Counterfeit Bride
Chapter 4 : Counterfeit Bride Chapter 4The second day in the gra.s.s and mud house, the two had shar

Counterfeit Bride Chapter 4

The second day in the gra.s.s and mud house, the two had shared out the work and helped one another.

Jie Yi towards the exhausting work of reconstructing the gra.s.s and mud house, not even the slightest bit considered it as trouble. When he saw the house step by step changed into an appropriate place of human habitat, he became even happier!  

Meanwhile Tian Yang, in the middle of puzzlement completely cooperated with Jie Yi’s pace. According to his request, he made a table and chairs, wooden bowls and wooden plates. Every time one item of article was done, Yi’r eyes would reveal adoration and exclaim in admiration. Caused him to become even more enthusiastic.

About the time to eat, was precisely the time Jie Yi came in handy. He happily told Tian Yang about some edible wild herbs. To celebrate the new home and the utensils, he went so far as to kill a chicken, cooked it into a sweet-smelling roasted chicken.

This action greatly shocked Tian Yang. He had never seen any n.o.ble lady enter the kitchen, let alone lifted a knife to kill the livestock. Absurd! Even Lin Xi when she saw blood would make a fuss about nothing. But Yi’r surprisingly remained calm, moved in agility to catch the fleeing in disorder c.o.c.k, and cut its still muttering throat.

When Yi’r took the roasted chicken leg and laughingly put in front of him, Tian Yang’s heart was moved! Heaven, what kind of wife had he married to?

Perhaps the first impression was the strongest image! Tian Yang had never suspected Jie Yi’s gender. Although his chest was that flat, the collar had been always so high and the clothing material was not good.

“I am sorry. I don’t know what you like to eat. Just could randomly cook something.” Jie Yi embarra.s.sedly said. “This place has nothing at all, can only find some readily available things, so could only let you have this little.”

“This is enough!” Tian Yang took a bite of that nice smelling a.s.sail the nose roasted chicken. “Unable to make you have a happy life, is my responsibility as a failure of a husband.” He sounded it out.

“No problem.” Jie Yi timidly smiled. Because of he stated himself as husband made him a little bit embarra.s.sed and had a guilty conscience. “I know you will be successful.”

“How can you be definite?” Tian Yang curiously asked. “We don’t know each other that close at all!”

“It is my intuition.” Jie Yi said intuitively. “Willing to suffer and having an ideal dream person, doesn’t have a reason to fail!”

“Is it......” Tian Yang was a little bit delightful. So to say, in Yi’r’s heart, he was a willing to suffer and having an ideal dream person!

“Oh, by the way, how do you know how to cook?”

“When it is needed, naturally I will be able.” Jie Yi replied to evade the issue.

“I think you will complain!” said Tian Yang, deliberately tried to frighten him. “You have to know, the next days to come is just like this. Now there are only two of us, wait until back home to the ranch, there will be more people crying piteously waiting on you for food. The life will be tougher than now.”

“No problem!” Jie Yi understandingly glanced at him. “Cooking won’t be a trouble for me. When will we go home?”

“After 35 days.” Tian Yang vaguely answered. He still wanted to test Yi’r, wouldn’t be this fast letting go his gradually getting hopeless freedom.

In case Yi’r really could pa.s.s his test, at that time even if Yi’r wanted to leave, he would desperately make Yi’r to stay. But this was still not the time, although Yi’r up until now, continuously gave him a pleasant surprise.

“Still needed 35 days?” Jie Yi frowned.

“Unhappy to live alone with me?” Tian Yang asked with a hint of hurt.

“Not unhappy.” Jie Yi frankly said. “But there are only we two big eyes meet small eyes, isn’t it so boring?”

“The life on the ranch only could be described as hard work. Absolutely won’t be boring.” Tian Yang replied unhappily. “On the ranch, there are so many works to do, how can one have the time to say boring?”

“Like what?”

“Don’t think that now is the beginning of summer, a carpet of green gra.s.s, so you think it will be forever like this. When it is winter, when the sky and land is only a layer of white snow, in case the ranch doesn’t store the provisions, it will be d.a.m.ned! That’s why, in the summer and autumn, must begin to mow the gra.s.s store the provisions.”

“To cope with the whole winter?”

“Mm!” Tian Yang nodded. “Also, most of our ranch’s horses seem to be wild, have to be tamed beforehand, so that there are buyers willing to buy.”

