A Barbaric Proposal
A Barbaric Proposal - Chapter 45: A Precarious Situation (1)

Chapter 45 | A Precarious Situation (1)

translator/editor: astralmech | editor: ghost


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She hated that her voice was shaking so much, but Rienne spoke quickly, her arms wrapped around her shoulders as if she were hugging herself.

[Rienne] “If you wish to show your capabilities, find another way to prove yourself. Preferably in a way that fills me with anticipation for the day we eventually share a bed.”

[Black] “……..This isn’t the right way?”

[Rienne] “No, all it does is make it feel as though you’re making fun of me. Doing so doesn’t encourage me to open my heart and my body reacting to your touch doesn’t mean I’m ready. Preparing one’s mind is more important than preparing the body.”

[Black] “Why aren’t you ready yet?”

[Rienne] “That….Right now is…….”

[Black] “……….No, that’s not right. You don’t need to give me a reason. If you’re not ready, you’re not ready.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

As if to physically push away the remaining heat, Black gave a rough shake of his head.

[Black] “I had no intention of asking to sleep with you just because you opened up to me a little, Princess. I only meant that I wished to literally sleep next to you, like we did yesterday. I just like being by your side.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

It was the same for Rienne.

And the more she found herself liking this, the more the boundaries became blurred.

Ever since she found out he was her fiancé from childhood, some part of her foolishly thought fate may have played a part in this—like they were born for one another.

But that was exactly why she needed to refuse him now.

[Black] “I must’ve lost my head for a minute thinking there might’ve been a chance.”

Black slowly held up both of his hands, like he was showing her he had no intention of touching her.

[Black] “Go to sleep. Have a comfortable night.”

[Rienne] “………….Yes. You too, Lord Tiwakan.”


Rienne quickly opened the door, rushing into her bedroom.

[Rienne] “……….I hate this.”

She hated all these lies and uncertainties, just as she hated herself for lying.

And she didn’t like seeing him step away from her, acting as though he would never touch her again.

[Rienne] “Tomorrow……….It’s going to be okay.”

Tomorrow she would find out more about the servant, and then she’ll try and learn something about that old man. Or maybe she could even say she wanted to meet with him.

She was told Lord Phermos took him, so he must be locked up somewhere in the castle. She’ll talk to him about that. That man had no right to interfere with something.

And if she can just find out the truth, then………..

At that point, her thoughts stopped running.

She couldn’t figure anything out, least of all what she would do about that man.

What could she even do?

[Rienne] “……..I think I might die at this rate.”

It felt like her heart was burning away into embers. Rienne walked forward, stumbling as she fell down onto her bed.

For now, she should just sleep.


* * *


She couldn’t sleep a wink and ended up just tossing and turning all night. By the time Rienne fell asleep, it had taken her so long that dawn had already broke.

[Rienne] “Ah…….Is it morning?”

Somehow, Rienne felt heavier than usual as she turned under the covers.

[Rienne] “Why am I so weak…….? I feel like my body’s gotten so cold…….”

And she seemed to be sweating a lot too. Rienne dug deeper into her blankets, wondering if maybe she’d come down with a fever.

[Rienne] “…….!”

But then she was startled awake by a cool feeling of something running between her legs.

[Rienne] “My monthly……!”

It was starting a few days sooner than it should have.

[Rienne] “Why is this happening?”

Rienne threw off the blanket and stood up, but her sheets were already stained with blood in the shape of small red dots.

[Rienne] “I have to clean this up quickly…….”

As Rienne set to work, promptly removing the sheets, that’s when she heard it.

Knock, knock.

[Black] “Are you awake?”

It was Black.

Rienne’s face turned pale.

Why was all of this happening on this particular morning of all days? First, the most important thing she needed to do was hide the bloodstains.

Rienne set the sheets back down, laying herself back in bed, then she pulled the blankets back over herself, perfectly hiding the blood.

[Rienne] “Is….something the matter?”

[Black] “I came to wake you since you overslept.”

Did I? Did I really oversleep? No, more importantly, why is he coming to wake me up?

[Rienne] “I’m….not feeling very well. I’ll be up in a moment.”

[Black] “You’re not feeling well…..…? I’m coming in.”

[Rienne] “No, please don’t…..!”

But it was too late.

Black had already yanked open the door and starting walking inside. Rienne reaffirmed her grip on the blanket, pulling it up to her neck.

[Black] “Where are you hurt?”

[Rienne] “It’s……It’s nothing. Please leave.”

