A Barbaric Proposal
A Barbaric Proposal - Chapter 44: Today, Like Yesterday

Chapter 44 Today, Like Yesterday

translator/editor: astralmech editor: ghost

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Black did mention something similar before. He knew he was engaged, but that it could’ve just been something his father mentioned.

[Rienne] “If that’s the case, it wouldn’t be in the royal records, would it?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “I’m not sure.”

[Rienne] “I’ll look for it just in case.”

Rienne turned around in a hurry. The royal records would be kept somewhere in the King’s Office.

Please. Let there be something left there.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Where are you going, Princess? Why are you so suddenly speaking of a past engagement? While we’re talking about that man of all things?”

[Rienne] “We used to be engaged.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Excuse me?”

The woman blinked her eyes in a daze, as if the words she’d just heard were ones she couldn’t understand.

[Mrs. Flambard] “You and who? Lord Kleinfelder was never engaged to you as far as I know.”

[Rienne] “Lord Tiwakan.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Sorry?”

She was so surprised by the answer, she quickly covered and shut her mouth.

[Mrs. Flambard] “And um….when…… this was……twenty years ago, you said?”

[Rienne] “I’m not sure, it’s been too long to ascertain the exact date. But he said that’s how he remembers it. It was why he proposed in the first place.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Then….. does that mean he’s from Nauk?”

[Rienne] “Yes. He said he left Nauk after his family was killed.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “How odd……….”

Rienne swept her hair back with her hand, her face becoming troubled.

[Rienne] “He told me he forgot everything because it all happened so long ago, and how that was the reason he proposed to me. But I just………”

Rienne’s words got caught in her throat, as she let out a long breath.

[Rienne] “I keep……thinking terrible thing things. Was it maybe……..the King who killed his family? Was that why the old man kept saying I would ‘bleed’ at the hands of Lord Tiwakan?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “What are you talking about, Princess?”

The woman adamantly shook her head, as if she were expressing how awful Rienne’s words were.

[Mrs. Flambard] “The King was a good man. He was wise, thoughtful, and open-minded. It’s unimaginable to believe he would do something like……..killing someone’s family. It’s an absurd thought.”

[Rienne] “Then why would the old man say that?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “That’s…………”

With her heart thrust into confusion, Rienne held her own shoulders with a painful grip. Mrs. Flambard looked at her with a sad expression, doing her best to comfort her.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Think about this, Princess. Is there anyone who truly understands who that old man is? We cannot even say for certain whether or not he is of sound mind. For someone to beat a servant who only wishes to bring them food, they cannot be sane. How can someone like that know things that neither you nor I know, Princess? It doesn’t make sense.”

[Rienne] “Perhaps…….But he’s very old. He must’ve lived through things the both of us cannot even begin to remember.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “But who even is he to start with?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

She wasn’t wrong.

Rienne had her priorities backwards right now. Before she worried about what the old man said, she needed to find out who he was.

[Rienne] “I’m certain that servant must know.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “You mean the one who was being beaten by his cane? Seeing that, there definitely must be a story there that cannot be spoken. But didn’t the servant run away……….? No, what if the Tiwakan are mistreating the servants now?”

[Rienne] “It’s not like that. We don’t know for sure right now, but they’re pursuing him because he may be the one responsible for the death of the High Priest.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “What? No, is that really true?”

With a shocked expression, she put her hands together as if she were in prayer.

[Mrs. Flambard] “How can that be……A young man who looks so gentle and pure, too. Could it be the Tiwakan have the wrong person?”

[Rienne] “No, we have clues that imply his guilt. But, did you happen to see the servant’s face, ma’am?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “It happened by chance. He was covering his face, as you might’ve noticed yourself, Princess, but the old man was beating him so severely, his hood ended up coming off.”

The servant, who looked infinitely kind, had a terribly sad expression on his face.

Not to mention the scar on the back of his hand.

[Rienne] “Was it that prayer again………?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Prayer?”

[Rienne] “It’s a prayer of atonement. I’ve heard it requires one to whip their body as a form of penance.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Ah………Even a God could not be pleased hearing such prayers.”

[Rienne] “I feel the same. What was it that the servant could’ve been atoning for?”

