Mo Flower
Chapter 10 : Mo Shang Hua Kai Chapter 9 – FinaleWhen Li Cong Qing jumped into the carriage, the rumo

Mo Shang Hua Kai Chapter 9 – Finale

When Li Cong Qing jumped into the carriage, the rumors about him and the Emperor had come to an out of hand extent. Multiplying and spreading like wildfire. The people who didn’t know would be laughed at as not up to the present trend. Even the current affairs had created folk rhymes as the response---

Peony has bloomed, burst with joy to be picked, oh Fairy descend to the world to pay a debt of grat.i.tude. Chrysanthemum has blossomed, burst with joy to be picked, oh Fairy where are you going to. Peony has bloomed, chrysanthemum has blossomed, the Prince is waiting for you hurry up and return, the nameless flowers has withered, you still haven’t come back.

The lyrics was frank and blunt. Thirty percent to delight children seventy percent was enchanting. When being pa.s.sed from streets to lanes, from one person to another, everyone could recite it with ease. Little children innocently sang it, adults recited it ambiguously. Within the borders of Dashao, because of the Monarch-Subject s.e.x scandal, had become very lively and happy. The entire people of the nation from upper to the commoner wholeheartedly flipped over the heaven together. The a.s.sistant Minister of Ministry of Rites was taking so long to return, everybody was more anxious than the Emperor, worried to the extent that they were afraid that their Great and wise brilliant Emperor was dumped by the a.s.sistant Minister of Ministry of Rites.

“Third Brother, the hearsays regarding you and Li Cong Qing, the more it rolls, the bigger it becomes. To the point that it has become even more unreasonable!” Song Xuan would come to the Palace every day to report on the latest progress.

“I know.” The Emperor still as before, didn’t have any huge reaction.

“You still don’t want to take him home?”

“Wait until he has straightened out his mind, he will definitely return.”

“What if he doesn’t return?”

“He will surely return.” The Emperor said in confidence. Li Cong Qing since six years ago had been living as Song’s family, he would die as a Song’s spirit. No matter how far he went or how long, in the end he still had to return, there was only here that could be counted as the one and only place he belonged to.

“I really couldn’t comprehend, why in the first place you asked him to leave the Capital.”

“I have let him have his way for way too long. I hope that this time he can think over everything clearly.”

Song Xuan upon what he had heard stunned him for a while. Suddenly he realized what had happened. Carefully thinking back, so that day the Emperor deliberately let Li Cong Qing sleep in his Imperial Study, allowing people to see him covering him with his yellow robe and such meticulous intimate manner, then afterwards dispatched him to go out of the Capital. Following next was the rumors flying everywhere and so on. Everything was as the Emperor had antic.i.p.ated.

Sigh, probably the pressure was too heavy, finally couldn’t bear to carry on the secret affairs with Li Cong Qing, so he bended and turned the corner to stir up trouble and let it become the talk of the town. To force Li Cong Qing who couldn’t afford to not admit their taboo relations.h.i.+p.

“Third Brother…  Are you trialing him?” Song Xuan asked cautiously.

“Between him and I need no trial.”

“Then why…?”

The Emperor only smiled, didn’t want to explain too much.

Song Xuan didn’t dare to ask further. Convincing himself with the words he said before, if the Emperor’s thoughts can be thoroughly guessed, then that person could be converted to become the Emperor. In any case, the bright Emperor had everything well-thought. Everything was under his control. No matter what he did, he had his own reason. Why in the world should he be worried to death when the Emperor himself wasn’t worried?

To say the truth, the Emperor indeed had taken such great pains for Li Cong Qing. Really wished for them to be close to each other and be clear like the clouds give way to the moon. It wouldn’t be good if they kept their relations.h.i.+p like its current state.

“However, Third Brother, have you heard the latest song that is pa.s.sing amongst the people in the town?”

“The flower bloom?”

“Not only that. There is also some more… ahem… unpresentable.”

“Oh, sing for me to hear.”

“Really want to hear?”

“There is no harm to have a try.”

Hence Song Xuan called a little eunuch to enter, asked him to sing. Little eunuch used a timid and nervous voice to sing: “Cherished Brother, cherished Peony, the flower married for debt. My body is fragile and gentle, don’t be like the ox chewing on Peony, be slowly in touching my branches and leaves, again and again sprinkle chilly water on me, the result of course twisted in delight. The delicate pretty flower, also obtain a handsome dearest cherished brother, gently and softly come to pick me.”   (note: adopted and self-arranged from > / Ming Dynasty, Feng Meng Long1.)

