Counterfeit Bride
Chapter 7 : Counterfeit Bride Chapter 7“Tian Yang, why haven’t you come for a long while?” Lin Xi’s

Counterfeit Bride Chapter 7

“Tian Yang, why haven’t you come for a long while?” Lin Xi’s lithe and graceful posture approached the person who at present didn’t know why he was being angry. “What, your newlywed wife couldn’t satisfy you?”

“Don’t talk about him1!” Tian Yang couldn’t restrain himself from slamming the table. The face still with the unable to conceal anger. Only that this anger was directed at Yi’r or at himself, he just couldn’t find out!

“Oh, such great fury?” Lin Xi was unable to cover her delight. “I haven’t offended you yet!”

Tian Yang regretted coming to this place of Lin Xi. If not because it was already late at night, he also didn’t have a place to go, he wouldn’t need to come to this place to listen to a woman’s sour acid language speech.

Didn’t know how is Yi’r now? After the two being so intimate, just like that he threw him away it was not too good. Especially when still thrown out those kinds of words, Yi’r definitely would not feel better.

But if he stayed at that place, it only would add to the awkwardness. He honestly didn’t know how he should face Yi’r, facing the fact that he had touched a man.

“Tian Yang,” Lin Xi glued herself to him. “You plan to be angry for the whole night, or did you come to embrace me?”

Indeed a woman’s body was much softer! Yi’r though still young, body unlike a common man’s stiff and hard, but in the end he still couldn’t be compared with a woman.

Towards this offering on her own accord red lips, Tian Yang didn’t reject at all. But didn’t know why, the normally had been used to flavor of rouge, today had caused him to be disgusted, couldn’t help but crease his brows, he lightly pushed away his usually loved the most body.

“What’s wrong?” Lin Xi pouted. “It has been a long while, you don’t want me?”

“Tonight I only want a place to rest.”

Lin Xi pulled a face. “Humph! Your newlywed wife has drained up your vitality? If this is the case, why do you come to me?”

Tian Yang didn’t trouble himself in mentioning the fact that Lin Xi’s inn was the only inn in the town, only coldly said: “n.o.body asked you to come to my room!”

Accustomed to Yi’r’s compliance and obedience, Tian Yang suddenly was unable to bear her sharp mouth.

“You have changed!” Lin Xi became alert. “Your wife has subdued you?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, n.o.body can subdue me!” Tian Yang flighty and impetuously said.

“Then when will you carry out your plan, to chase away that woman?” Lin Xi questioned intensely.

“It is not of your f.u.c.king business!” Tian Yang rudely said.

“You!” Lin Xi was angry to the point of shaking.

“Lin Xi.” Tian Yang unexpectedly adopted a stern countenance. “You want to marry me, is it because you love me?”

“Not love you, who’s willing to bear your temper.” Lin Xi coquettishly pouted. “I have been with you for such a long time, only now you ask this?”

“Just say that in the future I marry you, what is your plan for our future?”

“The future!” Lin Xi revealed an enchanting smile. “We can stay in the big house on the Yun family’s ranch.” She towards that famous in Guanwai mansion could be said as yearning for a long time already.

“And then, extending my current inn, to become Guanwai’s largest inn. Wait until everything begins to work smoothly, then we can stay in the town, together to manage the inn.”

“You won’t stay on the ranch?”

“Once in a while to stay for a little while is very nice.” Lin Xi subtly smiled to appease him. “However, if we wanted to properly manage the inn, it is better to live in the town.”

“If I said, after marriage, we will stay in TianFeng ranch ne?”

“Of course we can, only need to wait until TianFeng ranch’s house has been perfectly built.” Lin Xi made a promise.

“You won’t work hard together with me?” Tian Yang raised his brows.

“The works on the ranch, how could we women understand ah!” Lin Xi lightly dismissed his idea.

“Don’t understand, but willing to sit idle and enjoy the fruits of others’ work?” Tian Yang mockingly asked.

Suddenly, he stood up, walking out not stopping for even a second.

“Tian Yang, so late already, where do you want to go?” Lin Xi anxiously raised her voice to ask.

