Mo Flower
Chapter 9 : Mo Shang Hua Kai Chapter 8At the present, at Dashao all level of society, the government

Mo Shang Hua Kai Chapter 8

At the present, at Dashao all level of society, the government and the public, there were two pieces of big shocking news ---

The first was, the King of Turpan brought the Turpan’s unrivalled rare and precious national treasure, Turpan Honeydew, coming to Dashao to propose a marriage1, in hope that he could marry and take the Emperor’s youngest brother, the Twelfth Prince, this year just reached sixteenth, Song Shuo, as his wife, to be his Queen. As the result, Song Shuo took that unrivalled rare and precious honeydew then smashed it on the head of the Turpan’s King, saying, You go die! The entire people of the nation if were not clapping their hands while applauding ‘well done’, would raise their thumbs while saying ‘Our little Prince is just too cool!’

The King of Turpan did not give up, worked with perseverance; the more obstructed the more courageous. Now he was still at Dashao chasing the running away Twelfth Prince all day long, annoyed the Twelfth to the point of him almost going crazy.

The other news was more popular. That’s right. Congratulation dear honorable readers, you finally have guessed it right. It was about the Emperor and the a.s.sistant Minister of the Ministry of Rites’ illicit love s.e.x scandal.

Whether it was the Imperial Court’s high officials or the local commoners, the whole nation, up and down, man and woman, old and young, all were talking about these two affairs. They usually used the afternoon idle time to chat, about that rumored Turpan’s Honeydew having what kind of fragrance and sweetness and very juicy, and then used the evening after dinner teatime, to talk in whispers about the series of the Imperial Court’s topmost s.e.x scandal, the adultery between the Monarch and his subject.

Under the sun of the time of peace and prosperity, it had been so long since whatever uncommon news occurred. These two pieces of news were greatly inspiring people’s hearts with enthusiasm! Compared to the event two years ago, the incident of Scholar Lou Chu Yun’s naked painting’s outflow to the public, these events were even more bubbling and gurgling.

What?! The next door’s daughter eloped with her lover? Gee, what is so great about it, news about the Emperor and the a.s.sistant Minister of Ministry of Rites is more important, alright?!

The Emperor’s feeling and livelihood was not limited to one person’s affairs, there were also the Imperial Family, the Imperial Court, Dashao’s numerous people who watched with their eyes opened widely to be considered as the nation’s affairs.

A man together with a man was violating the harmonious heavenly of Yin and Yang, but at Dashao this was not such a big crime that couldn’t be defied at all. Flouris.h.i.+ng age prosperous style, to the point that there were men who married a man as his wife. To stand on the Imperial court’s position, this measure of action had violated the upright custom of society, therefore, their marriage was not legally admitted, however, the not affected by the people’s mouth’s quality and quant.i.ty would go ahead with the mentioned topic, as long as you agree and I am willing, they could live happily and merrily, need not to heartlessly break the mandarin ducks2, simply must let them live in harmony.

But before Song Yu, Dashao already had many Emperors who didn’t appoint a Shang Jun. Everyone made a guess, the eighteenth generation, Emperor De Zhi would or would not let Li Cong Qing to sit on this position?

So to say, Li Cong Qing didn’t wish to make known to the public about his romantic relations.h.i.+p with the Emperor, not at all because the Heavenly disagreed with a man to love another man, all the more not at all because he wanted to uphold the upright custom of society, it was simply because of his fondness of laziness and fear of troublesomeness. If he became Shang Jun, he wouldn’t have the freedom to do as he pleased to leisurely pa.s.s the days anymore. Every move and every action of the Shang Jun would become the central focus to be looked at and also become the gossip target of all the people.

So, Li Cong Qing was just as the Emperor had expected, truly ran away, no, to say the truth it should be hiding himself, hiding in Er’he’s Governor’s Mansion, at the back room in a little garden.

Li Cong Qing could be said as the very last person in Dashao who learned about this s.e.x scandal. When he together with Wei Xiao Miao left Chu’nan to visit Er’he, the taciturn Li Cong Xuan upon the sight of him, even a greeting he still hadn’t said, already in a cool manner threw him a line of words first: “Your secret is already out.”

What is out? The awfully leisure Li Cong Qing was at a loss for a while. “What secret?”

