The Koran
Chapter 161 : This, for that they believe not in G.o.d and His Apostle! And G.o.d guideth not the un
This, for that they believe not in G.o.d and His Apostle! And G.o.d guideth not the unG.o.dly people.
They who were left at home were delighted to stay behind G.o.d's Apostle, and were averse from contending with their riches and their persons for the cause of G.o.d, and said, "March not out in the heat." SAY: A fiercer heat will be the fire of h.e.l.l." Would that they understood this.
Little, therefore, let them laugh, and much let them weep, as the meed of their doings!
If G.o.d bring thee back from the fight to some of them, and they ask thy leave to take the field, SAY: By no means shall ye ever take the field with me, and by no means shall ye fight an enemy with me: ye were well pleased to sit at home at the first crisis: sit ye at home, then, with those who lag behind.
Never pray thou over anyone of them who dieth, or stand at his grave31- because they believed not in G.o.d and His Apostle, and died in their wickedness.
Let not their riches or their children astonish thee: through these G.o.d is fain only to punish them in this world, and that their souls should depart while they are still infidels.
When a Sura was sent down with "Believe in G.o.d and go forth to war with His Apostle," those of them who are possessed of riches demanded exemption, and said, "Allow us to be with those who sit at home.
Well content were they to be with those who stay behind: for a seal hath been set on their hearts so that they understand not:-
But the Apostle and those who share his faith, contend for the faith with purse and person; and these! all good things await them: and these are they who shall be happy.
G.o.d hath made ready for them gardens 'neath which the rivers flow, wherein they shall remain for ever: this will be the great bliss.
Some Arabs of the desert came with excuses, praying exemption; and they who had gainsaid G.o.d and His Apostle sat at home: a grievous punishment shall light on such of them as believe not.
It shall be no crime in the weak, and in the sick, and in those who find not the means of contributing, to stay at home, provided they are sincere with G.o.d and His Apostle. Against those who act virtuously, there is no cause of blame: and G.o.d is Gracious, Merciful:-
Nor against those, to whom when they came to thee that thou shouldst mount them, thou didst say "I find not wherewith to mount you," and they turned away their eyes shedding floods of tears for grief, because they found no means to contribute.
Only is there cause of blame against those who, though they are rich, ask thee for exemption. They are pleased to be with those who stay behind; and G.o.d hath set a seal upon their hearts: they have no knowledge.
They will excuse themselves to you when ye come back to them. SAY: Excuse yourselves not; we cannot believe you: now hath G.o.d informed us about you: G.o.d will behold your doings, and so will His Apostle: to Him who knoweth alike things hidden and things manifest shall ye hereafter be brought back: and He will tell you what ye have done.
They will adjure you by G.o.d when ye are come back to them, to withdraw from them: Withdraw from them, then, for they are unclean: their dwelling shall be h.e.l.l, in recompense for their deserts.
They will adjure you to take pleasure in them; but if ye take pleasure in them, G.o.d truly will take no pleasure in those who act corruptly.
The Arabs of the desert are most stout in unbelief and dissimulation; and likelier it is that they should be unaware of the laws which G.o.d hath sent down to His Apostle: and G.o.d is Knowing, Wise.
Of the Arabs of the desert there are some who reckon what they expend in the cause of G.o.d as tribute, and wait for some change of fortune to befall you: a change for evil shall befall them! G.o.d is the Hearer, the Knower.
And of the Arabs of the desert, some believe in G.o.d and in the last day, and deem those alms an approach to G.o.d and to the Apostle's prayers. Are they not their approach? Into His mercy shall G.o.d lead them: yes, G.o.d is Indulgent, Merciful.
As for those who led the way, the first of the Mohadjers,32 and the Ansars, and those who have followed their n.o.ble conduct, G.o.d is well pleased with them, and they with Him: He hath made ready for them gardens under whose trees the rivers flow: to abide therein for aye: this shall be the great bliss:
And of the Arabs of the desert round about you, some are hypocrites: and of the people of Medina, some are stubborn in hypocrisy. Thou knowest them not, Muhammad: we know them: twice33 will we chastise them: then shall they be given over to a great chastis.e.m.e.nt.
Others have owned their faults, and with an action that is right they have mixed another that is wrong. G.o.d will haply be turned to them: for G.o.d is Forgiving, Merciful.
Take alms of their substance,34 that thou mayst cleanse and purify them thereby, and pray for them; for thy prayers shall a.s.sure their minds: and G.o.d Heareth, Knoweth.
Know they not that when his servants turn to Him with repentance, G.o.d accepteth it, and that He accepteth alms, and that G.o.d is He who turneth, the Merciful?
