Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 20 : binding, n. ligature, ligsation, astriction, constriction bandage; obligation, reestrai

binding, n. ligature, ligsation, astriction, constriction bandage; obligation, reestraint, restriction; galloon swaddling.

binding, a. astringent, astrictive; obligatory, valid. Antonyms: optional, elective.

bird, n. (young) fledgeling, nestling; (one year old) annotine; squab; _rara avris_ (rare bird).

bird-catcher, n. fowler.

bird-catching, n. fowling, birding.

birds, n. pl. Aves; Avifauma. a.s.sociated Words: ornithology, ornithologist, ornithological, ornithotomy, ornithography, ornithoid, ornitholite, ornithon, ornithophilous, game, ornithic, aviary, avicular, aviculture, covey, neossology paleornithollogy, taxidermy, taxidermist, preen, rookery, cote, hutch, coop, cage, avian, poult, auspice, ariel, mute, Mallophaga.

birr. n. whirring.

birth n. nativity; origin, beginning, nascency, genesis; extraction, lineage; (new birth) regeneration, renaissance, regenesis, palingenesis.

a.s.sociated Words: natal, native, pre-natal, post-natal, ante-natal, abortion, congenital, connate, connascent, connascence, horoscope, genial, genethliac, genethlialogy, genethliacs, sooterkin, uniparous, biparous, pluriparous, viable, viability, primiparous, natality.

birthday poem. genethliac.

birthmark, n. naevus.

birthright, n. inheritance.

bis.e.xual, a. hermaphrodite.

bishop, n. diocesan, prelate; suffragan, coadjutor, metropolitan.

a.s.sociated Words: episcopal, episcopacy, bishopdom, episcopicide, crosier, chimere, episcopate, rochet, gremial.

bishopric, n. diocese, see.

bit, n. morsel, fragment, sc.r.a.p, crumb; mite, ace, scintilla, particle, whit, iota, t.i.ttle, grain, atom, jot, molecule, speck, mote.

bit by bit. piecemeal.

b.i.t.c.h, n. s.l.u.t; wh.o.r.e.

bite, v. champ, nibble, chew; sting, smart, tingle; take hold of, adhere; nip, blight, blast.

bite, n. mouthful; wheal.

biting, a. stinging, sharp, cutting, sarcastic, caustic, scathing, bitter, satirical, pungent, piquant; nipping, blasting; erosive, corrosive, acrid, mordant.

bitter, a. acrid, acerb; poignant, intense; calamitous, distressing, virulent, acrimonious; implacable.

bitterness, n. acridity, acerbity; gall, wormwood; poignancy, intensity, severity; rancor, malice, malignity, implacableness.

bizarre, a. fantastic, whimsical, grotesque.

blab, n. babbler, blabber, telltale.--v. tell, tattle.

black, a. sable, ebon, inky, Stygian, Cimmerian, lowering, murky; Ethiopian, Papuan, negro.

black, n. stain, smooch; Ethiopian, Papuan, negro.

black and blue. livid, ecchymosed.

black and blue spot. ecchymosis, suggillation.

black art. necromancy, conjuration, magic, sorcery.

blacken, v. darken, denigrate; begrime, besmirch, tarnish, discolor; defame, malign.

blackguard, n. scoundrel, rascal, villain, ruffian.

blackguard, a. vicious, scurrilous, opprobrious, foul.

blackguardism, n. ruffianism, scoundrelism, rascality; scurrility, billingsgate.

blackhearted, a. villainous, abandoned, reprobate, diabolical, base, depraved.

black lead. graphite, plumbago.

blackleg, n. (Colloq.) gambler, gamester (disreputable).

blackness, n. black, nigritude; atrocity, heinousness, depravity.

Black Sea. Euxine.

blacksmith, n. ironsmith, farrier, horsesh.o.e.r. a.s.sociated Words: Hephestian, anvil.

blacksmith's shop. smithy, smithery, farriery, st.i.thy, forge.

black vomit. melenemesis.

bladder, n. a.s.sociated Words: cyst.i.tis, cystic, cystocele, cystose, cystolith, cystotomy, lithotomy, lithotomist, endoscope, endoscopy, prostate, catheter, litholysis, utricular, lithotrity, lithotome, utriculate.

blade, n. leaf (of a plant), spire (of gra.s.s); buck, gallant, dandy.

blamable, a. culpable, censurable, reprehensible, blameworthy.

blame, v. censure, reproach.

blame, n. censure, reproach, reprehension, condemnation, stricture, animadversion, reproof; culpability, reprehensibility, demerit, wrongdoing, fault.

blameless, a. guiltless, irreprehensible, inculpable, unimpeachable, faultless, irreproachable.

blameworthy, a. censurable, blamable.

bland, a. suave, mollifying, affable, complaisant; soothing, emollient, demulsive, a.s.suasive.

Chapter 20 : binding, n. ligature, ligsation, astriction, constriction bandage; obligation, reestrai
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