Different World Business Symbol
Different World Business Symbol - Chapter 8: loan

MTL: uniquegasuki

Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)

「Haruto-san, please get up . 」 (Lora)

Haruto awoken to the sound of Lora’s voice as her body weight was pressed against him . When he opened his eyes, Haruto saw that Lora was sitting on top of his stomach .

「What are you doing?」 (Haruto)

「I’m waking you up . Is it not every man’s dream to have a beautiful girl wake them up this way?」 (Lora)

「Beautiful girl? That is something a mischief child does . Now hurry and get off me . 」 (Haruto)

「Alright . 」 (Lora)

She jumps off Haruto’s stomach . As Haruto gets up, he notices there was a broom & dustpan nearby where the bucket & dust cloth was .

「Were you cleaning?」 (Haruto)

「Yes, please entrust the cleaning to me . 」 (Lora)

Haruto silently walked over to the window and traced his finger around the window frame . He showed the dust that was attached to his finger to Lora .

「This is clean?」 (Haruto)

「What, are you a mother-in-law!! I understand, I will redo it . 」 (Lora)

Lora sighs . Once more, she goes to squeeze out the dust cloth in the bucket .

「When you finish cleaning, go wash your face . We will go have breakfast when you have everything done . Afterward, we will are making the soap . 」 (Haruto)

「Roger!」 (Lora)

Lora gave a lively reply .


「Next you put in lye . 」 (Haruto)

「I see, after the oil, lye is added…… it sure is strange . 」 (Lora)

Outside the castle wall, Haruto is heating up a pot with oil and lye mixed in .

「Haruto-san, does everyone in your country make soap?」 (Lora)

「It is nothing like that . When I was 4 years old, I made it with my parents and from then onwards, it became a hobby of mine . This type of soap is far from the kind that is sold on the market . In truth, sodium hydroxide would do better than lye . 」 (Haruto)

「In other words, it would make a better quality soap……」 (Lora)

He puts firewood into the fire as to not let the flames extinguish . It gets rather hot when working around a fire for a long time .

「Haruto-san, here is some water . 」 (Lora)

「Thanks . How thoughtful of you . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto drinks from the flask that was handed to him . While he drinks from the flask, Haruto recalled that Lora had drank from it also . Finding the matter to be trivial, he wasn’t bothered by it .

As he waited for the soap to be completed, Haruto chats with Lora .

「The last step is to add salt . 」 (Haruto)

After saying so, Haruto added salt into the pot .

「Haruto-san, is it alright if I ask a question?」 (Lora)

「Sure, I will try to answer your question the best I can . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto replied . Although he doesn’t know the fine details, since it is his hobby, Haruto has a rough understanding of the topic .

「Why add salt? Is it for seasoning or something?」 (Lora)

Haruto was outright surprised . Naturally, the salt wasn’t being used as a seasoning .

「That isn’t it!! This isn’t cooking! Simply put, making the water salty will cause the soap to separate . That is why the soap floats to the top . 」 (Haruto)

Upon Haruto’s explanation, Lora tilted her head in puzzlement .

「I somewhat get it and I somewhat don’t……」 (Lora)

「Which is it! Whatever . It is fine even if you don’t understand . 」 (Haruto)

Afterward, the separated soap is collected into 5 bottles and 10 bars . The 10 are left to dry into solid bars of soap . As the area around here is similar to Japan’s dry season, it will take about 3 weeks for the soap to fully dry .

When the work ended, Haruto looked up towards the sky . The sun was shining brightly above him .

「Haruto-san, here is a lunch box . 」 (Lora)

Lora got close to Haruto and handed him a sandwich that was made by Marceau .

「At any rate, even though we spent all that time working, there is only this much…… as expected, to run thw business we are going to need a bigger pot and more helpers . 」 (Haruto)

Being ignorant of how to run a business, Haruto has no choice but to rely on Lora’s guidance .

「How much do you think the soap should be sold for?」 (Haruto)

Lora showed a slightly troubled expression upon hearing Haruto’s question .

「Considering the price of bubble-berry, we should market the soap at an affordable price of around 500 . 」 (Lora)

Upon hearing Lora’s opinion, Haruto decided to set the price at 500 Doraria . He found it reassuring to hear the opinion of a specialist .

