Modern Machine-Shop Practice
Chapter 37 : Fig. 503 represents the change wheel swing frame, an edge view of which is partly shown

Fig. 503 represents the change wheel swing frame, an edge view of which is partly shown at W in Fig. 494. S is a slot narrower at _a_ than at _b_. Into this slot fit the studs for carrying the change wheels.

By enabling a feed traverse in either direction the lathe carriage may be traversed back (for screw-cutting operations) without the aid of an extra overhead pulley to reverse the direction of rotation of the lathe, but in long screws it is an advantage to have such extra overhead pulley and to so proportion it as to make the lathe rotate quicker backwards than forward, so as to save time in running the carriage back.

The mechanical devices for transmitting motion from the lead screw to the carriage are shown in Fig. 504, representing a view from the end and one from the back of the lathe. B is a frame or casting bolted by the bolt _b_ to the carriage A of the lathe. C is a disk having a handle C'

and having rotary motion from its centre. Instead of being pivoted at its centre, however, it is guided in its rotary motion by fitting at _d_ _d_ into a cylindrical recess provided in B to receive it. C contains two slots D and D' running entirely through it. These slots are not concentric but eccentric to the centre of motion of C. Through these slots there pa.s.s two stud bolts E and E' shown by dotted lines in Fig.

504, and these bolts perform two services: first by reason of the nuts F and F' they hold C to its place in B, and next they screw into and operate the two halves G and G' of a nut.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 504.]

Suppose, now, that the handle C' be operated or moved towards arrow _e_, then the dot at _f_ being the centre of its motion and the slots D and D' gradually receding from _f_ as their ends _g_ are approached they will cause E to move vertically upward and E' to move vertically downward, a slot in B (which slot is denoted by the dotted lines _h_) guiding them and permitting this vertical movement.

Since E and E' carry the two halves of the nut which envelops the lead screw L it is obvious that operating C' will either close or release the half nuts from L according to which direction it (C') is moved in.

The screws H and H' screw tightly into B, and the radial faces of their heads are made to have a fair and full bearing against the underside of the shears, so that they serve as back gibs to hold the carriage to the shears and may be operated to adjust the fit or to lock the carriage to the bed if occasion may require. This lathe is made with a simple tool rest as shown in the engravings or with a compound slide rest. In some sizes the rest is held to the carriage by a weight upon a principle to be hereafter described. The bed is made (as is usual) of any length to suit the purposes for which the lathe is to be used.

The next addition to the lathe as it appears in the United States is that of a compound slide rest.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 505.]

Fig. 505 represents a 28-inch swing lathe by the Ames Manufacturing Company, of Chicopee, Ma.s.sachusetts. It is provided with the usual self-acting feed motion and also with a compound slide rest. The swing frame for the studs carrying the change wheels for screw cutting here swings upon the end of the lead screw, the same spindle that carries the driving cone for the independent feed rod which is in front of the lathe, also carries the driving gear for the change wheels used for screw cutting.

The construction of the compound rest is shown in Figs. 506 and 507. N is the nut for the cross-feed screw (not shown in the cut) and is carried in the slide A. A and the piece L above it are virtually in one, since the latter is made separate for convenience of construction and then secured to it firmly by screws. B is made separate from C also for convenience of construction and fixed to it by screws; L is provided with a conical circular recess into which the foot B of C fits. E is a segment of a circle operated by the set screw F to either grip or release B. The bolt D simply serves as a pivot for piece B C; at its foot C is circular and is divided off into the degrees of a circle to facilitate setting it to any designated angle.

If, then, F be unscrewed, C may be rotated and set to the required angle, in which position s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g up F will lock it through the medium of E. G is the feed nut for the upper slider H, which operates along a slide way provided on C, the upper feed screw having journal bearing at C'. I is the tool post, having a stepped washer J, by means of which the height of the tool K may be regulated to suit the work.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 506.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 507.]

Suppose, now, that it be required to turn a shaft having a parallel and a taper part; then the carriage may be traversed to turn the parallel part, and the compound slide C may be set to turn the taper part, while the lower feed screw operating in N may be used to turn radial faces.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 508.]

The object of making A and L in two pieces is to enable the boring and insertion of B, which is done as follows:--The front end of L as L' is planed out, leaving in it a groove equal in diameter and depth to the diameter and depth of B, so that B may be inserted laterally along this groove to its place in L. The segment E is then inserted and a piece is then fitted in at L' and held fast to A by screws. It is into this piece that the set screw F is threaded.

