Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 25 : boundless, a. illimitable, unbounded, vast, immense, limitless.bounteous, a. bountiful,

boundless, a. illimitable, unbounded, vast, immense, limitless.

bounteous, a. bountiful, generous, liberal, munificent.

bountiful, a. liberal, free-hearted, generous; plentiful, abundant, copious, unstinted, ample.

bounty, n. generosity, liberality, munificence, beneficence; premium, bonus, reward.

bouquet, n. nosegay; boutonniere (b.u.t.tonhole bouquet).

bourne, n. destination, goal; stream, rivulet; boundary, bound.

bout, n. round, turn; contest, set-to, conflict.

bow, v. bend, curve, crook; prostrate, overwhelm, crush, abase, yield, obey, submit, be obeisant; incline, nod.

bow, n. nod; obeisance; salam; conge; stern, prow, beak; courtesy, curtsy.

bow and arrows. a.s.sociated Words: archery, archer, toxophilite, crossbow, quiver, centaur, ascham, belomancy, bowman, Sagittarius, sagittary, arbelest, vireton.

bowels, n. pl. intestines, entrails, inwards; caec.u.m, colon, r.e.c.t.u.m; recesses, _penetralia_.

bower, n. arbor.

bowl, n. dish, beaker, mortar.

bow-legged, a. bandy-legged.

bowman, n. archer.

bow-shaped, a. arcuate, arcuated.

box, n. receptacle, chest, case, coffer, carton, caddy, bandbox, casket, caisson; ciborium, pyx; binnacle; slap, cuff, buffet, stroke.

box, v. slap, cuff; spar.

boxing, n. sparring.

boy, n. lad, youngster, stripling, master, youth, son, minor, junior, youngling, cadet, chap, urchin, bub, sprig, callant, younker, hobbledehoy; gamin, gutter-snipe.

boyhood, n. youth, juvenility, juniority, nonage, minority.

boyish, a. juvenile, immature, childish, youthful.

boy-servant, n. page, footboy; groom, hostler, lackey.

brace, v. prop, support, fortify, b.u.t.tress, stay, sh.o.r.e; strengthen, invigorate.

brace, n. prop, support, sh.o.r.e, strut, stay, stanchion; tension; pair, two.

bracer, n. tonic, invigorant; stiffener, support, prop.

bracing, a. invigorating, strengthening, stimulating.

bracket, n. console, corbel, strut, modillion, cantalever; pl.


brag, v. boast, vaunt, vapor. Antonyms: disparage, decry, belittle, depreciate.

brag, n. boasting, self-glorification, vaunt, gasconade braggadocio, bravado, vaporing. Antonyms: disparagement, detraction, decrial, depreciation.

braggadocio, n. brag, boasting; boaster, braggart.

braggart, n. boaster, rodomont, gascon, vaunter, vaporer, bl.u.s.terer, braggadocio, bouncer.

braid, n. plait; queue, pigtail.--v. plait, plat, entwine, interlace.

brain, n. cerebrum; cerebellum; encephalon. a.s.sociated Words: cerebrology, encephalology, cerebrate, cerebric, lecithin, excerebration, cephalopathy, encephalitis, apoplexy, cerebral.

brain action. cerebration.

brain f.a.g. cerebropathy.

brainless, a. anencephalic, anencephalous; witless, silly, imbecile, idiotic.

brake, n. thicket.

branch, n. bough, limb; shoot, sprout, sprig, spray, twig, tiller, switch, sucker, stolen, offshoot; ramification; division, department, bureau, wing; tributary, affluent.

branch, v. ramify, divaricate, diverge, fork, bifurcate.

branch, a. tributary.

branching, a. forked, dendroid, dendritic, arborescent, furcated.

branching, n. ramification, divarication, divergence, forking, bifurcation, radiation, dichotomy.

brand, v. stigmatize.

brand, n. firebrand; kind, quality, grade, stigma.

branding, n. stigmatization.

brash, a. quick-tempered, irascible; brittle, crisp, fragile.

bra.s.s, n. (Colloq.) impudence, insolence, temerity, effrontery, audacity.

bra.s.s worker. brasier, brazier.

Chapter 25 : boundless, a. illimitable, unbounded, vast, immense, limitless.bounteous, a. bountiful,
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