Counterfeit Bride
Chapter 6 : Counterfeit Bride Chapter 6“Don’t be afraid. It’s alright now!”  Tian Yang rudely kicke

Counterfeit Bride Chapter 6

“Don’t be afraid. It’s alright now!”  

Tian Yang rudely kicked close the door, walked to their bed, turned his body to sit, still holding Jie Yi, he was still trembling lightly out of fear.

He repeatedly patted Jie Yi, like coaxing a child: “Don’t be afraid, Yi’r. You are alright now. I am by your side, there is no one that can harm you.”

“Who is he?” Jie Yi asked in low voice.

“He? He is my paternal cousin, we could be said as growing up together. The ranch property, he also has a share. Everyone is working on the ranch.”

“I haven’t seen him.” Not only him, the rest of the Yun family he still hadn’t met yet. Jie Yi until now just felt the oddness.

“Because...... He......” Tian Yi resided in the Yun family’s comfortably large house. Of course he wouldn’t appear on TianFeng’s ranch’s little warehouse. Just that today didn’t know why, Tian Yi surprisingly became prompted by a sudden impulse to come here. Could it be that Tian Hao didn’t do a good job in helping him?

“Eh, Tian Yi just returned from Guannei, of course you haven’t seen him.” Tian Yang remained calm and unperturbed telling a lie.

“All of the men in Guanwai, are they all that big and st.u.r.dy?” Not only Tian Yang, even Tian Yang’s cousin also the same tall person. The people he saw in the town, seemingly also not short.

“It might be! But there is always an exception.” Tian Yang wanted to let Jie Yi relax, jokingly said: “You are so small, in the future, if we are having our offspring, they won’t be too tall.”

Jie Yi body became stiff, fell into silence. They...... how could they have their offspring? At this moment, Jie Yi suddenly became so sorrowful. He was too selfish. Because his own wish to have a warm family, he actually deceived Tian Yang like this!

He shrank his body, leaning closer to Tian Yang. Just several days more, he would tell Tian Yang the truth, couldn’t let Tian Yang bring him home to the Yun family, to let Tian Yang endure the mocking by other people. The feeling of ‘family’ that he wanted, Tian Yang already gave it to him. He also should give Tian Yang a complete family.

Tian Yang’s warm big palm was gently caressing Jie Yi’s head. Lovingly and compa.s.sionately looking at him. His Yi’r was very brave! When Tian Yi was being fierce, in Guanwai, there were rarely people who dared to confront him. But Yi’r courageously took a stick to fight him?

Tian Yang had never admitted his own foolishness. Yet, why did he need such a long time to realize that Yi’r was a woman who was suitable for the ranch, suitable for him? So stupid! He actually pushed away his own beautiful, bursting with vitality and courageous soulmate!

Why, Yi’r was basically not like his mother, not even in the slightest bit, at least in his barely remembered memory, he had never seen his mother enter the kitchen to cook, in touch with everything on the ranch. But Yi’r was not like that. She so earnestly wanted to be with him having leg and hand callouses working hard to establish their dream.           

Like this, holding her, the feeling was so good. He should have from the very first night, when she looked like a lost and lonely little cat, tightly hold her, and absolutely shouldn’t say that he wanted her to leave foolish talk.

If he was not such a fool, then right now, it should be a different kind of situation!

Wait until he told Yi’r about the real condition of the Yun family, told Yi’r that the Yun family since earlier already had the real big house, just wait until she enter the post, at that time, Yi’r would be angry, or would be pleasantly surprised?

Didn’t know why, he just firmly believed Yi’r would be furious. No. He didn’t want to lose Yi’r’s trust.

Tian Yang tightly held Jie Yi in his arms, tight to the point he could feel his body temperature. If Yi’r could accept him to become her husband both in reality as well as in name, then, he would never lose her.

Taking advantage that now Yi’r for the first time on her own accord came close to him, the atmosphere was also great, he should strike while the iron’s still hot, right here and now hold Yi’r, then he didn’t need to worry of losing her.

“Tian Yang, why didn’t you come home to eat?” Jie Yi asked all of a sudden.

“There were things on the ranch that held me up.”

“Not because you’re angry at me?”

