A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 52 : +Couent+, _sb._ an a.s.sembly, a convent, MD, PP, C2, C3; +couant+, PP.--OF. _covent_,

+Couent+, _sb._ an a.s.sembly, a convent, MD, PP, C2, C3; +couant+, PP.--OF. _covent_, _convent_; Church Lat. _conventus_, from Lat.

_conuenire_, to come together.

+Couerchief+, _sb._ kerchief, MD; +keuerchief+, MD; +kerchef+, C3; +kyrchefe+, Prompt.; +courchef+, HD; +courche+, S3; +kerche+, Prompt.--OF. _couvre-chef_, covering for the head (Cotg.).

+Coueren+, _v._ to cover, MD, C2; +keueren+, MD, S3, P, W; +kuueren+, MD; +kyueren+, MD, W.--AF. _covrir_; Lat. _cooperire_.

+Coveren+, _v._ to gain, to heal, to recover one's health, MD, S2, W; +keueren+, MD, CM, PP; +kuueren+, MD, S2; +keuord+, _pt. s._, H.--OF.

_covrer_, (in _recovrer_) _coubrer_, to seize (Bartsch); Lat.

_-cuperare_ (in _recuperare_); cp. Late Lat. _cuperamentum_, acquisition (Ducange).

+Couert+, _adj._ and _sb._ covert, hidden, a covert, MD; +cowart+, S3.--OF. _covert_, pp. of _covrir_.

+Couerture+, _sb._ bed-clothes, horse-cover, covering, MD, S; +kuuertur+, S.--OF. _coverture_.

+Couine+, _sb._ conspiracy, craft, deceit, trickery, S3, MD, HD; +covyne+, C; +covin+, MD, ND; +coven+, ND.--AF. _covine_, from OF.

_covenir_, _convenir_; Lat. _conuenire_.

+Cow+, _sb._ cow, MD, Voc.; +ku+, S, MD, Voc.; +cou+, MD; +kues+, _gen.

s._, S; +ky+, _pl._, MD, S3; +kie+, MD; +kye+, H; +kyn+, MD, S2, C; +kyne+, S3, P; +ky?n+, S2; +kyen+, PP; +kien+, W2; +ken+, MD, S2, PP.--AS. _cu_, pl. _c_ (gen. _cuna_).

+Coward+, _adj._ and _sb._ cowardly, a coward, MD, C2.--AF. _coward_, _cuard_, cp. the heraldic term _lion couard_, a lion with his tail between his legs, and the name for the hare in the old terms of hunting 'la _cowarde_ ou la court _cowe_,' i.e. short-tail.--Formed with the suffix _-ard_ from OF. _coe_, tail; Lat. _cauda_. Cp. It. _codardo_, from _coda_, a tail.

+Cowardie+, _sb._ cowardice, C; +cowardy+, MD.--OF. _couardie_.

+Cowart+, _sb._ covert, S3; see +Couert+.

+Cowde+, +Cowthe+, _pt. s._ could, knew, G; see +Kunnen+.

+Cowschet+, _sb._ cushat, wood-pigeon, S3; +cowscott+, Voc.; +cowshot+, SkD.--AS. _cusceote_ (Voc.), _cuscute_ (OET.).

+Coy+, _adj._ still, quiet, MD, C, C2; sober, _modestus_, Prompt.--AF.

_coy_, quiet, OF. _coi_, Ps. 77. 13, also _coit_; Lat. _quietum_.

+Crabbe+, _sb._ crab, S, Voc., Prompt.; also (in building) an arch, _fornix_, _cancer_, MD.--AS. _crabba_; cp. AF. _crabbe_.

+Crabbed+, _adj._ shrewish, cross, bitter, C2, Palsg., MD, PP; +crabbyd+, 'awke or wrawe, _cancerinus_' Prompt.

+Cracchen+, _v._ to scratch, MD, PP, C; +crechen+, S; +cark+, JD.

+Craft+, _sb._ might, power, ability, art, craft, deceit, MD, S, S2, C2; +creft+, MD; +craftes+, _pl._ trades, P.--AS. _craeft_; cp. OHG. _kraft_ (Otfrid).