“Tame the horses?” Jie Yi widened his eyes. “Is it interesting?”

“This might be the most interesting part.” Tian Yang said with a smile. “Don’t think that horses are domestic animals so you underestimate them. Wanted to completely tame a horse, must spend a lot of mental and physical effort. Fight a battle of wits with the horse, contest with strength. Yet once you showed any sign of weakness, even the horse would look down on you!”

“Looks like it’s very interesting.”Jie Yi’s eyes were sparkling and s.h.i.+ning like a star. “I really want to learn!” He thickened his nerve to raise a demand.

If this was in the past, Jie Yi absolutely would adhere strictly to his duty, wouldn’t dare to say out loud his heartfelt wishes. But now, since he was the ranch’s’ ‘mistress’, this little request should not be too much, right?

“Tian Yang, you teach me how to ride a horse, I will help you mow the gra.s.s. If there are still other works, I could help you out, alright?”

Help him with whatever works?

Tian Yang stared at Yi’r’s beautiful face, reminded himself absolutely may not think to recline. “That’s good. In this place couldn’t ride a horse, would be laughed at by the others. We Guanwai people could be said as growing up on horseback.”

Wait until Yi’r knows riding horses was not such a simple matter, perhaps she would give more consideration towards staying on the ranch.

The ranch’s most difficult to deal with horse, nothing could surpa.s.s his horse ‘Shandian’. Let Shandian trouble her a bit, he didn’t believe if she didn’t retreat.


Jie Yi excitedly followed Tian Yang to the stable. This place was an unfamiliar realm for him. Inside was filled with dry gra.s.s, horses, leather and a fodder mixed scent, the smell was peculiar as well as comfortable.

He glided his big eyes curiously to look around. The movement from the corner attracted his attention. He rushed to that place, happily exclaimed.

“Tian Yang, come here, look.”

Tian Yang walked closer to look. It was actually four puppies at a litter. Just like a regiment of ball of fur, opened up their rounded eyes to look at the coming closer people.

“So cute!” Jie Yi said. Both of his eyes were s.h.i.+ning happily. He without the slightest hesitation lifted one of the puppy into his embrace, not the least bit mind whether he would make his changed for riding the horse clothes dirty.

He stretched his hand to gently caress the puppy smooth and soft fur. Simultaneously gently pressed it near to his neck, using his cheek he lightly touched it. His unruly long hair followed his head’s movement to hang down loosely. This formed an exceptionally good scenery. Tian Yang nearly in a daze while looking at the scene before his eyes.

But this scene was broken very fast! Hearing Jie Yi shouted ‘Ya’ stretched out the pair of arms, brought the puppy far away from the embrace, the face still had a line of mark.

“Biting! So painful.” Jie Yi’s mouth scolded for the pain, the hand still holding the puppy not letting go. “May not randomly bite people, it is very painful! Like this, later no one will like you......”

Tian Yang amusingly watched Yi’r’s long-winded talk to the puppy, told it it may not attack anyone in the future. Really amusing. If the puppy could understand, it would be strange. But it was indeed strange, that puppy actually obediently let Yi’r hold it while admonis.h.i.+ng it, didn’t make any movement.

“Are you alright?” Tian Yang attentively asked.

Seeing that beautiful oval face have a scar, really made people have a bit of regrettable feeling. Particularly since Yi’r for the purpose of learning to ride a horse, had especially changed the ugly working clothes, the light blue riding horse attire made her even better looking.

“There is no problem.” Jie Yi laughed without any care, holding the puppy and stood up. “We can start.”

“Holding it is impossible to learn horse riding!” Tian Yang pointed at the puppy in Jie Yi’s bosom.

Shandian was not easy to manage with. Too look down on it would result in great loss. Of course, he was absolutely not worried for Yi’r, only......Only worried to cause the loss of lives.

“O!” Jie Yi busily let the puppy go, still looking at the puppy unwilling to let go.

How cute. So similar with the dog he had raised before. But since his father and mother pa.s.sed away, until he worked at the Ling Family, he had never raised one anymore! Sigh, those happy days......

“Aren’t you afraid the dog gets your clothes dirty?”

“Not at all.”Jie Yi shook his head. “After all, after riding the horse, clothes also wouldn’t be as clean, still would need to be washed!”