[Mrs. Flambard] “He may have committed a crime………so I suppose he may not be such a nice young man, after all.”

If the servant Klimah was in fact responsible for killing the High Priest and the old man knew that, that would explain the beatings. It was also possible Klimah was willing to take the assault as atonement for what he’d done.

If the old man was coherent enough to understand that, then perhaps he didn’t say what he said before simply because he was crazy.

It was starting to feel like the old man knew more than he was willing to let out of his mouth.

[Rienne] “I wonder where the Tiwakan took him. As I thought, I’ll have no choice but to ask.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “That’s true but……..if they detained him on purpose, will they tell you about it so easily? It’d be too easy for them to hide it and make excuses every which way.”

[Rienne] “Maybe……..Though they should at least be able to tell me about the servant.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “I agree. Shall I return to the Temple?”

[Rienne] “No, it’s already late. Let’s go tomorrow, together.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “Will you have the time?”

[Rienne] “If I don’t, then I’ll make time. As it happens, a new advisor has come in to help lessen my work load.”

Rienne squeezed Mrs. Flambard’s hand.

[Rienne] “You’ve been working very hard, ma’am. You’re the only person I can trust completely.”

[Mrs. Flambard] “It’s my honor, Princess.”

The woman gently swept her hand along Rienne’s messy hair, the gesture full of affection.

[Mrs. Flambard] “Now, off to bed with you. Tomorrow will be another busy day.”

[Rienne] “I know.”

Then, Rienne and Mrs. Flambard split from the audience room, returning to their respective bedrooms.

Luckily, Rienne didn’t run into anyone on her way back. All the Tiwakan that would normally be around were out and about, busy in their search for the servant, Klimah.

* * *


Just as Rienne went to reach for the doorknob—

[Black] “Where did you go?”

As if he’d been waiting for her, the door was opened from the inside. Surprised, Rienne pulled back as soon as she saw the face that appeared through the open door—Black.

[Rienne] “……..I went to go speak with my nanny for a little bit.”

Swallowing hard, Rienne’s voice was surprisingly calm.

Rienne already knew it was pointless to lie in front of Black. He probably already noticed them talking and leaving while he was in the bathroom.

[Rienne] “I told you I’d sent her on an errand. She met Lord Phermos while she was out, and she was apologetic she couldn’t do everything I’d asked of her. Then I took her to her room and told her it wasn’t necessary anymore.”

[Black] “I see.”

Black nodded his head, seemingly convinced there was nothing wrong.

Then he reached out his hand.

[Black] “Are you not coming in?”

[Rienne] “Oh…….”

Rienne looked down at Black’s hand before eventually taking it.

His hands were the same as they always were. Holding his hand was so warm, sometimes too much so, and it was so big it felt as though it could take anything in its grip.

Though even when they entered the room, Black still wouldn’t let her go.

Passing the bed in the middle of the room, Rienne made a joke.

[Rienne] “Are you planning on escorting me to my room?”

[Black] “No.”

In order to get to Rienne’s room, it was necessary to pass through Black’s room first.

From across the bed there were two doors—one that led to the bathroom and one that led to the small room between the bedrooms.

This small room was once known as the King’s Gallery.

There used to be days when it was filled with exotic and priceless baubles and paintings, meant for the King and his wife. However, it had been empty for so long, Rienne sometimes forgot what it was even for.

Opening the door to the King’s Gallery, Black spoke.

[Black] “I’m going with you.”

[Rienne] “……Sorry?”

[Black] “I want to sleep with you again. Like we did yesterday.”

[Rienne] “. . .”

It’s that feeling again.

That sensation of her heart tightening from the bottom up without end.

Whenever this feeling swelled up inside her, Rienne always felt a little distressed. It made her throat burn and she kept swallowing nothing.

[Black] “I thought I we were getting a little better…….Were we not?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

Yes. He was probably right about that.

That’s why the doubts felt even more painful. Even after her nanny had told her such things about him, Rienne didn’t want to hate him.

She wanted to make excuses for him.

If it was true that the previous King was responsible for the loss of his family, and he was forced to run away at such a young age because of it, then that was a sin that followed the Arsak bloodline.