“Going to the place where I should be.”

“Where is it?” Lin Xi sternly asked. “Don’t you want to marry me?”

Tian Yang halted his legs, turned his body to face her.

“Face the reality, Lin Xi. We are impossible.”

“Why impossible!” Lin Xi shouted, advancing to hook on Tian Yang’s neck, madly kissed him. “See, you want me. We are a pair made in heaven. Besides me, there is no one that can satisfy you!”

“Enough!” Tian Yang rudely pushed her away. “For eternity I will never marry you.”

“Why?” Lin Xi angrily asked. “Because of that woman?”

Her wild guesses finally had come true. Had always felt the Tian Yang tonight was not the same as before, never had she thought that actually he came to have a showdown.

“Even if there wasn’t Yi’r, I also will never marry you.”

“Which part of me is lacking compare to that woman?”

“Do you know?” Tian Yang gently smiled. “There is someone willing to live in the gra.s.s and mud house with me, together with me to work hard to build our future, doesn’t matter how broken is the house, how severe is the meals, never complain even once. It was me who is a fool, only because of the reality he has no way to change, I blamed him.”

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about.” Lin Xi shook her head. Since when had the Yun family been ruined to such degree?

“Don’t understand is fine, I myself understand is enough. In short, we are impossible.”

“My answer just now is no good, is it?” Lin Xi regretted it endlessly.

Tian Yang smiled, declined to comment. Turning his body, he left without any lingering feeling.

Regarding Yi’r, he still didn’t know how should he face him, also didn’t know how should he deal with their unable to be cut, the still in disorder feelings. But at this moment, he really wanted to immediately see Yi’r.


In the middle of the night, the sounds of the horse hoofs were like the noise of the thunder. The closer he got to the little house, Tian Yang’s heart became even more perturbed, but also became even more pressing. He didn’t understand, clearly just several hours not seeing him, why unexpectedly he so earnestly wanted to see him.

Fortunately, a little while more he would arrive at the small house!

Arrived outside of the little house, gazing at the pitch-black inside the house, Tian Yang couldn’t help but be suspicious. Several times he returned late, Yi’r always lit a small cup of lamp, when he pushed open the door, the piling up gorgeous smile would welcome him.

At that time, what bubble forth from his mind, was a surge of throbbing warmth. The feeling of someone waiting for him when he came home was truly splendid!

Tian Yang lightened his steps, opened the door and entered the house. Set upright his ears attentively listening to the inner room for movement. But after so long there was still not a sound or whatsoever noise. Yi’r definitely had cried and tired himself out! Once he recalled the drilling the heart wailing voice before he left, Tian Yang was no longer able to control himself from igniting the candle in the room.

When his line of vision fell on the direction of the bed, his face couldn’t help but be stunned. The all sides were a layer of absolute quiet, without whatever sound, also without Yi’r with eyes heavy with sleep smilingly welcoming him. He was in a state of anxiety then looked around, inside the room was dark and quiet without a trace of a human. Where was Yi’r?


He anxiously called out. Yi’r couldn’t be angry at him, with him playing hide-and-seek? Decided that the room was too small to hide someone, he turned his body and went straight to go out of the house. Making use of the slight light of the moon, he searched high and low for the missing person. But ended up emptyhanded.

His heart gave birth to anything but rea.s.suring feelings, Tian Yang once again went straight inside the house, with all his might he pulled open the wardrobe door. As a result, inside the wardrobe he vigorously made, only left his own robes, also Yi’r’s woman’s apparels. That little bundle Yi’r never allowed him to see had already disappeared.

“Why?” Tian Yang powerlessly sat down.

Actually why, Yi’r unexpectedly didn’t say even a word just went away like that? The room remained intact and neat. The meals Yi’r prepared for him today had yet been graced by the two masters, still properly arranged on the table. Everything was still there, only less one person.

In this period of time, Tian Yang was a little bit in a trance. Maybe, he just needed to wait for a little while more, Yi’r would open the door and enter, once again unfolded his smiling face at him. That’s right, Yi’r loves this place so much, cannot say go then just go.