“The Emperor and the a.s.sistant Minister of Ministry of Rites’ affair.”

“Eh?!” Li Cong Qing’s face was radically changing. “No way…”

“Do you think you really can wrap it tightly?”

“Have you told Big Brother?”

“I don’t, but he is even sharper than a fox, do you think he won’t be able to find out? Before, there was only a few people who know, now already known by everyone without exception.” Li Cong Xuan added another hurtful note in the end, throwing him a book ent.i.tled < the="" secret="" of="" the="" world="">>.

This book was very famous, specialized in reporting miscellaneous news about famous people’s all sort of news and eccentric people as well as odd things, particularly to criticize and to reveal some gossips and news to stir up the situation. It would be published once a month, be on sale throughout the country. However, this time on the front cover a huge headline caption ---- The Secret Relations.h.i.+p of the a.s.sistant Minister is Exposed!

A sudden clap of a thunder, in an instant the explosion caused Li Cong Qing to become muddle headed and blurred vision, on his face was a splendid multicolored.

Be accustomed to always having an affair in a stealthy method, when he had yet to prepare his mentality, suddenly the affair was unexpectedly exposed. Casually exposed under the sunlight, in a split second he had a horrible illusion as if he was caught in the act, then stark-nakedly paraded through the streets. Before, when he was still in the Capital, he often had a secret meeting with the Emperor but nothing had happened. Why once he left, on the contrary, the affair was leaked out instead?

Even if he was about to be beaten to death, he still wouldn’t admit it!

Right, even if I have to die, I will never admit it! After all, the Emperor also wouldn’t admit it. Li Cong Qing decided to vehemently deny this matter until the very end. Yet, afterwards, he heard that the Emperor had personally faced the Empress Dowager to confess and come clean, that between he and the a.s.sistant Minister of the Ministry of Rites indeed had this kind of relations.h.i.+p. Li Cong Qing all the more didn’t know how he should properly react.

AAhhhhh…! Why did he have to admit it? He was the Emperor, who could force him to endure whatever, but he was only a little a.s.sistant Minister, it would be a wonder if he was not skinned alive! Even if it was not concerning a life or death, survive or perish great affair of the nation, but in this life time, this was the very first time for Li Cong Qing to experience what was called as panic-stricken. To think about that year, when he was eaten clean with nothing left by the Emperor, he did not at all feel at a loss of what to do, to the point he nested himself under the quilt and did not dare to meet people for the whole day.      

Once he nested himself, he nested for nearly half a month. Except for disposing his basic physiology’s demand, his leg practically didn’t touch the ground. The whole person would be from muddy to sandy3. Didn’t want to face, didn’t want to think, didn’t want whatever, he only wanted to simply sleep to die would be fine.

However, he couldn’t break off from the growing stronger intense longing, longed for the faraway at the other side of the world lover, yearned to the point his heart became hurt. How much he wished that he could return to that person’s side, unfortunately he didn’t have the strength and courage to face the reality, upon the thought that he had to face the query eyes of the people, he would be annoyed to death.

“Li Cong Qing, how long do you intend to nest?” Li Cong Xuan asked without hiding his detest.

“It is good if I can nest until I die, you don’t have to mind me. Leave me alone.” The stuffy teary voice was pa.s.sing out from the cotton quilt. The him who loved to sleep, after hiding himself at there had become more aggravated, dejected to the utmost point.

“Second Brother, if you don’t come out to bask in the sun, you will become a worm.” Song Xi with one hand hugging her little son, the other hand holding her elder son, stepped into the room while teasing him.

“Get up. Someone has come to meet you.” Li Cong Xuan said to him in his cold voice.

“Haven’t I told you, I don’t want to see anyone.”

“You can’t not meet.”

“I said I don’t want to meet.”

“Rong’r, go and ask your second uncle4 to get out of bed.” Said Song Xi while releasing her hold on her elder son.

“Yes.” Three year old5 kid happily pounced, leaped and jumped on the drum-shaped little mountain of quilt. Lively shouted and jumped. “Second Uncle, Second Uncle, get up! Quickly get up!”

From inside the piling up cotton quilt pa.s.sed out a pained groaning sound. Li Cong Qing couldn’t stand the trampling of the little frog, finally stretched out his head to beg for mercy: “Rong’r please don’t jump anymore. You almost flattened your uncle6 with your jumping!”