“You know that you have to wash it yourself?” Tian Yang reminded her.

“You are talking too much!” Jie Yi angrily said. “Tomorrow morning I will wash. The clothes you want to wash, just let me wash.”

“Oh!” Surprised at Jie Yi’s reply, Tian Yang could only blankly nod his head.

Speaking the truth, he truly admired Yi’r! She was completely unlike what he had imagined whatever kind of n.o.ble young lady.

There weren’t any pampered and spoiled aristocratic young ladies that would be like her. Calmly rolled up the sleeve, swept and cleaned the utterly old and broken gra.s.s and mud house, cooked three simple and crude meals, in the evening must have a bath in the open field, bravely faced the danger of being attacked by wild beasts; and now, she actually considered to learn how to ride a horse, also wanted to help him wash his clothes...... Heavens, he didn’t know what to think anymore!

It seemed like, Yi’r really worked hard to adapt to Guanwai’s livelihood, to become a good wife for him. Having this kind of wife, Tian Yang suddenly doubted himself, why did he want to make her leave?

Maybe, he should try to accept Yi’r! After all, Yi’r’s face was the type he liked, even if the figure was a little bit lacking, but still, small defects cannot obscure great virtues.

“Tian Yang, you said you want to let me ride Shandian?”

“Shandian?” Tian Yang abruptly had a hesitation.

When he considered letting her ride Shandian, he hadn’t considered accepting her, letting her stay, but now......

Jie Yi’s looked around, all of a sudden stopped at a flas.h.i.+ng s.h.i.+ning red furred horse. “Is that it?”

“You really have a good eye!” Tian Yang got rid of his worry. After all, he was there, didn’t have to be afraid that he couldn’t control Shandian.

Seeing Yi’r extended her hand wanting to caress Shandian, Tian Yang turned pale with fright, when he wanted to prevent her, it was already too late. “Be careful!”

Previously, the person who had the nerve to touch Shandian, was bitten until stained by blood. Shandian’s temper was violent to the utmost, didn’t let anyone to get near.

“What?” Jie Yi’s hand was on Shandian’s neck, lightly caressed it, while he turned to ask Tian Yang.

Tian Yang towards Shandian’s reaction was amazed beyond description. Could only decide that it with its master that liked the same type of person! “Shandian seems to like you.”

Hateful! To forget loyalty when in love kind of horse.

In the past, the first time he wanted to get near Shandian, he had to spend several days. Served every meals to gain its trust. But Yi’r surprisingly accomplished it as easy as blowing off dust, to the point it was too much!

But now since Shandian liked her, it would be good to deal with. Tian Yang took Shandian out, then mounted the saddle, helped Jie Yi to mount the horse back, began to explain the tricks of riding a horse.

“Remember, must let it know, you are its master.”

“Mm!”Jie Yi sat up high on the horse back, using his feet to lightly touch the belly of the horse in a short while, Shandian obediently began to lightly tread with a pace.

“Tian Yang, I made it!”Jie Yi excitedly turned his head, facing Tian Yang and shouted, the pleasantly surprised tone made Tian Yang happily lifted the corner of his mouth.

The mishap happened exactly at this moment!

Jie Yi delightful shout had startled Shandian, abruptly with a sudden force spun, after that raised and leaped. Jie Yi absolutely didn’t have any precautions, though grabbing the saddle intended to stabilize, but it was already too late!

His hand and arm hit the ground, ruthlessly tumbled on the field.

“Yi’r!” Tian Yang’s heart severely seized. Hurriedly jumped towards the front, dragging him to get out of Shandian’s hoof range.

Jie Yi reclined on the ground, from head to toe as if had been paralyzed, didn’t make any movement.

“So painful......” Jie Yi groaned with a soft voice.

“I know, good girl, let me check for a while.” Tian Yang anxiously aided and comforted, the large palm caressed the both arms of Jie Yi. “The bone is not broken. However, the chest also needs to be checked to ensure......”

“No......” Jie Yi worked hard to lift the painful pair of arms, gripped the big hand which wanted to feel out his chest. “Don’t touch that place.”

“Now is not the time to be embarra.s.sed. You are injured, maybe there is a broken bone, couldn’t not check.”

“There isn’t. I didn’t have any breaking bones.” Jie Yi inhaled several mouthful of air, forcefully burst out a slight laughter, sat himself up.

