A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 47 : _co-arctare_, to constrain, compress.+Cocatrice+, _sb._ a serpent (= Lat. _basiliscus_

_co-arctare_, to constrain, compress.

+Cocatrice+, _sb._ a serpent (= Lat. _basiliscus_ = Heb. _pethen_, an adder or cobra), W2; +cocatryse+, _basiliscus_, _cocodrillus_, Prompt.; +kokatrice+, MD; +c.o.c.katrice+, WW.--OF. _cocatriz_, crocodile: Sp.

_cocadriz_, basilisk, cocatrice (Minsheu). Cp. +c.o.kedrill+.

+c.o.c.ke+, _sb._ in _phr._: +by c.o.c.ke+ (a profane oath), S3, ND; +by c.o.c.k+, Sh.; +c.o.c.k's pa.s.sion+, Sh.; +c.o.x my pa.s.sion+, Sh.; +by c.o.c.k and pie+, Sh., ND, SkD (s.v. _pie_); +for c.o.kkes bones+, C3; +for c.o.c.ks body+, 'de par Dieu,' Palsg.--Cp. Grimm, p. 15 (_n._).

+Cocow+; see +Cukkow+.

+Cod+, _sb._ cod, pod, husk, MD; +codde+, Prompt., Palsg.; +coddis+, _pl._, W.--AS. _codd_, bag (Mark 6. 8).

+Cod+, _sb._ pillow, Cath., MD; +coddis+, _pl._, HD.--Icel. _koddi_, pillow.

+Cof+, _adj._ quick, MD; +kof+, MD; +coue+, MD; +cofe+, _adv._, S; +cofer+, _comp._, S.--AS. _caf_; cp. Icel. _a-kafr_, vehement.

+Coffes+, _sb. pl._ cuffs, P; see +Cuffe+.

+Cofin+, _sb._ basket, MD; +coffyn+, W2; +cofyne+, paste, crust of a pie, MD; +coffyns+, _pl._, baskets, S2; +cofyns+, W; +cofynes+, W.--OF.

_cofin_; Lat. _cophinus_ (Vulg.); Gr. ??f???? (NT).

+Cofre+, _sb._ box, coffer, MD, C2, C3, P; +cofer+, S2; +cofres+, _pl._, S2.--AF. _cofre_; Lat. _cophinum_ (acc.); see Brachet.

+Cofren+, _v._ to put into a coffer, S3.

+Cog+, _sb._ cog, tooth on the rim of a wheel, MD; +kog+, Voc.; +cogge+, _dat._, S.

+Cognisaunce+, _sb._ knowledge, MD; +cognizance+, that by which something is known, Sh.; +conisantes+, _pl._, badges, S3.--AF.

_conisaunce_, knowledge, OF. _cognoissance_, from _cognoissant_, pr.

p. of _cognoistre_; Lat. _cognoscere_.

+Coife+, _sb._ coif, cap, MD; +coyfe+, S3, Prompt., Palsg.--OF.

_coiffe_; Low Lat. _cofea_. Cf. +Cuffe+.

+Coint+, _adj._ knowing, prudent, skilful, sly, neat, fine, quaint, MD; +koynt+, MD; +quoynte+, MD; +queynte+, MD, S3, C2; +quaynte+, MD; +queynt+, MD; +quaynt+, H.--OF. _cointe_, prudent, trim, friendly; Lat.


+Cointeliche+, _adv._ skilfully, neatly, quaintly, MD; +quoynteliche+, MD; +queyntelich+, MD; +queynteli+, S3; +queinteliche+, S2; +quaintelye+, S2.

+Cointise+, _sb._ art, skill, cunning, MD; +quointise+, MD, S2; +quantise+, H; +queyntise+, MD, S3; +quaintis+, H.--OF. _cointise_.

+Coite+, _sb._ quoit; +coyte+, Prompt., Palsg., Manip.; +coitis+, _pl._, S3. Cp. the v. _coit_, JD; OF. _coitier_, to push, press (Bartsch).

+Coiten+, _v._ to play quoits, Prompt., Palsg.

+c.o.k+, _sb._ cook, S2; +c.o.kes+, _pl._, C3, PP; +kokes+, PP.--AS. _coc_; Lat. _coquus_, from _coquere_, to cook.

+c.o.kedrill+, _sb._ crocodile, HD, MD; +cocadrylle+, Voc.; +c.o.kodrilles+, _pl._, HD; +cocodrilly+, Trev. 1. 131, MD.--Low Lat. _cocodrillus_; cp.

It. _cocodrillo_, a crocodile (Florio), Sp. _cocodrillo_, a serpent, crocodile (Minsheu); Lat. _crocodilus_; Gr. ?????de????. Cf.