“I wasn’t angry.” Tian Yang said with a guilty conscience. “But...... Maybe a little. I am sorry. I will never leave you alone again.”

Luckily the person who came today was Tian Yi, if the person who came was some bad person with evil intentions, then at the time he returned, what kind of circ.u.mstances would he had faced? Tian Yang thought in clear mind, he felt the endless fear.

“Tian Yang, stay by my side alright?” Jie Yi earnestly hoped. “At the place where I reach out my hand I can touch you.”

Only for several days, afterwards...... He would muster up enough courage, telling Tian Yang everything about the actual state of affairs. He was greedy! Wanted to have several days more of memory.

“Yi’r!” Tian Yang with a touched feeling hugged him. Every part of his hardened heart was melting. Couldn’t restrain himself from lowering his head to press on those soft, alluring red lips.

This was a beyond all expectations, charming and bewildering kiss. The two were offering their true feelings. Seizing this exceptionally good atmosphere, Tian Yang pulled down Jie Yi’s sash. His mouth whispering on the side of his ear: “Never, never, I will never leave you alone again. In the future...... By your side surely will have me......”

The warm and gentle promises and the sweet kisses, caused the entire person of Jie Yi to become dizzy, not the least bit had the awareness of Tian Yang’s movement and the flash of determination in his eyes.  When Tian Yang’s lips moved to his neck, he could only intoxicatedly lift his head upwards.

Tian Yang on one side was licking Jie Yi’s slender neck, on the other side, his nimble fingers already began peeling and removing his own and Jie Yi’s clothes.

How weird! Xiao Yi’r body certainly was not full and plump, but......this was really lacking too much! Tian Yang couldn’t help but become suspicious. Could it be that...... No, Impossible!

To verify his own wild guesses, he took advantage of the time when Yi’r was still not having any clear awareness, swiftly stripped down Jie Yi’s pants. Never had thought that sure enough on Jie Yi’s body, he saw the shouldn’t belong to a ‘woman’ deserved thing.

“What the h.e.l.l?”

A while after, the house rose up a fit of roar that startled the Heaven.

“Tian Yang?” Jie Yi in his misty mind had been shocked to clear awareness. Lifted his eyes to look at Tian Yang, then just realized that Tian Yang’s clothing was already widely open, revealing his solid chest. And he himself......

“AH!” His face all red, shouting out of shock, quickly covered himself.

When, when had he been stripped off to nearly not having a thread covering him, only left was his upper clothes which were not enough to cover his body?

“You are a man!” Tian Yang charged at him.

When he saw that frail and flat chest, originally he still had his hope, convinced himself, maybe this was only an underdeveloped body. But his itching to know the truth heart, caused him to urgently pull down the covering Yi’r’s lower body pants, shockingly appeared the same thing as his thing, the thing only a man could have.

This was just as a bucket of cold water being poured on his hip, the pa.s.sion vanished in an instant.

“I......I......” Jie Yi’s face turned white. All of the embarra.s.sment disappeared immediately. Completely couldn’t think of whatever words to explain.

“Who are you?”

Although towards the reality that Yi’r was a man he detested bitterly, but upon the caught into his sight of pink colored body, the dripping with bright color of l.u.s.t face, the just now vanished pa.s.sion was surging up again. Tian Yang busily turned his head away.

“I......” Jie Yi felt guilty incessantly. Could only dare to steal a glance, then hurriedly lowered his head, the tears was gus.h.i.+ng out from his eyes.

“Don’t cry!” Tian Yang harshly shouted. Already hated his own self for unable seeing his tears, also hated him for crying causing him to have a heartache.

“I......” Lifted his eyes to gaze at Tian Yang, the tears began drop by drop rolling down. “I didn’t mean to deceive you, really......”

Jie Yi choked and paused while telling the real situation.

“I was thinking that after several days, I will tell the truth, really, I didn’t intend to keep on deceiving you.”

Tian Yang wanted to believe him, but once he recalled that he had earnestly accepted, willing to stay together for the whole of his life, from the beginning was actually a man, the surge of extreme wrath was unable to be calmed down.

He had ever doubted Yi’r’s ident.i.ty, also had mentally prepared if he was not Ling Shuang. But no matter what he had never thought, Yi’r actually was a man! How to revoke the feelings he had expended?

