A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 51 : +Cost+, _sb._ rib, side of a human body, sh.o.r.e, coast, MD, S2; +coste+, C2; +costes+

+Cost+, _sb._ rib, side of a human body, sh.o.r.e, coast, MD, S2; +coste+, C2; +costes+, _pl._, S2, P.--AF. _coste_; Lat. _costa_.

+Cost+, _sb._ nature, property, condition, manner, MD; +costez+, _pl._, properties, S2; +coostez+, S2. Cf. +Cust+.

+Costage+, _sb._ expense, C2, HD.--OF. _costage_. See +Costen+.

+Costard+, _sb._ a kind of apple, Prompt., ND; humorous expression for the head, Sh., ND; +costarde+, S3; +costard+, a cap, ND. It probably means the 'ribbed apple.'--OF. _coste_ + _ard_, see SkD (p. 796).

+Costard-jagger+, _sb._ costermonger, ND.

+Costard-monger+, _sb._ seller of apples, costermonger, SkD; +costard-mongar+, Palsg.; +costerd-monger+, SkD; +costar-monger+, ND.

+Coste+, _sb._ cost, P; +coust+, MD; +cost+, C2.--AF. _cust_, _coust_.

+Costen+, _v._ to cost, MD; +coste+, _pt. s._, C2; +costed+, P; +costed+, _pp._, P.--OF. _coster_ (_couster_); Lat. _constare_.

+Costey+, _v._ to coast, also to come near, approach, MD; +coosted+, _pt. pl._ went past, S3.--OF. _costoier_ (F. _cotoyer_). See +Cost+.

+Costlewe+, _adj._ costly, CM, MD; +costelewe+, Prompt. See +-lewe+.

+Cosyn+, _sb._ cousin, C, PP; +cosin+, S, S2; +cusyng+, S3; +cosyns+, _pl._ kinsmen, W; +cousyns+, W.--AF. _cosin_ (_cousyn_); cp. Late Lat.

_cosinus_ (Brachet); Lat. _consobrinus_.

+Cosynage+, _sb._ kindred, fellows.h.i.+p, H; +cusynage+, H.

+Cote+, _sb._ cottage, S, Voc., C, C2; +cotes+, _pl._ sheep-cotes, S3; +coates+, S3.--AS. _cot_, also _cyte_ (Grein); cf. OHG. _cutti_, 'grex'


+Cote+, _sb._ garment, coat, S2, PP, S3, C2, C; +coote+, C, W.--AF.

_cote_, OF. _cotte_, PS. 21. 18; MHG. _kotte_, _kutte_.

+Cote-armure+, _sb._ coat-armour, linen coat with armorial bearings worn over armour, body-armour, S3, C2, C.

+Coten+, _v._ to provide with coats, S2; +cotyd+, _pp._ clothed, S3.

+Couche+, _sb._ chamber, W.

+Couchen+, _v._ to lay, place together, to lie down, MD, S2, C2, C3; +cowchyn+, Prompt.; +cowchen+, C.--AF. _cucher_, _cocher_, OF.

_colcher_; Lat. _collocare_.

+Coude+, _pt. s._ could, S2. See +Kunnen+.

+Counforte+, _v._ to comfort, S2, PP. See +Conforten+.

+Counte+, _sb._ county, s.h.i.+re, P, MD; +countee+, MD, PP.--AF. _counte_; Late Lat. _comitatum_.

+Countesse+, _sb._ countess, C2; +contesse+, S2; +c.u.n.tesse+, S.--AF.

_contesse_, from OF. _conte_, _comte_; Late Lat. _comitem_, a count (a court dignity), in Lat. a companion.

+Countrefete+, _v._ to counterfeit, C, C2; +contrefete+, MD; +counterfeted+, _pp._, C3.--From OF. _contrefet_, _contrefeit_, pp. of _contrefeire_, _contrefaire_; Lat. _contra_ + _facere_.

+Countre-taille+, _sb._ correspondence (of sound); in _phr._: +at the countretaille+, with corresponding sound, C2.--OF. _contretaille_, the one part of a tally, the counter-tenor part in music (Cotg.).

+Countryng+, _sb._ countering in music, S3; the plain chant, S3 (_n_).--See S3 (p. 453).

+Coupable+, _adj._ culpable, PP; +cupabil+, H.--OF. _coupable_.

+Coupe+, _sb._ fault, PP; +culpe+, PP, ND.--OF. _coupe_, _colpe_; Lat.


+Coupe+, _sb._ cup, S2; +cupe+, S.--AF. _cupe_; Lat. _cupa_. Cf.


+Courben+, _v._ to bend, MD; +courbed+, _pt. s._, P.--OF. _courber_; Lat. _curuare_.

+Courche+, _sb._ kerchief, S3; see +Couerchief+.

+Cours+, _sb._ running, course, MD, C2, C3; +cors+, S2.--AF. _cours_; Lat. _cursum_ (acc.).

+Courser+, _sb._ a steed, MD, C2; +coursour+, MD; +cowrcer+, Prompt.--OF. _coursier_; Late Lat. _cursarium_ (acc.).

+Courser+, _sb._ horse-dealer, Palsg.; +corser+, MD, S3 (s.v. _horse_); +scorser+, ND.

+Court+, _sb._ court, enclosure, yard, PP, MD; +curt+, S; +kurt+, S; +cort+, MD; +courte+, PP.--AF. _curt_; Late Lat. _cortem_; Lat.

_cohortem_, an enclosure.

+Courteislich+, _adv._ courteously, PP; see +Corteisliche+.

+Courte-py+, _sb._ short coat or cloak, PP, S2, C; +cowrteby+, Voc.; +kourteby+, P; +courte-pies+, _pl._, PP; +court-pies+, PP.--Cp. Du.

_kort_, short + _pije_, rough coat; cp. E. _pea_ in _pea-jacket_.

+Couthe+, _v._ to make known, PP; see +Kythen+.

+Couthe+, _pt. s._ could, knew, S, S2, S3; _pp._, S2; +couth+, C2; see +Kunnen+.

+Couthe+, _sb._ kith, PP; see +Kyth+.

+Coue+, _sb._ den, S2.--ONorth. _cofa_, 'spelunca' (John II.38).

+Coveiten+, _v._ to covet, MD, PP; +coueitiden+, _pt. pl._, W2.--AF.

_coveiter_, OF. _cuveitier_; Late Lat. *_cupiditare_. See Constans.

+Coveitise+, _sb._ greed, avarice, PP; +coueityse+, C3; +couetise+, PP; +couetyse+, S2, S3; +coueitisis+, _pl._, W.--OF. _coveitise_.

+Coveitous+, _adj._ covetous, MD; +coueytous+, S2; +couetous+, S2.--OF.

_coveitus_, AF. _cuveitus_; Late Lat. *_cupiditosum_.

+Couenable+, _adj._ proper, fit, agreeing, W, MD, S2, H; +cuuenable+, S; +conabill+, H; +conable+, Prompt.; +cunabil+, H.--AF. _cuvenable_; Late Lat. _convenabilem_.

+Couenaunt+, _sb._ a covenant, PP; +couenant+, PP; +covand+, MD; +conant+, MD.--AF. _covenant_, OF. _convenant_, pr. p. of _convenir_, to agree; Lat. _conuenire_.

Chapter 51 : +Cost+, _sb._ rib, side of a human body, sh.o.r.e, coast, MD, S2; +coste+, C2; +costes+
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