The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887)
Chapter 123 : Potato Croquettes 273.
Tomatoes with Mayonnaise 169.
Twist Bread 246.
Sponge Drops 312
Potato Croquettes 273.
Tomatoes with Mayonnaise 169.
Twist Bread 246.
Sponge Drops 312.
Hukleberries and Cream Tea 460.
Gumbo Soup 41.
Roast Lopin of Veal 126.
Browned Potatoes 192.
Succotash 208.
Mashed Squash 212.
Bean Salad 175.
Baked Custard 345.
Peaches and Cream.
Almond Cake 303.
Coffee 458.
Oatmeal with Cream 274.
Broiled Veal Cutlets 129.
Minced Egg 229.
Crisp Potatoes 195.
Buckwheat Cakes 266.
Wheat Bread 240.
Coffee 458.
Oyster Stew 72.
Cold Pork and Beans 149.
Cold Slaw 173.
Boston Brown Bread 244.
Peach Meringue Pie 327.
Tea 460.
Ox-tail Soup 34.
Broiled Halibut 38.
Sauce Tartare 136.
Roast Beef 109.
Brown Sauce 161.
Steamed Potatoes 194.
Caulilower 200.
Boiled Onions 198.
Chicken Salad 171.
Scalloped Tomatoes 204.
French Cocoanut Pudding 395.
Grape Trifle 357.
Fancy Cakes 310.
Fruit Coffee 458.
Stewed Quinces.
Lamb 136.
Blue Fish Fried 56.
Milk Toast 277.
Hasty Cooked Potatoes 195.
Pop-overs 262.
Brown Bread 244.
Coffee 458.
Cold Roast Beef 109.
Onion Omelet 234.
Fried Potatoes 194.
French Bread 246.
Peach Fritters 267.
Chocolate 461.
Julienne Soup 33.
Roast Pheasants 101.
Cabbage with Cream 200.
Boiled Potatoes 192.
Mashed Turnips 214.
Tomato Salad 174.
Apple Custard Pie 326.
Baked Quinces 371.
Chocolate Eclairs 308.
Coffee 458.