A man! Why should he be a man, to actually have such beautiful skin and flesh?

Even though now, although thoroughly furious towards Yi’r, the desire to possess him was still above everything, but...... Yi’r was a man......

Looking at Yi’r’s frail chest move up and down, the wetted by tears face, the half opened bright red lips, the gracefully shaped ten fingers slightly trembling, a burst of impulse drowned Tian Yang.

Don’t care anymore. Dare to disguise as someone’s wife, must have the awareness to accompany someone on the bed. Didn’t give Yi’r a little lesson, how could he vent out his anger!

“Tian Yang?” Jie Yi unconsciously stepped back, Tian Yang’s wholeheartedly determined face, caused him to be afraid endlessly. “What do you want to do?”

Tian Yang stretched out his arm, Jie Yi just fell into his grasp, firmly pressed on the bed by him......

“Since you dare to pretend to be my wife, then you should have already been mentally prepared to become mine right?” Being stared at by him, Jie Yi dared not to shake his head! 

“Good!” Tian Yang heartlessly laughed, then grabbed his thin legs, pulling his legs apart as much as possible.

“No…..Don’t… this……” Jie Yi couldn’t stop trembling in fear, the pain of the euphoric drunk feeling from just now has gone don’t know where! 

“Quite cute mah!” Tian Yang actually commented. Men should have the same thing, yet Yi’rs thing is small and very cute, even the petal-like secret pa.s.sage, also suffused with pink glow, kept on attracting his attention. 

Very good, the feeling of disgust which was originally thought to have did not appear, looks like Yi’r is an exception, then the matter will be very smooth. 

Large palm lightly stroked that although flat yet soft and have elasticity chest, small and tender as well as exquisite clone, as a man himself, he could not help but to smile, really cute ah! And Yi’r hair is astonis.h.i.+ngly soft, his body seemed so slender and feminine. 

Looks like it’s not only Jiangnan women who are delicate, men are not inferior in anyway. 

“Tian Yang?”Jie Yi pleaded with his opened watery eyes. 

“What, you are not willing?” 

“….n…….no…….”Jie Yi lacked of willpower and changed his words. 

With his whole body red as a tomato, still dared to be brave? Tian Yang disdained thought. Hmph! Then let his face be more redder! This is the only time in his life where he goes to bed with a man, if do not play enough then it’s his loss. 

Tian Yang raised Jie Yi’s legs high, pressing against his knee, by doing this, not only his private, even his secret hole could be seen very clearly. Tian Yang had seen a woman’s private part countless times, but it is his first time to see a man’s private part, pink glow, looks very cute. 

“Don’t…..Don’t do this…….” Jie Yi flushed with shame. “It….It’s so shameful……” Jie Yi knew his body was boiling hot, only wished to bury his head deep. 

Jie Yi’s tender moan let Tian Yang lower abdomen tighten up. At this critical moment, the pain in his body didn’t allow him to retreat, Tian Yang simply won’t stop if the work is not done, lowered his head, his tongue licked Jie Yi’s secret entrance.

“Ah…..” Jie Yi shuddered, do not know where to put his hands, can only tugged the thin quilts on his side, softly moaned nonstop. “There…..There won’t do….So dirty….” 

When the lubrication was completed, Tian Yang’s finger started to pierce into the secret entrance, Jie Yi could not help but weirdly moan out loud, his body is hot and painful. 

“Tian Yang…..Spare me…..” Jie Yi said continuously.

Tian Yang payed no attention to his pleads, only kept on increasing his fingers to three fingers, and wriggled inside Jie Yi’s body, an odd and painful  feeling  spread through Jie Yi’s heart. 

“Tian Yang….No…..Don’t…..So strange……” He breathlessly pleaded. 

When Tian Yang saw that to the point of red like a completely ripened berry core raise up, he could not help but frown. “Seems to be a bit too much, wait……” He leaned down in pity and used his tongue to lightly lick on the bright red fruit, after that placed it in his mouth and gently sucked it. 

Jie Yi is not clear if this counted as comfort, but his chest recalled with nostalgia that wet, delicate care, every time Tian Yang’s tongue glided across, he still wanted more. 

