Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 4 : adversity, n. misfortune, buffeting, disaster, affliction, reverses, trouble.advertise,

adversity, n. misfortune, buffeting, disaster, affliction, reverses, trouble.

advertise, v. announce, publish, proclaim, trumpet.

advertis.e.m.e.nt, n. announcement.

advice, n. counsel, admonition, monition, recommendation; information, tidings, report. a.s.sociated Words: admonitory, mentorial, monitorial.

advisable, a. expedient, desirable, befitting. Antonym: inadvisable.

advise, v. counsel, admonish, warn; apprise, inform, notify, acquaint, tell; advise with, consult, confer.

advisedly, adv. purposely, intentionally, designedly, deliberately, knowingly.

advis.e.m.e.nt, n. consideration, deliberation, consultation.

adviser, n. counselor, mentor, monitor, admonitor.

advocate, n. defender, apologist, vindicator, propagandist, upholder, promoter.

aerial, a. atmospheric; aeriform, vaporous, ethereal, empyreal, empyrean.

affability, n. courteousness, civility, complaisance, sociability, graciousness.

affable, a. courteous, sociable, gracious, cordial, benign, complaisant, accessible. Antonyms: inaffable, discourteous.

affect, v. act upon, move, touch, influence, melt; concern, bear upon, interest; dispose, turn, incline.

affectation, n. mannerism, pretension, puppetry, simulation.

affected, a. a.s.sumed, feigned, simulated, unnatural. Antonyms: unaffected, sincere, natural, unfeigned.

affecting, a. touching, moving, pathetic, piteous.

affectionate, a. devoted, fond, loving, ardent.

affidavit, n. deposition. a.s.sociated Words: affiant, deponent, jurant, depose.

affiliation, n. adoption, connection, a.s.sociation.

affirm, v. a.s.sert (positively), aver, a.s.severate, state.

affirmation, n. a.s.sertion, averment, a.s.severation.

affirmative, a. confirmative, ratifying, approving.

affix, v. subjoin, annex, append.

afflict, v. persecute, distress, scourge, trouble, hara.s.s.

affliction, n. tribulation, adversity, trouble, buffeting, bereavement, hards.h.i.+p, visitation, scourge, distress, misfortune.

affront, n. indignity, insult, outrage, contumely, offense.

aflutter, a. agitated, perturbed, discomposed, excited. Antonyms: calm, composed.

aforethought, a. designed, prepense, premeditated, deliberate, intentional.

aforethought, n. premeditation.

afraid, a. alarmed, fearful, timid, timorous, apprehensive, scared, diffident. Antonyms: fearless, unafraid, intrepid, bold, undaunted, temerarious.

afresh, adv. again, anew, _de novo_, newly.

after, a. next, subsequent, succeeding, following, later.

after all. nevertheless.

afterbirth, n. secundines; heam (afterbirth of a beast).

after-birth, a. post-natal.

after-death, a. post-mortem, posthumous.

after-dinner, a. post-prandial.

after-marriage, a. post-nuptial, post-connubial.

aftermath, n. rowen, eddish, lattermath, eagra.s.s, etch rowett.

afternoon, a. post-meridian.

after the flood. post-diluvian, post-diluvial.

after the war. post-bellum.

age, n. maturity, seniority; epoch, period, time; century; eon; climacteric; old age, dotage, senescence, senility, decrepitude, superannuation; longevity. a.s.sociated Words: nostology, geratology, geromorphism, coetaneous, coeval, contemporaneous.

agency, n. instrumentality, operation, action, mediation, means.

agent, n. representative, canva.s.ser, subst.i.tute, deputy, factor, procurator, syndic, go-between, commissioner, proctor, emissary, envoy, solicitor, negotiator. Antonyms: princ.i.p.al, chief.

aggrandize, v. exalt.

aggrandizement, n. exaltation.

aggravate, v. intensify, heighten, enhance, increase; exasperate, irritate, provoke.

aggravation, n. enhancement, heightening; (Colloq.) exasperation, provocation, irritation.

Chapter 4 : adversity, n. misfortune, buffeting, disaster, affliction, reverses, trouble.advertise,
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