Woman's Institute Library of Cookery
Chapter 163 : BEVERAGES EXAMINATION QUESTIONS (1) What is a beverage?(2) What does boiling do to: (_



(1) What is a beverage?

(2) What does boiling do to: (_a_) hard water? (_b_) impure water?

(3) What is the value of beverages in the diet?

(4) Mention and define the three cla.s.ses of beverages.

(5) (_a_) What are caffeine, theine, and theobromine? (_b_) Where is each found? (_c_) What effect do they have on the human body?

(6) (_a_) Where is tannic acid found? (_b_) What effect does it have on the human body?

(7) Tell briefly about the preparation of coffee for the market.

(8) How should coffee be bought?

(9) What are the general proportions of coffee and liquid used in the making of coffee?

(10) What use can be made of left-over coffee?

(11) Tell briefly about the preparation of black and green tea for the market.

(12) What points should be observed in the selection of tea?

(13) What general proportions of tea and water are used for the making of tea?

(14) Tell briefly about the preparation of cocoa and chocolate for the market.

(15) What advantage have cocoa and chocolate over tea and coffee as.

articles of food?

(16) What use can be made of left-over cocoa and chocolate?

(17) (_a_) How are cereal coffees made? (_b_) Of what value are they?

(18) Of what value are fruit beverages?

(19) What uses can be made of left-over fruit juices?

(20) What good use can be made of nouris.h.i.+ng beverages?



1. As every housewife realizes, the feeding of the members of her family places upon her serious and important responsibilities. While she deserves and receives credit for their good health, the blame for much of their ill health falls upon her, too. The reason for this is that illness is due in a greater measure to wrong food than to any other single factor; and even if improper diet is not directly responsible for ill health, it certainly lowers the bodily resistance and thus makes a person susceptible to disease.

The health of her family is naturally the housewife's first and greatest consideration, and as this depends so much on correct diet, it should be the aim of every housewife to plan her meals in the careful, intelligent way required to supply her household with the food each member needs.

2. As has already been learned, a knowledge of the selection, care, and preparation of food is absolutely necessary in providing proper diet.

But correct feeding requires more than this. In addition, the housewife must have a working knowledge of what foods contain and their effect in the body. She must also learn what her family needs and then make every effort to supply this need in the most economical way. The result will be a sufficient amount of food of the right kind at a minimum expenditure of funds.

She should keep in mind, however, that the cost of diet has no direct relation to its food value, but that economy and proper feeding are closely connected. For instance, an inexpensive diet may be just as satisfactory from a food-value standpoint as an expensive one. But in order to make the inexpensive one adequate and the expensive one balanced, the housewife must apply her knowledge of the general composition of food; that is, she must know whether a food predominates in carbohydrate, fat, or protein, and whether or not it furnishes minerals. Equipped with such knowledge, she will be able to purchase the largest amount of nutritive material for the smallest outlay of money.

The cheapest food is not always the one that sells for the lowest price per pound, quart, or bushel, but the one that furnishes the most nutritive material at the lowest cost; also, food that is the wrong kind to serve is not an economical one to purchase.

3. Many housewives regard it as unnecessary to plan beforehand and persist in preparing meals without giving any previous thought to them.

But to begin thinking about an hour before meal time what to have for a meal is neither wise nor economical, for then it is too late to determine what ought to be served from a diet standpoint and there can be prepared only those foods which the time will allow. As can well be understood, this is both a disastrous plan for correct diet and a very extravagant way in which to feed a family. Quickly broiled steaks and chops, commercially canned vegetables and fruits, and prepared desserts should be the occasional treat rather than the daily food. Instead of using these constantly, time should be allowed for the preparation of the less expensive meats and vegetables and the home-made desserts.

To prepare such foods successfully requires that meals should be planned at least 24 hours before they are to be served, and in reality the main dishes should be decided on 48 hours ahead of time. Then, sometime between breakfast and luncheon and before the day's marketing is done, detailed plans should be made for luncheon and dinner of that day and for breakfast of the next. Nor should the left-overs be disregarded if economy would be the watchword in the management of the household.

Rather, they should be included in the plans for each day and used up as fast as possible.