[Black] “Your face is pale.”

With long strides, Black walked towards the bed, and with no regard for her words, he put his large hand against her forehead.

[Black] “You have a fever.”

[Rienne] “No, it’s…..I’m fine.”

[Black] “Fine? While your face looks like this?”

But the more concern he showed for her, the paler complexion became. Rienne pulled up the blanket even higher, covering her entire face.

[Rienne] “Please just leave. I can take care of my body.”

[Black] “I know you won’t do that. Please move the blanket for a second.”

As Rienne desperate kept the blanket over her head, she saw Black’s hand touch the edge of it.

[Rienne] “Don’t touch me!”

And without even realizing it, her reaction was much more sharp and rigid than she intended.

Black’s hand suddenly stopped moving, his expression freezing over like a shallow frost, settling on the surface of a lake at dawn.

[Black] “Are you angry about what happened yesterday?”

[Rienne] “No, I just…..Just please leave.”

[Black] “I can’t do that. I need to know why you’re angry, Princess.”

[Rienne] “I’m not angry, just please……..”

Black grabbed Rienne’s wrist, as she was still holding onto the end of the blanket with all her strength.

[Black] “You’re still saying you’re not angry?”

From Black’s perspective, he had no idea what Rienne was trying to hide under the covers.

Her adverse reaction to him looked like she was just refusing to ever be touched by him—an outright rejection of skin-to-skin contact.

Meanwhile, Rienne was terrified because this blanket was the only thing standing between her and her secret being revealed against her will.

[Rienne] “Please, just stop this and go!”

[Black] “Is it possible for someone to change this much in a single day?”

Again, Black tried to pull down the blanket that was covering her face.

[Rienne] “Don’t!”

In a hurry, Rienne pushed Black away however she could.


Her strength was basically nothing in comparison to his, but it was just enough to get him off of her. Though, in all of the commotion, the blanket slid down just enough.

[Black] “……..What’s this?”

[Rienne] “………!”

The red bloodstains that decorated her sheets and the end of her nightgown seemed magnified in that moment. On the pale sheets, they were more noticeable than anything, and they would immediately catch anyone’s eyes.

In that moment, her mind went completely blank, and she couldn’t even think of an excuse.

[Rienne] “Please don’t look……!”

With a panicked cry, Rienne again tried to push Black away.



But then Black grabbed her hand.

[Black] “Don’t move so intensely.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

As Rienne’s entire body trembled, Black forced her to lie back down.

Confused and uncertain what was happening, Rienne looked up at him, only to see his forehead was covered in sweat.

[Black] “I’ll get a doctor. Stay here.”

[Rienne] “……….?”

[Black] “Stay right where you are. Don’t move a muscle.”

After he said that, Black pulled away, rushing out of the bedroom.

It wasn’t until the panic of the moment washed away that Rienne realized he’d probably misunderstood something.


* * *


[Doctor] “You don’t have to worry too much. In the early stages of pregnancy, occasional bleeding is common. Of course, something like that would be more dangerous once you start showing and having a belly, but um……..How far along are you, Princess?”

There were only two major doctors in Nauk.

One dealt primarily with the aristocrats, providing his services to whoever could pay for his expensive treatment while the other dealt with the poor who could not.

Despite their differences, these two doctors had one thing in common: They were very busy because they had so many patients.

And yet, since the early morning, both of these doctors had been in her bedroom, working their hardest to help her……who wasn’t really sick.

……I think I’m losing my mind.

Rienne bit back the sigh that was about to escape her mouth.

Behind the doctors stood Black, crossing his arms.

He had a look on his face that wordlessly said he would tear out the throats of the doctors if they spoke any nonsense. Next to him was Phermos with a face that said he would try and stop him before that happened.

[Rienne] “That’s……”

Rienne didn’t know enough about pregnancy to know what an appropriate answer would be, so her eyes shook in bewilderment at the question.

[Black] “A month.”

So Black answered instead.

[Doctor] “A, a month?”

[Black] “Twenty eight days, to be exact.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Twenty eight days? Where was he getting that number from?

Rienne wracked her brain, searching for a link.

Why twenty eight………..Oh, I remember.

Twenty eight days ago was when the Tiwakan first arrived in Nauk. She received the proposal that day and sent her immediate refusal in response. It was the very day after they received her rejection that the battle started in earnest.

This man……He was really trying to pass this child off as his own.

A child that didn’t even exist yet.

[Doctor] “Twenty eight days ago, the castle would’ve been surrounded………..Huh?”

