Modern Machine-Shop Practice
Chapter 38 : [Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 515.]All these parts are enclosed in a tight cast-iron tail-bloc

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 515.]

All these parts are enclosed in a tight cast-iron tail-block, which serves as an oil well to insure constant and perfect lubrication. The surfaces which confine the revolving collar back and front are so adjusted as to allow perfect freedom of rotary motion to the spindle and collar, but no perceptible end motion. The securing of the live spindle endwise is thus confined to the thickness of the steel collar only, and this is so enclosed in a large ma.s.s of cast iron as to insure uniformity of temperature in all its parts, hence there is no liability for the live spindle to stick or jam in its bearings, while the expansion of the live spindle endways from this collar (if it expands more than the lathe head) is allowed for in freedom of end motion through the front journal, which is a little longer than the bearing it runs in. In turning work held between the lathe centres the end thrust is taken against the hardened steel collar on the live spindle, and the hardened steel collar at the back of it, while in turning work chucked to the face plate the spindle is held in place endways by the confinement of the steel collar on the spindle between the steel collar behind it and the back end of the back bearing. With this arrangement of the spindle the change from turning between the lathe centres and turning chucked work requires no thought or attention to be given to any adjustment of the live spindle to accommodate it for the changed condition of end pressure between turning between the centres and turning chucked work, as is the case in ordinary lathes.

The double-geared lathes, as those of 12, 16 and 20 inches swing, are provided with face plates that unscrew from the live spindle to afford convenience for changing from one size of face plate to another, and all such lathes have their front live spindle journal made of sufficiently enlarged diameter above that of the screw, to afford a shoulder for the face plate to abut against. The nose of the live spindle is not threaded along its entire length, but a portion next to the shoulder is made truly cylindrical but without any thread upon it, and to this unthreaded part the face plate accurately fits so that it is held true thereby, and the screw may fit somewhat loosely so that all the friction acts to hold the face plate true and hard up against the trued face of the spindle journal. Face plates fitted in this way may be taken off and replaced as often as need be, with the a.s.surance that they will be true when in place unless the surfaces have been abused in their fitting parts.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 516.]

The construction of the tailstock or poppet-head, as it is sometimes termed, is shown in Figs. 518, 519, and 520. To hold it in line with the live spindle it is fitted between the inner edges of the bed, and it will be seen that one of the bed (that on the left of the figure) is provided on its under side with a [V], and the clamp is provided with a corresponding [V], so that in tightening up the bolt that secures the tailstock to the bed the tailstock is drawn up to the edge of the shears, and therefore truly in line with the live spindle, while when this bolt is released the tailstock is quite free to be moved to its required position in the length of the bed. As a result of this form of design there is no wear between the clamp and the underneath [V], and the tailstock need not fit tightly between the edges of the bed, hence wear between these surfaces is also avoided, while the tailstock is firmly clamped against one edge of the bed as soon as the clamp is tightened up by the bolt on that side.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 517.]

Fig. 520 shows the method of locking the tailstock spindle and of preventing its lateral motion in the bearing in the tailstock. At the front or dead centre end of this bearing there is between the spindle a sleeve enveloping the spindle, and coned at its outer end, fitting into a corresponding cone in the bore of the tailstock. Its bore is a fit to the dead spindle, and it is split through on the lower side. Its inner end is threaded to a sleeve that is within the headstock, and whose end is coned to fit a corresponding cone at the inner end of the bore of the tailstock.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 518.]

To this second sleeve the line shown standing vertically on the left of the hand wheel is attached, so that operating this handle revolves the second sleeve and the two sleeves screw together, their coned ends ab.u.t.ting in their correspondingly coned seats in the tailstock bore, and thus causing the first-mentioned and split sleeve to close upon the dead centre spindle and yet be locked to the tailstock.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 519.]

As the bore of the tailstock is exactly in line with the live spindle, it follows that the dead spindle will be locked also in line with it.

