Modern Machine-Shop Practice
Chapter 45 : A similar locking device is provided for the pinion B for actuating A; thus in Fig. 582

A similar locking device is provided for the pinion B for actuating A; thus in Fig. 582 B is the lever, the spring pin being at R"; or referring to Fig. 584, X is the lever fast at _x_ on the pin driving B, and R" is the spring pin.

The nut for the lead screw is secured either in or out of gear with the screw in the same manner, _x'_, Fig. 583, being the lever and R' the spring pin.

In screw cutting the cutting tool requires to be withdrawn from the thread while the carriage traverses back, and it is somewhat difficult to know just how far to move the tool in again in order to put on a proper depth of cut. To facilitate this the device shown in Fig. 585 (which is taken from the "American Machinist,") is sometimes employed.

It consists of a ring C inserted between the cross slide D and the handle hub B having journal bearing on and rotating with the latter.

When the first cut is put on, the mark on C is coincident with that on D, and the ring is then, while the first cut is traversing, moved (supposing the cross feed screw to have a right-hand thread) to the left, as shown in the figure, to the amount the handle will be required to move to the right to put on the next cut, and when the next cut is put on the handle will be moved the distance it was moved to withdraw the tool for the back traverse, and in addition enough to make the marks coincide, then while the second cut is being taken the ring is again moved to the left, as in the cut, to give the depth of cut for the next traverse, and so on.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 583.]

If the cross feed screw has a left-hand thread, the mark on the ring would require to be moved to the right instead of to the left of the mark on D. It is obvious that this answers the same purpose, but is more exact than the chalk mark before referred to, and, indeed, that chalk mark could be used in the same way, leaving the chalk mark D and rubbing out that on C while the cut is proceeding and making a new one for the next cut.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 584.]

Another device for use on lathes specially designed for screw-cutting is shown in Fig. 586, in which A represents the cross feed screw. It is fast to the notched wheel B, and is operated by it in the usual way. C is a short screw which provides journal bearing for the screw A by a plain hole. It is screwed on the outside, and the plate in which it fits acts as its nut. It is fast to the handle D, and is in fact operated by it. The handle or lever is provided with a catch E, pivoted in the enclosed box F, which also contains a means of detaining the catch in the notches of the wheel, or of holding it free from the same when it is placed clear. If, then, the lever D be moved back and forth the feed screw A, and hence the slide rest, will be operated; while, if the catch be placed in one of the notches on the wheel B, both the screws, A and C, will act to operate the rests. When, therefore, the tool is set to touch the diameter of the work, the catch E is lifted and the feed wheel B rotated, putting on the cut until the catch E will fall into the next notch in B, the lever D resting in the meantime on the stud G. When the cut is carried along the work to the required distance the tool is withdrawn by moving D over until it rests upon stud or stop H. While the slide rest is traversing back E is lifted and B rotated so that E will fall into the next notch, and when the tool starts forward again D is moved over from H to G, as shown in the figure, and the tool cut is put on.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 585.]

When the device is not required to be used E is thrown out, D rests on E, and the feed is operated in the ordinary manner.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 586.]

A simple attachment for regulating on a slide rest the depth of tool cut in screw cutting or for adjusting the cut to a requisite diameter when a number of pieces are to be turned to diameter by a finis.h.i.+ng cut, is shown in Fig. 587, in which B represents the slide rest carriage, and E the cross slide on which the slide rest A is traversed by means of the cross feed screw _f_. A screw is screwed into the rest, as shown, carrying the two circular milled edge nuts R P; the screw an easy fit through the piece C, which is capable of being fixed in any position along the slide E by means of the set screw S; the nut R is set in such a position on the screw that it will abut against C when the tool is clear of the work surface (for the back traverse) while P may be used in two ways:--First it may be set so that when it comes against C the thread is cut to the required depth, and thus act as stop to give the thread depth without trying the gauge: or it may be used to answer the same purpose and in the same way as the ring C in Fig. 585.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 587.]

