Counterfeit Bride
Chapter 3 : Counterfeit Bride Chapter 3When the carriage reached the ranch, it was already almost du

Counterfeit Bride Chapter 3

When the carriage reached the ranch, it was already almost dusk. However, even though the sky was almost dark, it was still unable to cover the house’s ugliness. Master Ling still pledged in all sincerity that the Yun Family was the wealthiest family in Guanwai. Looks like it was a lie.

Perhaps, the Yun oldman desperately wanted to have a daughter-in-law, so that he told falsehoods to deceive people. Really so pitiful. Didn’t know why, s.h.i.+ Jie Yi couldn’t believe that the proud and arrogant Yun Tian Yang, could tell falsehoods about his family’s condition. 

But, what if father found out that the one who was coming was a ‘male daughter-in-law’, didn’t know what kind of blow would he take? Thinking upon this, the always docile Jie Yi, couldn’t help but be angry towards Ling Shuang. Angry that she actually hurt the oldman’s heart to this extent.

The carriage galloped forward to the ranch, little chickens fled in disarray to all places, the dogs were barking nonstop. Yun Tian Yang shouted at them, effectively stopped them.

The house indeed as Yun Tian Yang had said, without anything good, to the point that there was no other yard, only had one lonely building, standing tall and upright on the vast expanse of gra.s.sland. Not in the least beautiful to be praised.

s.h.i.+ Jie Yi didn’t have any complaints towards this. Before he entered Ling Family to work, the place he lived in was also a cramped narrow room, moreover, even smaller than this house. Since now there were only the two of them to live in, he believed it wouldn’t be too crowded.

Furthermore, s.h.i.+ Jie Yi looked around the scenery in all direction. Right away he took a liking to this place. At the distant, there were the exuberant greenish high mountains. Not far away, there was the sound of a murmuring stream. Living in such a beautiful place, he wouldn’t have any problem at all.

Yun Tian Yang climbed down the carriage, pushed open the hadn’t been used for long time door. Because of the long time it hadn’t been resided in, the air inside was both damp and moist with a mildew smell. Compared to the fresh and clean air of the outside, this scent was even more obvious. 

“This place is just like this.” Yun Tian Yang paid close attention to Jie Yi’s reaction. Expecting him to reveal a shocked and terrified expression. “Father and I, and my little brother Tian Hao, live in the Yun Family’s ranch, although a little bigger than here, but the building is all the same. I don’t know what my father had told you and your family in the letter he wrote, but” ---He shrugged his shoulders. “The real circ.u.mstances are just like this. There is no a luxurious house.”             

“Just that the Yun family’s ranch, because of these several years suffered from the cold calamity, has all along been facing hards.h.i.+ps to maintain. Maybe it won’t be long before we couldn’t preserve it any more. We’re afraid that father will find out, have been hiding it from him without saying anything.” Yun Tian Yang pulled his lie greater and greater. “This time father let us find a place to spend our time alone, because we didn’t want father to know that we don’t have another place, could only take you here.” 

How frightful. s.h.i.+ Jie Yi creased his brows. Father went as far as to tell such a great falsehood. Luckily the one who came was not Ling Shuang. Otherwise, didn’t know how she would insult father.

No matter. At the present, although it was not a whatsoever beautiful house, but he and Tian Yang was still very young, couldn’t they make father’s dream come true? He would be working very very hard.

He ran back to the carriage. Lifted up the carriage’s curtain then let it down again. Didn’t know what he was doing inside.

Tian Yang upon seeing his action, even if saying this was what he expected, actually he was a little bit disappointed. Was this what the so called ‘determination’?

Not long after, s.h.i.+ Jie Yi had climbed down the carriage again. His attire had changed again. He was wearing the homespun cloth of dress given by Sister Ju’r. Ling Shuang though agreed to make him disguise as her, but certainly unwilling to give too many nice clothes to him, her reason was it was of no use for him, so she asked Sister Ju’r to give him her old clothes. Never had thought they could really come in handy. 