Figs. 521 and 522 represent sectional views of the carriage and slide rest of these lathes of a size over 16 inches swing. On the feed rod there are two bevel pinions P, one on each side of the bevel-wheel A, and by a clutch movement either of these wheels may be placed in gear with bevel-wheel A.

The clutch motion is operated by a lever which, when swung over to the right, causes the bevel pinion on the right to engage with the bevel-wheel A, and the carriage feeds to the right, while with the lever swung over to the left the carriage feeds to the left.

On the inclined shaft is a worm, or, as the makers term it, a spiral pinion of several teeth which gears into a straight toothed spur gear-wheel, giving a smooth and rolling tooth contact, and therefore producing an even and uniform feed motion.

This spur gear is fast on a shaft C, which is capable of end motion and is provided on each of its side faces with an annular toothed clutch. On each side of this spur-wheel is a clutch, one of which connects with the train of gears for the turning feed, and the other with the cross-feed gear B.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 520.]

When the shaft (whose end is shown at C, and to which the spur gear referred to is fast) is pulled endways outwards from the lathe bed, its front annular clutch engages with the clutch that sets the cross-feed gear B in motion, and B engages with a pinion which forms the nut of the cross-feed screw.

When shaft C is moved endways inwards its other annular clutch engages the clutch on that side of it, and the turning feed is put into operation. The method of operating shaft C endways is as follows:--

In a horizontal bearing D is a shaft at whose end is a weighted lever L, and on the end of this shaft is a crank pin shown engaging a sleeve E which affords journal bearing to the outer end of shaft C, so that operating the weighted lever L operates E, and therefore shaft C with the spur gear receiving motion from the worm. A simple catch confines lever L to either of its required limits of motion, and allows the free motion of the operating lever to start or stop either the longitudinal or the cross feed, either of which is started or stopped by this lever, but no mistake can occur as to which feed is operated, because the catch above mentioned requires to be s.h.i.+fted to permit the feed to be operated.

The lower end of the bell crank F engages with the sleeve E, so that when the shaft C is operated outwards the horizontal arm of bell crank F is depressed and the spur pinion of the cross-feed nut is free to revolve, being driven by the cross-feed motion. When the lever F is moved towards the lathe bed (which occurs when the stop or catch is set to allow the longitudinal feed to be used) the nut of the cross feed is locked fast by the horizontal arm of the bell crank F. This device makes the whole action from one direction of feed to another automatic, and the attention of the workman is not needed for any complicated adjustment of parts preparatory to a change from one feed to the other.

At H is a hand wheel for hand feeding, the pinion R mes.h.i.+ng into the rack that extends along the front of the lathe bed; back of the hand wheel and at H' a clamp is provided whereby the saddle or carriage may be locked to the lathe bed when the cross feed is being used, thus obviating the use of a separate clamp on the bed.

The top slide of the compound rest is long and its guideway is short, the nut being in the stationary piece G, and it will be observed that by this arrangement at no time does the bearing surfaces of the slides become exposed to the action of chips or dirt.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 521.]

Fig. 523 is a sectional view of the carriage and slide rest as arranged for 12 and 16-inch lathes when not provided with a self-acting cross feed. In this case end motion to shaft C is given by lever H, which is held in its adjusted position by the tongue T. In this lathe the screw-cutting and the turning feed cannot be put into gear at the same time.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 522.]

The tool nut is arranged to enable the tool to be adjusted for height after it is fastened in the tool post by pivoting it to the cross slide, a spring S forcing it upwards at its outer end, thus holding the tool point down and in the direction in which the pressure of the cut forces it, thus preventing the wear of the pivot from letting the tool move when it first meets the cut. The nut N is operated to adjust the tool height, and at the same time enables the depth of cut to be adjusted very minutely. A trough catches the water, cuttings, &c., and thus protects the slides and slideways from undue wear.