The use of this device as a stop to gauge the thread depth is confined to such lengths of work as enable the tool to cut several pieces without requiring regrinding, because when the tool is removed to grind it, it is impracticable to set it exactly the same distance out from the tool post, hence the adjustment of P becomes destroyed. It is better, therefore, in most cases where a number of threads of equal pitch and diameter are to be cut, to rough them all out, cutting the threads a little above the gauge diameter so as to leave a finis.h.i.+ng cut to be taken. In roughing out, however, the nut P may still be used to regulate the depth.

For the finis.h.i.+ng cut the tool may be ground and P adjusted to give the requisite depth of cut, taking a single traverse over each thread to finish it. This, of course, preserves the tool and enables it to finish a larger number of threads without regrinding, and the consequent readjustment of P.

It is obvious that the nut P may be employed in the same manner to turn a number of plain pieces to an equal diameter.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 588.]

It is preferable in a device of this kind, however, to employ the two adjusting nuts P and Q in Fig. 588, Q being a clamp nut that can be closed by a screw so as to firmly grip the threaded stud. Q is adjusted so that when P abuts against it the tool will cut to the correct diameter when it is moved in as far as nuts P Q will permit. The use of the second nut P is as follows:--Suppose a first cut has been taken and P may be screwed up to just meet the face of clamp C. Then while the carriage is traversing, P may be screwed back towards Q sufficiently to put on the next cut, and so on, so that P is used to adjust the depths of the roughing, and Q that of the finis.h.i.+ng cut.

Sometimes a feed motion to a slide rest is improvised by what is known as the _star feed_, the principle of action of which is as follows: Upon the outer end of the feed screw of the boring bar or slide rest, as the case may be, is fastened a piece of iron plate, which, from having the form in which stars are usually represented, is called the star. If the feed is for a slide rest a pin is fastened to the lathe face plate or other revolving part, in such a position that during the portion of the revolution in which it the star it will strike one of the star wings, and move it around sufficiently to bring the next wing into position to be struck by the pin during its succeeding revolution. When the feed is applied to a revolving boring bar the construction is the same, but in this case the pin is stationary and the star revolves with the feed screw of the bar.

In Fig. 589 is shown a star feed applied to a slide rest. A is the slide rest, upon the end of the feed screw of which the star, B, is fitted. C is a pin attached to the face plate of the lathe, which, as it revolves, strikes one of the star wings, causing it to partly rotate, and thus move the feed screw. The amount of rotation of the feed screw will depend upon the size of the star and how far the circle described by the pin C intersects the circle described by the extreme points of the star wings. Thus the circles denoted by D E show the path of the pin C; the circle F H the path of the star points, and the distance from F to G the amount which one intersects the other. It follows that at each revolution of C an arm or wing of the star will be carried from the point G to point F, which, in this case, is a sixth of a revolution. If more feed is required, we may move the pin C, so that it may describe a smaller circle than D E, and cause it to intersect F H to a greater extent, in which case it will move the star through a greater portion of its revolution, striking every other wing and doubling the amount of feed.

It will be observed that the points F and G are both below the horizontal level of the slide rest's feed screw, and therefore that the sliding motion of the pin C upon the face of the star wings will be from the centre towards the points. This is better, because the motion is easier and involves less friction than would be the case if the pin contact first approached and then receded from the centre, a remark which applies equally to all forms of gearing, for a star feed is only a form of gearing in which the star represents a tooth wheel, and the pin a tooth in a wheel or a rack, according to whether its line of motion is a circle or a straight line.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 589.]

It is obvious that in designing a star feed, the pitch of the feed screw is of primary importance. Suppose, for example, that the pitch of a slide rest feed screw is 4 to an inch, and we require to feed the tool an inch to every 24 lathe revolutions; then the star must have 6 wings, because each revolution of the screw will move the rest 1/6 in., while each revolution of the pin C will move the star 1/6 of a revolution, and 4 6 = 24. To obtain a very coa.r.s.e feed the star attachment would require to have two multiplying cogs placed between it and the feed screw, the smaller of the cogs being placed upon the feed screw.

