Different World Business Symbol
Different World Business Symbol - Chapter 7: future planning

MTL: uniquegasuki

Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)

「By the way, Haruto-san,」 (Lora)

「Huh, what is it?」 (Haruto)

After their mutual handshake ended, Lora had something to say .

「That soap thing is amazing . Were you the one who made it, Haruto?」 (Lora)

「Yup, it is not difficult to make and the ingredients are cheap & few . 」 (Haruto)

Upon hearing Haruto’s reply, Lora had an astonished expression .

「Seriously! I was almost certain that it was some high priced item . It is easy and comfortable to use, unlike bubble-berry, this would sell well . 」 (Lora)

Lora has a money-making based blessing . She was also the daughter of a company president and from a young age, Lora was raised to succeed her family business . It is reassuring to know that Lora’s blessing is in support of the soap business idea .

「As expected, I had a feeling you would think so . I also thought of marketing the soap . 」 (Haruto)

「Really! I have studied the basic’s of business management so I might be able to help!」 (Lora)

Lora happily says this . She is glad to have discovered a job she could do .

「Of course, I will be putting you to work . 」 (Haruto)

「Let’s hurry,「before that . 」」 (Lora)

Haruto interrupts Lora .

「We have to go buy you some clothes . It will be troublesome if you always have to wear mine . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto was smiling as he said this .


「Thank you very much; however, it would be alright even if I didn’t have such nice clothes as these . I’m a slave . It is okay if the clothes were much more worn out . If Haruto wished it, being nude……」 (Lora)

As Lora said this, a half second later she blushed . Haruto has gradually gotten used to Lora’s jokes and dismissed her nonsense .

「Purchasing worn-out clothes would be a waste . Besides, you and I will be doing it for a long time . Don’t worry about it . Anyhow, 10,000 Doraria is not much compared to 2 . 5 million Doraria . 」 (Haruto)

Upon Haruto’s reply, Lora’s face turned bright red .

「W-was that a marriage proposal?! Please, let me think about it . 」 (Lora)

「You are mistaken . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto gave an immediate reply .

「By the way, Haruto-san . Why not try visiting the library?」 (Lora)

「Ah, you mean the matter about investigating my blessing?」 (Haruto)

As the saying goes, it is best to strike while the iron is hot . It would be better to hurry up and get the investigation over with .

「You’re right . Shall we get going?」 (Haruto)

Lora showed a blank expression as Haruto said this .

「The thing is, 2nd-class and 3rd-class citizens are not allowed into the library because they have no tax liability . Therefore, is it alright for me to wait at the inn until you return?」 (Lora)

Without any liabilities, a person does not have any privileges . It indeed makes sense . Haruto understood it, but suddenly a question arose .

「Is it alright for foreigner(s) to enter?」 (Haruto)

When Haruto was still a foreigner, he had gone to the library along with Maria . However, foreigners are basically not obligated to pay taxes .

「The library in Clarice is a landmark that foreigner come to see . You see, 10% of the foreigners that visit this country come to see the library . 」 (Lora)

Haruto recalls hearing that Clarice has the biggest library in all of the City-State Union . And thus, the country makes money off of the people who come to study there .

「Oh, now I get it . Sorry, I got off topic . So you’re planning on returning to the inn, huh? On your way back, can you get me olive oil, salt, and collect some ash? The amount of olive oil to ash should be equal to a 3 to 1 ratio; and as for salt, 1 bag will be enough . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto hands Lora 30,000 Doraria .

「Alright, understood . Perhaps, are these the ingredients for soap?」 (Lora)

What Lora heard piqued her curiosity . Certainly, it is surprising to know that something made from ash, oil, and salt can have the same effect as bubble-berry .

「Well, there isn’t time today so I will make tomorrow . 」 (Haruto)

「I see . Then, as a slave, I will go carry out my first task . 」 (Lora)

Lora runs off in the blink-of-an-eye . She was as fast as ever .

「Now then, shall I go and get this over with . 」 (Haruto)

As Haruto muttered this, he made his way to the library .