In all these lathes the feeding mechanism is so arranged that there are no overhanging or suspended shaft pins or spindles, each of such parts having a bearing at each end and not depending on the face surface of a collar or pin, as is common in many lathes. Furthermore, in these lathes the handle for the hand carriage feed moves to the right when the carriage moves to the right; the cross-feed screw (and the upper screw also in compound slide rests) has a left-hand thread, so that the nut being fixed the slides move in the same direction as though the nut moved as in ordinary lathes. The tailstock or poppet-head screw is a right hand because the nut moves in this case. The object of employing right-hand screws in some cases, and left-hand ones in others, is that it comes most natural in operating a screw to move it from right to left to unscrew, and from left to right to screw up a piece, this being the action of a right-hand screw, left-hand screws being comparatively rarely used in mechanism, save when to attain the object above referred to.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 523.]

Fig. 524 represents the Niles Tool Works car axle lathe, forming an example in which the work is driven from the middle of its length, leaving both ends free to be operated upon simultaneously by separate slide rests.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 524.]

The work being driven from its centre enables it to rotate upon two dead centres, possessing the advantage that both being locked fast there is no liberty for the work to move, as is the case when an ordinary lathe having one live or running spindle is used, because in that case the live spindle must be held less firmly and rigidly than a dead centre, so as to avoid undue wear in the live spindle bearings; furthermore, the liability of the workman to neglect to properly adjust the bearings to take up the wear is avoided in the case of two dead centres, and no error can occur because of either of the centres running out of true, as may be the case with a rotating centre.

The cone pulley and back gear are here placed at the head of the lathe driving a shaft which runs between the lathe shears and drives a pinion which gears with the gear on the work driving head shown to stand on the middle of the shears. This head is hollow so that the axle through it. On the face of this gear is a Clement's equalizing driver constructed upon the principle of that shown hereafter in Fig. 756.

The means for giving motion to the feed screw and for enabling a quick change from the coa.r.s.e roughing feed to a finer finis.h.i.+ng feed to the cutting tool without requiring to change the gears or alter their positions, is shown in Fig. 525. _a_ and _b_ are two separate pinions bored a working fit to the end of the driving shaft S, but pierced in the bore with a recess and having four notches or featherways _h_. The end of the driving shaft S is pierced or bored to receive the handled pin _i_, and contains four slots to receive the four feathers _j_ which are fast in _i_. In the position shown in the figure these feathers engage with neither _a_ nor _b_, hence the driving shaft would remain motionless, but it is obvious that if pin _i_ be pushed in the feathers would engage _b_ and therefore drive it; or if _i_ were pulled outwards the feathers would engage _a_ and drive it, because _a_ and _b_ are separate pinions with a s.p.a.ce or annular recess between them sufficient in dimensions to receive the feathers. The difference in the rate of feed is obviously obtained through the difference in diameters of the pair of wheels _a_, _c_ and the pair _d_, _b_, the lathe giving to the lead screw the slowest motion and, therefore, the finest feed.

The means for throwing the carriage in and out of feed gear with the feed screw and of providing a hand feed for operating the tool in corners or for quickly traversing the carriage, is shown in Fig. 526, in which S represents the feed screw and B a bracket or casting bolted to the carriage and carrying the hand wheel and feed mechanism shown in the general cut figure.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 525.]

B provides a slide way denoted by the dotted lines at _b_, for the two halves N and N' of the feed nut. It also carries a pivot pin shown at _p_ in the front elevation, which screws into B as denoted by _p'_ in the end view; upon this pivot operates the piece D, having the handle _d_. In D are two cam grooves _a_ _a_; two pins _n_, which are fast in the two half-nuts N N', pa.s.s through slots _c_ _c_ in B, and into the cam grooves _a_ _a_ respectively.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 526.]