“Ah….So Ticklish…….” Jie Yi could not restrain and started to move his body. 

“Don’t randomly move!” Tian Yang mockingly patted his pink b.u.t.tocks. "Right, I forgot there is still one more thing, absolutely may not be left out." Tian Yang licked them in turn, licked until the two roundish berries perked up. By then, he moved his mouth away from the front chest, lightly bit Jie Yi's pinkish neck and earlobe.

The empty large palm, then gripped Jie Yi’s private, hand nonstop kneading, provoking the innocent desire.

“Ah…….” Jie Yi didn't know at all, that body part where no one is willing to expose, is so sensitive. And the being gripped private, is more fragile and vulnerable.

“Ah Ah!” Maybe he has an impatient personality, Tian Yang’s movement increased in his pace, forcing Jie Yi to release his desire not long after.

“You abrasive evil spirit!” Tian Yang took out his fingers, turned and seized Jie Yi’s body, kissed his whole body.


“Well! I cannot restrain anymore….” Tian Yang took off his pants, flashed his giant-form, and saw Jie Yi shudder in fear. 

Spreading Jie Yi thighs wide apart, Tian Yang aimed at the narrow hidden pa.s.sage,by forcing its way, squeezing to get inside, in a short moment already penetrate thoroughly.

“Ah…….Ah…….” Jie Yi screamed out loud, large tears falling down.

It was said that the first time would be very painful. Man or woman all the same. These words were indeed not wrong. Seeing Yi’r cry so pitifully, the face still had the hadn’t dried up tears. Next time, he definitely would be gentler, wouldn’t let Yi’r hurt, wanted to let Yi’r enjoy the taste of the whole body melting wonderful feeling. That’s right, next time, definitely.

Just when Tian Yang wanted to hug the powerless slender body on the bed, wanted to properly love him, all of a sudden he regained his right mind.

What was he thinking of? No matter how good the feeling of embracing Yi’r, he was still a man through and through, also a person who had deceived him, how could he make Yi’r to stay by his side forever?

The rage rose, Tian Yang extended his hand to pull Jie Yi’s hair. Forced Jie Yi to be unable not to look at him. “Tian Yang?”

It was exactly this kind of delicate and pitiful face, so that he could fall even deeper into the pitfall! The more Tian Yang thought about it, the angrier he became, couldn’t help but want to torment him.

“Embracing a man is only like this, couldn’t be compared to the woman’s softness. You are truly extremely disappointing. I don’t want to see you again!” Saying out his anger, Tian Yang disgustedly pushed him away.

Jie Yi blinked his eyes. Realized the meaning of Tian Yang’s speech, on the surface of the big eyes showed his desperation.

When Jie Yi’s tears soundlessly slid down, Tian Yang almost extended his hand to stop it.

d.a.m.n it! He was about to let Yi’r suffer, but it shouldn’t be like this. Seeing Yi’r cry, he himself also didn’t feel good, his heart continuously gushed out a guilty feeling......

“From now on, you are not my wife. With the Yun family also don’t have any relations.h.i.+p.” Deliberately didn’t look at him, Tian Yang rapidly put on his clothes, forced opened the door and rushed out.

Just at the moment when he closed the door, he seemed like hearing Yi’r’s bawling voice, but he still forcefully restrained himself from the impulse of turning his body to go and hold Yi’r, ran away from the gra.s.s and mud house.


Bawling for a good while, Jie Yi propped up his weak body, forced himself to put on his clothes. His body although hurt very much, but the must put away things, he still put away. Tian Yang had said, didn’t want to see him again, he was also not part of the Yun family anymore, not his wife, he also had asked him to leave quickly, as to avoid when Tian Yang returned, seeing him he would get angry again.

The sky was already dark. Seeing his expression, Tian Yang was unlikely to come back!

Like this was also good. If he waited until Tian Yang came back to chase him out, he might not be able to endure it. Better to take advantage of the time, leave on his own accord.

Carrying his little to the point of pitiful luggage, changed back to the originally belong to him clothing. As for Ling Shuang’s silks and satins, Jie Yi didn’t allow himself to dress up as a girl again in the future, of course he left them behind intact.