Although afraid these old clothes could raise Tian Yang’s suspicion, but he couldn’t afford to attend to this. Told him to wear the silks and satins to sweep and clean the place, this kind of reckless waste of the products, he wouldn’t be able to carry out.

“What are you …” Tian Yang didn’t have the time to question s.h.i.+ Jie Yi why he changed into such old clothing, s.h.i.+ JieYie already pa.s.sed through him like a gust of wind, straight into the house.

He followed s.h.i.+ Jie Yi to enter. Let out a ‘ah’ surprised voice, a piece of worn-out quilt was flying towards his face.

“What the h.e.l.l are you doing?” he disgustedly tossed aside the half corroded quilt.

“Of course beginning to sweep and clean.” His mouth spoke, his hands also didn’t stop moving.

“You are crazy!” Tian Yang almost roared. “Now what we should do is, to turn the carriage, and then take you to return to Jiangnan......”

s.h.i.+ Jie Yi looked at him with blaming eyes.

“You are the crazy one. Now what we should do is, to work hard together, help father to build a beautiful house which he can be proud of. Even though only a house of gra.s.s and mud, it also couldn’t be too messy.”

His mouth was saying this, Jie Yi since earlier had moved his hands to move away the piling junks inside the room to the outside. “We work hard together. Now, if you can also move your hands to help me, I will be extremely grateful.”

Yun Tian Yang dazed on the spot. Until there was another thing that flew towards his direction, he could finally pull himself together.

This...... This reaction had never been expected by him. Palpitating for a long time before he could react. He had sat on the back of a tiger and it was hard to get down. He certainly couldn’t choose this time to tell Yi’r, that at another ranch, since earlier he already had father’s yearning for even in ones dreams larger house.

However......Tian Yang realized the corner of his mouth had formed a curve. She surprisingly wanted to work hard together with him, to build a house that could make father proud. What a cute response.

No! No! This is only a pretense. Wait until she realized the hards.h.i.+p, the strenuous work, definitely would beat the return drum1. What he saw was merely a false appearances, he wouldn’t be confused by her.

He bent his waist to pick the worn-out things thrown by Yi’r from the room, by the brook side he lit a fire, to burn all of it. And then he walked to the door, peeking like a domestic animal before entering the room. Yi’r was using a worn to the point couldn’t be any more worn-out broom to sweep, everywhere the dust was fluttering. The matter of course was, Yi’r also couldn’t stay clean. 

But didn’t know why, Yun Tian Yang felt this Yi’r was more beautiful than the Yi’r he saw in the bride’s attire.

“Yi’r. I want to make a bed. You choose, which corner should I put the bed?” His speaking tone had become a lot gentler.

“Bed?” The cleaning movement was halted.

“Mm!” Tian Yang said as if it was not his concern. “This place doesn’t have anything, so it is the best if I make a bed before the sun has completely set. The other things such as chair and table, will make it tomorrow.”

“But...... Are we sleeping together?”

“Yi’r!” Tian Yang condemned and looked at him.“ I will keep my word. You absolutely can trust me. We must have a place to sleep, only that. I will not touch you.”

“Mm!” Jie Yi because of his own alarmed state felt ashamed. Tian Yang had said, he should just trust him.

Yet, this body part of a man, sleeping together with Tian Yang, would it not unintendedly blow his cover?

“When father first suggested us to live alone, didn’t know anything about TianFeng Ranch’s condition. You know that he fell ill.” Tian Yang felt a twinge of guilt to put the blame on his father.

“It won’t be a problem.” Jie Yi said kindly with good intention. “But, can you make two beds to put on two corners, it will be fine even if it is smaller.”

“You don’t trust me?” Tian Yang pretended to be hurt.

“No. No.” Jie Yi busily said. After all up until now, what he had said was the truth. “My ...... My sleeping habit is not good.”

Of course this was not true. He also didn’t wish Tian Yang to believe.

As a result. “You’re afraid of me?”

“No...... not like that!” Jie Yi dejectedly lowered his head.