The shrinking and cowering voice sang out the erotic and amorous lyrics. After the little eunuch finished with his singing, Song Xuan flushed red to the ears. Who couldn’t find out from the song that ‘cherished brother’ and ‘cherished peony’ was the metaphor for the Emperor and the a.s.sistant Minister of Ministry of Rites.

The Emperor remained calm and composed as before, unperturbed and not batting an eyelid, only the smile on his lips had extended to greater grin. “What a good singing. Is there another one? Just sing it for me to hear.”

Little eunuch upon hearing the praise from the Emperor, happy as if could fly. Courageously sang another song. With each song, the lyrics became bolder and bolder. What said as “Monarch and Official together every night, enjoying the fine evening.”, also “Sweetly tight, mildly warm, the lovely squeezing backyard flower garden.” , each songs was hinting to the Emperor and a.s.sistant Minister of Ministry of Rites s.e.xual relations.h.i.+p. Obscene songs with insolent lyrics fantastic and caused the nose to spurt blood.

The Emperor was not angered when he heard the songs, listening to the end, to the point that he broke out in laughter, laughing to death, laughed to his heart’s content without restraint.

Song Xuan because of this, the more he listened the more he sweated, he thought to himself, to be referred to with those kind of vulgar and obscene words, he was actually not angry but laughing instead. His Older Brother the Emperor was truly having such an exceptional compa.s.sion. It would be better to be said… covering the coquettish tightly…

But regardless of the obsceneness that pa.s.sed through in the town, they actually contained an openly approving meaning. The chant was praising the beautiful and romantic love of the two people. The infinite radiance of spring on the dragon’s bed, you will want then the pa.s.sionate love that would overflow.

The next day, the Emperor received a letter from the carrier pigeon. The brief three words were written in powerful stroke: “Qing has returned.”

Finally willing to return and face the problem? Smiling while pondering these three words, he recalled the event that took place several days after the first night with Li Cong Qing that year. The feeling at that time and this moment was somewhat similar. He was still waiting, waiting for a definite answer.

The face of the Emperor remained unruffled, but in fact, his mood was not as relaxed as Li Cong Qing. The dimension of things he needed to take into consideration was more. The pressure he had to endure was heavier. Yet he still silently waited for Li Cong Qing to nod his head and say yes. It was said that a fruit which was picked by force wouldn’t be sweet, a flower which plucked by force wouldn’t be fragrant. He thought to himself, Li Cong Qing should be his lifetime sweetest fruit, the most fragrance flower.

However this fruit, this flower had been sleeping too much, sleeping to the point that his head had paused from thinking. He actually regarded their feelings and relations.h.i.+p into a kind of habit, ignoring that this habit was acc.u.mulating from their strong feelings. Perhaps because the distance between them was too near, near to the point he couldn’t see clearly each other’s heart. That was why he let him go a little further for the time being, waited for him to look back to see clearly.

The Emperor was not particular about small matters as who loved who the more, the deeper, this kind of petty matter. However, their relations.h.i.+p indeed was roughly because he was the one pursuing Li Cong Qing. Cast aside the discussion about status and position, their relations.h.i.+p actually was in an unequal condition. They both stood on the both ends of a stick. Li Cong Qing’s end always stuck up higher.

This time the Emperor stopped himself, letting Li Cong Qing to take the initiative to turn around and come to him. He was not pursuing him directly anymore, since his demand had caused him to mistakenly regard their feelings as a kind of feeling that he had to endure.

If Li Cong Qing could admit that his feelings were not less than the Emperor’s at all, in that way, they could truly stand on equal position. Side by side, shoulder to shoulder on the equality standpoint of love.

Afterwards, they could begin a brand new phase.


Mentioning about ‘Live as Song’s Family, Die as Song’s Spirit’ phrase, it was not the Emperor’s made up words all. It originated from the golden mouth and pearly wisdom of the Great Teacher of the Nation.  At that time, Li Cong Qing simply didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Come, let’s continue our story to the end. Starting from the day the Emperor summoned Li Cong Qing to accompany him to pay respect to the ancestors at Bai Hu Temple. All the way, both of their hearts were like a capering monkey and their minds were like a galloping horse2, until the Imperial Carriage and the procession arrived at their destination. The Abbot of the Temple, the Great Teacher of the Nation already respectfully stood by the temple door and welcomed them.