The doctor quietly counted out the days on his fingers with widened eyes.

[Doctor] “And, you have a child…….?”

But once he made eye contact with Black, he closed his mouth tightly. Those blue eyes that were boring into him were almost too hideous to look at.

[Black] “That’s none of your business. All you need to do is focus on keeping my child safe.”

[Doctor] “Huh…..Oh, yes…..I, I see.”

The doctor wiped the sweat from his forehead, his face turning a sickly green color. The other doctor was no different, having kept silent this whole time.

[Doctor] “Do, do you have any stomach pains? Like a sensation of something pulling at your stomach, or maybe feeling like something’s going to break……?”

[Rienne] “No…..It hurts a little, but it’s nothing like that.”

There was a dull pain pulsating through her lower abdomen, but that was usually the case whenever this particular time of the month came around.

[Rienne] “I feel much better now than when I first woke up.”

As Rienne added on those last words, the doctors exchanged glances with each other.

[Doctor] “Then there doesn’t seem to be much to worry about. But bleeding isn’t a good thing so best you rest up for the time being.”

[Doctor] “I agree. If the bleeding becomes too frequent, you may lose your baby, so please refrain from any unnecessary movement. Also, it would be extremely dangerous for you to travel long distances, especially on horseback.”

[Rienne] “………I’m sorry?”

Rienne frowned at his unexpected explanation.

[Rienne] “I shouldn’t move? You mean to tell me I need to sit still all day?”

[Doctor] “Lying down would be best.”

[Rienne] “What…….”

But before she could say anything, Black interrupted, cutting into Rienne’s conversation with the doctors.

[Black] “I’ll remember that. Is there any medicine she needs to take?”

[Doctor] “There are certain medications that will help stabilize your baby’s condition. I’ll have some made right away.”

With that, the doctors quickly packed up their things, saying their farewells and leaving the room. But as they did, Black gestured towards the doctors’ retreating backs and spoke to Phermos.

[Black] “Follow them. Make sure they make the correct medicine. See if they say anything.”

[Phermos] “……Oh, that’s a possibility. I understand.”

Without any unnecessary words, Phermos followed after the doctors.

By ‘say anything’, he meant there was the chance that the doctors were in some way in contact with someone from the Kleinfelders.

Though for Phermos’ part, he didn’t think it would be all that bad if the baby were to be lost. After all, the child was ultimately that of Rafit Kleinfelder, but Phermos was smart enough never to voice this opinion.

And it was clear that the doctors were pathetic enough to perhaps try something.

It was one thing if the pregnant Rienne was simply not feeling well, but if another accident were to occur, that would only end up causing a difficult time for others.

[Mrs. Flambard] “T, then I’ll…..take these sheets. I’ll need to wash them before they stain.”

Turning away, Mrs. Flambard stuttered out her words. Glancing briefly at Black, Rienne reached out and grabbed the cuff of her sleeve.

[Rienne] “Let’s go together. It would be hard to do alone.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Oh, how could you say that…….”

[Black] “Absolutely not.”

Mrs. Flambard was right.

Rienne should’ve seen this coming, but Black didn’t exactly sit still and let her leave.

[Black] “You were told to lie down.”

……..This must be what they meant when they talk of people being tied to their own lies.

She was already extremely flustered by this whole situation, but she had a lot of work she needed to do, too. She wanted to help with the sheets, but she also had work she had to see through at the Temple.

[Rienne] “I will do what I have to.”

[Black] “Now isn’t the time for that. Just sit still and wait for your medicine to come.”

[Rienne] “I have a lot of work I need to do, Lord Tiwakan.”

[Black] “And you don’t have to do it by yourself.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

It felt like she was caught perfectly in his trap.

Watching the situation unfold as she was caught between them, Mrs. Flambard carefully slipped Rienne’s hand from her sleeve.

[Mrs. Flambard] “I will do it alone, Princess. How can I ask you to help with laundry in your state? Please, just rest.”

[Rienne] “Ma’am, please don’t.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “I don’t think this is something you need to do, Princess……..Yes, now is the time for you to be resting.”

Mrs. Flambard blinked, gesturing to Black over her shoulder.

It was a subtle movement, saying if Rienne insisted any further, he would only become suspicious. Knowing this, Rienne had no choice but to give up.

[Rienne] “Okay…..Go ahead then.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “I’ll return quickly, Princess.”

Then the woman left quickly with the sheets in her arms.

A Barbaric Proposal - Chapter 45: A Precarious Situation (1)
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