Tian Yang walked to get close to him. Using his thumb and his index finger held his face. Attentively looked in his eyes.Yi’r’s eyes were bright and beautiful. It seemed to have a lot of vigor......Really beautiful. But, in them was as if something was hidden?

Blankly standing to let Tian Yang look, Jie Yi completely didn’t understand why Tian Yang wanted to straightly look at him.
His eyes were very sharp, causing his heart to jump and skip a beat. He was really afraid that he would unconsciously reveal the truth.

“Not afraid of me then fine.” Tian Yang let him go. “We could be said as husband and wife, will have to live together for all of our life.” If unlucky!


“You have made the bed?” Jie Yi amazedly looked at the wooden bed in front of him. Never had thought that Tian Yang from chopping wood, sawing wood and putting them together to build a bed surprisingly didn’t take a long time. After he tidied up the room, Tian Yang also had finished the bed.

“Not so big, but it is enough for both of us to sleep in.”

Didn’t build a big plank bed, the reason was because Tian Yang estimated they both wouldn’t be long in this gra.s.s and mud house. He believed that after several days, Yi’r would regret it.

“Awesome.” Jie Yi’s tone and expression was full of adoration.

Tian Yang was not a young master who could only enjoy the wealth, rather, he was a promising youth who was willing to endure the hards.h.i.+p and stand the hard work. The Young Lady’s Xiao Young Master couldn’t be compared to him. 

Hearing Jie Yi’s compliment, Tian Yang was a little happy. Subconsciously he also praised: “You also had tidied up the room to become very clean.”

“That’s because you helped to move the heavy things out, so that the room could be completely neat. Those things I couldn’t move them at all.”

“I am a man. Strenuous and heavy work, of course you should let me do.”

Jie Yi couldn’t help but think, he was also a man. Yet the figure and physical strength wasn’t up to Tian Yang’s level. Indeed, Tian Yang’s appearance, physique, was all he could ever dream of. He also wished to have Tian Yang’s formidable power.

On the other side, Tian Yang was annoyed that he actually could say such sappy word. But when he saw Yi’r helplessly moving the on the verge of collapsing table, he couldn’t help but move his hands to help.

“Your strength is really great. Are all the northern men like this?”

“Maybe!” Tian Yang somewhat said in mocking manner. “We are not those Jiangnan romantic, gentle and frail looking scholars.”

Jie Yi all of a sudden snorted with laughter.

“I also couldn’t imagine you, holding the folding fan, by the riverside reciting a poem of a couple, with a group of young masters, debating over the regulated verse is in accordance or not in accordance that kind of petty matter.” 

Tian Yang himself upon imagining that kind of image, unable to restrain his smile and then just smiled.

The two people since staying together, this was the first time to have such a harmonious atmosphere.

“Are you hungry?” Tian Yang stopped his earlier angry tone, gently asked.

Yie’r was not like a gentle and frail-looking wealthy young lady. Maybe he should give Yi’r a chance, to let Yi’r prove herself, whether she could live in this beautiful yet cruel vast land.

“Mm!” Jie Yi embarra.s.sedly smiled. “But...... I have sweated a lot, really want to have a bath first.”

“Want to have a bath must go to the riverside. Do you dare?”

This was not him trying to intentionally frightened him, rather this gra.s.s and mud house basically was not a place to live in, it was only for resting for a while, of course wouldn’t have that kind of bathing tub. Moreover, a small stream was in a not so faraway place, naturally it would be put into usefulness.

“Riverside?” Jie Yi considered this matter, struggled for a bit.

Normally, he wasn’t a demanding kind of person, after all, when he became a servant, sleeping in a wide bed for a number of people, wasn’t able to have a chance of a daily bath. Today, if not because he was sweating a lot, he also wouldn’t raise up this request, he was also afraid in front of Tian Yang to lay bare himself.

“No problem. This is the beginning of summer, wouldn’t be that cold.” Jie Yi said after pondering. Anyway, the sky only had the first stage of moon, wouldn’t be too bright to expose him.