Maybe it was true that he’d already forgotten the past and only wished to propose. Like he said, it had been twenty years already.

But even if I was only a child who knew nothing at the time, if you want me to atone for what the previous King has done, I will do everything I can to do so.

Because that’s how much I like you.

And……..Maybe he felt like that too. It was possible.

[Rienne] “Though, there’s something that worries me a little.”

But Rienne couldn’t say what was on her mind.

Perhaps if she were the daughter of any ordinary family, she could. But as one responsible for Nauk, she couldn’t make that kind of promise.

[Black] “What do you mean?”

[Rienne] “You said you didn’t have much experience.”

[Black] “………What?”

[Rienne] “Does that mean you’re clumsy?”

[Black] “. . .”

[Rienne] “So I’m a little worried about being with someone like that.”

[Black] “. . .”

Though truthfully, the exact opposite was true.

She was actually worried he might be too skilled in this area compared to her, who was obviously clumsy. Thinking about that, she kept unconsciously reminding herself of everything that had happened in the past.

But she couldn’t even say that out loud.

She hadn’t even told him she wasn’t actually pregnant, yet.

[Black] “…………Ha, this is crazy.”

He seemed stiff at first, but eventually Black’s expression softened into a smirk.

[Black] “What were you thinking?”

[Rienne] “What?”

[Black] “When I said I wanted to sleep with you again, what were you thinking of doing with me?”

[Rienne] “. . .”

She couldn’t find the words to say, so Rienne just kept completely silent, but her charmingly red cheeks served as her answer.

[Black] “If I wasn’t very good, would that be a problem?”

[Rienne] “………I, I understand your answer. Goodnight, then.”

Rienne quickly turned on her heel, frantic as if she were running away from him, and went to open the bedroom door.


But just as quickly it was opened, it was closed again. Black had reached out from behind her, pulling the door back in place.

Trapped, Rienne was locked between the door and Black’s body.

[Black] “How good do I need to be in order to satisfy you?”

With Rienne trapped in his arms, Black whispered softly, bowing his head towards her neck.

[Black] “What should I do to be considered competent to you?”

[Rienne] “Something like that…….Not…..not right now……..”

[Black] “That’s weird. I thought you meant it needed to be now.”

Slowly, Black wrapped his arms around her waist, pushing past her hair and pressing his lips against the back of her neck. And then, he gently started running his lips across her soft, pale skin.

Moving his free hand up, he brushed it against her hair, tickling her earlobes and allowing his fingers to wander down her neck.

[Rienne] “No…..I wasn’t……”

[Black] “No. You were talking about today.”

The fingers that were running down her neck stopped at the edge of her nightgown. He lifted up the thin cloth, playing with edges of it as if struggling with idea of just tearing it aside.

Feeling it, Rienne bit down on her lips almost to the point of tears.

[Black] “Luckily, based on your reaction, I don’t think I’m clumsy enough to make you hate this, Princess.”

His fingers fell from the edge of her nightgown, moving up her neck and across her jaw until they reached her lips, and at his gentle urging, she felt them being pushed apart.

[Black] “This will leave a wound. I told you this afternoon. Unless they’re made by me, I don’t want to see any more wounds on your body.”

[Rienne] “That’s……”

Her body was shaking so much, she couldn’t even speak properly.

[Black] “Don’t do this anymore. Promise me.”

With her lips apart, Black grabbed Rienne’s chin and pulled her in, slowly rubbing against her lips—hurt by her own bite.

It felt vulgar and heated, as though she was moments away from melting. If this continued, all her thoughts would completely vanish.

Why was he acting so obscene? Why was he doing this to her? What kinds of plans was he hiding inside of him………? She couldn’t lose sight of those questions. She had to find out the answer before Nauk paid the price for his anger.

[Rienne] “S, stop!”

What’s going on? I didn’t want any of this.


With the sudden surge of thoughts, Rienne pushed Black away with all of her strength.

[Rienne] “Please stop this.”

[Black] “. . .”

As if he could sense her sincerity, Black kept quiet and looked at Rienne.

A Barbaric Proposal - Chapter 44: Today, Like Yesterday
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