+c.o.keney+, _sb._ cook's a.s.sistant, scullion, undercook, petted child, c.o.c.kney, MD, PP, S2; +c.o.c.knaie+, MD; +c.o.knay+, Prompt., Cath.; +c.o.kenay+, CM; +c.o.c.knaye+, Palsg. (s.v. _bring_); +c.o.c.kney+, Sh.; +kokeney+, PP; +c.o.knayes+, _pl._, S3.

+c.o.ker+, _sb._ quiver, also a kind of half-boots or gaiters, MD; +koker+, MD; +cocur+, Prompt. (see _n._); +c.o.keres+, _pl._, PP; +c.o.c.kers+, HD, ND.--AS. _cocer_, a quiver.

+c.o.ket+, _sb._ a seal with which bread sold in London was stamped by a public officer, Ducange; +c.o.c.ket+, Cath. (_n._); certificate, S3, ND.

+c.o.ket+, _sb._ a kind of fine bread stamped, PP, S2. Cp. Low Lat. _panis de c.o.ket_, see Ducange (s.v. _c.o.ket_). See above.

+c.o.kewold+, _sb._ cuckold, CM; +kokewolde+, P; +kukwald+, Voc.; +c.o.c.kewold+, MD; +kukeweld+, MD; +c.o.kolde+, MD, SkD.--Cp. Prov. _cugol_; Lat. _cuculum_, cuckoo. See +Cukkow+.

+Col-+, _prefix_, expressing depreciation, contempt. _Comb._:--+col-fox+, a crafty fox, C; +col-knif+, a big knife, MD; +col-prophet+, false prophet, ND; +cold-prophet+, ND; +cole-prophet+, ND; +colle-tragetour+, false juggler, CM (5. 248. 187).

+Cold+, _adj._ cold, PP; +chald+, S; +kald+, S; +cald+, S2, MD; +kold+, S; +chold+, S; +cheld+, S2; +cold+, evil, G.--AS. _ceald_, _cald_: Goth.

_kalds_ from OTeut. *_kalan_, to freeze, cp. Icel. _kala_ (pt. _kol_, pp. _kalinn_).

+Colde+, _v._ to grow cold, C3, MD.--AS. _cealdian_.

+Cole+, _sb._ cabbage, cale, kail, Voc., MD; +cool+, MD; +kale+, MD, H.--AS. _cole_ (OET); cp. Icel. _kal_; Lat. _caulis_, stalk, cabbage; see Weigand (s.v. _kohl_).

+Cole+, _sb._ charcoal, coal, S, S2; +coole+, MD; +coylle+, MD; +coles+, _pl._, C2, C3; +coolis+, W; +koles+, S2.--AS. _col_ (OET).

+Cole+, _adj._ cool, somewhat cold, Prompt., MD.--AS. _col_; cp. OHG.

_kuali_ (Otfrid).

+Colen+, _v._ to cool, MD, Prompt., G, H.--AS. _colian_; cp. OHG.

_kualen_ (Otfrid).

+Coler+, _sb._ collar, MD; +coller+, _torques_, Prompt.; +colers+, _pl._, P.--OF. _coler_ (F. _collier_); Lat. _collare_, from _collum_, neck.

+Colere+, _sb._ anger, C, MD.--OF. _colere_; Lat. _cholera_; Gr. ?????a, an affection of the bile.

+Colerik+, _adj._ choleric, pa.s.sionate, C2, MD; +coleryke+, Cath.--Lat.

_cholericus_, having one's bile affected; Gr. ???e?????, from ????, gall.

+Coles+, _sb. pl._ (?); in _phr._: +swearing precious coles+, S3.

+Collacioun+, _sb._ conference, CM.--OF. _collacion_, discourse, harangue; Lat. _collationem_, a bringing together, conferring.

+Collen+, _v._ to embrace, W2, MD; +kollen+, S2. _Der._: +collyngis+, _sb. pl._, W2.--Cp. OF. _collee_, a neck-embracement (Cotg.). See +Coler+.

+Collerie+, _sb._ eye-salve, W; +colirie+, MD; +colorye+, HD.--Lat.

_collyrium_; Gr. ?????????.

+Colloppe+, _sb._ a slice of flesh, _carbonella_, Prompt., MD, Palsg.; +collop+, Cath., Cotg. (s.v. _riblette_); +colope+, Voc.; +colop+, Cath.

(_n._); +coloppe+, PP; +colhoppe+, PP, Voc.; +collip+, Manip.; +colopus+, _pl._, PP, S2.

+Colour+, _sb._ colour, pretext, S3, C2; +colur+, S, MD.--AF. _colur_; Lat. _colorem_.

+Col-plontes+, _sb. pl._ cabbages, PP, S2; +kole-plantes+, PP; +cale-plantes+, PP. See +Cole+.

Chapter 47 : _co-arctare_, to constrain, compress.+Cocatrice+, _sb._ a serpent (= Lat. _basiliscus_
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