+Crafti+, _adj._ skilful, sly, MD, S2; +crafty+, C, P; +crefti+, S.

+Crafti-man+, _sb._ artificer, W.

+Crage+, _sb._ the neck, throat, S3, JD; +crawe+, the craw of fowls, Prompt., MD.--Cp. Du. _kraag_, neck, collar.

+Crak+, _sb._ a thunder-peal, MD. _Phr._: +crakkis of wer+, cannon, B.

+Craken+, _v._ to crack (like thunder), to cry out, to chatter, to break with a noise, MD, PP; +crakede+, _pt. s._, S.--AS. _cracian_.

+Crammasyn+, _sb._ and _adj._ crimson, S3; see +Crimosine+.

+Crammen+, _v._ to cram, stuff, MD; +crommen+, MD; +cremmyn+, Prompt.; +i-crommet+, _pp._, S2.--AS. _crammian_.

+Crampe+, _sb._ the cramp, Voc., Prompt., PP; +craumpe+, CM.--OF.

_crampe_ (Cotg.); ODu. _krampe_.

+Crane+, _sb._ crane (bird), MD, Voc.; +kranes+, _pl._, MD; +crennis+, S3; +cronez+, MD.--AS. _cran_ (Voc.).

+Crasen+, _v._ to break, MD; +crased+, _pp._, S3, C3; +crasid+, PP. Cp.

Swed. _krasa_, to break in pieces.

+Cratche+, _sb._ manger, W, W2; +cratch+, HD, Cotg. (s.v. _creiche_); +cracche+, Voc., Prompt.; +crecche+, MD.--OF. _creche_: Prov. _crepcha_, _crepia_; OHG. _crippea_ (Tatian). Cf. +Cribbe+.

+Crauen+, _v._ to crave, beg earnestly, S, MD., to prosecute, accuse, MD.--AS. _crafian_, 'petere, postulare'; cp. Low Lat. _cravare_, in judicium mittere (also written _gravare_), see Schmid, Ducange.

+Crawand+, _pr. p._ crowing, S3; see +Crowen+.

+Creat+, _pp._ created, MD.--Lat. _creatus_, pp. of _creare_.

+Creatour+, _sb._ Creator, C3.--OF. _creatour_; Lat. _creatorem_.

+Creature+, _sb._ creature, MD; +creatour+, MD; +creator+, S2.--OF.

_creature_; Lat. _creatura_.

+Creaunce+, _sb._ belief, MD, C3; +creance+, S2, C3.--OF. _creance_, _credence_; Late Lat. _credentia_.

+Creauncen+, _v._ to borrow, MD.

+Creaunt+, _pr. p._ and _adj._ submitting as conquered, MD, PP; in _phr._: +cry 'creaunt,'+ MD.--OF. _creant_; Lat. _credentem_.

+Crechen+, _v._ to scratch, S; see +Cracchen+.

+Crede+, _sb._ the Creed, S, C3, PP; +credo+, S, PP.--Lat. _credo_, I believe.

+Credensynge+, _sb._ believing, S3.

+Crefti+, _adj._ crafty, S; see +Crafti+.

+Creme+, _sb._ the sacred oil used in anointing, chrism, Voc., HD, MD; +cream+, HD; +creame+, Palsg.; +creyme+, S2, Voc.; _Phr._: +hille of creme+, i.e. the Mount of Olives, MD.--OF. _cresme_; Church Lat.

_chrisma_; Gr. ???sa. Cf. +Crisme+.

+Cremelen+, _v._ to anoint with oil or fat, MD; +y-crymyled+, _pp._, PP; +kremelyd+, MD; +crymailed+, PP.--OF. _cresmeler_, to anoint with holy oil.

+Crempe+, _v._ to draw in, S. Cf. G. _krampfen_. See +Crampe+.

+Crennis+, _sb. pl._ cranes, S3; see +Crane+.

Chapter 52 : +Couent+, _sb._ an a.s.sembly, a convent, MD, PP, C2, C3; +couant+, PP.--OF. _covent_,
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