Looking about in all direction, Jie Yi for the very last time was sightseeing, couldn’t bear to part.

This place even if old and broken, indeed had given him the feeling of family. But it was a pity, the first time when he at the spur of the moment agreed to disguise as Ling Shuang, the ‘family member’ he thought he could have, not even one he ever met with.

However, never had met was also good, otherwise, he would be even more unwilling to part.

Opening the door, the pitch-black night caused Jie Yi to have a frightened heart. Even the Heaven also became his enemy. He was about to leave, there was no moonlight to show him the way. The path in front of him was boundless, where should he go?

Don’t care, just go first think later! Couldn’t just go because he didn’t have any place to go, shamelessly stayed not going. Tian Yang would be displeased.


The h.e.l.l with it, in the deep of the night who is crying?

Yun Tian Yi furiously sat his body up. In the end decided to surrender to the crying voice, accepted the fate and draped his clothes over his shoulder, opened the door looking at the field to see who it actually was!

“You better have a good reason for disturbing someone’s sleep, otherwise, I will let you see,” angrily talked. Tian Yi in big strides stood in front of the person who was coiling in front of his house’s gra.s.s fence.

This little b.a.s.t.a.r.d, seemingly was not so big, the wailing voice was indeed amazing.

“So...... Sorry......” Jie Yi sobbing and sniffling lifted his head. “I...... I didn’t mean it......”

Because the late night was too dark, the two couldn’t recognize who was the person in front of them.

Tian Yi could only feel his head became numb, he was unable to deal with a wailing person.

“Enter the house first.” He sighed, turned his body to enter the house, in pa.s.sing he lit up an oil lamp.

Jie Yi was hesitant for a while, then hurriedly followed him to enter.

Compared to the tall and st.u.r.dy stranger in front of him, he was more afraid to be alone in the pitch-dark night. Alone groping his way in the dark walked along the path, until he couldn’t restrain his heart from being fl.u.s.tered, then he went to the direction where there were humans residing to have a stop, simultaneously let out his voice to cry.

Only he didn’t put into consideration, his wailing voice could disturb someone’s peace. Eh! He always created trouble for other people.

“You......” Tian Yi turned his body to face the coming person, when he clearly saw the person in front of him, immediately stopped his mouth. “Aren’t you......”

At dusk, though he didn’t formally introduce himself to her, but also been together for a short while, of course he still remembered she was Tian Yang’s newlywed wife. Only that at that time she was wearing woman dress, but the her in front of him now was wearing male clothing.

“It’s you.” Jie Yi couldn’t help himself from retreating several steps. “I......I am a man, not a woman, what’s more, I don’t have any valuable things.”

Tian Yi couldn’t help his wry laughter. “Still think that I am a robber?”

“So...... sorry...... I forgot for a moment.” The image when he was being clutched was too strong, caused him to forget for a moment that this person was Tian Yang’s paternal cousin.

“At this time, you are not with Tian Yang sweetly fondling and kissing together as an affectionate couple, come to this faraway place for what?” Eh? He just now seemingly heard a very important information. “You are a man?” Tian Yi loudly shouted.


“But Tian Yang said, you......”

“I have lied to him!” Jie Yi felt ashamed and guilty hung down his head. “Tian Yang he didn’t know anything, so that he could speak like that.”

“Then now......”

“Tian Yang already found out.”

“He chased you out?”

“......” Jie Yi lowered his head, after a long while he finally said a line: “This is my deserved punishment. I shouldn’t deceive people.”

Tian Yi carefully looked at Jie Yi. He seemed to be a youth in his teen, a good and honest sincere appearance, pair of eyes still red and swelling because of the just now wailing. If it was said that he was harboring evil intention to deceive the Yun family, truly caused people hard to believe. There must be something that he wished to hide!

“Could you tell me everything?”

“Mm!” Anyway, there was nothing to be hidden anymore.

Jie Yi told everything from beginning to end, including how he replaced Ling Shuang in her marriage, the whole thing was given out. Only left out the thing that happened between him and Tian Yang, that thing would forever be their most precious memory.

