Reincarnated Princess Wishes To Avoid Death
Reincarnated Princess Wishes To Avoid Death - Chapter 22

Princess Mia Sows Seeds

In Mia’s grade, there was a boy student who was extremely popular. Sion Sol Sunkland. The crown prince of Sunkland Kingdom, a kingdom that rivals the power and history of the Tearmoon Empire.

He had silver-white hair, cool clear eyes, a handsome face, and a sweet voice. He had an air of regality around him but has a friendly manner. AT the same time, he had a strong sense of justice. His grades were excellent, and his sword skills was so good that even most teachers can’t defeat him. He was perfectly the Prince Charming in flesh.

So it wasn’t surprising that Mia fell in love with him madly. Or perhaps, she had fallen into what she thought was love. In her arrogance, she believed that she was the only one suitable to be Sion’s companion. As the Crown Prince of Sunkland, the only match could be Mia, the only Princess of Tearmoon Empire. He was the man of her dreams, as such, she couldn’t forgive the girl who became close to him. Especially because she was the daughter of a poor imperial noble.

That was Tiona Rudolvon. The daughter of a poor noble whose territory is a farmland at the southern edge of the empire. Mia couldn’t admit that a country bumpkin could manage to win Sion’s heart.

So she took it out on this girl, she teased her and joined the other noble ladies in harassing her. This harassment became a driving force for Tiona. She will be the leader and the symbol of revolution. She will be called a Saint. And it will be under her that Mia will be executed by a guillotine.

I did something stupid.

After two years of life in the dungeon, Mia, who had been harassed in much the same way, realized a truth. That is: you reap what you sow.

Harassing others would always come back to you.

“Mia-sama, that …”

Anne’s voice pulled Mia back to the present. She looked at where Anne was pointing. In a street corner, Tiona was surrounded by a group of girls.

Ah, of course.

Mia notices that these were the exact same situation when she first met Tiona on the previous timeline. At this time, Tiona was being harassed by the daughters of powerful foreign nobles.

I believe they were going on about how they had been slighted by her attendant or something.

In the previous timeline, Mia just happened to pass by. But she had chosen to give Tiona the cold shoulder.

“What should we do, Mia-sama?”

“Why? Isn’t it already obvious?”

She will stick with her rules in the carriage. Stay away from danger. At the same time, she won’t show any hostile attitude. She won’t even go near them. Just in case, she would be thought of as a bystander. It was one of those situations where being neutral was difficult. In the eyes of the victim, that would just be enabling the bullies.

Mia was thinking of going another route when she felt a chill on her spine.

What in the heavenly moons was that?

She paused. She couldn’t help but feel that a terrible misfortune awaited her if she made a wrong choice this moment. Then a question popped into her mind.

That’s right! I wonder why Anne asked me that question.

It would make sense if they were at a crossroad and they have to decide whether to go left or right. But in this case, Mia has no reason to help. Even if they both came from the Empire, it doesn’t mean that she has to go out and help a stranger. Nevertheless, Anne still asked her that question: “What should we do?”

Something told her she needed to do something about Tiona. Yes, it seems that Anne was thinking that…

Mia looks at Anne again. And she can now conclude that her reasoning was correct.

Anne looked at Mia full of trust. With those eyes, Anne was not asking whether they should help of not. It seems that helping Tiona was already a foregone conclusion. Anne’s question was not “Should we help?” Rather it was “What should we do to help?” Anne never dreamed that her beloved Princess Mia wouldn’t help someone in need.

So the decision has already been made, huh?

Mia was trapped in a difficult place. Should she help her enemy or should she lose the trust of her most loyal subject?

Shortly after, Mia concluded that now at this time, she can’t afford to lose Anne’s trust.

“It can’t be helped. Let’s go Anne.”

“Yes, Mia-sama!”

After two[i] years in the dungeon, Mia realized the truth. Or rather she thought she had. But she didn’t know that she understood only half of it.

You reap what you sow.

If you sow malice and evil, then surely you will harvest malice and evil as well.

But the same is true for the opposite.

If you sow kindness and goodness, then you will also harvest kindness and goodness.

Mia at this time did not understand this yet.

Author’s note:

The last one should be posted at around 21:00.

[i] Author wrote two years, but Mia was actually three years in the dungeon.

Reincarnated Princess Wishes To Avoid Death - Chapter 22
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