole world isn't Catholic."

"Then I feel sorry for the souls of the lost," Catalina said. "Because they are all going to h.e.l.l."

"Are you serious?" Marietta asked.

"My faith is nothing to joke about," Catalina answered.

"Oh brother. Does it make it better that we had a Catholic priest marry us?" Marietta asked.

"But the church...?"

"The priest came from a church and went back to one after the ceremony!" Marietta shouted. "Oh please. We're married, on our terms. It's fine with me. Don't need your approval." Marietta then ceremoniously kissed her ring.

Catalina shook her head. She returned her gaze to the window. They soon arrived in the fis.h.i.+ng village that was connected to Mondello. The streets were cramped and narrow.

"Parking is limited," Catalina said. "Leonardo will have to drive around if we decide to get out. But over there is the best gelati in Sicilia. Do you want to get a cone?"

"No, I'll pa.s.s. Maybe on the way back," Marietta said.

Catalina leaned forward. She spoke in Italian to the driver and told him to take them to Palermo. After a drive through the village they were back on the main road headed to Palermo.

"So what did you do in America?" Catalina asked. "I've been to New York. I run Mira's business now."

"Good for you," Marietta said.

Catalina chuckled. "Your mouth. It takes some getting used to. Kind of reminds me of the way Fabiana spoke."

Her gaze returned to Catalina who held her stare. She didn't want to show any emotion, but it was hard. It irked her when Fabiana's name was tossed at her. "I'm nothing like Fabiana," Marietta said.

"Of course you aren't. Fabiana is one of a kind. She could never be replaced." Catalina smiled.

"You think that threatens me? A dead white woman who barely knew Lorenzo as I do is my compet.i.tion? Honey, please. You can stop tossing her name at me. Cause I can give a s.h.i.+t."

"Fabiana was more than a dead white woman. She was Lorenzo's true love. I've known many women in Lorenzo's life. I also saw how hard her death was on him. She may be gone, but she will always be the woman he blames himself for losing," Catalina said.

Marietta clapped. "Brava! There we have it. Fabiana the ghost lurks to take away my husband. I'm so scared! Happy?"

"Forget it," Catalina sighed.

"I'm not trying to fight with you, Catalina. I'm pretending to be nice just like you are. Lorenzo is my husband whether you like it or not. I'm the one he chose. But even more important signorina, I chose him. And he tells me every day how grateful he is that I did. Maybe if you learned to make better choices you wouldn't waste tears on a man who can easily walk away from you."

Catalina's mouth fell open. She blinked in shock. Crossing her arms she looked away. Satisfied that the small talk between them had ceased Marietta relaxed and enjoyed the scenic route.

* B *


Mira looked up from her book. She removed her headphones from her ears. She was one of those rare people who liked to read and listen to music at the same time. Giovanni walked in. With his hands shoved down the deepest reach of his pockets he walked closer to the bed. "What are you reading?" he asked.

"A romance book I found in the drawer downstairs the other day. It's by this new author Sienna Mynx. She's pretty good. You done with your business?" she set the book on her round tummy.

"I am. Where's Eve?" Giovanni asked.

"Nico and Cecilia took her to the beach. I told Cecilia to take the camera and get some pictures of her today for me. I can see her play in the sand."

Giovanni stepped toward the open doors of the belvedere. "I've asked Carmella to bring up lunch. So we can eat together."

"That was nice of you." Mira observed her husband. "Is there something on your mind, Giovanni?" She got the impression he wanted to talk. But every time he broached whatever weighed on his heart he found a way to retreat from the discussion. "Is it the babies? Something else I don't know?"

He looked over to her. "Not with the babies. I've told you everything. There is something that I've recently learned. I want to explain it to you."

"Okay," Mira nodded.

"But it's hard news to share. Can I ask you to give me the next few weeks? To work through it and when my sons are born and you're all are out of danger we'll have a long talk. Really talk," he said without taking a breath.

"If you need the time to work through it then I am concerned. There is nothing you can't talk to me about here and now, Giovanni," she replied.

"I don't want you stressed," he said.

"Yes, I understand. Stress is off the menu. Believe me I know how hard it is to talk about your business. I just want you to know I'm your wife and you can tell me anything. Especially now with me stuck up here in bed. I'd welcome the conversation."

He walked around the bed. She moved her legs a bit for him to sit down. "Who says you have to stay up here in bed? Huh?" he asked, giving her a kiss on her nose. "What if I carry you downstairs to the television room. We watch a movie together? Have lunch in front of the television?" he teased.

"Can I pick the movie?" she grinned.

"Anything you want, Bella," he touched her belly. "I'll do anything to make this better for you, Bella."

"Then let's do it." She cheered. "Let's get the pregnant lady out of the room!"

* B *

It was the fourth dress shop they visited. Immediately when she entered the doors she suffered a bought of claustrophobia. Standers occupied all available s.p.a.ce in the boutique. Once she and Catalina moved past them, deeper into the boutique, she understood the wait. A showroom with designer rack rejects was packed tight with anxious shoppers while many waited their turn. There were so many people stuffed inside yanking on clothes and then tossing them to the store sales clerks to find the right fit it was hard to see the clothes. Madness.

"Where the h.e.l.l are we?" Marietta shouted over the noisy chorus of yelling shoppers.

"Down in viale della Liberta at Francesca's! You Americans call this place 'free spirit' " Catalina yelled back as she elbowed through.

"Never heard of it!" Marietta yelled back. She remained close. It was apparent Catalina knew where to go, but if they didn't reach their destination soon she'd scream.

Chapter 32 : "Come in.""Domi?" she said. She peeked inside to see him running th
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