“See, I am up now.”

“Ah, then you walk several steps let me see!” Extremely angry with her stubbornness, Tian Yang couldn’t restrain himself from mocking.

“O!” When Jie Yi intended to desperately stand his body up, Tian Yang had taken his body into his embrace.

“Not letting me check, surely cannot go so far as not to let me take you home, right?” In the end he couldn’t bear it, Tian Yang still spoke with the residual anger.

Jie Yi felt relieved and comfortably relaxed his body, snuggled into his bosom, both of his arms circled around his neck. Honestly speaking, he had really been hurt by the fall. If not deeply afraid of being uncovered with all his willpower he propped up himself, perhaps even to sit up he wouldn’t be able to.

“Tian Yang, I am sorry...... Also, thank you.”

Hearing Jie Yi helplessly say thank you, Tian Yang’s anger towards his own self was a layer thicker. If Yi’r was using rude and unreasonable words to point at his nose and cursed him big time, saying he had harmed her with an untamable ruthless horse, consequently caused her fall off the horse, he would be able to open-mindedly accepted it.

But Yi’r said not even a word to condemn him, not only apologized to him, also still thanking him, his heart practically ached to death!


Indeed. Just now at that moment, if Yi’r with such a fall had her beautiful neck snapped, then he would definitely regret it.
Regretted he didn’t give both of them a chance, regretted he let that beautiful and youthful life vanish just like that...... regretted he had wronged a person who could make people be amazed and pleasantly surprised......His wife.


“I am sorry, Tian Yang.” Jie Yi said with guilty conscience.

Jie Yi had never thought he would have such a fall. The bone was not broken, yet the internal organs of the body was as if being s.h.i.+fted, the whole body’s strength was seeping out, shockingly didn’t have the strength to leave the bed. Especially the next morning, from head to toe the muscle was aching to the utmost point.

“It is nothing. Only making a meal, it is not a trouble for me.” Tian Yang sat by the bed side, one mouthful after another he blew cool the porridge, fed it to Jie Yi’s mouth.

“But...... This thing is what I should do.” Jie Yi uncomfortably opened his mouth, swallowing the spoonful by spoonful porridge Tian Yang fed him, simply overwhelmed by the unexpected favor.

Ever since after he fell off the horse, Tian Yang had been treating him well to the extreme. Not only all the miscellaneous things entirely done by him, he also decocted some nouris.h.i.+ng medicine for him. Obviously, the Yun Family already didn’t have much money, yet he spent it for him. Jie Yi felt extremely uneasy, but he was also touched. This morning, Tian Yang went as far as to especially get up very early to make breakfast, and personally feed him.  

The most important thing, Tian Yang was smiling, moreover, he smiled at him.

Ever since he arrived in Guanwai, Tian Yang treated him very little with a pleasant countenance. Most of the time was his cold words and sarcastic comments, if not, proactively urged him to leave. But now, Tian Yang didn’t mention about wanting him to leave anymore, instead, took good care of him in every possible way.

From the time after father and mother pa.s.sed away, Tian Yang was the first person who treated him this good. Jie Yi was glad that he decided to stay, to enable him to have this kind of opportunity, to know Tian Yang. Only regrettable thing was there would be a day when his ident.i.ty got exposed, otherwise, he would really agree to stay forever, become Tian Yang’s, only a wife as a status.

“Lessen the nonsense talk. Who set the rules between husband and wife, that a wife definitely do the cooking, all of the household” Tian Yang gently said. “Didn’t you also say, want to help me mow the gra.s.s and store up the provisions? If being divided to such a clear extent, those kinds of works should be my work, you just don’t need to help me, isn’t it?”

Jie Yi busily shook his head.

“I certainly will help you. I very much have the strength.” Jie Yi ensured.

Tian Yang burst into a laughter, because of Jie Yi’s certainness.

“You see!” Tian Yang softened his voice. “When there is difficulty, support each other. When there is problem, help each other. This is what is called as husband and wife!”

“Husband and wife......” Jie Yi flushed red because of these words.

Just a pity he wasn’t Tian Yang’s real wife, forever wouldn’t be able to become his wife. If he was a woman, maybe he would be able......

Ai ya! What was he thinking of! Jie Yi secretly scolded himself. He was such a fool, actually fantasized to be able stay for good.

