Plain English
Chapter 73 : 1. John and Henry are going home.2. Music and painting are fine arts.3. The grounds and
1. John and Henry are going home.
2. Music and painting are fine arts.
3. The grounds and buildings of our public schools have cost millions.
4. The time calls for brave men and women.
5. We struggle for truth and freedom.
6. Will you study English or arithmetic?
7. Education and organization are necessary for success.
8. We must learn the truth about production and distribution.
9. We demand justice and liberty.
10. The great struggle is between the working cla.s.s and the ruling cla.s.s.
+337.+ +Co-ordinate conjunctions may also connect p.r.o.nouns.+
These are used in the same way as nouns,--either as subject or object.
Nouns have the same form whether used as subject or object. p.r.o.nouns, however, have different forms when used as the object. Here is where we often make mistakes in the use of p.r.o.nouns. When the p.r.o.nouns are connected by co-ordinate conjunctions they are of the same rank and are used in the same construction;--if they are used as subjects both must be used in the subject form;--if they are used as objects, both must be used in the object form. For example, it is incorrect to say, _He told the story to her and I_. Here _her_ is properly used in the object form, for it is the object of the preposition _to_; the p.r.o.noun _I_ connected with _her_ by the use of the conjunction _and_ is also the object of the preposition _to_, and the object form should be used. You would not say, _He told the story to I_. The sentence should read, _He told the story to her and me_.
Co-ordinate conjunctions may connect two p.r.o.nouns used as the _subject_ of a sentence, as for example:
_She_ and _I_ arrived today.
Co-ordinate conjunctions may connect two p.r.o.nouns used as the _object_ of the verb, as for example:
Did you call _her_ or _me_?
Co-ordinate conjunctions may connect two p.r.o.nouns used as the object of the _preposition_, as:
He gave that to _you_ and _me_.
Exercise 4
Study closely the following sentences and correct those in which the wrong form of the p.r.o.noun is used.
1. He and I are old friends.
2. Did you ask him or me?
3. They promised him and I that they would come.
4. Find the place for she and me.
5. Me and him will get it for you and she.
6. She and I will go with you.
7. You and I must decide matters for ourselves.
8. You will find him and her to be loyal comrades.
+338.+ +Co-ordinate conjunctions are also used to connect verbs.+ Verbs connected in this way have the same subject; and with the use of the conjunction to connect the verbs, we save repeating the subject.
He _reads_ and _studies_ constantly.
In this sentence _reads_ and _studies_ are words of the same kind and of the same rank; either could be omitted and the other would make a predicate for the sentence. They are of equal importance in the sentence and are connected by the conjunction _and_. They have a single subject, the p.r.o.noun _he_.
This is called a compound predicate.
In the sentence, _He reads constantly_, we have a simple predicate, the single verb _reads_; but in the sentence, _He reads and studies constantly_, we have a compound predicate, compound of the two verbs _reads_ and _studies_. A sentence may have both a compound subject and a compound predicate. As, for example:
John and James read and study constantly.
In this sentence _John_ and _James_ is the compound subject of both the verbs, _read_ and _study_. So we have a compound subject and a compound predicate.
Exercise 5
Notice the verbs in the following sentences connected by co-ordinate conjunctions. Draw lines under each compound predicate.
1. The days come _and_ go in a ceaseless round.
2. The brave man dreams _and_ dares to live the dream.
3. The coward dreams _but_ dares not live the dream.
4. We produce splendidly _but_ distribute miserably.
5. The bought press twists _and_ distorts the facts.
6. Only a traitor aids _or_ supports the enemy.
7. We agitate _and_ educate for the cause of liberty.
+339.+ +Co-ordinate conjunctions are used to connect adjectives.+
In this way we use a number of adjectives to modify the same word without tiresome repet.i.tion. When several adjectives are used to modify the same word, the conjunction is used only between the last two adjectives. As, for example:
A _simple_, _clear_ and _concise_ course has been prepared.
Exercise 6
In the following sentences, underscore the adjectives which are connected by co-ordinate conjunctions.
1. The plains of France are covered with the dead and dying soldiers.
2. Education should be both universal and free.
3. They are faithful and loyal comrades.
4. This was only our just and legal right.
5. Old and h.o.a.ry was the man who sat on the stool by the fireless and G.o.dless altar.
6. The service of humanity is a sweet and n.o.ble task.
7. We must be brave and true.
8. He lived a n.o.ble and courageous life.
9. All was old and cold and mournful.
10. Most powerful and eloquent is the voice of the disinherited.