Modern Machine-Shop Practice
Chapter 46 : Fig. 594.Fig. 595.Fig. 596.Fig. 597.Fig. 598.Fig. 599.Fig. 600.Fig. 601.Fig. 602.Fig. 6

Fig. 594.

Fig. 595.

Fig. 596.

Fig. 597.

Fig. 598.

Fig. 599.

Fig. 600.

Fig. 601.

Fig. 602.

Fig. 603.

Fig. 604.

Fig. 605.

Fig. 606.]

Fig. 608 shows the tool in position, held by a single screw, for work requiring the tool to be close up to the work driver. In Fig. 609 a tool is shown held as is required by work between centres, but both set-screws are used. Fig. 610 shows a tool in position for boring, two set-screws being used. Fig. 611 shows a tool being held for the same purpose, but by a single screw, and it will be observed that the advantage of the second set-screw is obtained without in any way sacrificing the handiness of the post, when used with a single screw.

Whether one or two set-screws are used, the boring tool may be forged from a single bar of octagon steel, which can be seated in a piece like that shown at E in Fig. 610, which is grooved so as to receive and hold the tool. As is well known, boring tools are the most troublesome both to forge and to adjust in the lathe, and, as the result, a light tool is often used because no other is at hand and it is costly to make a new one. When, however, the tool can be forged from a plain piece of steel, these objections are overcome, and a sufficient number of tools may be had so that one can always be found suitable for any ordinary sized hole, the object being to use as rigid a tool as can be got into the hole bored. The feature of maintaining the tool level is of great importance in boring work, because when the tool requires to be set out of level to adjust its height, it will generally strike against the mouth of the hole if the latter is of much depth. This annoyance is also frequently met with in boring tools which are forged out of rectangular steel, because the rounded stem is generally left taper. The largest end of the taper is generally nearest the tool post. Hence the capacity to use octagon steel and keep it level while adjusting its height, added to the fact that the tool is supported clear to the edge of the tool rest, and the tool post is so blocked as to virtually become a part of the rest, const.i.tute a very important advantage.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 609.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 610.]

A common device on large lathes is shown in Fig. 612, the two clamps being shown in position for outside turning, and being changed (so as to stand at a right angle to the position they occupy in the figure) for holding boring tools. The bolts are enveloped by spiral springs which support the clamps.

Figs. 613 and 614 represent the tool holders employed in the Brown and Sharpe small screw machines. In the front rest, Fig. 613, the piece R receives two adjusting and tool-gripping screws S, upon which sits the gib G, and upon this the tool is placed. The surface E at the top of the tool post slot is curved so that it will bear upon the top of the tool at a point only. The tool is here supported along the full length of the gib, and there is no set-screw at the top of the tool post, which enables a much more un.o.bstructed view of the tool.

Fig. 614 is the tool post used at the back of the rest, the piece B pa.s.sing through the tool post slot. The tool rests upon the top of screw E and upon the top of B at F, and is secured by set-screw S; its height is therefore adjusted by means of screw E, which is threaded in B. The set-screw S is not in this case objectionable, because it is at the back of the rest, and therefore does not obstruct the view of the work, while it is at the same time convenient to get at.

When the screw for traversing a lathe carriage is used for plain feeding, it is termed the feed screw, but when it is used to cut threads it is termed the lead screw.

A lead screw should be used for screw cutting only, so that it may be preserved as much as possible from wear. As the greater portion of threads cut in a lathe of a given size are short in comparison with the length of the lathe, it follows that the part of the lead screw that is in operation when the carriage or saddle is traversing over short work is most worn, while the other end is least worn, hence it is not unusual to so construct the screw and its bearings that it may be changed end for end in the lathe, to equalize the wear. By turning a lead screw end for end, therefore, to equalize the wear, the middle of the length of the screw will become the least worn, and, therefore, the most true.

Hence it is better to use one end of the lead screw for general work, and to reverse it and use the other end only for screws requiring to be of very correct pitch.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 611.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 612.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 613.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 614.]