“Second Brother, hurry up and get up. This person you absolutely may not refuse to meet.” Added Song Xi.

Looks like if he didn’t get up from the bed, they wouldn’t let him off. Li Cong Qing heaved a heavy sigh, undertook the difficulty to raise his body and out of the bed, dilly-dally to wear all of his clothing. “Who wants to see me?”

“Second Uncle, it is maternal grandfather7!” Li You Rong answered in place of his parents.

Little nephew’s maternal grandfather, is the father of Song Xi… Ee, isn’t he the father of the current Emperor --- the Retired Emperor8?!

Li Cong Qing was dumbfounded.

“Quickly go.” Li Cong Xuan yanked him to go.

Unwilling and grudgingly, he strode out from the room. The hadn’t seen for a long time bright sunlight caused him to be dazzled for a spell, hurt his eyes and made his tears almost flow out. Half-pulled half-dragged, he arrived at the inner side of the manor’s courtyard. Seen in the wayside pavilion, seated was a man about fifty years old, elegantly with an impressive and dignified bearing. Wei Xiao Miao was standing by his side and talking with him.

They were talking about that year, when the Third Prince Song Yu turned seventeen, Emperor Wen Zhi announced that he abdicated and handed over the throne to him. Successfully managed the grand ceremony to abdicate the throne, --- the new reigning Emperor was given the t.i.tle De Zhi, conveniently, hand in hand with the Empress they went to visit both sides of Yangtze River9, very rarely they went back to the Palace. Because of this, Li Cong Qing had never met the retired Emperor before, even so, without much thinking one also could find out that the man in the pavilion was a man of an honorable status.

“Grandfather! Grandfather!” The little kid pounced at him and act spoiled.

Li Cong Qing got a headache as if struggling. Hesitating and not moving forward. Li Cong Xuan simply shoved him to enter the pavilion. He had no choice but to bend his knees and make a bow with clasped hands for courtesy sake: “Humble subject meet…”

“We are family, need not much formality.” The retired Emperor stopped him, supported him to rise while smiling and scrutinizing him.

A big drop of cold sweat rolled down from Li Cong Qing’s forehead. That… actually was the expression of a father-in-law checking on his daughter-in-law… The retired Emperor must have purposely come to see what kind of appearance his son’s secret lover had.

“Come, come to sit and talk.” The retired Emperor asked everyone to sit, holding Song You Rong10 and put him on his knee. With the manner of an elderly he lightly chatted about the daily life of the family. Regarding the s.e.x scandal, he hadn’t raised this phrase. His eyes were watching Li Cong Qing closely.

Even if Li Cong Qing had not appeared to be alarmed and all in fl.u.s.ter, his face also appeared to be carefree and leisurely as he used to be, but the fact was he wasn’t comfortable at all to be looked at from head to toe, he couldn’t find any excuses to leave his seat too, could only silently sit and listen to their idle chat.

“Xi’r you, amongst your brothers and sisters, you are the most willful. Having your brother to approve your marriage won’t do, you only wanted your brother to abolish your Princess’ t.i.tle, demoted you to a commoner, and ultimately, you actually left the palace secretly without permission. Say, is there such a bold and reckless Princess like this?” The retired Emperor smilingly criticized, there was not a tiny bit of fury in his face.

 “Father, this is what’s called, go to the ends of the world for love.” Song Xi completely didn’t admit that she was at fault. “Cong Xuan said he would rather be a monk than to be the Emperor’s bother-in-law. That’s why your daughter better not be a princess anymore.”

“Stubborn girl!”

“We Song family, which one is not stubborn? Once set our mind, for the rest of our life we will never leave each other. It couldn’t change until we die.” Said Song Xi, all of a sudden she looked at Li Cong Qing, asked: “Second Brother, what do you think? Isn’t it right?”

“Huh? Yes…” Li Cong Qing absent-mindedly agreed, his surname was not Song, she shouldn’t have asked him.

“Alas, my Third Brother is truly pitiful. He had set on someone, but that person doubtfully set on him. His tolerance is truly higher than me.” Song Xi made a heartfelt sigh. “He is the Emperor, if he was being wronged, he couldn’t say it to people. If there is a problem, he couldn’t escape nor hide. Sadness could only be swallowed. That’s why, what is so good to be an Emperor. He doesn’t have the freedom of living like the commoners.”