Bai Hu Temple was the Imperial Family’s ancestral temple. Only the member of the Imperial Family could enter. The escorting officials would have to wait outside the temple. But the Emperor ordered Li Cong Qing to follow him to enter the temple, also brought him to enter the PaG.o.da to wors.h.i.+p.

The PaG.o.da had nine levels, the three upper levels were to wors.h.i.+p Tathagata Buddha. The three middle levels were to wors.h.i.+p the family’s ancestors. The three lower levels were to respect Dashao heroic martyrs. The Emperor took Li Cong Qing along to ascend the stairs all the way to the highest level of the PaG.o.da. The Great Teacher of the Nation because he was already so old, couldn’t climb that high. Two young monks were a.s.sisting him on ascending the stairs.

Li Cong Qing thought that he only needed to stand far far away while escorting. Or just helping with the miscellaneous jobs such as helping to pa.s.s the incense, arranging the kneeling pillows and so on. He never had thought that the Emperor actually wanted him to kneel by his side and together with him perform the courtesy.

Although puzzled, he still obediently obeyed the Emperor’s decree, from the hand of the Great Teacher of the Nation he received the lighted incense, together with the Emperor he wors.h.i.+ped the Tathagata Buddha first, then the Song’s family’s ancestors, afterwards paid respect to Dashao heroic martyrs. Wors.h.i.+ping and enshrining the Buddha and the ancestors, it was a must to kneel down and kowtowed three times. For the Dashao heroic martyrs, offering the incense was already sufficient enough.

He carefully followed the Emperor to wors.h.i.+p from the upper level to the lower level. The Emperor offered the incense, he just followed suit to offer the incense. The Emperor knelt down and kowtowed, he would also kneel down and kowtow. In the solemn and respectful also foggy by the smoke place, his whole body was tainted with the sweet smell of burning incense.

Li Cong Qing came to experience the heavy and complicated tedious long courtesy of the Imperial Family when paying respect to their ancestors. The standing up, kneeling down and kowtowing was considerably tiring him out. Yet the Emperor was not in the least bit impatient. From beginning to the end, he was seriously performing it without even one thread loose3. Unlike Li Cong Qing who was having an almost giving out knees in the end of the ritual.

With much difficulty finally the paying courtesy was completed. The Great Teacher of the Nation was smiling while telling Li Cong Qing: “Already paid respect to the successive generations of Song’s ancestors. For this life time, live as Song’s Family, die as Song’s spirit.”

Wa yo. What actually had happened? Making him unknowingly from Li’s Family become Song’s spirit?! If Li Cong Qing was in the middle of drinking tea or eating meal, surely he would have spouted them out.

Fortunately he was having nothing in his mouth, he could only dumbfoundedly be at a loss for words. His face was darkened. He was having a hard time in absorbing the Great Teacher of the Nation’s words, couldn’t make heads or tails whether he was joking or seriously saying it. Why each time this old man would open his mouth, he would make him not know whether to laugh or to cry.

The Emperor slightly smiled, didn’t say anything.

Afterwards, they went to the Flower Garden. The Emperor held a clipper to trim the Peony that was planted in the topaz pot, he wanted Li Cong Qing to loosen the soil with the little trowel. That time was just like the time of the flowering season. The flowers bloomed magnificently. Strong fragrantly gorgeous colors. The two people wholeheartedly and attentively attended to the delicate Peony.

“According to usual practice, every year I have to plant a new peony. But I could only concentrate on this one. Even if in the future it would not sprout a flower anymore, I will still adore it the same way.” Said the Emperor as if starting a light chat.

Li Cong Qing didn’t know how he should respond. Should he praise “Your Majesty is sentimental and single-minded.”? It was not quite right. Or maybe he should kiss up by commending “Your Majesty truly cherished the flower kind of person.”? It was also not quite proper. Or how about “This flower really has cultivated countless of good karma, to have Your Majesty extremely favor it.” … This phrase seemed to have a larger issue. Pondering it over and over again, no matter what he was about to say, it would end up weird. Might as well just not say anything. Silence is golden!

“Li Cong Qing, What do you think?” The Emperor asked all of a sudden.