To obviate the wear as much as possible the feed nut should embrace as great a length of the screw as convenient, and should be of a material that will suffer more from wear than the lead screw, or in other words shall relieve the feed screw from wear as much as possible. The wear on the nut being equal from end to end, the wearing away of one side of its thread does not vary its pitch; hence the only consideration as to its wearing qualification are the expense of its renewal and the length of time that may occur between its being engaged with the lead screw and giving motion to the lathe carriage, this time increasing in proportion as the nut thread is worn. Under quick speeds or when the lathe is in single gear, the rotation of the feed screw is so quick that not much time is lost before the carriage feeds, but when the back gear is in operation at the slowest speeds, the loss of time due to a nut much worn is an item of importance.

In some lathes the feed screw is employed for screw cutting and for operating an independent feed also. This is accomplished by cutting a feather way or spline along it, so that a worm having journal bearing in the ap.r.o.n of the rest carriage may envelop the lead screw and be driven by it, through the medium of a feather fast into the worm gear. The motion obtained from the worm gear is transferred through suitable gearing to the rack pinion.

The spline is cut deeper than the thread, so as to prevent the latter as far as possible from wear, by reason of the friction of the spline.

The lead screw if long should be supported, to prevent its sagging of its own weight. In some cases the lead screw is supported in a trough along its whole length, as is done in the Sellers lathe. In other cases, bearings hanging from the [V]-slides, and movable along the bed, are employed.

It is desirable that the feed screw and nut be as near the middle of the carriage as possible, so that it shall pull the carriage at as short a leverage as possible, thus avoiding the liability to tilt or twist the carriage; but it is not practicable to place it midway between the lathe shears, because in that case the cuttings, &c., from the work would fall upon it, and cause excessive and rapid wear of the screw and nut.

In general the lead screw is located either in front, or at the back of the lathe, and in considering the more desirable of the two locations, we have as follows:

The feed nut should obviously remain axially true with the lead screw, as by reason of the extra weight of the front of the carriage, both it and the lathe shears wear most at the front, and the carriage, therefore, falls to the amount of its own wear and the wear of the shears. If the lead screw is used to feed with (as it should not be), the nut wears coincidently with the carriage and the shears, and the screw alignment is not impaired; but with an independent feed, only a small portion of the carriage traversing is done with the lead screw, hence the carriage lowers from the wear due to the independent feeding, and when the lead screw comes to be used its nut is not in true alignment with it. It is obviously preferable, then, to place the lead screw at the back, where the carriage and shears wear the least.

Furthermore, this relieves the carriage front from the weight of the nut, &c., tending to equalize the back and front wear, while removing the nut-operating device from the front to the back of the shears, and thus reducing the number of handles in front, and thus avoid complication in small lathes.

LATHE LEAD SCREWS.--Lead screws have their pitches in terms of the inch throughout all parts of the world; or, in other words, the lead screws of all lathes contain so many full threads per inch of length.

Lead screws are usually provided with square threads of the usual form, or with threads whose sides have about fifteen degrees of angle, so that the two halves of the feed nut may be let together to take up the wear.

It is obvious that in a [V]-thread or in a thread whose sides are at an angle, the feeding strain tends to force the two halves of the feed nut apart, and therefore places a strain on the feed-nut operating mechanism that does not exist in the case of a square thread. Furthermore it can be shown that with a [V]-thread the opportunities to lock the carriage on a wrong place, after traversing it back by hand in screw cutting, are increased, thus augmenting the liability to cut intermediate and improper threads.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 615.]