SAY: Work ye: but G.o.d will behold your work, and so will His Apostle, and the faithful: and ye shall be brought before Him who knoweth alike the Hidden and the Manifest, and He will tell you of all your works.
And others await the decision of G.o.d; whether He will punish them, or whether He will be turned unto them: but G.o.d is Knowing, Wise.
There are some35 who have built a Mosque for mischief36 and for infidelity, and to disunite the faithful, and in expectation of him37 who, in time past, warred against G.o.d and His Apostle. They will surely swear, "Our aim was only good:" but G.o.d is witness that they are liars.
Never set thou foot in it.38 There is a Mosque39 founded from its first day in piety. More worthy is it that thou enter therein: therein are men who aspire to purity, and G.o.d loveth the purified.
Which of the two is best? He who hath founded his building on the fear of G.o.d and the desire to please Him, or he who hath founded his building on the brink of an undermined bank washed away by torrents, so that it rusheth with him into the fire of h.e.l.l? But G.o.d guideth not the doers of wrong.
Their building which they40 have built will not cease to cause uneasiness in their hearts, until their hearts are cut in pieces.41 G.o.d is Knowing, Wise.
Verily, of the faithful hath G.o.d bought their persons and their substance, on condition of Paradise for them in return: on the path of G.o.d shall they fight, and slay, and be slain: a Promise for this is pledged in the Law, and in the Evangel, and in the Koran-and who more faithful, in to his engagement than G.o.d? Rejoice, therefore, in the contract that ye have contracted: for this shall be the great bliss.
Those who turn to G.o.d, and those who serve, who praise, who fast, who bow down, who prostrate themselves, who enjoin what is just and forbid what is evil, and keep to the bounds42 of G.o.d ...43 Wherefore bear these good tidings to the faithful.
It is not for the prophet or the faithful to pray for the forgiveness of those, even though they be of kin, who a.s.sociate other beings with G.o.d, after it hath been made clear to them that they are to be the inmates of h.e.l.l.
For neither did Abraham ask forgiveness for his father, but in pursuance of a promise which he had promised to him: but when it was shewn him that he was an enemy to G.o.d, he declared himself clear of him. Yet Abraham was pitiful, kind.
Nor is it for G.o.d to lead a people into error, after he hath guided them aright, until that which they ought to dread hath been clearly shewn them.
Verily, G.o.d knoweth all things.
G.o.d! His the kingdom of the Heavens and of the Earth! He maketh alive and killeth! Ye have no patron or helper save G.o.d.
Now hath G.o.d turned Him unto the Prophet and unto the refugees (Mohadjers), and unto the helpers (Ansars)44, who followed him in the hour of distress, after that the hearts of a part of them had well nigh failed them45. Then turned He unto them, for He was Kind to them, Merciful.
He hath also turned Him unto the three46 who were left behind, so that the earth, s.p.a.cious as it is, became too strait for them; and their souls became so straitened within them, that they bethought them that there was no refuge from G.o.d but unto Himself. Then was He turned to them, that they might be turned to Him, for G.o.d is He that turneth, the Merciful.
Believers!47 fear G.o.d, and be with the sincere.
No cause had the people of Medina and the Arabs of the desert around them, to abandon G.o.d's Apostle, or to prefer their own lives to his; because neither thirst, nor the labour nor hunger, could come upon them when on path of G.o.d;48 neither do they step a step which may anger the unbelievers, neither do they receive from the enemy any damage, but it is written down to them as a good work. Verily, G.o.d suffereth not the reward of the righteous to perish.
Nor give they alms either small or great, nor traverse they a torrent, but it is thus reckoned to them; that G.o.d may reward them with better than they have wrought.
The faithful must not march forth all together to the wars: and if a party of every band of them march not out, it is that they may instruct themselves in their religion, and may warn their people when they come back to them, that they take heed to themselves.
Believers! wage war against such of the infidels as are your neighbours, and let them find you rigorous: and know that G.o.d is with those who fear him.
Whenever a Sura is sent down, there are some of them who say, "Whose faith hath it increased?" It will increase the faith of those who believe, and they shall rejoice.
But as to those in whose hearts is a disease, it will add doubt to their doubt, and they shall die infidels.
Do they not see that they are proved every year once or twice? Yet they turn not, neither are they warned.
And whenever a Sura is sent down, they look at one another... . "Doth any one see you?" then turn they aside. G.o.d shall turn their hearts aside, because they are a people devoid of understanding.
Now hath an Apostle come unto you from among yourselves: your iniquities press heavily upon him. He is careful over you, and towards the faithful, compa.s.sionate, merciful.
If they turn away, SAY: G.o.d sufficeth me: there is no G.o.d but He. In Him put I my trust. He is the possessor of the Glorious Throne!