What what? Li Cong Qing couldn’t comprehend.

The Emperor put down the clipper, took away the trowel from Li Cong Qing’s hand, pulled his hand, washed them together in the basin which was placed beside them.

Li Cong Qing dumbfoundedly let the Emperor wash clean the soil from his hand. His heart was pounding from nervousness all the while, thadump, thadump, thadump…

When the Emperor took his clean hand and lifted it to his lips, kissed the dripping wet fingertips and palm, Li Cong Qing’s face heated up. Taking it away was not able, not taking it away was also could not. His heart beat wildly to the point that it almost jumped out from his chest.

“I always notice you.”

Li Cong Qing was stunned, blinked and blinked his eyes. After a while he finally could react. Couldn’t help but secretly disagree. Of course, these days have been indifferent. I have suspected that I was seduced then abandoned, kicked out of the place.

The Emperor saw that he was unable to hide his disagreement. His lips also slightly pouted. It was very easy to guess what he was thinking of. Presumably he was not all rejecting, there was at least a little bit of care in his heart. Upon this thought, the Emperor felt extremely elated. Grasping his hand, saying: “Li Cong Qing, say, what should I do to have you?”

Li Cong Qing pondered and pondered, thought it over and over, pondered over it again. He always only wished to have smooth and poised days in the future. But the Emperor seemed determined to win. Just say that this time he would let him off, next time most probably he could never run away.

Sigh, the Monarch wanted his subject to die, subject could never not die. Much less to say if the Monarch wanted his subject b.u.t.tocks, could the subject not take off his trousers? He was Li Cong Qing, although not a genius, he also too rather had a clear view of things.

If he honestly asked himself, he was actually not strongly rejecting to be together with the Emperor. In addition, he had rolled here rolled there on the Dragon’s bed, to pretend that he dared to die to guard his chast.i.ty; it would be truly a bit too artificial.

After a period of time to ponder over reason, his confusion as well as his indeterminate heart gradually settled down.

After all, the thing he was unable to escape he would never be able to escape. To think that if he didn’t comply with the Emperor’s wish, the Emperor was also unwilling to give up. In the days to come, pulled here dragged there impossible to unravel. Who knows, might even lead to a pointless bitter taste. In the end he would still be eaten clean even the bone would not remain by the Emperor. As good as wasted energy in vain, only brought trouble upon himself.

Li Cong Qing’s train of thoughts was just like the scene in the novel and fiction, made him feel very tired. He was not the same as those faithful women who would die in defense of their chast.i.ty, therefore…so… Just like an old monk tolled a bell, each day pa.s.sed, each day wasted. ----

At home wherever one is4.

Li Cong Qing gave up his not so much in resistance struggle. He came to terms. Replying in his stammered and stuttered manner: “Everything is depended on Your Majesty’s decision.”

“Have you clearly thought it over?”

Even if he thought until he damaged his brain, he still could never think clearly. Li Cong Qing thought to himself, then said again: “Humble subject has only one request.”

“What is it?”

“Do not wish to make it known to the public.”   

This person was the type that was afraid of troublesome matters, how could the Emperor not understand this kind of request. He gave his permit: “I agree.”

“Thank you Your Majesty.”

“Do you have another request?”

“Let me think.” Li Cong Qing tilted his head to think, he always felt that he had been treated unjustly, he ought to demand something to make it fair. Fame and glory he did not pursue. Wealth and riches he was not lacking of. He really couldn’t think of what he wanted to demand. Managed with an effort to squeeze out one thing: “Let me continue my position as a.s.sistant Minister of Ministry of Rites.”

The Emperor originally considered to promote his official post, upon hearing what he had said, he couldn’t restrain his smile from breaking out into laughter. Eagerly pulled him into his bosom. “Li Cong Qing. You are truly a strange person.”

“Right, there is another thing.”


“Ahem… I am afraid of pain, therefore, ahem ahem…when doing that, you may not let me feel the pain.” Li Cong Qing said it, his cheek faintly raised to a thin red color.

“That is the matter of course. That night, had I made you feel the pain?”

“Tolerable.” His awkward face became even redder. He said again: “Also may not do that thing during daytime.” Just said that he agreed to be on intimate terms with the Emperor, the sense of shame of this still remained.

“The ancestors had clearly set, to prohibit the Monarch to commit adultery during daytime.” A good Emperor must be abided and protected the ancestry’s law. Even if burning with desire he would still have to restrain it.