In an instant Li Cong Qing felt like being stabbed by her words. His heart was throbbing in pain, depressed to the utmost point.

Always in the past, he usually only thought about his own self, very rarely considered about what Song Yu had in mind and his feelings. Always thought that because he was the Emperor, he should not have anything he couldn’t do, stood upright unshakeable, he had overlooked that the Emperor was also human, also has his weakness. To stand on high place couldn’t bear the cold, also to the extent that compared to the ordinary people, he was more isolated without any help.

--- When the flowers on the path bloom, you may slowly return.

When leaving the Capital, he steadily gazed as well as gently said the words on his ears.

Song Yu had predicted from earlier that this kind of thing would happen? The so called blooming flowers, was referred to their exposed secret?

Hide for a while, couldn’t hide for a lifetime. Two people eventually would have to face this problem. He had put him out from the center of the storm beforehand, not causing him to have any chance to suffer the harm, bearing alone the enormous pressure of spreading embroidered stories and malicious gossip.

How could Li Cong Qing not understand. His lover the Emperor always extremely doted on him, protected him, and also understood too much about his character. Knowing if he was in the Capital, surely he wouldn’t have any way to calmly think it over, perhaps he might have run away without even considered to think about it. He had always been indecisive and a cowardly kind of person, hadn’t he?

Carefully thinking back, he had always been the kind of person who enjoyed himself on the expense of his lover, freely spent the gentleness and consideration that his lover bestowed on him thus he had become a spoiled rotten person… Aii Aii, the Emperor at the moment is all alone in the Capital to shoulder this enormous’ pressure, will he be suffering? Will he blame my tardy return, blame me for not standing by his side, to share the responsibility with him?

Thinking again, he couldn’t help but have a detest feeling for his own self. He felt that he was truly selfish to the extremity.

--- Just come back when you feel like it.

Silently considered for quite some time, Li Cong Qing finally made up his mind, his heart had told him that he should go home.

“I…” He lifted his head to look at the retired Emperor.

“How is it?” The retired Emperor warmly gazed at him.

Didn’t know how to properly say it, Li Cong Qing simply raised his body, made a bow with his hands clasped. “Truly apologize, humble subject Cong Qing would have to retreat first.”

“Second Brother, where do you want to go?”

“I want to go home.” Said Li Cong Qing, with a very rare to occur speed, he left with a quick steps.

Wei Xiao Miao also busily paid respect to the retired Emperor, then hurriedly followed behind.

The remaining three people inside the pavilion shrugged their shoulders, some of them smiling, but none of them stopped the steps of the suddenly seen the light person.

Li Cong Qing walked very quickly. His state of mind gradually cleared up and calmed down.

He always thought that he was actually not particularly persistent about this unwilling to make known feelings. Often a.s.sumed it in his heart, if one day the Emperor didn’t love him anymore, he shouldn’t be too sad and too heartbroken, also he wouldn’t be too embarra.s.sed, since there was not many people who knew the facts of the case.

Today he could clearly think it over, so he suddenly became aware, basically he cared more than what he had imagined, cared to the point… unwilling to let go, must not let go!

He thought, he was destined to be unable to leave that person for this lifetime. Just like the fish couldn’t be separated from water, once separated, he thought, he probably would wither and die.

Back to his room, he hurriedly packed his luggage. Before Li Cong Qing sat in the carriage, he said to Wei Xiao Miao: “Xiao Miao, although I don’t know much regarding the matter between you and Seventh Prince, however I still want to stick in my mouth to encourage you. Don’t be like me, escape and shrink to avoid.”

“Sir Li…”

“What you should hold, you ought to properly hold onto it. What do you want to pursue, just bravely go and pursue. Don’t because you are afraid and feel that you are inferior thus make you hesitate to move forward.” Li Cong Qing patted him, sincerely told him: “Xiao Miao, you are the same with everyone else, you deserve to have your dignity, even more deserve to obtain happiness.”

Wei Xiao Miao fell silent for a while, his eyes flashed through a line of radiant light of determination. “Sir Li, please return to the Capital by yourself. Humble me wants to go towards Chu’nan.”

“Mm. Go.”

