Enquire Within Upon Everything
Chapter 1 : Enquire Within Upon Everything.by Anonymous.PREFACE.If there be any among my Readers who

Enquire Within Upon Everything.

by Anonymous.


If there be any among my Readers who, having turned over the pages of "ENQUIRE WITHIN," have hastily p.r.o.nounced them to be confused and ill-arranged, let them at once refer to THE INDEX, at page 389*, and for ever hold their peace.

The INDEX is, to the vast congregation of useful hints and receipts that fill the pages of this volume, what the DIRECTORY is to the great aggregation of houses and people in London.

No one, being a stranger to London, would run about asking for "MR.

SMITH." But, remembering the Christian name and the profession of the individual wanted, he would turn to the DIRECTORY, and trace him out.

Like a house, every paragraph in "ENQUIRE WITHIN" has its number,--and the INDEX is the DIRECTORY which will explain what Facts, Hints, and Instructions _inhabit_ that number.

For, if it be not a misnomer, we are prompted to say that "ENQUIRE WITHIN" is _peopled_ with hundreds of ladies and gentlemen, who have approved of the plan of the work, and contributed something to its store of useful information. There they are, waiting to be questioned, and ready to reply. Within each page some one lives to answer for the correctness of the information imparted, just as certainly as where, in the window of a dwelling, you see a paper directing you to "ENQUIRE WITHIN," some one is there to answer you.

HOUSEKEEPERS of experience live at Nos. 1, 30, 438, 1251 and 2091; old Dr. KITCHINER lives at 44; CAPTAIN CRAWLEY is to be found at 46 and 2568; the well-known Mrs. WARREN lives at 1809; Miss ACTON at 1310; Dr.

FRANKLIN at 1398; Mrs. HITCHING at 215; Mr. BANTING at 1768; Dr. WILSON PHILIP at 1762; Mr. WITHERING at 2338; Mr. MECHI at 997; Dr. STENHOUSE at 1776; Dr. ERASMUS WILSON at 1700; Dr. SOUTHWOOD SMITH at 1743; Dr.

BLAIR at 2180; M. SOYER at 1130; Dr. BABINGTON at 2407; Miss GIFFORD at 2337; and Dr. CLARK at 2384. In addition to these and many more, a DOCTOR lives at 475; a GARDENER at 249; a SCHOOLMASTER at 161; a BUTCHER at 27; a DANCING-MASTER at 139; an ARTIST at 2548; a NATURALIST at 2330; a DYER at 2682; a MODELLER at 2346; a PROFESSED COOK at 1032; a PHILANTHROPIST at 1368; a LAWYER at 1440; a SURGEON at 796; a CHESS PLAYER at 71; a WHIST PLAYER, almost next door, at 73; a CHEMIST at 650; a BREWER at 2267; a LAWN TENNIS PLAYER at 2765; a h.o.m.oEOPATHIC PRACt.i.tIONER at 925; a WOOD-STAINER at 1413; two CONFECTIONERS at 1628 and 2024; a POULTRY-KEEPER at 1642; a METEOROLOGIST at 962; PHILOSOPHERS at 973 and 1783; a PRACTICAL ECONOMIST at 985; a BAKER at 1002; a MASTER OF THE CEREMONIES at 1924 and 2613; a BIRD FANCIER at 2155: a WASHERWOMAN at 2729; an a.n.a.lYTICAL CHEMIST at 2747; an ACCOUNTANT at 2769; and so on.

Well! there they live--always at home. Knock at their doors--ENQUIRE WITHIN. NO FEES TO PAY!!

Much care has been taken in selecting the information that is given, and, as is amply shown by the above list, so many kind and competent friends have lent a hand in the production of this volume that is impossible to turn to any page without at once being reminded of the GENEROUS FRIEND who abides there.

To some extent, though in a far less degree, a.s.sistance has been rendered by the authors of many useful and popular works, for which due acknowledgment must be made. Chief among these works are Dr. Kitchiner's "COOKS' ORACLE"; "THE COOK," in _Houlston and Sons' Industrial Library_; "THE SHOPKEEPER'S GUIDE;" "THE WIFE'S OWN COOKERY," "THE PRACTICAL HOUSEWIFE," and many of the volumes of the "REASON WHY"


Lastly, as in everyday life it is found necessary at times to make a thorough inspection of house and home, and to carry out requisite repairs, alterations, and additions, this has been done in the recent editions of "ENQUIRE WITHIN," to which some hundreds of paragraphs have been added, while others have been remodelled and revised in accordance with the progress of the times in which we live. Care, however, has been taken to alter nothing that needed no alteration, so that, practically, this Popular Favourite is still the _old_ "ENQUIRE WITHIN;"

improved, it is true, but in no way so changed as to place it beyond the recognition of those to whom it has been a BOOK OF CONSTANT REFERENCE since its first appearance.