In Fig. 615, for example, we have a pitch of lead screw of three threads per inch, and the gears arranged to cut six threads per inch on the work. As the bottom wheel has twice as many teeth as the top one, it is clear that, while the top one makes one, the bottom one will make half revolution, and the lead screw will make half a turn for every turn the work makes. Now, suppose the tool point to stand opposite to s.p.a.ce A, and the nut (supposing it to have but one thread only, which is all that is required for our purpose), stand opposite to s.p.a.ce D. Suppose, further, that the lathe makes one revolution, and s.p.a.ce B on the work will have moved to occupy the position occupied by s.p.a.ce A, or, rather, there will still be a place at A fully in front of the tool, as should be the case, but the lead screw will have made half revolution, the top _e_ of the thread coming opposite to the feed nut, as in the position of tool and nut shown in the figure at T and N; hence the nut would not engage, without moving the lathe carriage sideways, and thus throwing the tool to one side of the thread in the work. When, however, the work had made another revolution, both the feed screw and the work would again come into position for the tool and nut to engage properly, and it follows that in this case the tool will always fall into proper position for the nut to be locked.

It is obvious, however, that had the lead screw thread been a square one, and the nut thread to accurately fit to the lead screw thread, so as to completely fill it, then the nut could not engage with the lead screw until the lathe had made a complete revolution, at which time the work will have made two full or complete revolutions, and the tool would, therefore, fall into proper position to follow in the groove or part of a thread cut at the first tool traverse.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 616.]

In Fig. 616, we have the same lead screw geared to cut five or an odd number of threads per inch. The tool and the nut are shown in position to properly engage, but suppose, the nut being disengaged, that the work makes one revolution, and during this period the lead screw will have made 3/5ths of a revolution, hence the nut will not be in position to engage properly, because, although s.p.a.ce B will have travelled forward so as to occupy the position of s.p.a.ce A in the figure (that is, there will be a s.p.a.ce fairly in front of the tool point), yet the nut will not engage properly, because the nut point will not be opposite to the bottom of the lead screw thread. When the work has made its second revolution, and s.p.a.ce C moves to the position occupied by A, the lead screw will have made 6/5 or 1-1/5 revolutions, and the nut cannot engage properly; when the lathe has made its third revolution, the lead screw will have made 1-4/5 revolutions and the nut will still fall to one side of the thread s.p.a.ce, and will not lock properly. The work having made its fourth turn, the lead screw will have made 2-2/5 turns, and the nut will not be in position to lock fairly. The work having made its fifth turn, however, the lead screw will have made three turns, and the threads will fall into the same position that they occupy in the figure, and both tool and feed nut will fall into their proper positions in their respective threads. It does not follow, however, that, the lead screw having a [V]-shaped thread, the nut cannot be forced to engage but once in every five turns of the lead screw, because, were this the case, it would be impossible to lock the nut in an improper position.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 617.]

Suppose, for example, that we have in Fig. 617, the same piece of work and lead screw as in Fig. 616, and that a first groove, A, has been cut with the tool in the position shown, and the nut engaged in the position marked 1. Now, suppose the nut be disengaged and the work allowed to make one revolution, then the lead screw will, during this revolution, revolve 3/5 of a revolution, and the position of the nut point with relation to the lead screw will be as at position 2. If, then, the nut was forced into the lead screw thread, it would, acting on the wedge principle, move the carriage to the right sufficiently to permit the nut to engage fully in thread G, and the tool would then cut a second groove on thread B. If the nut then be withdrawn from thread G, and the work allowed to make another revolution, the nut will stand in a precisely similar position with relation to the lead screw thread as it did in position 2, and by forcing it down into thread H the carriage would be again forced to the right, causing a third thread, C, to be cut. By repeating the operation of withdrawing the nut, letting the work make another revolution and then engaging the nut again, it will seat in thread K, and a fourth thread D will be cut. On again repeating the operation, however, the nut will come into position 5, and, on being drawn home into thread, or, rather, into s.p.a.ce L, the tool will fall into groove A again. Thus there will be four threads, each having a pitch equal to that of the lead screw. The second (B) of these four will fall to the left of thread A to an amount or distance equal to 2/5 of the pitch of the lead screw, because, in forcing the nut from position 2 down into the lead screw, the slide rest, and therefore the tool, will be moved to the right 2/5 of the pitch of the lead screw. The third thread C will fall to the left of thread B also to an amount equal to 2/5 of the pitch of the lead screw, because, in forcing the thread to seat itself into thread H from position 3, the slide rest was again moved (to that amount) to the right. The fourth thread D will fall to the left of thread C to the same amount and for the same reason.