They had lived together for this long while, in this several tens of days of living together, there was no way it had not the least bit meaning for Yi’r, he couldn’t leave without the slightest bit of sentimentally attached feeling. Tian Yang unceasingly convinced himself.

The him at this moment since earlier had forgotten, that it was he himself who asked him to leave. Or maybe he unconsciously didn’t want to remember! He couldn’t believe that he was such a fool, chased away someone who cared so much for him.

Forgot who had told him this, falling in love with someone you hate, is the most desperate thing. Tian Yang now already could fully experience that kind of desperate feeling. Especially the person he fell in love with, not only a person he hated from the beginning, but also a tabooed existence to be loved, doubled the fatal blow. How could he have a s.p.a.ce to turn over his body?

Previously, he towards happiness, turned up his nose2. But now, as long as Yi’r appeared in front of him in this instant, he would immediately modestly submit himself under Yi’r’s feet, as long as Yi’r was willing to stay by his side.

That’s right, as long as Yi’r appeared.

But......Where did Yi’r actually go to? Tian Yang panic stricken recalled Yi’r’s drifting and homeless state. After losing his shelter from the wind and rain, where could Yi’r go?

The sky in the south the land in the north3, the world is vast. Where should he go to search?

Once his pondering reached this point, Tian Yang couldn’t be able to sit still, charged out the house and leaped on Shandian’s back, swift as the wind and quick as lightning went to search!


Searching for the entire night, the result was still a disappointment. Tian Yang dejectedly returned to the two’s shared gra.s.s and mud house, in his heart existed one tenth of a thousandth hope, maybe Yi’r would once again appear in this house, gave him a pleasant surprise.

Upon returning to the house, waiting for him in front of the house was not the person he expected, but it was a whole face anxious Tian Hao.

“Big Brother!” Once he saw him returned, Tian Hao immediately greeted him.

“What’s happened?” Whole night hadn’t had sleep, adding more to the anxiety of not finding the person he searched for, caused Tian Yang to be palled considerably. The tone of speaking of course wouldn’t be good.

“Sister-in-law ne?” Tian Hao asked right in the face. “She has gone, hasn’t she?”

“How do you know......” Tian Yang straightened up his body, his morale was boosted.

“How do I know?” Tian Yang unhappily said. “Ask yourself! Didn’t you want to do all you’re capable of in order to chase her away?”

“Yi’r already left!” Tian Yang said in lament.

“You know where she going to?”

“You know?” Tian Yang excitedly asked.

“Of course I know.” Tian Hao curled his mouth. “She is at our Yun family’s ranch, receiving father’s overjoyed reception.”

“What?” The turn of events was so rapid, Tian Yang for a while couldn’t make a response.

“In short, this morning she inexplicably appeared in front of everybody, professed herself as your wife, because of a stage of illness had delayed the journey. I was almost shocked to death by her, I thought that the bride had a twin. But now knowing that you had lost the bride, I know that she is the rightful bride.”

“Yi’r went to Yun Family ranch?”

“Isn’t her name Ling Shuang?” Tian Hao didn’t understand who was this Yi’r his Big Brother kept on saying, couldn’t help himself from correcting him.


Tian Yang absentmindedly muttered to himself. Refused to believe that Yi’r was such an adept at scheming kind of person. Knowing that he would be chased out by him, surprisingly brazenly went straightforward to the Yun family asking for shelter from the old man.

Was it like that? No wonder he searched the neighborhood again and again, still couldn’t find him. So Yi’r had gone to the Yun family......

But, Yi’r really thought that by doing this he could stay in the Yun family? Impossible, since now he had seen that Yi’r was actually not more than a greedy for riches and rank kind of person, he wouldn’t let Yi’r stay, he wouldn’t let him have his wish fulfilled.

“The impossible things often happen.” Tian Hao not without showing sympathy said.

Big Brother certainly never had thought that his scheme would not be a success. Still let the sister-in-law pa.s.sed through the hall into the inner chamber4, already seen by the father. Next time, if wanted to chase away that woman, perhaps they had to spend a much longer time.

“In a word, father wants you to go home at once, prepare to pay the courtesy with sister-in-law.”

