A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 46 : +Clomstnes+, _sb._ numbness, fixedness, H.+Cloos+, _adj._ close, C3; +clos+, MD.--AF. _

+Clomstnes+, _sb._ numbness, fixedness, H.

+Cloos+, _adj._ close, C3; +clos+, MD.--AF. _clos_, closed, pp. of _clore_; Lat. _claudere_.

+Clos+, _sb._ an enclosure, a locked-up place, MD; +cloos+, Prompt., S2; +cloyss+, S3.

+Closen+, _v._ to close, to enclose, MD.--From AF. _clos_, pp; Lat.

_clausum_. See +Cloos+.

+Closter+, _sb._ cloister, MD; see +Clauster+.

+Closures+, _sb. pl._ enclosures, fastenings, S3.

+Closyngis+, _sb. pl._ gates, W2.

+Clot+, _sb._ a clod, MD; +clotte+, Cath.; +clodde+, Prompt., Palsg., Manip.; +clottes+, _pl._, lumps, S2; +clottis+, W2. See Weigand (s.v.


+Clote+, _sb._ burdock, Voc., MD, Prompt., Alph.; +cloote+, MD.--AS.


+Clote-bur+, _sb._ burr of the burdock, C3.

+Clote-leef+, _sb._ leaf of the burdock, C3.

+Cloteren+, _v._ to clot, coagulate, Prompt.; +cloderen+, Prompt.; +clothred+, _pp._, C.

+Cloth+, _sb._ cloth, clothing, S, S2; +cloe+, S2; +clot+, S2; +cla+, S; +claes+, _pl._, S; +cloes+, S.--AS. _cla_.

+Clothen+, _v._ to clothe, S; +claen+, S; +cled+, _pt. s._, S3; +cloeden+, _pl._, S2; +y-clothed+, _pp._, PP; +y-clad+, C3; +cled+, S3.

+Cloude+, _sb._ a ma.s.s of rock, a hill, clod, S2, MD; +clude+, MD; +clowdys+, _pl._, MD (s.v. _clot_); +cluddis+, ma.s.ses of cloud, S3; +cloudis+, H (Ps. 67. 37).--AS. _clud_.

+Clout+, _sb._ clout, rag, W; +clowt+, C3; +clutes+, _pl._, S; +cloutes+, S2, S3, C3; +clowtes+, S2.--AS. _clut_ (OET.).

+Clouten+, _v._ to patch, mend, S3; +clou?tand+, _pr. p._, S2; +clouted+, _pp._, provided with an iron plate, S3.

+Cloue+, _pp._ split, W; see +Cleuen+.

+Clowe+, _v._ to scratch, P; see +Clawen+.

+Clowe+, _sb._ a clove, pink, Prompt.; +clowes+, _pl._, MD.--OF. _clou_, _clo_, a nail; Lat. _clauum_ (acc.).

+Clow-gilofre+, _sb._ a clove-gilly-flower, C2; +clowe-gylofres+, _pl._, S2.--AF. _cloue de gilofre_. See +Geraflour+. [[headword spelled +Gerraflour+]]

+Clubbe+, _sb._ club, MD; +clobbe+, MD.--Icel. _klubba_, _klumba_.

+Clubbed+, _adj._ club-shaped, rough, MD, Prompt.; +clobbed+, C2.

+Clucche+, _v._ to clutch, PP; see +Clochen+.

+Cluddis+, _sb. pl._ ma.s.ses of cloud, S3; see +Cloude+.

+Cluke+; see +Cloche+.

+Clum+, _sb._ stillness, silence, MD, CM; +Clom+, S2.

+Clumsen+, _v._ to be benumbed, stupified, MD; +clomsen+, PP; +clomsed+, _pp._, set fast, H; +clumst+, H; +clumsyd+, 'enervatus', Cath.

+Clumst-hede+, _sb._ numbness, H.

+Clupien+, _v._ to call, S2; see +Clepen+.

+Cluppen+, _v._ to embrace, S, MD; +clyppe+, S2; +clippe+, S2, MD; +cleppen+, MD; +clupte+, _pt. s._, S.--AS. _clyppan_.

+Cl.u.s.ter-loc+, _sb._ enclosure, S.--AS. _cl.u.s.ter-loc_. See +Clauster+.

+Clute+; see +Clout+.

+Cluvis+, _sb. pl._ hoofs, S3; see +Claw+.

+Clyffe+, _sb._ cliff, MD; +clyfe+, MD; +cliue+, _dat._, S; +cleoue+, MD; +cleo+, S; +cliues+, _pl._, MD; +cleues+, MD.--AS. _clif_ (OET), pl.

_cleofu_, _cliofu_; see Grein, Sievers, 241.

+Clymbare+, _sb._ climber, S3.

+Clymben+, _v._ to climb, C2; see +Climben+.

+Clyngen+, _v._ to wither, to shrink, S2; see +Clingen+.

+Cnawen+, _v._ to know, S; see +Knowen+.

+Cnawlechen+, _v._ to acknowledge, MD.

+Cnawlechunge+, _sb._ acknowledgment, S.

+Cnelinng+, _sb._ kneeling, S.

+Cneowe+, _sb. dat._ knee, S; see +Kne+.

+Cniht+, _sb._ knight, S; see +Kni?t+.

+Cnotted+, _pp._ knotted, S; +i-knotted+, S; see +Knotte+.

+Cnouwe+, _sb. dat._ knee, S; see +Kne+.

+Cnowen+, _v._ to know, S; _pp._, S2; see +Knowen+.

+Co-arten+, _v._ to compel, constrain, HD; +coarted+, _pp._, S3.--Lat.

Chapter 46 : +Clomstnes+, _sb._ numbness, fixedness, H.+Cloos+, _adj._ close, C3; +clos+, MD.--AF. _
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