“Pheww, then it will be fine. Also, if I fell asleep during the morning court, do not pay special attention on my little misconduct.”

“When did I ever fuss over your little misconduct?”

Li Cong Qing extended his requests one after another. Today he was the favorite. Simply gave him an inch and he wanted a mile. Even if all of his requests were nothing more than chicken feathers and garlic skin5 kind of demands.

The Emperor was laughing as if he must grant whatever he asked for. Even more effective than asking from the Tudi Gong6. His pair of eyes was unwittingly filled with love, in the end he couldn’t bear to block up the voice with his mouth. Still couldn’t he see that Li Cong Qing was trying to stall for time?

Sigh, The Emperor basically had set on him.

Li Cong Qing secretly felt happy in his heart. Obediently he opened his mouth, to allow the Emperor’s tongue to enter and mix with his tongue. And then, he also closed his eyes, to enjoy the sweetness of the pa.s.sionate kiss.

The Emperor’s constrained desire for many days ignited to form a blaze in an instant. But this was not the right time and the proper place, he had no choice but to painfully restrain his l.u.s.t. Whispering in Li Cong Qing’s ear with his husky voice : “You have to make good mental preparation. Tonight, it won’t be enough with only one time.”

Li Cong Qing whole face suddenly burned up. The him now was still extremely delicate, with regard to the Emperor’s seductive offense, his resistance was still lacking. Just a little bit of teasing, he would blush out of embarra.s.sment. Cute to the extreme.

The Emperor was really dying to be a bad Emperor. No matter three times seven is twenty one7, he could push him down then and there. Who would give a d.a.m.n to that troublesome ancestry’s law! He had never had this kind of outrageous idea since the day he was born. This was solely because of Li Cong Qing, and only for Li Cong Qing.

However, in the end he diligently pressed it down. He only wished that the sun would hurriedly head to the west and sink behind the mountain, after that, they could go hand in hand to their highest paradise.

As the matter of course, tonight definitely would be a fine spring colored endlessly pa.s.sionate spring night.

The pitiful Li Cong Qing was turned and tossed for the whole night. Until he could no longer bear it and repeatedly begged for mercy, the Emperor just satisfyingly let him go, hugged him in a tight embrace and slept.

That night was a brilliant starlight night. 

They were hugging each other, together they fell into the sweet dreamland.

In the dream, the Emperor stretched out his hand to Li Cong Qing and said, how about we go together?

Yes. Li Cong Qing interlocked his hand with the Emperor’s hand.

They were hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, together they walked on a long long road, an endless road, yet they were extremely at ease while walking on the road.

Perhaps, they would walk to the utmost end of the world, maybe they would walk until the ends of the time, they just walked together, no one let go of the other hand, just walked and walked, walked and walked…


Hence upon, the Emperor of Dashao and the a.s.sistant Minister of Ministry of Rites just naturally and uprightly will be together.

Without much force and struggle, without disturbing whoever. On one side, Wei Xiao Miao was skillful to keep the secret in the family. On the other side, n.o.body suspected that the tall and handsome Emperor would actually look at the mediocre Li Cong Qing. Moreover, the Emperor had never called upon a male escort before. Because of this, only very few close people who held the lantern inside their stomach, heart knows stomach understanding is enough.

One year pa.s.sed another year had come. In a blink of an eye, the two people had been together for six years already. Although they couldn’t openly and honorably stick to each other like glue, but with each pa.s.sing day, their growing deeper feelings caused them to be unable to be separated from each other.

Until this year, the Emperor dispatched Li Cong Qing to inspect Chu’nan. Once separated, they were separated for no less than half a year. When he was setting his foot on the road to return from the countryside, His and the Emperor’s love affair was bustling to the point it could pull down the heaven.

---When the flowers on the path bloom, you may slowly return.

The King of Wu Yue gave this written message to Lady w.a.n.g who returned to her hometown to pay a visit to her parents. It appeared as if not to hasten Lady w.a.n.g from returning to Capital, but the short words and expression indeed revealed the densely yearning affection, expecting her to return earlier.