“In his dreams!”

Cursing in low voice, Tian Yang turned the horse, went to the direction of the Yun family’s ranch in a rush.


Yun s.h.i.+ Zheng sat on the big chair in the main hall, waiting for his eldest son to come home.

He carefully looked at the girl in front of him, knew that she was definitely not a fake one. Her eyebrows, eyes, facial features, extremely alike with his old friend, the grace disposition also quite the mother’s tendency. The problem lied in, why did she delay for such a long time, also only brought one personal maid with her upon her arrival.

To be honest, when the bride delayed for more than half a month still hadn’t arrived, in his heart, he already had the worst of estimation, maybe his old friend decided to break a promise of marriage. However, now that Ling Shuang had arrived, all of his doubts had been eliminated.

Ling Shuang carefully measured her surroundings. Once again regretted her own reckless action. So father indeed didn’t lie to her.The Yun family really was Guanwai’s wealthiest family. Looking at the valuable inarticulate antique vase, the meticulously carved chairs, on the wall were the paintings and compositions of the famous expert, compared to Ling family was not inferior at all.

If only she knew this, she wouldn’t have resorted to that foolish action of eloping with another man, also wouldn’t come to this bad end of being abandoned, the person and the money both disappeared. That d.a.m.n Xiao Bo Yu, once he got the gold, silver, treasures and jewels in his hands, actually in a blink of an eye even the shadow couldn’t be seen anymore. The Heaven still pitied her, she still had some jewelry which she wore, thus she could come to the Yun family.

What’s more to be thankful was, the originally disguised as her Xiao s.h.i.+ Zi didn’t know died at where, surprisingly n.o.body felt weird upon her arrival, instead, they joyfully welcomed her. Even if curious about Xiao s.h.i.+ Zi’s whereabouts, yet she wouldn’t question her good luck.

Now just needed to wait for her hadn’t met face to face husband to arrive, if he also had the same handsomeness as the just now seen brother-in-law, then it’s truly Heaven had treated her kindly. Heaven knows, obviously he was her brother-in-law, already could make her heart jump in a quickened pace. They said that her husband compared to the brother-in-law, was much more superior, didn’t know he would be handsome to what extent!

While drowning in her delightful thoughts, she heard from the outside the sound of horse hoofing and neighing. Ptooey5! This place though beautiful, but still had the unsatisfying part in the midst of beauty. The domestic animals how can they be so near to the main house? Just wait until she became the Mistress of the house, definitely would keep those domestic animals apart.

A man treaded in a hasted pace and entered the house. As soon as he entered, his eyes impatiently floated to all direction, as if he was searching for something. Following on his back, indeed the earlier she had seen brother-in-law.

Aiya! Her future husband indeed was valiant and formidable-looking, incomparably handsome. Be qualified to be with her, Jiangnan’s utmost beauty. Didn’t put into consideration her former action, Ling Shuang satisfyingly let out a smile.

Looking at his impatience, Ling Shuang on her own accord stood up and stepped forward.

“The person?” Tian Yang couldn’t hide his urgent pressing.

“Isn’t this the one!” Yun s.h.i.+ Zheng pointed at Ling Shuang. “She is your wife. Although when in the Ling family, they already helped you out by standing in your place to pay the courtesy, but this is after all your important lifelong marriage. We must be a bit prudent. Choose one fine time lucky day, to allow you two to formally pay the courtesy.”

Tian Yang rapidly turned his body, looking at the only woman in the room whose style of dressing was of a high rank n.o.ble, inter-forehead was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with spoiled aura. That’s right! This was correctly the Ling Shuang he had imagined. This time need not to doubt, she wouldn’t be the fake.

The problem was, why did she appear in the Yun family? Didn’t she elope with another man, why appear now?

Then Yi’r na? Where did he go? The one in here was not Yi’r. Tian Yang didn’t know if he should sigh in relief or should be worried. Maybe just having the both of them! On one side he heaved a relief sigh, knowing that Yi’r was not that kind of person who was greedy for wealth and honor, but on the other side, he contradicted himself wis.h.i.+ng that Yi’r would appear in this place, to avoid his heart from clutching. Didn’t know what had happened to Yi’r in a place he didn’t know of.