「Well, shall we return to the inn . 」 (Lora)

As she said this, Lora stood up .


「Haruto-san please wait here . I will put the soap in our room . 」 (Lora)

Haruto hands Lora 4 bottles and kept 1 bottle of soap . Lora was puzzled by his actions .

「I promised to sell a bottle to Hannah-san . I must express my gratitude to her . 」 (Haruto)

Lora consented to what Haruto had said .

「Haruto-san, it seems you know your way around . I get it . 」 (Lora)

Having separated from Lora, Haruto goes to search for Hannah . Maria and Hannah were out back doing laundry .

「Hannah-san, this is soap . Here you go . 」 (Haruto)

When Haruto handed over the soap, Hannah made a delighted expression .

「Thank you . I just happen to be in the middle of doing laundry . How much will it be?」 (Haruto)

「I plan to market the soap for 500 Doraria, but this time around, I would like you to accept this as a gift to show my gratitude . 」 (Haruto)

She makes a broad smile .

「Well, thank you . Do take care now . 」 (Hannah)

「Yes, likewise . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto smiled as Hannah expressed her gratitude .


「Lora, why are you carrying soap with you?」 (Lora)

After separating from Hannah, this was the first thing Haruto said to Lora . Although she had gone to put the soap away, Lora was carrying 1 bottle of soap .

「I thought that by bringing this to show them, it would be easier to get a loan . 」 (Lora)

Says Lora . Haruto consented and they begin to get moving .

After walking for a short while, he doesn’t recall having asked from where they are getting a loan .

「Lora, who are we going to borrow money from?」 (Haruto)

「Lora, who are we going to borrow money from?」 (Haruto)

Lora made a mischief smile upon hearing Haruto’s question .

「Haruto-san, it will be from someone you have met once before . 」 (Lora)

He doesn’t recall having met any moneylender . While being puzzled over the matter, they arrive in front of the slave trading company building .

「Hey, Lora . You don’t mean to borrow money from……」 (Haruto)

「Yes, from Wujek・Malthus . 」 (Lora)

Certainly, that person does have the eyes of a debt collector . However, Wujek is a person who manages a slave trading company . Although, it is true that the slave trade company is run by the government . In other words, Wujek is a civil servant . It is not certain that he will lend them money . Haruto listens to what Lora has to say .

「Haruto-san, are you aware of how this county’s system is run; you see, the input of influential merchants weighs heavily on politic’s in Clarice . That is why public services in Clarice are run by merchants and shopkeepers . Wujek・Malthus is among the top 5 wealthiest merchants in Clarice . This is only natural as he manages a slave trading business . 」 (Lora)

It seems that it isn’t strange for a slave trading company to also deal with loans and debt collection . But still, corruption and politics seem to walk side-by-side .

Somewhat consenting to it, Haruto enters the slave trading company building with Lora . They look around but Wujek is nowhere in sight . Haruto goes over to the clerk and requests to speak with Wujek .

「Ah, Haruto-san . Can you do the negotiations? I am not good at these kinds of things . 」 (Lora)

Haruto thought it was strange that a merchant’s daughter was bad at negotiation’s; however, in truth, Haruto’s blessing is better suited from such things .

A short while later, Wujek emerged from the interior .

「What, I thought it might be someone, but it just you? So, what is it you need from me?」 (Wujek)

While talking business, Haruto uses his blessing .

「I would like you to lend me some money . This person will be the collateral . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto points to Lora . Wujek responses with a frown .

「Well, you plan to use this person as your collateral at your own convenience…… will there be any prospect of repayment?」(Wujek: What is this person saying; why use the slave he went to great trouble to help as collateral on a loan? Whatever, I will make a profit anyways . )

Wujek doesn’t seem to have a problem with the idea but he does find Haruto’s behavior to be unusual .

「There is a means to repay the loan . Lora, can you hand that to him . 」 (Haruto)

Lora hands the bottle of soap over to Wujek .

「This is called soap . It has a similar effect to bubble-berry . I made this . It cost about 300 to create . 」 (Haruto)

When Haruto said this, Wujek showed a surprised expression for a brief moment but his expression quickly returned back to his poker-face .