“But, wild beasts could appear or not within this area, you are not afraid?”

“That......” Jie Yi lifted his head. At first he wanted to plead with Tian Yang to accompany him, but because he was worried too much then just gave up.

About to say he was not going to bathe, Tian Yang already opened his mouth and said: “Get ready, I will go with you.”

“No...... No need.” Jie Yi whole face flushed red through and through. In front of him, how could he take off his clothes?

“Don’t worry. Since I have promised you not to touch you, I of course will respect it. I wouldn’t secretly look at you. This kind of virtuous bearing I still have.” Tian said without any angry temperament.

“Really?” Jie Yi’s delight when met with Tian Yang’s displeased face swiftly he corrected himself. “Thank you. You are really a good person.”

Only this and already is a good person? Yi’r was really easy to be pleased.

When Jie Yi hid behind the thicket to take off his clothes, he often glanced at Tian Yang’s direction. When he realized that Tian Yang was still keeping his posture with his back facing the small stream, unconsciously he let out a sigh of relief. After taking of his trousers, and removing his head band, he tried and tried the warm temperature of the water in the small stream, he then took a deep breath, he entered the small stream, let out a sigh out of a comfortable feeling.

Because afraid that Tian Yang would be impatient for waiting too long, though Jie Yi wanted to soak for a little longer, yet still quickly rubbed his hair and body, and then swiftly put on his clothes, and walked back to Tian Yang.

“Why so fast?” Tian Yang was a little bit shocked. He basically thought he had to wait for a few good minutes!

“I am afraid that you will be waiting for too long, it won’t be good.” Jie Yi gently smiled. “If I have become familiar with the environment, I can come by myself, at that time, I don’t need to trouble you anymore!”

“Mm!” Tian Yang absentmindedly answered him. “You...... Why do you wear this kind of...... not particularly tasteful clothes?”

Didn’t people say ‘Woman for happiness will hold on to appearance’? Even if he had declared not to touch her, yet, she shouldn’t abandon herself like this! Seeing Yi’r ruined her beauty with this kind of crudely made clothing, didn’t know why, he couldn’t stop himself from saying it out loud.

“This......more convenient......”

“Your few clothing is flashy.” Tian Yang honestly said. “But, do you only have these unsightly clothes?”

“I am really sorry that I have hurt your eyes!” Jie Yi was a little bit hurt. He originally was this shabby and miserable, it wouldn’t do?

“Forget it!” Tian Yang turned his body towards the way home. “Let’s go to dry your hair by the fire. Being in the cold wind won’t be good!” While walking he talked in a whisper. “Really couldn’t understand what kind of n.o.ble young lady life she previously had. Actually bringing the crude made dress and personal adornment when she is married. I see that her marriage goods also not worthy at all!”

In all actuality, Tian Yang if using his intelligence should be able to realize that things were a little bit strange. Incidentally, he was being persistent on a certain matter, his nerve had been awfully thickened. What’s more, he wholeheartedly only thought about how to make Jie Yi leave, absolutely never thought about the possibility of Jie Yi being a counterfeit, otherwise, with Jie Yi this kind of unskilled person, how could he hide it from anybody.

“Eat a little!” Tian Yang from the carriage took some rations, tossed it to Jie Yi. The two was sitting in front of a bonfire.

Jie Yi was in a flurry to receive that thing, put it by his side, using his fingers to comb out his in disorder wet hair first, because the water vapor on his lit by the fire light face, his whole person was enveloped in the faint light of the dusk, appeared to be incomparably soft and graceful. Tian Yang wasn’t aware that he was staring in awe.

Had always known that Yi’r had a not too bad face, but now looked at closely, there’s actually a kind of unimaginable beauty. The Yi’r in front of his eyes, almost made one become intoxicated and hold one’s breath. Tian Yang obviously could feel his lower part become restless, he s.h.i.+fted uncomfortably.