Like last time, Haruto checked in at the reception desk but this time around he presented his citizenship registration card .

He made his way over to the bookshelf categorized under blessings . Haruto scans the bookshelf . Of the many volumes of books, he chose a few that appeared to be helpful .

・What Is A Blessing? A Complete Guide On The Know Hows of 『Blessings』!!

・Introduction to Blessings That Even A Monkey Can Understand

・A Modern-day Reference of Known Blessings (picture book)

He chose those three books . In this world, like how the law of mathematics applies to Japan, blessings are a part of this world . The books in this world have similar titles to the books in Haruto’s homeworld . For some reason, seeing these titles, it felt nostalgic to him .

First off, Haruto picks up 『Introduction to Blessings That Even A Monkey Can Understand』 and 『What Is A Blessing (etc)』 . Unlike the title, the books are fairly thick .

A short while later, Haruto closed the books . Although it claims that even a monkey could understand it, the book was bulky and filled with technical terminology . He gave up on trying to understand everything and just read the parts that seemed important .

To summarize the contents of the books .

・The proper name for blessing(s) is 『Fairy’s Blessing』, or 『Fairy’s Affection』 .

・Blessing are innate, or otherwise, it is unknown at to how one is acquired .

・1/10,000 people have a blessing .

・Although, most are unless . They require a lot of effort and are simple things like x-ray vision and being able to bend a spoon .

・There is no clear distinction between blessings . Simply put, it is an amazing power .

・The activation method varies from person to person and the number of times it can be used also varies from person to person .

・Incidently, why is it fairies are involved? That is because, in the City-State・Kingdom・Empire, they believe it is the work of fairies . By adding two and two together, the mysterious power and the mysterious fairies, it was the only thing they could think of to explain the phenomenon .

・To sum it up, nobody knows .

Haruto wanted to voice his complaint to the person who stated that this introducing book is something even a monkey could understand . The book was not the least bit useful, thus, Haruto stopped reading it and opened the picture book . He finds the section under ~hearing~ and beings to read .

Amazing hearing; the ability to hear sounds from far away and being able to notice an off-key note, able to hear a sound 1 kilometer away, never forgetting something that was heard and other various types E . P . S . like abilities . Haruto skims the text . Unfortunately, there is no information about Haruto’s ability under the section “hearing” . He calms down and rethinks his ability .

(If I recall, the words are being automatically translated in my head as I have a conversation . In other words, the meaning is being deciphered in my head . I am hearing the other person’s thoughts…… if I think about it, is that not a brain (mind) ability rather than a hearing ability?)

Haruto searches for his ability but discovered nothing . While looking under the “senses category”, he comes across the entry labeled “thought” . Haruto decides to investigate the entry under “thought” .

・Langauge blessing…… able to freely converse in others languages . Reported number of cases, 30 people .

・Power of Words blessing…… able to comprehend the truth behind words . While they can understand the intent behind words, if the person doesn’t understand the language, inconsistencies can arise . Those with developed abilities can recognize the meaning behind written characters . Reported cases, 5 people .

・Mind-heart blessing…… able to understand another person’s thoughts . The ability allows a person’s intentions to be deciphered . Those with developed abilities are able to understand another person’s deepest thoughts . Reported cases, 3 people .

Haruto’s power resembles these 3 abilities . If he has only one ability, it would mostly likely be the “power of words blessing” . But, it is also possible that he as the “mind-heart blessing” .

Now that he has an idea of what his blessing could be, Haruto decided to return .

By the times he exited the library, it was dark out . He power-walks back to the inn .


Upon his return to the inn, Haruto heard the voices of Lora and Maria .

「How is this done?」 (Maria)

「Let me have a look…… ah, you are supposed to subtract this part . Once the equation is set up the rest is easy . 」 (Lora)

「You’re right!! Lora-oneechan you are amazing!!」 (Maria)

「Not at all, this is a simple arithmetic equation . 」 (Lora)

The two seem to be getting along .