Pa.s.sing door, be situated on the Emperor’s most obscured little side door, a hidden place, a narrow alley linked it to the outside road. Rumor had it that a certain Emperor set it up for the sake of having a secret meeting with his lover who lived outside the Palace. Normally, n.o.body would use it to enter or leave the Palace, it was equally half abandoned already, there were only two guards who would keep the door on guard. This side door which held an ambiguous function, today was actually opened. Besides the usual two guards, there were also two Palace attendants.

“Aii, we have been waiting for three months, that Sir why hasn’t he come back yet.” A young eunuch couldn’t contain the boredom and complained in whisper.

“Don’t talk too much. Stand properly.” Another older eunuch reprimanded him.

The younger eunuch obediently stood properly. Not a long while afterwards, he couldn’t bear but ask again: “Zhang Gong Gong8, what would we do if that Sir is not going to return?”

“Even if we have to wait to death we also have to wait.”

“Wouldn’t it be much faster to just issue an Imperial Edict to summon him to return?”

“As a little servant you talk too much, watched your tongue.” Older eunuch admonished him with a warning voice.

The young eunuch was surprised and stuck out his tongue. Hurriedly closed the door. Frequently stretched out his neck towards the end of the road to wait and see. Day after day they could only wait in expectation, until the sunset dyed the horizon with its red color, they thought that they would have to wait for another day. Contrary to expectation, a gush of smoke and dust from the distant place was flying upward.

The young eunuch opened his eyes widely to see properly, excitedly yelled: “Zhang Gong Gong, look, someone comes to this direction.”

Very soon, a man riding on a horse arrived, that was one of the bodyguards who followed Li Cong Qing on his inspection. “Sir Li is coming back, his carriage will arrive roughly in two hours.”

“Quick go to the Imperial Study to report.” The older eunuch ordered the younger eunuch.

“Yes!” The young eunuch joyously dashed to report.

Roughly about two hours later, a carriage actually galloped in a fast pace. When they stopped in front of the door, the older eunuch stepped up to welcome him. Yet, the person inside the carriage had not made an effort to go out yet.

“Sir, we have arrived.” The whole body covered by dirt the cart driver faced towards the man inside the carriage to call him up.


After quite a period of time, a low sigh sound pa.s.sed out from inside. Li Cong Qing finally lifted the carriage’s curtain.

“You have gone through such a trouble on your way, Sir.” The older eunuch in his utmost respectful manner supported him from descending the carriage.

“Where is His Majesty?” asked Li Cong Qing.

“In Imperial Study.”

Li Cong Qing looked at the red coated Palace door. His heart had all sorts of mixed feelings. Formerly, when he had a secret meeting with the Emperor, he would leave using this pa.s.sing door. Really carried out its function as the hearsay said. Originally he was impatient to wait and wanted to just fly and return. When the time had actually come, he was hesitating instead. Really missed and wanted to see him, but also didn’t know how to face him. The term close to homesickness mostly from this kind of feeling.

He understood, this time, once he set his foot to enter this door, all of his position and his unfavorable situation would have a distinct change. Perhaps this time he would be unable to decline and could only agree to become “Shang Jun”.

While pondering, he had already taken a step to enter the tall threshold. Walking on the familiar winding narrow path, with every step he was thinking deeply and hesitating. He was considering about the personal gains and loses. Eventually, he arrived outside of the Imperial Study. Hesitating and not moving forward again. Hesitating and wavering.

“Your Majesty. Need or not to call Sir Li to enter?” The replacement of Wei Xiao Miao, He Gui Gong Gong asked.

“No need.” The Emperor lightly answered. Even if he had known about the news earlier, he did not immediately go out to meet him. Still reading and amending the official doc.u.ments. Waiting for Li Cong Qing to make his own move to enter.

A period of time had pa.s.sed, Li Cong Qing still hadn’t entered yet.

“Your Majesty, I’m afraid that Sir Li would be tired.” He Gui Gong Gong said it softly. Serving the Emperor personally, everyone would find out that a.s.sistant Minister of Ministry of Rites was the master’s most precious treasure, his heart, head and flesh9.

“Move out the long chair for him to sit. Also take the pastry, snacks and the tea out.” Ordered the Emperor.


Several Palace attendants lifted the chair and moved it out, said that was granted by Emperor, to diligently and thoughtfully attend upon him.

Li Cong Qing honestly wanted to laugh, also moved. The Emperor had always been afraid that he would be tired, afraid that he would be thirsty, afraid that he would be hungry, in every possible way he would take good care of him. Truly regarded him as a delicate flower to be cultivated.