Various forms of construction are designed for compound rests, but the object in all is to provide an upper sliding piece carrying the tool holder, such sliding piece being capable of being so set and firmly fixed that it will feed the tool at an angle to the line of the lathe centres.

Another and valuable feature of the compound rest is that it affords an excellent method of putting on a very fine cut or of accurately setting the depth of cut to turn to an exact diameter; this is accomplished by setting the upper slide at a slight angle to the line of centres and feeding the tool to the depth of cut by means of the screw operating the upper slide. In this way the amount of feed screw handle motion is increased in proportion to the amount to which the tool point moves towards the line of lathe centres, hence a delicate adjustment of depth of cut may be more easily made.

Suppose, for example, that a cut be started and that it is not quite sufficiently deep, then, while the carriage traverse is still proceeding, the compound rest may be operated to increase the cut depth, or if it be started to have too deep a cut the compound rest may be operated to withdraw the tool and lessen its depth of cut. Or it may be used to feed the tool in sharp corners when the feed traverse is thrown out, or to turn the tops of collars or when the tailstock is set over to turn a taper.

It is obvious, however, that comparatively short tapers only can be conveniently turned by a compound slide rest; but most tapers, however, are short.

To turn long tapers the tailstock of the lathe is set over as described with reference to the Putnam lathe, but for boring deep holes the slide rest must either be a compound one or a taper turning former or attachment must be employed.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 509.]

When, however, the tailstock is set over, the centres in the work are apt to wear out of true and move their location (the causes of which will be hereafter explained).

In addition to this, however, the employment of a taper turning attachment enables the boring of taper holes without the use of a compound slide rest, thus increasing the capacity of the lathe not having a simple or single rest.

In Fig. 508 is shown a back view of a Pratt and Whitney weighted lathe having a Slate's taper turning attachment, the construction of which is as follows:--Upon the back of the lathe shears are three brackets having their upper surfaces parallel with and in the same plane as the surface of the lathe shears. Pivoted to the middle bracket is a bar which has at each end a projection or lug fitting into grooves provided in the end brackets, these grooves being arcs of a circle whose centre is the axis of the pivot in the middle bracket.

The end brackets are provided with handled nuts upon bolts, by which means the bar may be fixed at any adjusted angle to the lathe shears.

Upon the upper surface of the bar is a groove or way in which slides a sliding block or die, so that this die in traversing the groove will move in a straight line but at an angle to the lathe bed corresponding to the angle at which the bar may be adjusted. The slide rest upon being connected by a bar or rod to the die or sliding block is therefore made to travel at the same angle to the lathe bed or line of centres as that to which the bar is set. The method of accomplis.h.i.+ng this in the lathe, shown in Fig. 508, is as follows:--

In Fig. 509 A is the bar pivoted at C upon the centre bracket B; E is the sliding block pivoted to the nut bar F. This nut bar carries the cross-feed nut, which in turn carries the feed screw and hence the tool rest. When the nut bar is attached to the sliding block to turn a taper it is free to move endways upon the lower part of the carriage in which it slides, but when the taper attachment is not in use the bar is fastened to the lower part of the carriage by a set screw.

The screw at D is provided to enable an accurate adjustment for the angle of the bar A. G and H are screws simply serving to adjust the diameter to which the tool will turn after the manner shown in Fig. 588, G being for external and H for internal work.

When the lathe has a bed of sufficient length to require it, a slide is provided to receive the brackets, which may be adjusted to any required position along the slide, as shown in Fig. 510. This is a gibbed instead of a weighted lathe, and the method of attaching the sliding block to the lathe rest is as follows:--

A separate rod is pivoted to the sliding block. This rod carries at its other end a small cross head which affords general bearing to the end of the cross-feed screw, which has a collar on one side of the cross head and a fixed washer on the other, to prevent any end motion of the said screw.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 510.]

The cross-feed nut is attached to the traversing cross slide. The other or handle end of the cross-feed screw has simple journal bearing in the slide rest, but no radial faces to prevent end motion, so that one may from the rod attached to the sliding-block traverse the cross-feed slide, which will carry with it the feed screw. As a result, the line of motion of the tool rest is governed by the sliding die, but the diameter to which the tool will turn is determined by the feed screw in the usual manner. When it is not required to use the taper attachment, the rod or spindle is detached from the sliding die and is locked by a clamp, when the rest may be operated in the usual manner.