「Hey! Lora, I’m back . 」 (Haruto)

When Haruto called out to the two, while making a big commotion, the two girls rushed over to him .

「Haruto-san, welcome back . Would you like dinner? Would you like a bath prepared? Or is it, would you like…… me, ouch!!」 (Lora)

Haruto playfully hits Lora on the top of her head, causing her to hang her head in disappointment .

「Meany?! At least let me finish my sentence!!」 (Lora)

「Then, should I just ignore you? Be thankful for the “tsukkomi (joke assist)”!」 (Haruto)

Haruto disregards Lora, who is looking up at him with a sour expression, he goes to talk to Maria .

「Were you studying with Lora?」 (Haruto)

「Yup, Lora-oneechan is amazing!」 (Maria)

Maria says this with a delighted expression, causing Lora to make a bashful expression .

Maria says this with a delighted expression, causing Lora to make a bashful expression .

「That is right, didn’t you say something about not 『crying over spilled milk』?」 (Haruto)

「「things can’t be undone」」 (Lora/ Maria)

Lora and Maria thought at the same time .

「I see, thank you . 」 (Haruto)

Upon Haruto’s expression of gratitude, the two girls showed a bewildered expression .

「What do you mean by,『things can’t be undone』?」 (Lora)

Expressing her curiosity, Lora asked Haruto about it .

「It is nothing, just a little blessing experiment . For now, let’s get something to eat . Maria, what do you plan on doing?」 (Haruto)

When Haruto awaits her reply, Maria response with a grin and a giggle .

「Maria has already had dinner . Lora-oneechan, I’ll see you later . 」 (Maria)

Maria waves them goodbye . Haruto sense that perhaps there was something more to her exaggerated gesture . In the first place, they are simply living under the same roof, nothing more .

Haruto and Lora took a seat and then ordered their meal .

「Do you mind telling me what that eccentric behavior moments ago was about?」

「Eccentric behavior…… it’s your imagination . 」 (Lora)

Gradually, Haruto’s reserve towards Lora became lost . They somewhat got along, at the very least he wasn’t dissatisfied with her .

「About my blessing investigation, I narrowed it down to 3 possible blessings and now I have a better understanding of my blessing . 」 (Haruto)

「Really . As there are a lot of people around, please tell me more about your blessing when we return to our room, okay . 」 (Lora)

Certainly, there are quite a number of other people around . It would be careless to speak about one’s blessing with so many people present . Haruto reflected on his carelessness .

A short while later, their dishes are brought out . The two of them continued conversing as they ate their meal .

「Haruto-san, I have purchased the items you had requested . I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s performance . 」 (Lora)

「Ah, I had a feeling you would bring that up . 」 (Haruto)

As he answered Lora, he noticed that she had already finished eating . Haruto rushes to finish his meal .

When the two returned to the inn, they saw Hannah . Hannah rushed over to speak to Haruto when she had noticed him .

「Haruto-san, will you be needing hot water; I can have it prepared now?」 (Hannah)

「Yes, please . 」 (Haruto)

Upon Haruto’s reply, Hannah goes to the backyard to prepare the hot water .

「Shall I wash your back?」 (Lora)

「Shut it, you moron!」 (Haruto)


After washing his body, Haruto goes back to his room and saw Lora who was sitting in a chair waiting for his return . Haruto goes to take a seat in a chair . (T/N: there should only be one chair, strange)

「Now then, please continue about your blessing . 」 (Lora)

Lora gets right to the heart of the conversation . Haruto informed her about the blessing “power of words” .

「I see, the blessing “power of words”…… I have heard of it . It is a fairly rare blessing . You should not carelessly speak about it . 」 (Lora)

Lora warns him . Haruto didn’t doubt her and obediently follows Lora’s advice .

「Afterwards…… we will be starting a soap business, correct?」 (Lora)

「Ah, that is the plan . However, I don’t quite know how to go about it . I would like to have your input . 」 (Haruto)

After Haruto asked her this, Lora thought about it for a little while before answering .

