The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States
Chapter 9 : Ovary 2--several-celled.Anthers opening by pores at the apex; style 1.MELASTOMACEae, 183

Ovary 2--several-celled.

Anthers opening by pores at the apex; style 1.


Anthers not opening by pores.

Stamens on a flat disk which covers the ovary.


Stamens inserted on the calyx.

Eight or four (rarely five); style 1. ONAGRACEae, 186

Five or ten; styles 2--3, distinct. SAXIFRAGACEae, 168

Ovules and seeds only one in each cell.

Stamens 10 or 5 (instead of many),-- rarely in Crataegus, in ROSACEae, 165

Stamens 2 or 8; style 1; stigma 2--4-lobed; herbs.


Stamens 4 or 8; aquatics; styles or sessile stigmas 4.


Perfect stamens 4; styles 2; shrub. HAMAMELIDEae, 179

Stamens 4; style and stigma 1; chiefly shrubs. CORNACEae, 213

Stamens 5; flowers in umbels, or rarely in heads.

Fruit dry, splitting in two at maturity; styles 2.


Fruit berry-like; styles 2--5, separate or united.


Division II. GAMOPETALOUS calyx and corolla both present; the latter with its petals united more or less into one piece.

[A.] _Stamens more numerous than the lobes of the corolla._

Ovary 1-celled with one parietal placenta. LEGUMINOSae, 122

Ovary 1-celled with two parietal placentae.

Adlumia, &c., in Fumariaceae, 60

Ovary 1-celled with the ovules at the centre or base. STYRACACEae, 333

Ovary 2-celled with a single ovule in each cell. POLYGALACEae, 120

Ovary 3--many-celled.

Stamens free or nearly free from the corolla; style single.

ERICACEae, 309

Stamens free from the corolla; styles 5. Oxalis, in GERANIACEae, 105

Stamens inserted on the base or tube of the corolla.

Filaments monadelphous; anthers 1-celled, kidney-shaped.


Filaments 1--5-adelphous at base; anthers 2-celled.

Calyx free from the ovary. TERNSTRMIACEae, 96

Calyx coherent with the ovary or with its base. STYRACACEae, 333

Filaments wholly distinct; calyx free, persistent. EBENACEae, 333

Filaments in pairs at each sinus; anthers 1-celled.


[B.] _Stamens (fertile ones) as many as the lobes of the corolla and opposite them._

Ovary 5-celled; corolla appendaged with scales inside. SAPOTACEae, 332

Ovary 1-celled; pod several--many-seeded; style 1. PRIMULACEae, 328

Ovary 1-celled; utricle 1-seeded; styles 5. PLUMBAGINACEae, 327

[C.] _Stamens as many as the lobes of the corolla and alternate with them, or fewer._

[1.] _Ovary adherent to the calyx-tube (inferior)._

Tendril-bearing herbs; anthers often united. CUCURBITACEae, 194

Tendrils none.

Stamens united by their anthers into a ring or tube.

Flowers in an involucrate head. COMPOSITae, 230

Flowers separate, not involucrate; corolla irregular.


Stamens separate, free from the corolla or nearly so, as many as its lobes; stipules none; juice milky. CAMPANULACEae, 307

Stamens separate, inserted on the corolla,

Chapter 9 : Ovary 2--several-celled.Anthers opening by pores at the apex; style 1.MELASTOMACEae, 183
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