「Hmm, may I try it out?」 (Wujek: Similar to bubble-berry…… this certainly could be a profitable money-making idea . )

「Ah, consider that my present to you . 」 (Haruto)

Upon hearing Haruto’s reply, Wujek disappears inside the interior of the building . A short while later, Wujek returns with a grin on his face .

「I see . Although it is not bubble-berry, the quality is quite high . Is this really 300?」 (Wujek: What in the world is this thing? I have never heard of this before . )

Wujek appeared to be considerably surprised . Haruto is thankful for having this blessing as being able to understand what the other person is thinking gives him an advantage in negotiations .

「She and I made this together . It cost about 300 to make 1 bottle . The money I borrow from you will be used to prepare a facility to cheaply mass produce the soap . So how about it, will you lend me the money?」 (Haruto)

Haruto was direct with his question . Wujek’s eyes lit up as when he heard Haruto say this .

「Ah, I see . You don’t seem to be lying . Alright, I will finance you the money . How about…… 5 million, will that be enough?」 (I don’t mind lending you 7 or even 10 million . )

Next, Haruto and Lora were the ones who were surprised . Lora at best thought they would get at least 2 . 5 million; however, they got double what she has anticipated .

「Hey, are you sane? I’ll say it again, Lora will be the collateral . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto repeats his previous statement, but Wujek merely laughs and say,

「Haha, of course I’m sane . With what you are planning to sell, the debt can be paid back . Oh yeah, I could lend you some land . You will have to build a factory, right . Ah! In exchange, you could use yourself as collateral . How about it?」 (Wujek: This guy seems to have merit . At worst, information can always be extracted from a slave . )

This person seems to be sinister to the core .

「Why are you so willing to finance me the loan? What are your intentions?」 (Haruto)

Haruto directly asks this of Wujek . Even if the person doesn’t speak, Haruto’s blessing will provide an answer .

「Why are you so willing to finance me the loan? What are your intentions?」 (Haruto)

Haruto directly asks this of Wujek . Even if the person doesn’t speak, Haruto’s blessing will provide an answer .

「Simple . It is in the interest of the nation of Clarice . Recently, there has been excessive amounts of goods being imported from the east and as a result, too much money is leaving the City-State Union and Clarice . With the soap you are planning on selling, the amount of money leaving the country would decrease . That is why I am willing to finance your business . As such, my backing you will strengthen my position in Clarice . 」 (Wujek: furthermore, this person’s business will eventually be successful . The more this he borrows, the better, whether is be 2 . 5 million or 5 million . )

Either way, it doesn’t seem to be a trick . Anyhow, Wujek seems to have a high opinion of him .

Behind him, Lora pulls on Haruto’s sleeve . She whispers something into his ear .

「It is alright, I don’t smell anything bad . I believe it is alright to receive money from here . 」 (Lora)

Lora’s profit (money) sensing blessing doesn’t detect anything wrong . It seems alright to brazenly accept Wujek’s offer . At any rate, it won’t make a difference as to whether Haruto borrows 2 . 5 million or 5 million .

「Understood . I will accept your offer . 」 (Haruto)

When Haruto say this, Wujek took out a pen and paper from inside his clothes .

「I thought you would say that . This here will be the loan contract . I recommend you look over it carefully . 」 (Wujek)

Haruto carefully reads over the contract before letting Lora read over it .

「Haruto-san, it doesn’t particularly seem suspicious . 」 (Lora)

Wujek showed a strained smile . It is quite pitiful that they still doubt him .

Haruto signs the loan contract . Wujek safely places the signed paper inside his cloth, close to his bosom .

「Tomorrow, stop by here in the morning . I will show you the plot of land that will be lend to you and I ‘ll give you some advice . Now, take care . 」 (Wujek)

「I didn’t think you would be this generous . Likewise, take care . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto shakes hands with Wujek . This was the time that the two became business associates .


「Hey, how are you holding up?」 (Lora)

After having left the slave trading building, Lora mutters this .

「Well, it isn’t like you did anything . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto says this with a bitter smile on this face .