「In any case, we should sell it at a street stall and it would be quite profitable to have a contract with the inn & restaurant . But, we need to be able to mass produce it…… what about funds?」 (Lora)

「About 800,000 . 」 (Haruto)

Hearing Haruto’s response, Lora showed a subtle reaction .

「In any case, we should sell it at a street stall and it would be quite profitable to have a contract with the inn & restaurant . But, we need to be able to mass produce it…… what about funds?」 (Lora)

「About 800,000 . 」 (Haruto)

Hearing Haruto’s response, Lora showed a subtle reaction .

「800,000 huh…… Haruto-san . So, do you have any means of mass producing the soap?」 (Lora)

Haruto took a moment to think it over a bit . To mass produce the soap, he would need a bigger pot . There is also the need for ingredients and firewood . He might need to hire employees as well .

「This might be difficult . 」 (Haruto)

「Really…… what about taking a loan . 」 (Lora)

Haruto frowned at Lora’s remark . He doesn’t have a high opinion of debts (loan) . Besides, this country doesn’t have a bankruptcy policy . In the worst case, he would end up as a slave .

「The idea of taking on a debt is unpleasant and I don’t have any collateral . 」 (Haruto)

Upon Haruto’s response, she pointed to herself and replied .

「Do you not have some collateral right here?」 (Lora)

「Ah? What are you saying……」 (Haruto)

「I am worth 2 . 5 million; therefore, you should be able to borrow 2 . 5 million . It is alright, I haven’t gone mad . 」 (Lora)

「That is not the problem . 」 (Haruto)

Even if she was his slave, Haruto was against the idea of using Lora as collateral because if he wasn’t able to pay back the money, she would be sold to a brothel .

「Don’t worry about it . This was a body you yourself had saved . 」 (Lora)

After he went to the trouble of helping her, Haruto is trouble over having Lora being sold again . The way things ended up, his efforts might go to waste .

「There is no need to go that far . We will just have to start small and build up the money a little at a time . 」 (Haruto)

Upon Haruto’s response, Lora shakes her head no .

「That is no good . Haruto-san your soap business is a declaration to the bubble-berry business . If you take it slow, you will be crushed by your competitors . That is how businesses are . The reason why I insist that you use me as collateral has nothing to do with my debt to you, Haruto-san . I want to reclaim my family’s company from my uncle . Then I want my uncle arrested and thrown into jail . In doing so, my father and mother can rest in peace . 」 (Lora)

Certainly, Haruto’s soap business would be stealing sales from the Summer’s company .

Haruto looked Lora in the eyes . She is serious . Chances are, Haruto couldn’t refuse . He sighs .

「Fine, I understand . It can’t be helped……」 (Haruto)

「Thank you very much . 」 (Lora)

Lora lowers her head to Haruto .

「Then tomorrow, let us finish up the matter about the soap business and the loan . 」 (Lora)

「Right, well, shall we go to bed? So much has happened today, I’m tired out . 」 (Haruto)

As Haruto made his way to his bed, he finally noticed it . Where is Lora going to sleep?

「Where are you going to sleep?」 (Haruto)

「About that…… if Haruto-san is alright with it, shall we sleep together?」 (Lora)

Lora blushes . Thinking it was about time for a little revenge, Haruto gave Lora his answer .

「Well then, shall we sleep together?」 (Haruto)

「Eh!?」 (Lora)

Lora is surprised . Her face became a flushed red .

「You are always saying it . Besides, I don’t want to sleep on the floor and it would leave me with a bad aftertaste if you slept on the floor . Therefore, let us sleep in the same bed . 」 (Haruto)

Upon Haruto’s reply, Lora’s redden face grows a shade brighter .

「I was joking but…… okay . I understand . Let us sleep together . 」 (Lora)

From this day onwards, the two of them would always sleep together . (T/N: no, they aren’t having intercourse, they are just sleeping in the same bed)


Expense: 40,000

Remaining Balance: 810,000

Different World Business Symbol - Chapter 7: future planning
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