“Please be careful on your way. Be sure to take good care of yourself.”

“You too.”

Looking at each other while smiling, soundlessly gave each other their sincere wishes.

Hence upon, two people crossed path here and then. Each went to pursue the sky which belonged solely to them.


“Can you be more faster?” Li Cong Qing frequently hastened the horse driver, really wished that he could grow wings to fly back home.

“Sir, this is already the fastest. If more, the cart will surely fall apart to pieces!” The driver was already diligently urging on his two pitiful horses to run like mad as if flying.

Originally, Li Cong Qing wanted to ride on horse so he could be faster, however, his riding skills were extremely disappointing. Who could know that even before he could reach the Capital, half the way he already broke his hands and legs by falling or twisted and snapped his neck? Although he was being impatient to go back, still, to obediently sit on the carriage would be much more safer.

While sitting on the carriage, one by one he recalled all sorts of affairs between him and the Emperor. Lastly, he recalled about the matter after that very night six years ago. Even though he had been peeled naked and eaten completely, the afterwards still remained undecided. Would he be just like that to be with the Emperor, become the Emperor’s… male favorite?

In the beginning, he intended to enter the court as a scholar and just leisurely hang around while taking it easy, how would he expect that without rhyme or reason he would actually be drifted to the Emperor’s dragon’s bed. Truly such a complicated and bizarre thing!      

Remembering that day before dawn, the sky wasn’t bright yet. Because he usually had to attend the morning court, he had cultivated a habit of no matter what time he went to sleep, immediately in the morning he would wake up at a certain fixed hour. But would still stay in bed, until the servant came to call him up then he would get up in anguish.

Closing his eyes while in a half dreaming half awakening state, his hand touched a warm and smooth thing… ehh??... What did they put on his bed? Upon a touch it was rather comfortable.

The Emperor because of being caressed here and there was troubled and woke up. Caught a hold of that easily lit up a flaming hand, softly said: “It is still early, go back to sleep for a little while.”

“Mmm… Xiao Guo Zi, later don’t forget to wake me up...”

Has he mistaken me as the manor’s attendant? The Emperor smiled. “Yes.”

“Your Majesty, time to dress up.” Wei Xiao Miao already by the bed side waiting to serve.

The Emperor tucked the quilt for the person who still remained on the bed before he got up and climbed down the bed, allowed Wei Xiao Miao to serve him by was.h.i.+ng the face, rinse the mouth and change clothes.

After a while, Li Cong Qing absentmindedly muttered: “Xiao Guo Zi, is it the time already?”

“Not yet. You just sleep a little more.” Wei Xiao Miao answered.

“Xiao Guo Zi, today why do you have two kinds of voice…” His speech gradually became weaker, fell asleep again.

The Emperor turned back and kissed his mouth, ordered the people who left to wait upon him for not waking Li Cong Qing  up, and then left.

Li Cong Qing half dreaming half awake, when his mind finally became clearer, the sky was already misty bright. Blinking his eyes, he shouted an “AH!!” and sprang up to sit. He lifted up the quilt, jumped out of the bed. Suddenly he felt a spell of slight chill, lowered his head to see that he was actually stark naked without even a line of thread. Eh, yesterday why did he go to sleep without putting on clothes? Not right! Where is this?

Blinking his eyes again to see clearly, he realized he was not at home. Just suddenly remembered that yesterday he stayed over in the Palace, his cheeks unwittingly flushed red from the heat.

“Sir, have you gotten up? Servants will enter to wait upon you.” Someone spoke from in front of the room.

“No need. Do not enter!” Li Cong Qing busily took the whole court uniform which hung on the screen and neatly dressed himself, hurriedly opened the door.

“Sir, please wash your face.” Two Palace’s attendants were holding fresh water standing outside the door.

Li Cong Qing carelessly washed and rinsed for a little while, rushed out just like that. Running while tying his official’s hat and fastening his official’s belt.

In the hall, they had begun to discuss about official affairs. He bended low his body, tiptoeing and quietly entered. Fortunately his place was on the foremost backside to the nearest to the door, he wouldn’t disturb the others.

The Emperor’s dragon seat was on a high place, of course he could see him secretly enter. Didn’t understand and pondered to himself, why was he so insist on attending court? The idea to confer upon him the Shang Jun t.i.tle became even stronger, but in the end, he restrained it. He did not wish to force him to do something he didn’t want to. But of course, with exception of that matter on bed.