But in this case, as before, if the lead screw had a square thread and the nut threads completely filled the s.p.a.ces between the lead screw threads, then the nut could not engage at the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th work revolution, hence the false threads B, C, and D, could not have been cut, even though the feed nut was disengaged and the lathe carriage was traversed back by hand.

Now, suppose that two threads on the work measure less than the amount the lead screw advances during the time that the work makes a revolution, and if the lead screw has a [V]-shaped thread, the case is altered. We have, for example, in Fig. 618, a pitch of lead screw of 3 to cut 12 and 13 threads respectively. In the case of the 13 threads it will be seen that, supposing there to have been a first cut taken on the work, and the feed nut to be disengaged while the work makes a revolution, then the lead screw will revolve 3/13 revolution and the point A on the lead screw will have moved up to point B, and the nut point remaining at N, seating it in the thread, would cause it to engage with the same thread that it did before, and no second thread would be cut. If the nut be then released, the work allowed to make another revolution and the nut again closed, the operation would be the same as before, and no error would be induced, and so on. Suppose, further, that after the nut was disengaged the lathe was permitted to make two revolutions, and the lead screw would make 6/13, or less than half a turn, and closing it would still cause it to pa.s.s back into the same thread on the lead screw and produce correct work. But if after the nut was released the work made three turns, the lead screw would make 9/13 of a turn, and the nut would fall on the right-hand side of the lead screw thread, and in closing would move the lathe carriage to the right, causing the tool to cut a second thread. Now, the same operation that occurred with the first thread would during the next three trials occur with the second thread, and at the next or seventh trial a third thread would be cut, which would be again operated upon during the next succeeding three trials. At the eleventh trial a fourth thread would be cut, but on the next three trials the tool would again fall into the groove first cut and the work proceed correctly. In the case of the 12 threads, the thread cut at the first and second trials would be correct.

At the third trial the nut would seat itself in the groove C of the lead screw, causing the carriage to move to the right to a distance equal to twice the pitch of thread being cut, but the tool would still fall into the same groove in the work, as it also would on the fourth. At the fifth trial the process would be repeated, and so on, so that no second thread would be cut.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 618.]

It may now be noted that if we draw the lead screw and the thread to be cut as in the figure, and draw the dotted lines shown, then those that meet the bottom of the thread on the lead screw, and also meet the groove cut on the work, at the first trial, represent the cases in which the nut will fall naturally into its proper position for the tool to fall into the correct groove, while whenever the nut is being forced home it seats in a groove in the lead screw, the bottom of which groove meets a line drawn from the first thread cut; the results obtained will be made correct by reason of the movement given to the slide nut when artificially seating the nut. This is shown to be the case in Fig. 619, which represents a lead screw having an even number of threads per inch, and from which it appears that in cutting 12 threads (an even number also) the nut cannot be engaged wrong, whereas in the case of 13 threads it can be engaged right three times in 13 trials, and 10 times wrong, the latter causing the tool to cut three wrong threads.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 619.]

To prevent end motion of a lead screw it should have collars on both sides of one bearing, and not one at each bearing. By this means the screw will be permitted to expand and contract under variations of atmospheric temperature, without binding against the bearing faces.

When a lead screw is long it requires to be supported, otherwise, either its weight will be supported or lifted by the feed nut in gear, or if that nut does not lift the screw, the thread cut will be finer than that due to the pitch of the lead screw, by reason of its deflection or sag.

Chapter 46 : Fig. 594.Fig. 595.Fig. 596.Fig. 597.Fig. 598.Fig. 599.Fig. 600.Fig. 601.Fig. 602.Fig. 6
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