“So it is like that.” Tian Yi nodded his head. “However, your Young Lady, since she wanted someone to pretend to be her, why didn’t she arrange for a girl, at least she wouldn’t be as easily exposed.”

“I also don’t understand.” Jie Yi helplessly shook his head. “I also told Young Lady so, but she only weirdly laughed.”

Perhaps Ling Shuang deliberately wanted to cause the Yun family to lose face, letting people know that the Yun family couldn’t even distinguish a man or woman, actually married a man to become a daughter-in-law. Tian Yi secretly made his own wild guesses! But, fortunately the courtesy hadn’t been done, just in time to discover the mistake.

“You holding this bundle, where do you want to go?”

“I don’t know......” Jie Yi towards his future was in the dark. “Maybe going back to Jiangnan!”

“You already don’t  have any relatives?” Tian Yi worriedly asked. “Just said you go back to Jiangnan, who can you rely on? In addition, do you have enough travelling expenses?”

“When Young Lady left, she gave me a pearl bracelet.” Jie Yi lifted his hand to let Tian Yi see. “She said I could rely on this for quite a while.”

Tian Yi carefully looked at it, didn’t have the heart but he still told him. “This...... this pearl bracelet maybe not be worth as much money. Your Young Lady perhaps had lied to you.”

“No...... impossible......” Jie Yi blanked in an instant. Didn’t want to believe, but also knew that Tian Yi didn’t have any reason to lie to him.

“You said, you want to go back to Jiangnan, do you know how long the distance from here to Jiangnan?” Tian Yi sympathetically said. “Besides, you know...... You have walked in the wrong direction?”

“Is it?”

“Mm! My working hut is in the north direction, you should go to the south direction.”

“I am so stupid!” Jie Yi dejectedly clutched tightly the bundle in his hand.

He not only didn’t have the originally counting on travelling expenses, but also couldn’t identify direction. Really stupid to the extreme. Served him right to be cheated by other people.

“Today is your lucky day. Otherwise, usually this working hut is empty.” Also fortunately today when he went to the warehouse to take something he met him, if not, hoping that Tian Yi was this generous to help someone he didn’t know, it would take forever!

“I think, you just stay in the Yun family!”

“I can?” Jie Yi’s pleasantly surprised eyes burst out a radiant light, but soon after that became gloomy. “But......Tian Yang wouldn’t be happy to see me.”

“This is a matter of course, Tian Yang absolutely cannot accept being deceived by someone. I think, you just stay in my ranch, lessen the opportunity to run into him.”

The Yun family property besides the shared ranch, they all of the same generation, Tian Yang, Tian Hao and himself, each had their own ranch. At present still in developing, excavating and trading stage, the scale was not large.

“I can?” Jie Yi pleasantly surprising asked.

“Of course you can.” Tian Yi smiled friendlily. “My ranch even if not making much money, but only to support you alone is still more than sufficient.”

“I can work.” Jie Yi anxiously ensured. “I am very strong. No matter what it is mow the gra.s.s, feed the horses, or cook the meals, sweep the floor, I can do it all.”

“Then I will just take advantage.” Tian Yi raised his brows. “Late already. Let’s have a rest, you also don’t cry anymore.”

Jie Yi’s face flushed red, softly apologized.

“As you can see, there is only one bed. Since you are also a man, then do not need to be too constrained, just cram in with me! Tomorrow I will take you back to my ranch.”

“No......No need!” Jie Yi shook his head. Didn’t know why, he just felt that he shouldn’t share the same bed and pillow with anybody else, except for Tian Yang. “I’ll sleep on the floor it is fine.”



Tian Yi shrugged his shoulders. Not forcing anymore. After all, he was also not used to sharing the same bed and pillow with a man.

Randomly found a corner, Jie Yi with back leaned on the wall, his heart could finally be at ease a little. This time he might meet an honorable person, not only having a place to take shelter, but also could stay in this Guanwai which he had fallen in love with at first sight.

Most importantly, his distance to Tian Yang was this close. As long as he wished for it, whenever he could go to secretly look at Tian Yang.

Thinking about this, Jie Yi satisfyingly smiled!

Chapter 6 : Counterfeit Bride Chapter 6“Don’t be afraid. It’s alright now!”  Tian Yang rudely kicke
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