However, Tian Yang’s words had caused him to be puzzled endlessly. Didn’t Tian Yang not want a wife? Now, these words contained what meaning?

Today, he had secretly glanced at Tian Yang for many times. When Tian Yang didn’t crease his brows, not angry, not mentioning about wanting him to leave, he had become even more handsome, especially each of his smiles, it seemed like fully filled with deep and sincere love.

But, that was of course his own illusion. In case Tian Yang found out he was not Ling Shuang, not even a girl, he would make haste to chase him away from the Yun Family. Jie Yi couldn’t help but s.h.i.+ver.

Thinking about this, Jie Yi busily touched the pearl bracelet on his hand, to confirm he was really not at all moneyless.

“Why always touch that bracelet?” Tian Yang curiously asked. “Is it very important to you?”

“Mm!”Jie Yi for a moment wasn’t be aware, actually honestly said. “It is my only a.s.set. Just in case being chased away by you, it is the only one I can rely on!”

“Your only a.s.set?” Tian Yang narrowed his eyes in wonderment.

Wasn’t Ling Family very wealthy? Father-in-Law could be so stingy, actually didn’t give his own only daughter a little bit of dowry?

That pearl bracelet was indeed beautiful, but the value was not high, in eight or nine cases out of ten it was only an imitation. Was it worth to be so cherished by her? A formidable distinguished family’s daughter, why towards pearls and treasures didn’t she have the basic knowledge?

The more he thought, the more he became doubtful. In accordance to Yi’r’s behavior after she came to Guanwai, Tian Yang couldn’t help not to raise any suspicion. Maybe...... she was not Ling Shuang?

“Ai, no la! I......what I mean is, it is my only thing which has important value, that it is only...... only a mere worldly possession.” Jie Yi realized he had made a slip of the tongue, working hard to justify himself.

“Mm!” Tian Yang remained half believing half doubtful, but what she had said was also reasonable.

“Tian Yang, what thing do you consider as significantly important?” Jie Yi with a guilty conscience attempted to divert the subject of the conversation.

“What thing?” Tian Yang muttering while thinking, recalling his constantly worn Qilin1 jade. Originally he wore it because he missed his mother, but after he found out that his mother was not what he imagined, he still wore it, but only as reminder to himself, to be cautious not to believe in women anymore, particularly women of n.o.ble birth.

But Yi’r......Tian Yang considered over and over again, finally made his decision. Just trust her this one time.

“There is no such thing that can’t be replaced!”

“That’s not true. There are things that whatever object cannot replace.” Jie Yi refuted.

The jade pendant which father and mother gave him, although not worth much money, but even if the life was being difficult, he had never had the intention to mortgage it.

“It might be!” Tian Yang didn’t refute anymore. “After finis.h.i.+ng with the porridge, I’ll take you to the ranch nearby to have a look!”

Previously, he didn’t have the idea to really let Yi’r stay, not only didn’t allow her to go anywhere, to know other people, but also limited her moving about area restricted only around the gra.s.s and mud house. Since now he had accepted the idea that Yi’r would stay for a long time, the h.e.l.l whether she was the real Ling Shuang or not, he would only acknowledge Yi’r as his wife. Then, knowing TianFeng Ranch was a must, because this would be their future home. 

“Really?” Jie Yi cheerfully lifted the tip of his brows. Not long after, he dejectedly hung his shoulder. “My body......”

Tian Yang smiled, promised: “This time I will ride the horse, you only need to safely sit on the horse’s back, don’t be afraid of falling.”

“Thank you, Tian Yang.” He straight ahead gave Tian Yang a beaming smile.

Seeing Yi’r’s smiling face, Tian Yang’s mood unfathomably became good, the doubt about her ident.i.ty which existed previously, also completely thrown out of his mind.


“How beautiful! I have never seen such beautiful scenery.”

Leaning on Tian Yang’s chest, Jie Yi unceasingly sighed in admiration. This kind of intimate pose, not that Jie Yi hadn’t protested, but Tian Yang stated clearly, if not sitting like this, don’t ever think about going out of the house, he easily came to terms.

“Indeed beautiful!” Tian Yang proudly stuck out his chest. “Every time seeing this layer of vast fertile green colored land, I became determined to own it.” 