Fig. 511 represents a compound duplex lathe of a design constructed by Sir Joseph Whitworth, of Manchester, England. The two rests are here operated on the same cross slide by means of a right and left-hand cross-feed screw.

The tool for the back rest is here obviously turned upside down.

The lead screw is engaged at two places by the feed nut, which is in two pieces attached to levers; while at a third point in its circ.u.mference it is supported by a bracket, bolted to the lathe bed.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 511.]

Fig. 512 represents the New Haven Manufacturing Company's three tool slide rest, for turning shafting. It is provided with a follower rest, in front of which are two cutting tools for the roughing cuts, and behind which is a third tool for the finis.h.i.+ng cut. The follower rest receives bushes, bored to the requisite diameter, to leave a finis.h.i.+ng cut. The first tool takes the preliminary roughing cut; the second tool turns the shaft down to fit the bush or collar in the follower rest; and, as stated, the last tool finishes the work.

Fig. 513 represents a 44-inch swing lathe, showing an extra and detachable slide rest, bolted on one side of the carriage and intended for turning work of too large a diameter to swing over the slide rest.

By means of this extra rest the cutting tool can be held close in the rest, instead of requiring to stand out from the tool-post to a distance equal to the width of the work. The ordinary tool post is placed in this extra rest.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 512.]

When it is desired to bolt work on the lathe carriage and rotate the cutting tools, as in the case of using boring bars, the cross slide is sunk into instead of standing above the top surface of the carriage so as to leave a flat surface to bolt the work to, and [T]-shaped slots are provided in the carriage, to receive bolts for fastening the work to the carriage, an example of this kind being shown in Fig. 514.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 513.]

Fig. 515 represents a self-acting slide or engine lathe by William Sellers and Co., of Philadelphia. These lathes are made in various sizes from 12 inches up to 48 inches swing on the same general design, possessing the following features:--The beds or shears are made with flat tops, the carriage being gibbed to the edges of the shears, these edges being at a right angle to the top face of the bed. The dead centre spindle is locked at each end of its bearing in the tailstock, thus securing it firmly in line with the live spindle. The ordinary tool feed is operated by a feed rod in front of the lathe, and this rod is operated by a disc feed, which may be altered without stopping the lathe so as to vary the rate of tool feed; and an index is provided whereby the operator may at once set the discs to give the required rate of feed. The lead screw for screw cutting is placed in a trough running inside the lathe bed, so that it is nearer to the cutting tool than if placed outside that bed, while it is entirely protected from the lathe cuttings and from dirt or dust; and the feed-driving mechanism is so arranged that both may be in gear with the live spindle, and either the rod feed or screw-cutting feed may be put into action instantly, while putting one into action throws the other out, and thus avoid the breakage that occurs when both may be put into action at the same time.

The direction of the turning feed is determined by the motion of a lever conveniently placed on the lathe carriage, and the feed may be stopped or started in either direction instantly. The mechanism for putting the cross feed in action is so constructed (in those lathes having a self-acting cross feed) that the cross feed cannot be in action at the same time as the turning feed or carriage traverse by rod feed.

Lathes of 12 and 16 inches swing are back-geared, affording six changes of speed, and the lathe tool has a vertical adjustment on a single slide rest. Lathes of 20 inches swing are back-geared with eight changes of speed. Lathes of 25 inches and up to 48 inches swing inclusive are triple-geared, affording fifteen changes of speed, having a uniformly progressive variation at each change.

The construction of the live head or headstock for a 36-inch lathe is shown in the sectional side view in Fig. 516, and in the top view in Fig. 517, and it will be seen that there are five changes of speed on the cone, five with the ordinary back-gear, and five additional ones obtained by means of an extra pinion on the end of the back-gear spindle, and gearing with the teeth on the circ.u.mference of the face plate, the ordinary pinion of the back-gear moving on the back-gear spindle so as to be out of the way and clear the large gear on the cone spindle when the wheel of the extra back-gear pinion is in use, as shown in Fig. 517.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 514.]

The front bearing of the live spindle is made of large diameter to give rigidity, and the usual collar for the face plate to screw against is thus dispensed with. End motion to the live spindle is prevented by a collar of hardened steel, this collar being fast on the live spindle and ab.u.t.ting on one side against the end face of the back bearing and on the other against a hardened steel thrust collar.

Chapter 37 : Fig. 503 represents the change wheel swing frame, an edge view of which is partly shown
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