What was there to hesitate?

Searching for him amongst the mult.i.tude of people to this greatest extent, suddenly when he turned around, that person was there, under the dim light of the lantern.

This kind of perfect lover who was not to be found even with a lantern10, where can you find? If not properly and firmly hold him, could be counted as a lifetimes misfortune caused by stupidity. Li Cong Qing stepped in the Imperial Study. Did not have whatever kind of hesitation anymore. Went straight to his lover the Emperor’s side.

“You have returned.” Song Yu’s face and att.i.tude was warm and calm like in the past, not too excited, not too impatient, it was as if the two people were only separated for several days, like Li Cong Qing hadn’t left him for such a long time, for such a distant.

Contrariwise, Li Cong Qing was not to be touched like before. For the first time he made an initiative to come closer, sat on Song Yu’s lap.

“Mm. I am home.” Li Cong Qing hugged his neck, buried his face on Song Yu’s broad and firm chest. Insatiably derived in the warm body and breathed in the scent. With his stifled voice he said: “The weather is cold. My shoulder is aching.”

Song Yu didn’t say anything. Putting down his official doc.u.ments, he began to ma.s.sage his shoulder.

“Waist also hurts.”

Ma.s.saging the waist.

“Legs also hurts.”

Ma.s.saging his legs.

“My whole body is aching.”

Song Yu laughed in understanding. They had been together for such a long time, how could he possibly not understand his stubbornness and his spoiled actions. ---- the days they had been separated, his whole body from head to toe not even a part was ever comfortable.

“You ah, supposing that you were not coming back, I was about to personally go and drag you home.” Lovingly pinched on his nose.

“You wouldn’t do that kind of thing.” Li Cong Qing crumpled his nose, retorted in disbelief.

“I have said, there will be a day when my patience inevitably will be used up.”

“Therefore you deliberately let others to see that you treated me well. Wanted me to leave the Capital on purpose, intentionally ignored the gossips that rose from all directions, isn’t that right?” Unable to conceal his lips from curling, he muttered to himself.

“You think too much.”

“Seven years already…” Li Cong Qing slightly narrowed his eyes, a flash of doubt flashed through his eyes. “This year, we are together for exactly seven years. You are not itching to tell this seven years affairs, so that you set this up, aren’t you?”

“Where has your mind been wondering to.” Song Yu laughed.

“Sigh, forget it. In any case, it has come to this. If you want to make known our relations.h.i.+p, just do it.”

“Not afraid of trouble?”

“You will help me to block the trouble, won’t you?”

“Want to become Shang Jun?”

“Don’t want.” Unhesitating with his stubbornness. “To make known our relations.h.i.+p is not to stand for that I surely want to become Shang Jun.”

“But Empress Dowager wanted me to give you a position.” Song Yu put on a troubled face.

“I only need this a.s.sistant Minister of Ministry of Rites’ position, that will be enough. “ Since he had been stubborn, he might as well to stay stubborn. “Even if you beat me to death I still don’t want to become that whatever Shang Jun.”

“How can I be willing to beat you to death? I still want you to accompany me to go through the days to come difficulties and hards.h.i.+ps. Cong Qing, the things we need to face is still plenty.”

Li Cong Qing of course understood. The country, the people, the harem, the heir…there were lots of problems that could not be easily solved merely dependent on two people’s love and trust. The Emperor needed to employ more wisdom to be more tactful, and he also needed a greater courage, this way they would be able to face and solved the problems together.

However, tomorrow’s trouble just let it be to tomorrow’s worry.

“…I… I missed you so much.” Li Cong Qing confessed his true feelings.

How come Song Yu did not miss him, Heaven knows that he missed his pair of spring flower like lips, missed his half opened half closed eyes, missed his sluggish and sleepy figure, and missed his warm, tight and delicate body… Heaven! How much he wished that he could enter the body that he intensely yearned for. To drain his suppressed for long time desire as much as he liked.

But he still could endure with his surprising self-control. Holding Li Cong Qing’s face with both of his hands, he gazed fixedly at him, smilingly said: “It is rare to have you initiatively say that you miss me. These several yearning days could be counted as not in vain.”

“How sappy, Hoammm----- for these several days was always on the move in a rus.h.i.+ng carriage. How tiring, I want to sleep.” In an instant without showing any interest, he yawned loudly and slipped down.