This was a man who was able to open up new territory by breaking the ground, he had that strength. Jie Yi admiringly said: “You must have used up a lot of hard work, this place is so wonderful.”

Gazing far into the distance, as far as the eye could see, except for the boundless green colored field, the extending for several Li forest, in between there was a winding stream babbling and flowing, occasionally a thicket of unknown wild flowers was in full bloom, what a beautiful mountain scenery.

“Do you like it?”

“Very much!”

“This is our future home.” Tian Yang’s mood was extremely good, had no time to ponder deeply, he let it out of his mouth.

“Really?”Jie Yi lifted his head suspiciously looking at him. “I can stay, you won’t ask me to leave?”

“As long as you don’t wish to leave, n.o.body can force you to leave.”

“I don’t want to leave!” Jie Yi sincerely said.

Other than that old house where he spent a short happy time together with his father and mother, TianFeng Ranch was the place he loved the most.

Looking at Yi’r’s eyes, Tian Yang believed his words. Seizing the beautiful as a dainty face in front of him, Tian Yang couldn’t help his heart from stirring.

“Yi’r!” He called out with a lowered voice, head slowly lowered closer to Jie Yi’s, close to the point he could smell the scent of natural wood mixed with the fragrant of the gra.s.s on Jie Yi’s body.

How amazing! Yi’r arrived to this land for only several days, yet seemed like already to be in harmony and merged into an organic whole with this land.

“What?” Jie Yi made an attempt to ask.

Tian Yang’s face was right in front of his eyes, he could only wordlessly gaze at him, couldn’t say anything at all, his heart abruptly jumped wildly, didn’t know why but became nervous to the extreme.

“Your face has become better?” Tian Yang’s hand caressed Jie Yi’s face, with a couldn’t bear to see his pearl like smooth oval face having that red scar.

“Since earlier it isn’t painful anymore.” Jie Yi because of his touch shrank a bit.



“Still remember our agreement?”

“What?” Tian Yang was so close, close to the point as if talking right to his ear, how could he remember what Tian Yang had said.

“Your memory is really bad!” Tian Yang lightly scolded. “Several days to come, we are going back to father’s place. We need to act like a couple of harmonious husband and wife.”

“I remember.” Only didn’t understand why now Tian Yang raised this subject.

“Don’t you think we should do some practice?”

“O!” Jie Yi foolishly nodded his head, thoroughly didn’t understand how they should practice.

“Then I will begin!”

Didn’t wait for Jie Yi’s response, Tian Yang already lowered his head to seize his lips.

“Ah!” Jie Yi let out a low shout out of surprise. His lips unwittingly slightly opened. This action allowed Tian Yang to be more convenient in exploring the s.p.a.ce between his lips, tongue stretched forward to his mouth, easily managed it because of his experience, he kissed him. Kissed until Jie Yi went soft at the knees. With much difficulty he could free his mouth.

“You......” Jie Yi grabbed this chance to launch his protest, Tian Yang once again blocked his lips, wished to continue it, kissed him again and again.

Until he had been completely satisfied, Tian Yang finally let him go.

“Tian Yang, you...... You cannot do this!” Jie Yi gasped for air, with both cheeks red, said “We......This is not our agreement.”

“This is what I mean with ‘practice’.” Tian Yang again printed another kiss. This light touching and the just now lingering intimate kisses had the same moving and fluttering of the heart. Jie Yi couldn’t help but open his starry eyes to a complete round shape, couldn’t comprehend his own reaction.  

“You...... Didn’t you say...... You won’t...... won’t touch me?”

“Only kissing.”Tian Yang shamelessly answered. “Even if kissing we cannot, who would believe that we are a harmonious newlywed husband and wife?”

“That......” Jie Yi also didn’t understand what should be the life of a husband and wife. But what Tian Yang said was seemingly reasonable. “Only kissing, may not do other things.”

Obviously only being kissed, he was already mentally benighted and disordered,didn’t know to which way he had been led. If doing other things, who would know he would here and now reveal everything or not.

May not. He must guard to the lowest limit.

“Only kissing.” Tian Yang smilingly agreed.

For the time being, only kissing!

End of Chapter 4.

(1). Qilin: mythical Chinese animal, Chinese unicorn. – commonly mistranslated as giraffe.

Chapter 4 : Counterfeit Bride Chapter 4The second day in the gra.s.s and mud house, the two had shar
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