Reincarnated Princess Wishes To Avoid Death
Reincarnated Princess Wishes To Avoid Death - Chapter 23

Princess Mia Attacks Verbally! Tiona… Recovers?

“Hey, what are you guys doing there?” With a slam on her footsteps, Mia waded through the crowd.

There were three girls surrounding Tiona. From the previous timeline, she recognized them as the daughters of a moderately prominent nobles from a moderately notable kingdom. The emphasis here is on “moderate.”

“Huh? Who are you?” The leader of the trio irritatedly said before recognizing who was it that came.

“Your Highness?!”

Hearing Tiona’s voice, the trio fell silent and all color from their faces drained.

“Your Highness? You’re-you’re-you’re Princess…”

“Indeed. I am Mia Luna Tearmoon, the first princess of the Tearmoon Empire. She lifted her skirt a little and give a splendid curtsy. At that moment, it was as if the majesty of the empire was radiating brightly off Mia. Seeing this, the girls immediately fell prostrate.

“So … what are you guys doing?”

“Oh, that, this is…” The complexion of the girls gradually turns paler. Mia was the princess of great Empire that they could not afford to make an enemy of. And right now, that same Princess was clearly furious.

Mia was indeed furious. But not because of what the three were probably thinking. She was furious because these three girls had forced her into a situation that she has to help her nemesis. She glared at the three with hatred.

“I seemed you have been rude to one of my subjects…”

“No, no, not at all. Eventhough she is an imperial noble, she comes from the Outland. We thought we should teach her the rules of polite society…”

“Did you not hear me?” This time, Mia had no choice but to help. But she is only doing this because she didn’t want to land in the guillotine again.

Hoping to make herself feel a little better about this turn of events, she kept talking…

“I love all my subjects equally. Even the child of the poorest slave on the streets. No matter who they are, no matter how powerless they are, no matter how insignificant they may seem, so long as they belong to the Empire, I will don’t turn a blind eye on any rudeness against them.”

What she really meant was: I am not helping Tiona because she is special or anything. In fact she was trying to declare that Tiona was not any better to that of a child of a slave.

Considering that Mia was already helping anyway, she should have just gone and went to the full mile to help. But that would require Mia to be a good sport. And Mia was anything but that.

Mia then turned to Tiona and smiled at her triumphantly.

Since I helped you, you cannot complain about what I say, okay?

But sadly, Mia’s true intentions didn’t reach Tiona.

Tiona’s family is a young noble family. Her grandfather was originally a leader of a group of farmers. After exterminating a group of bandits, he was awarded with a land and a title. He was therefore not born but inducted into nobility. So they were considered an upstart noble.

Even worse was that the region where they lived was incorporated into the Empire much later than the other regions. As a result, they were discriminated. Oftentimes, they were not even considered subjects of the Empire, nevermind nobility. They were insulted as “descendants of serfs” and “second-class citizen.”

That’s why she entered St. Noel Academy. She studied hard, learned etiquette, and even mastered court swordsmanship. She did this all so that she could outshine those noble girls who made fun of her. Or at the very least, not to be a target of their ridicule. She wanted to be recognized as an imperial noble, an equal.

However, even from this first day, she was already harassed. This shattered her hopes. It seemed like no matter how hard she tried, there would be no change.

But just when she was about to be swallowed in her despair, a certain person appeared. Mia Luna Tearmoon. The one who sits on top of the Tearmoon nobility. She strode in and proudly declared that she was one of her subjects! And not just that. That she would not forgive anyone who is rude to any of her subjects!


At first, Tiona didn’t know what was being said. She could hear what was being said, but the meaning eluded her. This was because she wasn’t expecting any help. Never in her wildest dream did she think that she would be acknowledged as a subject of the Empire.

Then she blinked, and the figure of the girl before her came into focus.

Princess Mia, Your Highness…

That girl had a warm and gentle smile.


Suddenly, she felt tears running down her cheeks. Not because her efforts were recognized, nor because she was able to get back at her offenders.

Rather, it was because of the promise. The Princess guarantees that no matter how powerless or insignificant a person she might be, the young princess before her would love and protect her as her own.

After spending her whole life tyring to prove herself… this was the first time that she felt secure.

Relief poured out of her in streams of tears that despite her best efforts, refused to stop flowing.

Author’s Note.

This is the end of today.

I hope you enjoyed it.

It will be updated at 12:00 as usual tomorrow.

Reincarnated Princess Wishes To Avoid Death - Chapter 23
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