Chapter 86 : 125 "aggression on Mexico": CW, 1:473. 125 "the Whig ranks": Herndo

125 "aggression on Mexico": CW, 1:473.

125 "the Whig ranks": Herndon's Lincoln, 2:279.

125 "of another country": Herndon's letters have not been preserved, but it is possible to reconstruct their contents from Lincoln's replies in CW, 1:446447, 451452.

126 "have always stood": Ibid.

126 "pestilence, and famine": Riddle, Congressman Abraham Lincoln, p. 56.

126 the Young Indians: In addition to Lincoln and Stephens, the group included Truman Smith, the Connecticut political organizer, Robert Toombs of Georgia, and three first-term Virginia congressmen. Holman Hamilton, Zachary Taylor: Soldier in the White House (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1951), pp. 6364.

126 "if he is not": CW, 1: 452, 463.

127 in the fall: CW, 1:475476.

127 "be hanged themselves": CW, 1:477.

127 "want of consideration": CW, 1:506.

127 "and clear cases": CW, 1:454.

127 "'as you please'": CW, 1:503504.

128 "their own business": CW, 1:505.

128 "Spotty Lincoln": E.g., in his August 27, 1858, speech at Freeport. CW, 3:5657.

128 "oppression upon us": CW, 1:452.

128 "you can not": CW, 1:453.

128 "liberate the world": CW, 1:438. See Thomas J. Pressly, "Bullets and Ballots: Lincoln and the 'Right of Revolution,' "American Historical Review 67 (Apr. 1962): 647662.

128 "than it is": CW, 1:488.

129 policy at all: I have developed this argument more fully in "Abraham Lincoln: Whig in the White House," in Lincoln Reconsidered: Essays on the Civil War Era (New York: Vintage Books, 1961), pp. 196208.

130 "have helped himself": CW, 1:501516. Quotations are from pages 508, 514.

130 "work down again": Riddle, Congressman Abraham Lincoln, p. 105.

130 "likely to go": CW, 1:5162:1.

130 "fellows forget father": CW, 1:465466.

130 "to marry again": Ibid.

130 "away from you": Turner, Mary Todd Lincoln, p. 38.

Chapter 86 : 125 "aggression on Mexico": CW, 1:473. 125 "the Whig ranks": Herndo
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