As shown in the cut the handle _d_ of D is at its lowest point, and the half-nuts N' and N are in gear upon the feed screw; but suppose _d_ be raised, then the grooves _a_ _a_ would force their respective pins _n_ up the slots _c_, and these pins _n_ being each fast to a half of the nut, the two half-nuts would be opened clear of the feed screw, and the carriage would cease to be fed.

The hand-feed or guide-carriage traverse motion is accomplished as follows:--B provides at _e_ journal bearing to a stud on which is the hand wheel shown in the general cut; attached to this hand wheel is a pinion operating a large gear (also seen in general cut) whose pitch line is seen at _g_, in figure. The stud carrying _g_ has journal bearing at _f_, and carries a pinion whose pitch circle is at _h_ and which gears with the rack.

Fig. 527, which is taken from _The American Machinist_, represents an English self-acting lathe capable of swinging work of 12 inches diameter over the top of the lathe shears, which are provided with a removable piece beneath the live centre, which when removed leaves a gap, increasing the capacity of the lathe swing. The gears for reversing the direction of feed screw motion are here placed at the end of the live head or headstock, the screw being used for feeding as well as for screw cutting.

Fig. 528 represents a pattern-maker's lathe, by the Putnam Tool Co., of Fitchburg, Ma.s.sachusetts. This lathe is provided with convenient means of feeding the tool to its cut by mechanism instead of by hand, as is usually done by pattern-makers, and this improvement saves considerable time, because the necessity of frequently testing the straightness of the work is avoided.

It is provided with an iron extension shears, the upper shears sliding in [V]-ways provided in the lower one. The hand-wheel is connected with a shaft and pinion, which works in a rack, and is used for the purpose of changing the position of the upper bed, which is secured in its adjusted position by means of the tie bolts and nuts, as shown on the front of the lower shears. This enables the gap in the lower shears to be left open to receive work of large diameter, and has the advantage that the gap need be opened no more than is necessary to receive the required length of work. The slide-rest is operated by a worm set at an angle, so as to operate with a rolling rather than a sliding motion of the teeth, and the handle for operating the worm-shaft is balanced. The carriage is gibbed to the bed. The largest and smallest steps of the cone pulley are of iron, the intermediate steps being of wood, and a brake is provided to enable the lathe to be stopped quickly. This is an excellent improvement, because much time is often lost in stopping the lathe while running at a high velocity, or when work of large diameter is being turned. The lathe will swing work of 50 inches within the gap, and the upper shears will move sufficiently to take in 4 additional feet between the centres.

In the general view of the lathe, Fig. 528, the slide-rest is shown provided with a [T]-rest for hand tools, but as this sets in a clip or split bore, it may readily be removed and replaced by a screw tool, poppet for holding a gauge, or other necessary tool. To enable the facing of work when the gap is used, the extra attachment shown in Figs.

529 and 530 is employed. It consists of an arm or bar A, bolted to the upper shears S by a bolt B, and clamp C, in the usual manner, and is provided with the usual slideway and feed-screw _f_ for operating the lower slide T, which carries a hollow stem D; over D fits a hub K, upon the upper slide E, which hub is split and has a bolt at F, by means of which the upper slide may be clamped to its adjusted angle or position.

The upper slider H receives the tool-post, which is parallel and fits in a split hub, so that when relieved it may be rapidly raised or lowered to adjust the height of the tool.

The construction of the brake for the cone pulley is shown in Figs. 531 and 532, in which P represents the pulley rim, L the brake lever, S a wooden shoe, and W a counter-weight. The lever is pivoted at G to a lug R, provided on the live headstock, and the brake obviously operates on the lowest part of the cone f.l.a.n.g.e; hence the lever handle is depressed to put the brake in action.


Fig. 527.

Fig. 528.

Fig. 529.]

The construction of the front and back bearings for the live spindle is the same as that shown in Figs. 495 and 496.

Chapter 38 : [Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 515.]All these parts are enclosed in a tight cast-iron tail-bloc
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