“Be good, go and have a nice rest.” Song Yu gently whispered, affectionately caressed his whole tired face.

Li Cong Qing kissed his lover’s lips, on his own accord he reclined on the couch inside the Imperial Study to sleep. He also grabbed the hanging by the Emperor’s side yellow robe to cover his body. Put down his head then fell asleep. Promptly afterwards he had begun to snore. Continuously rus.h.i.+ng about really had exhausted him. Who gave a d.a.m.n about whoever saw him covered by the Emperor’s yellow robe and slept here.

When he awoke, it was already a brand-new beautiful day. Just said that the sky is crumbling, there was the Emperor who was the highest being under this heaven to help him prop up the sky. He would be as before, be free from worry and continue with his job as a.s.sistant Minister of Ministry of Rites. That’s perfect!

Whole-heartedly to repay the given trust, that was the greatest love he could give to the Emperor.

Dear readers, you said that this is unfair? One is ready to hit, the other is willing to endure. Everyone is like this, there is no such thing as fair or unfair. If at this time, the people who are involved feel happy and merry, that is good enough. We insignificant pa.s.sersby need not to interfere.

Shouldering the sky for the a.s.sistant Minister of Ministry of Rites, the Emperor happily is willing to.

The autumn sky is clear and the air is bracing. On one peaceful and tranquil afternoon, when several High Ministers came to discuss matters with the Emperor in the Imperial Study, in a flash, there was an illusion as if time moved backwards to that day half a year ago.     

The Emperor seriously read through to evaluate the Official Doc.u.ments.

The a.s.sistant Minister of Ministry of Rites was peacefully sleeping in there.

Seemingly there was an invisible intangible thread that connected the two people.

The High Officials finally stopped their suspicion, removed and replaced by a clear understanding in their heart. Some people creased their brows. Some people smiled. But there was no one who criticized in disagreement.

Regarding the Emperor and the a.s.sistant Minister of Ministry of Rites’ illicit… ahem, romantic relations.h.i.+p, if not damaging the country and causing suffering to the people to arouse the great indignation of both men and G.o.ds, the onlookers had what to say?

Peaceful and flouris.h.i.+ng era, good weathers for the crops, the country prospers, and the people are at peace.

I originally thought that the Palace would stir up trouble that not even chickens and dogs are left undisturbed11, men and horses thrown off their feet11. Long time afterwards, Li Cong Qing unexpectedly raised the problem, as if he was a little bit disappointed.

Did you wish for it? Song Yu said. If you want to have the not even chickens and dogs are left undisturbed, men and horses thrown off their feet kind of situation, then I will grant you that.

No, I just randomly said it.

I also randomly replied.

Ai ai, the impressive Emperor De Zhi has caught my accent.

Because I drink your mouth’s fluid every day.

Your Majesty the Emperor, please don’t use that serious face to talk about indecent matters, can you. =_=

I can. You give me a kiss, then I will use an indecent face to talk about serious matters for you. ^_^

…=口= (This is not the Emperor… This is not the Emperor…)

…^_^ (How amusing, how can you be so cute.)

…囧rz (Third Brother, you forget that your little brother is still here… almost want to vomit…)

…$▽$ (Second Brother, I promoted your b.u.t.tocks to the great and mighty wise and brilliant His Majesty the Emperor, definitely this lifetime’s most properly and powerful investment Hahahaha!)

1).          Feng Meng Long – (1574-1646), Late Ming Dynasty novelist.

2).          Heart like a capering monkey and mind like a galloping horse means restless.

3).          Not one thread loose (id); strictly according to the rules, not be the least bit negligent.

4).          At home wherever one is (id); to accept circ.u.mstances with good will.

5).          Chicken feathers and garlic skin (id): very trivial matter.

6).          Tudi Gong – The G.o.d of Earth.

7).          Three times seven is twenty one: the universal truth.

8).          Gong Gong here was the usual term for eunuch in the Palace.

9).          Heart, head and flesh: a very dearly loved person.

10).        Was not to be found even with a lantern: very rare, hard to come by.

11).        Not even chickens and dogs are left undisturbed (id); great commotion/great turmoil. *men and horses thrown off their feet (id); thrown into confusion. 


Chapter 10 : Mo Shang Hua Kai Chapter 9 – FinaleWhen Li Cong Qing jumped into the carriage, the rumo
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