Enquire Within Upon Everything
Chapter 124 : i. Dip the articles first in the tin mordant used in dyeing, and then plunge into a ho

i. Dip the articles first in the tin mordant used in dyeing, and then plunge into a hot decoction of Brazil wood--half a pound to a gallon of water--or cochineal.

ii. Steep in red ink until sufficiently stained.

1419. Bone and Ivory. _Scarlet._

Use lac dye instead of the preceding.

1420. Bone and Ivory. _Violet._

Dip in the tin mordant, and then immerse in a decoction of logwood.

1421. Bone and Ivory. _Yellow._

i. Impregnate with nitro-hydrochlorate of tin, and then digest with heat in a strained decoction of fustic.

ii. Steep for twenty-four hours in a strong solution of the neutral chromate of potash, and then plunge for some time in a boiling solution of acetate of lead.

iii. Boil the articles in a solution of alum--a pound to half a gallon--and then immerse for half an hour in the following mixture:--Take half a pound of turmeric, and a quarter of a pound of pearl-ash; boil in a gallon of water. When taken from this, the bone must be again dipped in the alum solution.


1422. Horn.

Horn must be treated in the same manner as bone and ivory for the various colours given under that heading.

1423. Imitation of Tortoisesh.e.l.l.

First steam and then press the horn into proper shapes, and afterwards lay the following mixture on with a small brush, in imitation of the mottle of tortoisesh.e.l.l:--Take equal parts of quicklime and litharge, and mix with strong soap-lees; let this remain until it is thoroughly dry, brush off, and repeat two or three times, if necessary. Such parts as are required to be of a reddish brown should be covered with a mixture of whiting and the stain.

1424. Iron. _Black, for s.h.i.+ps' guns, shots, &c._

To one gallon of vinegar add a quarter of a pound of iron rust, let it stand for a week; then add a pound of dry lampblack, and three-quarters of a pound of copperas; stir it up at intervals for a couple of days. Lay five or six coats on the gun, &c., with a sponge, allowing it to dry well between each. Polish with linseed oil and soft woollen rag, and it will look like ebony.

1425. Paper and Parchment._Blue._

i. Stain the material green with the verdigris stain given in No.

1433, and brush over with a solution of pearlash--two ounces to the pint--till it becomes blue.

ii. Use the blue stain for wood.

1426. Paper and Parchment. _Green_ and _Red._

The same as for wood.

1427. Paper and Parchment. _Orange._

Brush over with a tincture of turmeric, formed by infusing an ounce of the root in a pint of spirit of wine; let this dry, and give another coat of pearlash solution, made by dissolving two ounces of the salt in a quart of water.

1428. Paper and Parchment._Purple._

i. Brush over with the expressed juice of ripe privet berries.

ii. The same as for wood.

1429. Paper and Parchment._Yellow._

i. Brush over with tincture of turmeric.

ii. Add anatto or dragon's-blood to the tincture of turmeric, and brush over as usual.

1430. Wood. _Black._

i. Drop a little sulphuric acid into a small quant.i.ty of water, brush over the wood and hold to the fire; it will turn a fine black, and take a good polish.

ii. Take half a gallon of vinegar, an ounce of bruised nut galls, of logwood chips and copperas each half a pound--boil well; add half an ounce of the tincture of sesquichloride of iron, formerly called the muriated tincture and brush on hot.

iii. Use the stain given for s.h.i.+ps' guns.

iv. Take half a gallon of vinegar, half a pound of dry lampblack, and three pounds of iron rust, sifted. Mix, and let stand for a week. Lay three coats of this on hot, and then rub with linseed oil, and you will have a fine deep black.

v. Add to the above stain an ounce of nut galls, half a pound of log-wood chips, and a quarter of a pound of copperas; lay on three coats, oil well, and you will have a black stain that will stand any kind of weather, and one that is well suited for s.h.i.+ps' combings, &c.

vi. Take a pound of logwood chips, a quarter of a pound of Brazil wood, and boil for an hour and a half in a gallon of water. Brush the wood several times with this decoction while hot. Make a decoction of nut galls by simmering gently, for three or four days, a quarter of a pound of the galls in two quarts of water; give the wood three coats of this, and, while wet, lay on a solution of sulphate of iron (two ounces to a quart), and when dry, oil or varnish.

vii. Give three coats with a solution of copper filings in aquafortis, and repeatedly brush over with the logwood decoction, until the greenness of the copper is destroyed.

viii. Boil half a pound of logwood chips in two quarts of water, add an ounce of pearlash, and apply hot with a brush. Then take two quarts of the logwood decoction, and half an ounce of verdigris, and the same of copperas; strain, and throw in half a pound of iron rust. Brush the work well with this, and oil.


1431. Wood. _Blue._

i. Dissolve copper filings in aquafortis, brush the wood with it, and then go over the work with a hot solution of pearlash (two ounces to a pint of water) till it a.s.sumes a perfectly blue colour.

Chapter 124 : i. Dip the articles first in the tin mordant used in dyeing, and then plunge into a ho
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