「Umm, are you not the person who is trying to sell me off, you must have been nervous or stressed . 」 (Lora)

Certainly, if she puts it that way, it would seem so . Haruto had bought Lora yesterday . Because of how hectic these past few days have been, Haruto’s perception of reality had become unusual .

「That reminds me, do you know the location of the bathhouses in this country?」 (Haruto)

「Yes, there is a total of 5 bathhouses here . What about it?」 (Lora)

Without interest, Lora replied to Haruto’s question .

「In my country, it was normal to take a bath every day . These days I have merely been wiping my body with hot water and my patience has reached it limit . 」 (Haruto)

「Everday? The people who live in Clarice (and other City-States, as well as the kingdom to the south), only rich people can bath every day . Haruto-san, your country is amazing . 」 (Lora)

Lora looks up at Haruto as she said this . Haruto nods .

「That is right . Do you know of the cheapest place? I would also like you to teach me the bathing etiquette . 」 (Haruto)

「Okay . For now, let us put away the loan contract . I’m am concerned so, can we purchase a safe? I know just the right shop to get one from . 」 (Lora)

She is right, they will need a place to store their future valuables . Haruto gives his approval and they buy a small yet sturdy safe .

「Come on, we have purchased the safe, let’s hurry to a bathhouse . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto urges Lora to get going . They return to the inn to get a towel and change of clothes before going to the bath house .


The bathhouse was quite spacious . Perhaps he was early as Haruto was the only guest present . It costed Haruto 10,000 Doraria to use the bath .

The bathhouse was quite spacious . Perhaps he was early as Haruto was the only guest present . It costed Haruto 10,000 Doraria to use the bath .

Lora informed Haruto about this world’s bath etiquette . It wasn’t much different from the Japanese bath etiquette . Basically, they are not allowed to bring in their own items, and they must purchase 1 bubble-berry .

Haruto whisks the bubble-berry and rubs it on his body .

「Haruto-san, shall I wash your back for you?」 (Lora)

He turns his head and sees Lora standing there in the nude . As soon as he saw her naked body, Haruto’s face turned red .

「H-hey! Why are you here!!」 (Haruto)

「What do you mean? This is a mixed bath . Did I forget to mention it?」 (Lora)

Of corse, she never told him . Lora had set Haruto up .

With a broad grin on her face, Lora approached Haruto . Seeing his perplexed expression, Lora wanted to tease him more .

「Besides, it is a slave’s duty to wash their owner’s body . Hey, give me your towel . 」 (Lora)

Lora snatches away Haruto’s towel and then begins to wash his back .

「Does it feel good?」 (Lora)

By chance, Lora’s remark startled Haruto . He was reminded of the fact that Lora is female .

「Haha, thanks . I can wash the rest myself . 」 (Haruto)

Upon him saying so, Lora obediently returns his towel . As expected, she wasn’t going to go that far .

Having finished washing their body, Haruto and Lora go to soak in the bathtub . Although Haruto tries to put some distance between himself and Lora, Lora immediately closed the space between them .

「Hey now, if you keep this up, I really will attack . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto silently whispers .

「Oh no, I’ll be assaulted……」 (Lora)

Lora’s face became bright red and she falls silent . As Haruto has learned, being on the offensive is better than running away .

「At any rate, I have borrowed money . A large amount at that . It will be terrible if I can’t pay it back . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto laughs as Lora silently sat there .

「Yep . But it will be alright . You will surely be able to return it . 」 (Lora)

The topic changed . Although her face was still red, she gave a response to Haruto .

「Your face is beet red . Perhaps, you should get up?」 (Haruto)

Haruto grins as he points out the fact to Lora .

「N-no, it isn’t that . 」 (Lora)

Lora had dug her own grave .

「I’m mistaken? So, you’re not feeling faint because of the bath?」 (Haruto)

「……Haruto-san, you meanie . 」 (Lora)

As they bathe in the tub, Haruto continues to tease Lora .


Income: 5 Million

Expense: 20,000 (purchase of safebox)

Debt: 5 Million

Total Remaining Balance: 5 . 79 Million

(Actual) Assets: 790,000

Different World Business Symbol - Chapter 8: loan
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