Ling Shuang being looked at by Tian Yang’s swift and fierce eyes was a little bit uncomfortable. Couldn’t help but blush and hang down her head, bent her body to give a courtesy greet: “Husband.”

“I dare not accept the honor.” Tian Yang said in sarcasm. “I, Yun Tian Yang, how could I have such good fortune to be your husband.”

“That......” Ling Shuang helplessly gazed to Yun s.h.i.+ Zheng’s direction, hoping he said something in her aid.

“Tian Yang!” Yun s.h.i.+ Zheng pressed his brows together. “What are you saying. This marriage matter has been known by all, now you cannot say no!”

“This daughter-in-law is the one you want, not me.” Tian Yang said without holding back. “If you really like her so much, why don’t you marry her yourself!”

Regardless of the affairs with Yi’r, this woman was simply the clone of his mother. First, eloping with another man, now, from a thousand Li away came to the Yun family wanting to marry to him. She truly considered him, Yun Tian Yang, as that easy to be deceived?

Didn’t matter what father wanted, or what kind of big deal marrying her, he absolutely would never marry with this kind of woman.

“You...... You want to anger me to death?” Yun s.h.i.+ Zheng stroke his own chest, breathed with much difficulty, his whole body as if lost the strength sat on the chair. “At...... At first, this marriage matter was you yourself said that you agreed. I...... I didn’t force you.”

This unfilial son. With much difficulty he feigned his illness to press him to marry. Now that the bride already was in front of them, how could he allow him to say no?

“Father!” Tian Hao rushed forward, patting Yun s.h.i.+ Zheng’s back, letting him have a smooth breath. “Big Brother, just cease your speech.”

“Oh! Please you guys don’t quarrel because of me!” Ling Shuang suddenly made a sound, delicately and pitifully covered her face with her hands and started weeping. “Tian Yang, I beg you, listen to father, alright? I was bedridden for a quite a while, relying on the small wish to unite with you in a marriage to support me, so that I can come to this place. Tian Yang, this place is very beautiful, also you are just the same as the handsome husband in my dream, we will live happily, I will be the best wife for you, really, I promise!”

“As for what father had mentioned in the letter, wanted to make this place more elegant, I will exhaust my strength too, to make this place become even more cultured, to make father happy.”

“This house is not good enough?” Yun s.h.i.+ Zheng anxiously asked.

“Not that bad.” Ling Shuang smiled to rea.s.sure. “Only......” She looked around and nitpicked. “We should put more distance with the domestic animals in the ranch, also, the decoration...... Should be more exquisite.”

This woman!

“Not allowing you to move whatever things in the house.” Tian Yang roared.

Tian Hao also wordlessly looked at Ling Shuang.

“That’s enough, Tian Yang.” Yun s.h.i.+ Zheng said to pacify. “In the future, this will also be Shuang’r’shouse, you should let her to give it a try. This also is my main reason in asking a marriage from the thousand Li apart Jiangnan, want to change the Yun family ranch to become more refined.”

“I will not marry her!” Tian Yang once again reaffirmed.

“You will, moreover, within this near future.” Yun s.h.i.+ Zheng remained unshakeable.

Tian Yang deeply breathed in a mouthful of air, decided not to make a meaningless struggle with his father. He turned to ask Ling Shuang: “You contracted an illness for a period of time?”

“That......That’s right!”

“Couldn’t see that you are having any illness.”

“My body consistently getting well.”

“They said that among your marriage company, there is still one page boy, where is that page boy now?”

Ling Shuang originally intended to flatly deny Xiao s.h.i.+ Zi’s existence, but seeing Tian Yang’s complete confident, all of a sudden she perfectly understood his intention. Curse him. So he actually knew about Xiao s.h.i.+ Zi, then certainly had totally found out the whole truth from Xiao s.h.i.+ Zi. No wonder he firmly unwilling to marry her.

Humph! Now he intended to uncover her, letting her not find a place to hide out of shame?