“Tian Yang, what’s wrong?” Jie Yi blinked his long eyelashes, asked in puzzlement. Why look at him like that, is there something wrong? Jie Yi’s heart was racing because of being looked by him, couldn’t help but look down to examine himself, his fingers randomly moved to sort out his wet hair, not long after, the wet hair was sorted to become a tangled net, being pulled to the point hurting his scalp.

“Nothing!” Tian Yang replied in a crude voice. Didn’t wait for him to make any reply, he took a clean towel and sat by Jie Yi’s side. “Let me help you.”

“Eh?” Jie Yi in a daze accepted his help, allowing him to use the towel to dry the wet hair, use his rough hand to unknot the tangled hair.

When Tian Yang’s fingers consciously or unconsciously brushed pa.s.s his neck, Jie Yi couldn’t help but draw in a mouthful of air and hung down his neck. Weird, he wasn’t being too close to the bonfire, why did he feel extremely hot?

“Why are you sweating?” Tian Yang’s voice was coming right to his ear, Jie Yi halted his breathing.

“I feel very hot!” Jie Yi honestly answered.

“If hot why do you wear such high neck apparel, too afraid of me?” Tian Yang said in delight. “Also, your hair is still wet don’t randomly comb, easy to get tangled.”

“I know! You...... You don’t have to lean so close to me.” Jie Yi said in hum and haw.

“What are you being nervous about? In a while when it is time to bed, wouldn’t it be leaning this close too?”

Jie Yi shocked and lifted his head, four eyes looking at each other. “But you said......”

“I know what I have said, relax, will you?” This subject she had already mentioned for didn’t know how many times.

This little bride of his really didn’t give him face, all the time wanted him not to touch her.

“I trust you!” Jie Yi gave a beaming smile, sincerely said.

Tian Yang astonis.h.i.+ngly widened his eyes. What the h.e.l.l was she talking about, even he himself had difficulty in reigning in his lower part which began to stir, she actually said she trusted him?

So hateful!

If not firmly believed Yi’r couldn’t deal with it for long, he absolutely would abandon everything and eat her up. However, because of having a momentary voracious desire for pleasure, compensated by marrying an improper wife for all his life, it was truly not worth it. It would be better if he just held it in!


Due to the day’s manual labor, the two were extremely exhausted. The ought to be nervous feeling did not hit Jie Yi at all. He fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. Tian Yang also didn’t say anything, only his back facing Jie Yi, put down his head and slept. 

Early morning the c.o.c.k crowed. Jie Yi as his ordinary hardworking day’s habit woke up. Even though the heater by his side caused him to reluctantly dawdle for a little while, yet he still struggled to get out of the bed.

Eh! The heater in the north is really nice. Though this was the beginning of summer, the night was still cold, caused him the afraid of the cold person to be uncomfortable. But with this heater, he slept so comfortably! Never had he thought, Tian Yang was truly attentive!

 This heater......Jie Yi delightfully looked up to see what kind of heater that was so good. Upon a look, his whole face flushed crimson red realizing that he had made Tian Yang as a heater. His whole person was curling up in Tian Yang’s bosom while sleeping. The two were sleeping face to face. He raised his body, trying to push aside Tian Yang’s hand which was covering his body.

d.a.m.n it! Jie Yi dropped a cold sweat. Didn’t know whether he had disturbed the sleeping Tian Yang or not. Terrified, he secretly looked at that sleeping face, seeing that he didn’t stir, by then he could let out a sigh of relief.

Luckily Tian Yang didn’t awake, otherwise, wouldn’t it be awkward to the extreme? Both of them were male, but cuddling this tight, also really too outrageous!

However, changed to another point of view, both of them were male, sleeping this close seemingly there was nothing so alarming.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jie Yi carefully looked at Tian Yang. He had known that Tian Yang was very good looking, but didn’t dare to look at him attentively.

“Eyelashes really long......” Long to the point Jie Yi couldn’t help but think to stretch his hand to secretly touch it, but he still cleverly restrained himself.

“Eh, the nose’s bridge is high! But his lips are thin. His brows also very thick! Very nice. The appearance really masculine.” Unlike him. His egg-shaped face was moist and smooth, upon a look, he was similar with a girl. Extremely disgusting.