Remembering last night’s first s.e.xual intercourse, his body inadvertently gave a rise to a great ma.s.s of fervor. The Emperor was not at all a s.e.x indulgent type of person, but Li Cong Qing had aroused his never had before enormous desire. He wanted to embrace him, kissed him deeply, deeply entered his inner body, one at a time firmly rammed on it… upon the thought, almost slightly trembling, his lower belly heated up and began to undulating a sweet electric current.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty?” An old high Minister softly called out to the inattentive Emperor.

“This matter, let me think about it again.” The Emperor collected his focus, half of his heart was on the court, the other half was on Li Cong Qing. After discussing several affairs, he simply ended the court.

Li Cong Qing went back to the Ministry of Rites, his mood appeared to be irritated and be in unease. His b.u.t.tocks was unsettled on the chair, once he sat down, he would spring up again, as if there were pins and needles spread on the surface, impossible to sit uncomfortable to stand. The old Minister saw his face in unusual color, body seemed to not be very comfortable, thus allowed him to leave earlier to rest.

When the Emperor asked Wei Xiao Miao to summon him, he had already left the Palace. Wei Xiao Miao reported back, asked the Emperor if he need or not go to the Li’s Manor to call him back, the Emperor said no need, in his heart he thought that it was good that he went home. If Li Cong Qing was within his reach, he would only be thinking about dragging him to the bed to do this and that. Because of this, he felt that he would completely turn into a s.e.xually pleasured indulgent person.

Shaking his head and sneering at himself, since long time ago, this was the first time he yearned for a person like this, this kind of thing had never happened before. Was he seeking out for a new thing? Or had he really fallen in love? No matter which one, this was absolutely not just only a momentarily sudden impulse.

Never mind. In one’s whole life, it was hard to come by a chance to just carefully and considerably follow the nature. If Li Cong Qing was not vehemently refusing the Imperial favor, he could obtain a kind of hard to explain by words’ pleasure, therefore didn’t need to closely force him to cause him scare and run away or make him deliberately complicate an issue.

After Li Cong Qing went back to his home, he went straight to bed and got into the quilt to nestle himself. He wanted to sleep but he couldn’t. His head was in a mess, he wanted to think about everything, yet he had no idea what to think.

Li Cong Yin heard from his subordinate that second master returned home in the daylight, quickly returned from his trading company. Becoming more proficient in his profession, he asked while knowing the answer: “Second Brother, last night you stayed over at the Palace, didn’t you?”

“Mm.” Angry but had no strength he gloomily replied.

“Busy about what? I see that you are tired, do you want me to ask someone to cook a bowl of soft-sh.e.l.led turtle to build up your strength?”

“I don’t eat turtle.”

“Aiii, sometimes you ought to eat this turtle even if you don’t eat turtle. I as your big brother worry that your kidneys will be poor in health.”

“You are the one with the weak kidneys!” Unable to restrain his retort, he stretched out his head to glare. This kind of stretch out the head appearance was a little bit alike with that soft-sh.e.l.led turtle.

Looking at Li Cong Yin whole face extremely wicked and sinisterly smiled, seemingly like he could see through the matter, Li Cong Qing felt that he was not having a weak kidney, but a weak heart. Last night’s affair undoubtedly was absolutely secret taboo. If only this matter was about a man on man improper s.e.xual relations.h.i.+p, it would be easy. However, that man was the current Son of Heaven. If he was to be frankly speaking, your little brother’s treasured delicate backyard was deflowered last night as you wished, to let the great and mighty, wise and brilliant His Majesty the Emperor to deflower, certainly could extremely amuse this heartless devil for sure! Tsk!

Li Cong Qing shrank his head back into the sh.e.l.l, not in the mood to deal with the master of Li Family who wholeheartedly sold his younger brother for glory. Continued to huddle up like a turtle drawing in its head and legs inside the cotton quilt. Sigh, very annoying… forget it, it would be better to just sleep first then think later. He didn’t want to think about whatever anymore. His head was distressed for having too many loads. He still wished for a leisurely long-drawn-out hundreds of years to live!

Despite being agitated and fidgety, he still could sleep as usual, if not, he wouldn’t be the sleepy a.s.sistant Minister.