In many lathes of European design, the feeds or some of them, are actuated by ratchet handles, operated by an overhead shaft, having arms which rock back and forth. Thus in Fig. 590 is a lathe on which there is provided at A crank disc, carrying in a dovetail slot a pin P, for rocking the overhead shaft from whose arms a chain is attached which may be connected to the ratchet handle shown on the cross-feed screw, the weight being for the purpose of carrying that handle down while the chain pulls it up. To regulate the amount of feed the pin P is adjusted in the slot in A, or the chain may be attached in different positions along the length of the ratchet arm, the weight being provided with a set screw so that it may be set in any required position along the ratchet arm.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 590.]

TOOL-HOLDING DEVICES.--Perhaps no part of a lathe is found in American practice with so many different forms of construction as the device for holding the cutting tool. The requirements for a lathe to be used on light work and where frequent changes in the position of the tool are necessary, are quite different from those for a lathe intended to take as heavy a cut as the lathe will properly drive, and wherein tools having the cutting edge at times standing a long way out from the tool post (as sometimes occurs in the use of boring tools). In the former case a single holding screw will suffice, possessing the advantage that the tool may be quickly inserted, adjusted for height and set to one side or the other, with a range of motion which often permits of a tool that has taken a parallel cut being moved in position to capacitate it to take a facing one, which would not be the case were its capacity for side adjustment limited.

In the case of the common American lathe having a self-acting feed and no compound rest, the tool post is usually employed, the rest being provided with a [T] slot such as shown in Fig. 577. This enables the tool post to be moved from side to side of the tool rest, and swing around in any required position. In connection with such tool posts various contrivances are employed to enable the height of the cutting edge of the tool to be readily adjusted. Thus in the Fig. 591, the tool post is surrounded by a cupped washer W, and through the slot in the tool post a gib G, which may be moved endways in the slot and thus elevates or depresses the tool point.

The objection to this is that the tool is not lifted parallel, or in other words is caused to stand out of its proper horizontal position which alters the clearance of the tool, and by presenting the angles forming the tool edge in an improper position, with relation to the work, impair its cutting qualification, as will be shown hereafter when treating of lathe cutting tools.

An improvement on this form has been pointed out by Professor John E.

Sweet, whose device is shown in Fig. 592. Here the washer or ring is rounded and the bottom surface of the gib is hollowed, so that chips or dirt will to a great extent fall off, and every time the tool post is swung the gib acts to push off whatever dirt may lodge on the washer.

In the design shown in Fig. 593, the tool rests upon two washers W that are tapered, and its height is adjusted by revolving one of these washers, it being obvious that the limit of action to depress the tool point is obtained when the two thin sides of the washers are placed together, and on the same side of the tool post as the cutting edge of the tool, while the limit of action to raise the tool point is obtained when the washers have their thick sides together and nearest to the tool point.

Here again the tool is thrown out of level, and to obviate this difficulty the stepped washer shown in Fig. 594 may be used, the steps on opposite sides of the washer being of an equal height. This enables the tool to be raised or lowered without being set out of the horizontal position; but it has the defect that the adjustment cannot be made any finer than the height of the steps, and if the height is made to vary but slightly, in order to refine, as it were, the adjustment, the range of tool elevation or depression is correspondingly limited. Another form of stepped washer is shown in Fig. 595, in which no two steps are of the same height. This affords a wider range of adjustment, because the same two steps will alter the height of the tool by simply turning the washer one-half revolution. It has two defects, however; first, the least amount of adjustment is that due to the difference in height of the steps; and, second, when the tool is elevated it grips the washer at A, so that the tool is not supported across the full width of face of the washer, as it should be.

A defect common to all devices in which the tool is thrown out of level, is that the binding screw does not bed fair upon the tool, and as a result it is apt, if screwed home very firmly, as is necessary to hold boring tools that stand far out from the tool post, to spread the screw end as in Fig. 596, or to bend it.