If he could, he also wanted to be like Tian Yang’s as if being carved by knife deeply engraved facial features, also that kind of agile limbs, st.u.r.dy body stature. No matter what, for him, for the rest of his life it would be out of question. 

Yi? Tian Yang had dimple? But he always did not laugh! Jie Yi felt that it was a great pity.

If Tian Yang didn’t always look displeased, when he laughed, definitely would be extremely good looking. Just like last night when he let out a smile once in a while.

He liked it more when Tian Yang smiled at him, not always with a rude bad temper asking him to go home. It was a pity, Tian Yang even a smile also was too stingy.

Thickening his guts, Jie Yi extended his hand to pull Tian Yang’s mouth. Forming a line of abnormal smile, he softly laughed afterwards. It had been decided. From now on he would definitely wake up earlier than Tian Yang every day, to make fun and tease Tian Yang.

Enough playing, Jie Yi being careful not to disturb Tian Yang, crossed over his tall and st.u.r.dy body to climb down the bed. The air in the early morning was extremely fresh. But it would be better if he prepared the morning meals earlier, there was no time to dawdle. If he didn’t guess it wrong, Tian Yang ought to be the type of person who wasn’t reluctant to leave the bed. Certainly he would be up immediately.

Just as expected, when he was busily preparing to arrange the cooked morning meals, still wondering where he should put the food, because the only one table in the house because of being too old had broken and it was burnt yesterday, Tian Yang right at this moment walked out of the room.

Except for the first meeting, Yi’r’s hair was being obedient. Apart from that time, Yi’r always let loose the long hair. So in this time when Yi’r let the hair flutter, Tian Yang wasn’t so surprise at all.

“You have prepared the morning meals?” His tone was full of astonishment.

If not firmly believed that there was unlikely to be anyone in the vicinity, Tian Yang absolutely wouldn’t believe the porridge and two plates of edible wild herbs was prepared by Yi’r.

“Eh!” Jie Yi a little bit frustrated said. “I cannot find any table. Even the bowl and plate are from the yesterday’s piling up waste material. Tian Yang, today you make some bowls and plates, alright?”

“You are willing to eat from wooden eating articles?” Tian Yang didn’t tell Jie Yi in the carriage there was a few daily use articles, because he since earlier had antic.i.p.ated it must be only for a few days, but he didn’t antic.i.p.ate......Yi’r actually so adaptable to the circ.u.mstances.

“Can be used is already good. What’s the reason to complain!” Jie Yi while saying and wiping away the drip from along his forehead drop of sweat. As he rubbed, on the fair face left a black trace at once.

“I...... I didn’t know you could go to the kitchen......” Tian Yang stammered and stuttered in his speech.

“As long as it is edible, it is fine!”

After his father and mother pa.s.sed away and he became an orphan, Jie Yi lived all by himself. Not able to cook, he would have then just prepare to starve to death. When he entered the Ling family house, he also helped in the kitchen, up until Ling Shuang moved him to the yard for a special purpose.

“Looks like it is not bad.”

At least the color was fresh and green. The porridge looks like it was finely cooked, didn’t have the burnt indication.

“Where do you want to eat?”

Tian Yang took a long piece of cloth from inside the carriage and spread it on the gra.s.s. “How about eat out here?” 

“Mm!” Jie Yi smiled. Very interesting!

Even if he was beaten to death, Tian Yang was still unable to believe, he actually could be so lame. On his own ranch he actually sat on the ground to eat a meal. If he was seen by the neighborhood workers, didn’t know what they would say regarding him ill-treating his wife!

But Yi’r spoke and smiled in ease and comfort, not the least bit annoyed. In an instant, Tian Yang surprisingly stunned. Looking at the head and face filthy with grime Yi’r, he actually...... stared in awe!

End of Chapter 3

(1).To beat the return drum (id): To give up

Chapter 3 : Counterfeit Bride Chapter 3When the carriage reached the ranch, it was already almost du
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