After sleeping for a whole day, the next day he headed to the palace to attend the court as always, persisted in not being absent from duty without good reason.

At first he thought that the Emperor would summon him, perturbed for a whole day yet he didn’t hear whatever notification. The second day, the third day also the same. The Emperor seemingly had forgotten about his existence.

Logically, Li Cong Qing ought to feel lucky, sighing in relief was the right thing to do. But he faintly had a slight disappointment as if missing something. During court, he also didn’t doze off but began to be absent-minded. Time and again secretly glanced at the person who sat on the highest place, unexpectedly expected that person to notice him a little. However that person did not share him even a glance.

Just like that, the Emperor’s indifference towards him had come to the sixth day. Li Cong Qing’s heart subconsciously raised a nameless anger. Told himself, the Emperor indeed only had a momentary interest to have a taste of a fresh new thing, in a result realized that he was not delicious at all, so that once he got down from the dragon’s bed he easily cast him to the back of his head, forgot about him completely.

Ai ai, fine! Just regard it as a scene of a strange spring’s dream. After all, he was a man, except for experiencing an unspeakable grievance, his body didn’t lose even a small chunk of flesh, unlike women who needed to put their chast.i.ty and reputation in the utmost importance thus attempted to commit suicide because of this. Also, one thing added was not like one thing less. Like this was also good.

The seventh day, Li Cong Qing’s undulating state of mind had already settled down, thereupon he intended to adjust back to his former calm as still water self. Not to think about and not put the matter with the Emperor in his heart again. Continued with his negligence to pull through the days, even if deep in his heart he still had a threadlike disappointed melancholy.

On the other side, these few days, The Emperor’s face seemingly was not different than the usual, forever without any distinct emotions, methodical, not allowing people to see his actual feelings.

In reality, the Emperor was aware of every move and act of Li Cong Qing, saw him attending the court punctually as always, by each pa.s.sing day, his thirst and desire was growing even more intense. He forcefully pressed down the desire thus not calling him, one side, not wis.h.i.+ng to indulge himself in the desired pleasure, on the other side, to give Li Cong Qing more time to ponder over and to adapt to the situation.

The Emperor because of this matter often found to be inattentive, no matter in the court discussing the matter or in the Imperial Study while managing the government affairs, even to the extent when taking a stroll in the Imperial Garden, he would fix his stare at the magnificently burst Chinese Rose for a long time.

Until the eighth day, the Emperor had to go to Bai Hu temple to wors.h.i.+p the Buddha and honor the ancestors. The Ministry of Rites was in charge for the Imperial Family’s rites and ceremony, naturally he would summon the a.s.sistant Minister of Ministry of Rites to accompany the Emperor, even not allowing the other high officials and n.o.bles to follow suit.

Bai Hu Temple was not far away from the Palace. There was a path that directly could lead to that place. The Emperor rode on the Imperial Carriage, the Li Cong Qing who came to accompany him, according to the custom, should walk behind. But the Emperor made an exception and granted him a sedan chair next to Imperial Carriage. In the past, to have this kind of honor to travel together, there was only the Empress. However, because amongst the courtiers who traveled together, Li Cong Qing held the highest post as an official, n.o.body dared to lodge an objection for this exception.

The originally prepared his heart to be calm and cool Li Cong Qing couldn’t help but have his heartbeat become faster. The golden sedan chair was half a foot lower than the Imperial Carriage, only needed to slightly turn his head, he already could see the Emperor’s side face. But his head was lowered and dared not to lift it all along, even more dared not to look at the Emperor.

The sedan chair swayed here and there lightly, despite having an unsettled heart, yet the sway was truly awfully comfortable. Only half the way, his eyelids already couldn’t help but narrowing, then he dozed off again.

The Emperor caught sight of his head throw to the left nod to the right, worried that he would fall from the sedan chair, he called out to him: “Li Cong Qing.”

“Mm?” Opening his hazy eyes, subconsciously directed his gaze at the person who called out to him.

The Emperor was looking at him, a smile was on his lips. That misted sleepy appearance on the Emperor’s eyes appeared to be extremely cute. He hadn’t ever met anyone who loved to sleep more than him, very rare to let whatever opportunity to doze off slip away.