A very convenient tool-adjusting device is shown in Fig. 597. It consists of a threaded ring N receiving the threaded bush M, the tool height being adjusted by s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g or uns.c.r.e.w.i.n.g one within the other.

The objection to this is, that it occupies so much vertical height that there is not always room to admit it, which occurs, for example, in compound slide rests on small lathes.

On these rests, therefore, a single washer is more frequently used, which answers very well when the tool post is in a slot, so that it can be moved from side to side of the rest as occasion may require. When, however, the position of the tool post is fixed it has the disadvantage that the point P, Fig. 598, where the tool takes its leverage, is too far removed, and the tool is therefore liable to bend or spring from the pressure of the cut.

In Fig. 599 is an elevating device sometimes used on the compound rests of large lathes. The top of the rest is provided with a hub H, threaded externally to receive a ring nut R, around whose edge there are numerous holes to receive a pin for operating the nut. The tool-post is situated central in the hub. When the tool is loose the ring nut can be operated by hand or the tool may be gripped lightly and the ring nut operated by a pin. The level of the tool is here maintained; it is supported to about the edge of the rest on account of the large diameter of the ring nut, and a very delicate adjustment for height can be made, but such a device is only suitable for large lathes on account of the depth of the ring nut and hub.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 607.]

On small slide-rests the device shown in Fig. 600 is often found. It consists of a holder H, in which is cut a seat for the tool, this seat being inclined to give the piece of steel used as a tool a certain constant degree of angle, and at the same time to permit of the tool being moved endwise in the holder to set it for height; but, as the tool requires to be pushed farther and farther through the holder to raise it, it is not so well supported as is desirable when slight tools are used, unless the holder is made long, so as to pa.s.s through the tool post with the tool. Again, it does not support the tool sideways unless the tool steel is dressed up and closely fits the groove in the holder.

In Fig. 601 W W are two inverted wedges which afford an accurate adjustment, but the range is limited, because if the wedges have much taper they are apt to move endways when the tool is fastened.

A convenient device for the compound rests of small lathes is shown in Fig. 602. It consists of a holder pivoted upon a central post and carrying two tool-binding screws, hence it can be revolved to set the tool in any required position. A similar device is shown in Fig. 603, in which the central post is slotted at A to receive the tool, and also carries a plate C, held by the nut N, and provided with tool-holding screws B and B', which abut against the top of the rest, a top view of the device being shown in Fig. 604. Plate C may thus be swung around to set the tool in any required position on either side of the rest.

In Maudslay's slide rest, the tool clamp shown in Fig. 605 is employed.

Screws A are employed to grip the tool moderately firm, and a turn of screws B (whose ends abut against the top of the slide rest) very firmly secures the tool, since it moves the clamp C as a lever, whose fulcrum is the screw A.

Figs. 606 and 607 represent the Whitworth tool clamp, the clamping plates of which change about upon the four studs, and are supported at their inner ends by a block equal in height to the height of the tool steel.

Figs. 608, 609, 610, and 611 represent the "Lipe" tool post, so called from the name of its inventor. The top of the cross slide is cylindrical, and is bored to receive the tool post which has a cylindrical stem. The cylindrical part of the tool post is split vertically, and has two lips, the bolt D pa.s.sing through one lip and threading into the other, so that by operating bolt D the tool post may be gripped very firmly or released, so that it may be revolved to bring the tool into any required position after it is fastened in the tool post, which is a great advantage because the tool is brought to a solid seating in the post before its height is adjusted, and will not therefore be altered in height by setting up the set screws as often occurs in ordinary tool posts. From the shape of the tool post, the tool may be gripped by one set screw only, when required for light duty, or by two set screws for heavy duty or for boring, while in either case it is supported clear to the edge of the rest.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 608.]


Fig. 591.

Fig. 592.

Fig. 593.

Chapter 45 : A similar locking device is provided for the pinion B for actuating A; thus in Fig. 582
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