4. The truly economical housewife will find it necessary each day to determine three things: (1) what is left from yesterday's meals and what use can be made of it; (2) what is in supply that can be used for that day; and (3) what must be added to these things to provide satisfactory meals for the family. Having determined these points, she should make a list of the articles that she must purchase when she does her marketing.

A pad fastened to the kitchen wall and a pencil on a string attached to the pad are convenient for this purpose. At the same time, they serve as a reminder that when all of any article, such as coffee, sugar, baking powder, etc., has been used, a note should be made of this fact. To her list of supplies that have become exhausted since her preceding marketing day should be added the fresh fruits, vegetables, and other perishable foods needed for the next day or preferably for the next two days if they can be kept.

5. It is only with proper preparation that the housewife may expect her marketing trips to be successful. If she starts to market with merely two or three items in mind and then tries to think of what she needs as she orders, not only does she waste the grocer's time, but her marketing trip will be a failure. After she arrives home, she will find that there are other things she should have purchased, and the grocer will be forced to make an extra delivery to bring them to her. This is more than she has a right to expect, for the grocer should not be obliged to pay for her lack of planning.

6. To purchase economically, it is advisable, when possible, to buy at a cash grocery and to pay cash for what is bought. When this is done, one is not helping to pay the grocer for accounts he is unable to collect.

It is a fortunate grocer who is able to collect 80 per cent. of his bills from his patrons when he conducts his business on the credit plan.

However, if it is desired to deal with a credit grocer, all bills should be paid at least once a month. No customer has a right to expect the grocer to wait longer than 30 days for his money.

In many of the cities and large towns, some credit grocers have adopted what is called the "cash-and-carry plan." All customers, whether they buy for cash or on credit, must pay the same price for groceries, but those who wish their goods delivered must pay additional for delivery and those who buy on credit must pay a certain percentage additional on each purchase for bookkeeping. It will readily be seen that such a plan gives the cash customers, especially if they carry their purchases, a decided advantage over credit customers. Also, the grocer is better able to sell his wares at a lower price than the credit grocer who makes free deliveries and no charge for bookkeeping.


7. NECESSITY FOR KEEPING ACCOUNTS.--Practically every family is limited to a definite sum of money that may be spent for food. The first consideration, then, while it may not be the most important one, is that of making each dollar buy all that it possibly can in order that the income may meet all the demands upon it. Various conditions arise that affect the proportion of the income to be used for this purpose. For instance, two women whose husbands have equal incomes would, under the same conditions, have an equal amount of money to spend for food, but as a rule there is something to cause this amount to become unequal. One woman may have two children in her family while the other has none, a condition that means, of course, that the woman with the children will have less money to spend for food and with that money she must feed more persons. Her family must be, if possible, as well nourished as the other one. In order to accomplish this task, it will be necessary to supply all the required food material in a form that will cost less than the food purchased by the woman who has a smaller family to feed and clothe.

An excellent way in which to keep expenses down and consequently to live within one's income is to keep a simple record of household expenses.

Such a record will enable every housewife to determine just what each item of household necessities costs and whether or not the proportion of cost to income is correct. To keep a record of expenditures will not prove much of a task if it is done systematically, for a few minutes a day will be sufficient time in which to keep accounts up to date.

However, if account keeping is attempted, it should not be neglected even for a day, for it will soon a.s.sume the proportions of a large task and will have a tendency to discourage the housewife with this part of her work.

8. EQUIPMENT FOR HOUSEHOLD ACCOUNT KEEPING.--For convenience in keeping household accounts, a small desk like the one shown in Fig. 1 should, if possible, be secured and placed in an unoccupied or convenient corner of the kitchen. Here can be kept cook books, recipes, suitable books or cards for account keeping, the marketing pad, a file for bills from the grocer and the butcher, labels for cans and jars, etc. Here may also be placed an extension telephone, which, by being so convenient, will save the housewife many steps. A white desk with a chair to match is the most attractive kind to select for kitchen use, but a dark one may be used if preferred. The desk ill.u.s.trated was a simple wooden one that was enameled white after it was bought, but it is possible to buy white desks for this purpose. A small, plain table will, of course, answer very well if no desk is available and it is desired not to buy one.

Chapter 163 : BEVERAGES EXAMINATION QUESTIONS (1) What is a beverage?(2) What does boiling do to: (_
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