“Your Majesty has what command?” Li Cong Qing busily gathered his shattered spirit, lowered his brows and eyes submissively.

“Beloved Minister, recently when you observe the stars, do you find any exceptional configurations of the stars?”

Li Cong Qing was stunned for a while. Since when did he become the Emperor’s ‘Beloved Minister’, how come he didn’t know any of it? “Answer Your Majesty, humble subject hasn’t observed the stars for many days.”

“Heee… No wonder you didn’t doze off during the morning court.” The Emperor softly laughed, and in a manner of idle chat he said: “Official Si Ming from the Ministry of Astronomy has seen that my red phoenix’s star secretly moved.”

Li Cong Qing stared blankly and did not understand the words. The little deer in the pit of his stomach had begun to move wildly disregarding his wish. The Emperor was hinting on what to him? Why did he feel that his heartbeat became even faster?

The Emperor saw that his cheeks became red, whole face stupefied appeared that he understood but didn’t understand. Very cute to the point that it made him really wanted to pull him to enter the Imperial Carriage, hold him in his embrace, and then immediately inside the Imperial Carriage make this and do that, to convey his recent days of constrained pa.s.sion and longing.

Several days ago, the Emperor saw that Li Cong Qing didn’t doze off during the morning court for days, his mood appeared to be rather not calm. He basically was not someone who was good at concealing his feelings, couldn’t hide his restless with anxiety, a little sad, a thread of losing. Although the Emperor seemed to be indifferent, but he could clearly understand everything.

As a trial was fine, leave him to apprehend himself also good. The Emperor at least could see that Li Cong Qing towards that night’s affair was not at all stemmed from the helplessness of being forced, much or less was also willing. Therefore the Emperor realized that he was not only yearning for Li Cong Qing’s body, but also yearned for his heart. If he was a woman, the Emperor thought to himself, certainly for sure he would welcome him to enter the palace and conferred him the Imperial Concubine t.i.tle.

Unfortunately, Li Cong Qing was a man through and through. Impossible to become Empress or Concubine. To make him a Shang Jun, he also disagreed. Only way was to make him stay by his side.

As an Emperor, why should he waste too many thoughts if he wanted a person? Upon his decree, what couldn’t he obtain? But to secure something by force was not his style. He did not want to force a helpless subject to submit. He wanted Li Cong Qing to be willing from his heart.

Li Cong Qing, Li Cong Qing. Do you know how much thoughts I put on you?

End of Chapter 8 

1)      To propose a marriage, basically means that he wants to form an alliance by marriage.

2)      Mandarin ducks refer to an affectionate couple.

3)      From muddy to sandy basically means from wet to dry.

4)      Uncle here  舅舅 is read as Jiujiu which means maternal uncle, or the brother of his mother when he is actually     伯伯 (Bobo – father’s elder brother) or 叔叔 (Shushu – father’s younger brother), paternal uncle since he is obviously Li Cong Xuan’s brother. Or maybe Song Xi refers him as her brother because Li Cong Qing is in relations.h.i.+p with her brother, the Emperor. Actually I don’t have to explain this because in English, whichever is called uncle. However, I think it won’t hurt to learn. LOL… XD

5)      If I’m not wrong, this kid already existed six years ago during the lantern festival, if so, he is actually six years old, but the original text said he was three… Unless this is a different son. LOL… XD

6)      Li Cong Qing also refers himself as  舅舅 … sobs T.T … don’t ask me why, I am also confused…

7)      Chinese addressed the Maternal and Paternal part differently. Waigong (外公) is used to address Maternal Grandfather. Waipo (外婆) is used to address the Maternal Grandmother. Yeye (爺爺) is used to address Paternal Grandfather. Nainai (奶奶) is used to address Paternal Grandmother. And here, Li You Rong said “Waigong” (外公).

8)      Tai Shang Huang (太上皇) also can be translated as the father of the reigning Emperor. And since he was the previous Emperor, I think a retired emperor is a more proper translation here. 

9)      Both sides of Yangtze River (id) means throughout a vast area, basically, they went everywhere.

10)   Nope. I didn’t translate it wrong. It was in the text. Written as Song You Rong (宋有容). They both called him both, as Li as well as Song.  

Chapter 9 : Mo Shang Hua Kai Chapter 8At the present, at Dashao all level of society, the government
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