The unparalleled success achieved by "ENQUIRE WITHIN UPON EVERYTHING"

demands special mention from its Publishers at the present moment. Its prominent characteristics--varied usefulness and cheapness--have won for it universal esteem. There is scarcely a spot reached by English civilization to which this book has not found its way, receiving everywhere the most cordial welcome and winning the warmest praise.

Proof of this world-wide popularity is clearly shown by the record of the number of copies sold, now amounting to the wonderful total of


--a sale which the Publishers believe to be _absolutely without precedent_ among similar books of reference. This result has been mainly brought about by the kindly interest shown in the book by many friends, to whom the Publishers' most hearty thanks are tendered for their generous support and recommendations.

The work of revision has been carried on from year to year with watchfulness and care, and many Additions have been made, both modern and interesting, including h.o.m.oeopathy, Lawn Tennis, &c. Enquirers on the laws of Landlord and Tenant, Husband and Wife, Debtor and Creditor, are supplied with the latest information. Diseases and their Remedies, and Medicines, their Uses and Doses, have received special attention.

The Index has been considerably extended, and with the aid of this, and the Summary of Contents, it is hoped that no Enquirer will fail to receive complete and satisfactory replies.

THE "ENQUIRE WITHIN" AND "REASON WHY" SERIES now comprises Twenty-seven Volumes, containing upwards of SEVEN THOUSAND pages of closely printed matter. They are entirely original in plan, and executed with the most conscientious care. The Indexes have been prepared with great labour, and alone occupy about 500 pages. A vast Fund of valuable Information, embracing every Subject of Interest or Utility, is thus attainable, and at a merely nominal Cost.

These Works are in such general demand, that the Sale has already reached considerably upwards of


The attention of all parties interested in the dissemination of sound Theoretical Instruction and Practical Knowledge is particularly directed to the Twenty-seven Volumes in this Series of Popular and Valuable Books.

1-3. "DAILY WANTS, THE DICTIONARY OF," containing nearly 1,200 pages of Information upon all matters of Practical and Domestic Utility.

Above 118,000 copies have been sold.

4-7. "USEFUL KNOWLEDGE, THE DICTIONARY OF," a Book of Reference upon History, Geography, Science, Statistics, &c. A Companion Work to the "Dictionary of Daily Wants."

8 & 9. "MEDICAL AND SURGICAL KNOWLEDGE, THE DICTIONARY OF," a Complete Practical Guide on Health and Disease, for Families, Emigrants, and Colonists.


11. "THE REASON WHY, CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS," giving the Origin, History, and Tenets of the Christian Sects, with the Reasons a.s.signed _by themselves_ for their Specialities of Faith and forms of Wors.h.i.+p.

12. "THE REASON WHY, PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY," containing upwards of 1,200 Reasons, explanatory of the Physical Phenomena of Earth and Sea, their Geological History, and the Geographical distribution of Plants, Animals, and the Human Race.

13. "THE REASON WHY, BIBLICAL AND SACRED HISTORY," a Family Guide to Scripture Readings, and a Handbook for Biblical Students.

14. "THE REASON WHY, GENERAL SCIENCE," giving Hundreds of Reasons for things which, though generally received, are imperfectly understood. This Volume has reached a sale of 53,000.

15. "THE REASON WHY, HISTORICAL," designed to simplify the study of English History.

16. "THE REASON WHY, NATURAL HISTORY," giving REASONS for very numerous interesting Facts in connection with the Habits and Instincts of the various Orders of the Animal Kingdom.

17. "THE REASON WHY, GARDENING AND FARMING," giving some Thousands of Reasons for various Facts and Phenomena in reference to the Cultivation and Tillage of the Soil.

18. "THE REASON WHY, HOUSEWIFE'S SCIENCE," affording to the Manager of Domestic Affairs intelligible Reasons for the various duties she has to superintend or to perform.

19. "JOURNEY OF DISCOVERY ALL ROUND OUR HOUSE; OR, THE INTERVIEW," with copious Information upon Domestic Matters.

20. "THE PRACTICAL HOUSEWIFE AND FAMILY MEDICAL GUIDE," a Series of Instructive Papers on Cookery, Food, Treatment of the Sick, &c., &c.

21. "THE FAMILY SAVE-ALL," a System of Secondary Cookery with Hints for Economy in the use of Articles of Household Consumption.

22. "NOTICES TO CORRESPONDENTS," a Work full of curious Information on all Subjects, gathered from actual Answers to Correspondents of various Magazines and Newspapers.

23. "THE CORNER CUPBOARD," containing Domestic Information, Needlework Designs, and Instructions for the Aquarium, &c.

24. "LIFE DOUBLED BY THE ECONOMY OF TIME," and "HOW A PENNY BECAME A THOUSAND POUNDS." The first of these teaches the Value of Moments, and shows how Life may be abridged by a careless indifference to trifles of time; the second pursues a similar argument with reference to Money.

25 & 26. "WONDERFUL THINGS;" affording interesting descriptions of the _Wonders of all Nations_, with Ill.u.s.trations.

Chapter 1 : Enquire Within Upon Everything.by Anonymous.PREFACE.If there be any among my Readers who
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