Yun Tian Yang, you are too naïve! She, Ling Shuang, now that she dared to appear in the Yun family, of course already had the accordingly response. Don’t look down on the determination of a person who had fallen into She was holding the determination of the last struggle of dying person.

“Are you talking about Xiao s.h.i.+ Zi?”

“Xiao s.h.i.+ Zi?” Tian Yang creased his brows. What kind of addressing people is this, isn’t it a bit too looking down on someone? “Why didn’t I see him?”

“Don’t mention him again!” Ling Shuang all of a sudden in a rage. “That wicked slave, unexpectedly taking advantage when I was bedridden, taking all of my valuable things including my dowry and sold them out, caused me and Ju’r to fall into Fortunately we still have a little jewelry, that’s why we can come to Guanwai.”

“There really is such a wicked slave?” Yun s.h.i.+ Zheng was furious to no end.

“Father, you wouldn’t blame me for emptyhandedly entering the Yun family, would you?” Ling Shuang pairs of eyes wetted by tears while asking.

“Stupid child, how can I blame you?” Yun s.h.i.+ Zheng benevolently said. “We will find that wicked slave, demand justice for you.”

Ling Shuang was performing an excellent show, immediately gained Yun s.h.i.+ Zheng’s sympathy, not at all doubted her words.

Tian Yang gritted his teeth to the point of itching. Angry to himself for spinning a coc.o.o.n around himself6. If from the very beginning he wasn’t up to dirty intentions, after fetching Yi’r straightforwardly went home, from earlier the whole truth would be revealed. How would Ling Shuang have had the chance to invert right and wrong, to reverse Yi’r, a very good and honest pure hearted person, become so guilty of unpardonable evil?

What’s more regretful, he didn’t have the standpoint to refute her.

Didn’t matter if father found out his original plan, how angry he could be. But he had lost the strongest witness, how could he uncover her falsehood?

Yi’r, Yi’r, where are you actually at? As long as Yi’r standing in front of everybody, that gentle and mild manner, there wouldn’t be anybody who doubt his words.

As a matter of fact, obviously when hearing Yi’r speaking, would cause people to subconsciously feel happy and carefree.

“Shuang’r, trudging a long distance has tired you out, I will let auntie Li to take you to rest first, alright?”

“Thank you father!” Ling Shuang obediently said.

When she turned her body to enter the room, her face was having an indescribably satisfaction.

“Tian Yang, choose a day, you two will get married.” Concluding the speech, didn’t leave Tian Yang a chance to answer, Yun s.h.i.+ Zheng walked to the inner room.

“Big Brother.” In the twinkling of an eye, the hall only remained Tian Yang and his little brother. “Congratulation for the marriage.”

“Save it!” Tian Yang agitatedly brushed away the hanging on his shoulder hand. “You don’t understand anything.”

“I do don’t understand.” Tian Hao shrugged his shoulder. “I don’t understand why she could appear here, but since that you two have been living together for more than ten days, also she has pa.s.sed your trial and doesn’t cower, doesn’t return to Jiangnan, I couldn’t see what your reason is for not accepting her!”

“Of course, if she could change her personality, maybe she will be better. However, I don’t understand why she must invent this illness issue......”

“Because,” Tian Yang roared. “The previously came bride is not Ling Shuang. The person who lived together with me for several tens of days is not her, like this do you understand?”


Tian Hao this time was truly completely struck dumb!

End of Chapter 7.

(1). In Chinese text, the p.r.o.nouns has the same sound for he (他), she (她). The difference is in the text. In this text, Tian Yang was using 他 (neutral p.r.o.nouns), which can mean him or her. But Lin Xi wouldn’t know whether he was talking about man or woman.

(2). Turn up one’s nose: to snort disdainfully.

(3). The sky in the south the land in the north (literally translated: means, far apart or distant places.

(4).Pa.s.s through the hall into the inner chamber (id): go to the next level, to attain a higher level.

(5). Ptooey: an expression of spitting.

(6) Spin a coc.o.o.n around oneself (id): enmeshed in a trap of one’s own devising.

Chapter 7 : Counterfeit Bride Chapter 7“Tian Yang, why haven’t you come for a long while?” Lin Xi’s
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