Enquire Within Upon Everything
Chapter 119 : E. Burning pain in the throat, mouth, accompanied with the usual symptoms of corrosive

E. Burning pain in the throat, mouth, accompanied with the usual symptoms of corrosive poisons.

A. For silver, common salt and water; for gold and bis.m.u.th, no antidotes are known.

T. Give milk and mucilaginous fluids, and castor oil.

1352. Acids.

(_Hydrochloric_, or _spirit of salt; nitric_, or _aquafortis; sulphuric_, or _oil of vitriol_.)

E. Acid burning taste, acute pain in the gullet and throat, vomiting of b.l.o.o.d.y fluid, which effervesces when chalk is added to it; hiccough, tenderness of the belly, cold sweats, pinched face, convulsions, and death.

A. Give _calcined_ magnesia, chalk, soap and water. Administer frequent draughts of water to weaken the acid with carbonate of soda, pota.s.s, or magnesia, to neutralize it; thick soap-suds made with common soap; chalk, or in default of the alkalies and chalk, break down the plaster of the wall or ceiling, mix in water, and give the sufferer. Excite vomiting, and repeat the remedies till all the acid is neutralized.

1353. Chlorine (_gas_).

E. Violent coughing, tightness of the chest, debility, inability to stand.

A. The vapour of caustic ammonia to be inhaled, or ten drops of liquid ammonia to one ounce of water to be taken.

T. Dash cold water over the face, and relieve urgent symptoms.

1354. Lead.

(_Sugar of; red lead; wine sweetened by; and water impregnated with_).

E. Sugary astringent metallic taste, tightness of the throat, pains as if caused by colic, violent vomiting, hiccough, convulsions, and death.

A. Epsom or Glauber's salt; plaster of Paris; or phosphate of soda.

T. An emetic of sulphate of zinc (twenty-four grains to half a pint of water); leeches to belly; fomentations if necessary; and a dose of castor oil mixed with laudanum.

1355. Phosphorus.

E. Intense burning and pain in the throat and stomach.

A. Magnesia and carbonate of soda.

T. Large draughts of cold water, and tickle the throat with a feather.

_Caution_. Do not give oil or milk.

1356. Lime.

E. Burning in the throat and stomach, cramps in the belly, hiccough, vomiting, and paralysis of limbs.

A. Vinegar or lemon juice.

T. Thin starch water to be drunk frequently.

1357. Alkalies.

(_Caustic potash; soda; ammonia_.)

E. Acrid, hot, disagreeable taste; burning in the throat, nausea, and vomiting b.l.o.o.d.y matter; profuse purging, pain in the stomach, colic, convulsions, and death.

A. Vinegar and vegetable acids

T. Give linseed tea, milk, almond or olive oil, and excite vomiting.

1358. Baryta

(_Carbonate, pure_, and _muriate_ of, _See_ LIME para. 1356.)

1359. Nitre.

E. Heartburn, nausea, violent vomiting, purging, convulsions, difficult breathing, violent pain in the bowels, kidneys, and bladder, with b.l.o.o.d.y urine.

T. Emetics, frequent draughts of barley water, with castor oil and laudanum.

1360. Narcotic Poisons.

(_Bane berries; fool's parsley; deadly nightshade; water hemlock; thorn apple; opium, or laudanum; camphor, &c._)

E. Giddiness, faintness, nausea, vomiting, stupor, delirium, and death.

T. Give emetics, large draughts of fluids, tickle the throat, apply smelling salts to the nose, dash cold water over the face and chest, apply mustard poultices, and, above all, endeavour to rouse the patient by walking between two persons; and, if possible, by electricity; and give forty drops of sal-volatile in strong coffee every half-hour.

1361. Vegetable Irritating Poisons.

(_Mezsreon; monk's-hood; bitter apple; gamboge; white h.e.l.lebore, &c._)

E. Acrid, biting, bitter taste, choking sensation, dryness of the throat, retching, vomiting, purging, pains in the stomach and bowels, breathing difficult, and death.

T. Give emetics of camomile, mustard, or sulphate of zinc; large draughts of warm milk, or other bland fluids; foment and leech the belly if necessary, and give strong _infusion_ of coffee.


Chapter 119 : E. Burning pain in the throat, mouth, accompanied with the usual symptoms of corrosive
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