The Koran
Chapter 100 : And how many cities have we destroyed that flourished in wanton ease! And these their

And how many cities have we destroyed that flourished in wanton ease! And these their dwellings have not been inhabited since their time save by a few, and it is we who became their heirs.

But thy Lord did not destroy the cities till He had sent an apostle to their mother-city to rehea.r.s.e our signs to its people: nor did we destroy the cities unless its people were unjust.

And all that hath been bestowed on you is merely for enjoyment and pomp of this life present: but that which is with G.o.d is better and more lasting.

Will ye not be wise?

Shall he then to whom we have promised a goodly promise and who obtaineth it, be as he on whom we have bestowed the enjoyments of this life present, and who on the day of Resurrection shall be brought up for punishment?

On that day will G.o.d cry to them and say, "Where are my companions, as ye supposed them?"

They on whom doom shall be justly p.r.o.nounced will say, "O our Lord! these are they whom we led astray: we led them astray even as we had been led astray ourselves: Thou hast no cause of blame against us: It was not we whom they wors.h.i.+pped.20

And it shall be said, "Call now on those whom ye made G.o.d's companions:" and they shall call on them, but they will not answer them. And they shall see the punishment, and wish that they had been guided aright.

And on that day shall G.o.d call to them and say, "How answered ye the apostles?"

But on that day they shall be too blinded with confusion to give an account,21 nor shall they ask it of one another.

Yet as to him who shall turn to G.o.d and believe and do the thing that is right, it may come to pa.s.s that he shall be among the happy.

And thy Lord createth what he will and hath a free choice. But they, the false G.o.ds, have no power to choose. Glory be to G.o.d! and high let him be exalted above those whom they a.s.sociate with him.

And thy Lord knoweth what their b.r.e.a.s.t.s conceal and what they bring to light.

And He is G.o.d! There is no G.o.d but He! His, all praise in this life and in the next, and His the power supreme,22 and to Him shall ye be brought back!

SAY: What think ye? If G.o.d should enshroud you with a long night until the day of resurrection, what G.o.d beside G.o.d would bring you light? Will ye not then hearken?

SAY: What think ye? If G.o.d should make it one long day for you until the day of resurrection, what G.o.d but G.o.d could bring you the night in which to take your rest? Will ye not then see?

Of His mercy he hath made for you the night that ye may take your rest in it; and the day that ye may seek what ye need out of his bounteous supplies, and that ye may give thanks.

One day G.o.d will call to them and say, "Where are my companions as ye supposed them?

And we will bring up a witness out of every nation and say, "Bring your proofs." And they shall know that the truth is with G.o.d alone, and the G.o.ds of their own devising shall desert them.

Now Korah23 was of the people of Moses: but he behaved haughtily toward them; for we had given him such treasure that its keys would have burdened a company of men of strength. When his people said to him, "Exult not, for G.o.d loveth not those who exult;

But seek, by means of what G.o.d hath given thee, to attain the future Mansion; and neglect not thy part in this world, but be bounteous to others as G.o.d hath been bounteous to thee, and seek not to commit excesses on the earth; for G.o.d loveth not those who commit excesses:"

He said, "It hath been given me only on account of the knowledge that is in me." Did he not know that G.o.d had destroyed before him generations that were mightier than he in strength and had ama.s.sed more abundant wealth? But the wicked shall not be asked of their crimes.

And Korah went forth to his people in his pomp. Those who were greedy for this present life said, "Oh that we had the like of that which hath been bestowed on Korah! Truly he is possessed of great good fortune."

But they to whom knowledge had been given said, "Woe to you! the reward of G.o.d is better for him who believeth and worketh righteousness, and none shall win it but those who have patiently endured."

And we clave the earth for him and for his palace, and he had no forces, in the place of G.o.d,24 to help him, nor was he among those who are succoured.

And in the morning those who the day before had coveted his lot said, "Aha!

G.o.d enlargeth supplies to whom he pleaseth of his servants, or is sparing.

Had not G.o.d been gracious to us, He had caused it to cleave for us. Aha! the ungrateful can never prosper."

As to this future mansion, we will bestow it on those who seek not to exalt them in the earth or to do wrong: And there is a happy issue for the G.o.d- fearing.

Whoso doeth good shall have reward beyond its merits, and whoso doeth evil, they who do evil shall be rewarded only as they shall have wrought.

He who hath sanctioned the Koran to thee will certainly bring thee to thy home.25 SAY: My Lord best knoweth who hath guidance, and who is in undoubted error.

Thou didst never expect that the Book would be given thee. Of thy Lord's mercy only hath it been sent down. Be not thou helpful then to the unbelievers:

Neither let them turn thee aside from the signs of G.o.d after they have been sent down to thee, but bid men to thy Lord; and be not among those who add G.o.ds to G.o.d:

And call not on any other G.o.d with G.o.d. There is no G.o.d but He! Everything shall perish except Himself! Judgment is His, and to Him shall ye return!


1 See Sura lxviii. 1, p. 32.

2 Lit. Imams.

3 Comp. [xci.] ii. 58.

4 That is, This child will be a comfort to us. See Sura [lviii.] xix. 26.

5 "Why must the nurse be a Hebrew woman? (Ex. ii. 7.) This shews that he refused the breast of all the Egyptian women. For the Holy, blessed be He, had said, Shall the mouth that is to speak with me suck an unclean thing?"

Sotah. xii. 2.

6 Lit. in the time of neglect on the part of its people, i.e. at the hour of the noon sleep.

7 Lit. I have acted unjustly to my soul.

8 Comp. Ex. ii. 16, 17, where the daughters are said to be seven.

9 That is, of a wife.

10 The compact (Gen. xxix. 15-39) between Laban and Jacob must have been present to the mind of Muhammad when composing this tale.

11 Lit. he was cried to. According to Muhammad, Moses had resolved to quit Madian previously to the Vision of the Bush, which, according to Ex. iii., was the real occasion.

12 Lit. thy wing.

13 Lit. kindle upon the clay. Comp. [lxxviii.] xl. 38-49. "He (Pharaoh) said to them: From the first have ye spoken an untruth, for Lord of the Worlds am I. I created myself and the Nile, as it is said (Ez. xxix. 3), 'My river is mine own and I have made it for myself."' (E.T.) Mid. Rab. on Ex. Par. 5.

14 So that the oral traditions would be easily handed down.

15 Or, yet have we sent thee as an Apostle to them.

16 Supply, we will not believe.

Chapter 100 : And how many cities have we destroyed that flourished in wanton ease! And these their
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