Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 28 : brushwood, n. thicket, coppice, underbrush, brush.brutal, a. inhuman, cruel, fell, ruth

brushwood, n. thicket, coppice, underbrush, brush.

brutal, a. inhuman, cruel, fell, ruthless, truculent, unfeeling; beastly, b.e.s.t.i.a.l, brutish.

brutality, n. inhumanity, cruelty, truculence.

brute, n. beast; fiend, monster, ruffian, yahoo.

brute, a. irrational.

brutish, a. b.e.s.t.i.a.l, brutal, brute.

bubonic plague. polyadenitis.

buck, n. ram; beau, fop, blade, dandy.

bud, v. pullulate, germinate, bourgeon.

Buddha, n. Gautama Siddartha, Sakya Sinha.

budding, n. gemmification, bourgeoning, gemmation.

buffalo, n. bison; carabao (water buffalo).

bugaboo, n. ogre, bugbear, bogy, fright, bullbeggar.

bugbear, n. bugaboo, ogre, bogy, _bete noire_.

build, v. erect, construct, raise.

builder, n. architect; carpenter.

building, n. erection, construction; edifice, structure, pile; architecture.

businesslike, a. pragmatical.

bulging, a. protuberant, convex, gibbous.

bulgy, a. (Colloq.) bulging, gibbous, convex.

bulk, n. ma.s.s, size, dimensions, magnitude, bulkiness; majority, ma.s.s.

bulky, a. ma.s.sive, ponderous, big.

bull, n. Taurus; Minotaur; Apis. a.s.sociated Words: tauriform, taurine, bovine, bellow.

bulldoze, v. (Colloq.) intimidate, browbeat.

bullfight, n. a.s.sociated Words: arena, banderilla, banderillero, picadore.

bullfighter, n. matador, toreador, tauridor, capeador, tauromachian.

bullfighting, n. tauromachy.

bullhead, n. (Colloq.) dolt, lout, lubber, dunderhead, beetlehead.

bully, n. bl.u.s.terer, swaggerer, roisterer, rowdy, rough.

bully, a. (Slang) jolly, jovial; fine, excellent, good.

bully, v. browbeat, overbear, swagger, bl.u.s.ter, intimidate.

bullying, a. hectoring, swaggering, bl.u.s.tering.

bulwark, n. rampart, fortification; defense, palladium, s.h.i.+eld.

b.u.mp, v. jolt, jounce, thump.

b.u.mp, n. protuberance, prominence, lump, nodule, swelling.

b.u.mpkin, n. lout, boor, clodpoll, yokel, yahoo, hind.

b.u.mptious, a. (Colloq.) self-conceited, obtrusive, pus.h.i.+ng.

bunch, n. cl.u.s.ter, tuft, knot, tussock; raceme, racemation; protuberance, lump, nodule, hunch, b.u.mp; lot, collection, group, a.s.sortment, set.

bundle, n. parcel, package, bale, pack, budget, packet.

bung, n. stopper, tampoon, spigot, stopple; bunghole, vent.

bunghole, n. bung, vent, vent-hole.

bungling, a. unskillful, maladroit, inexpert, clumsy, inapt.

bunker, n. bin, receptacle, crib.

bunko, v. cheat, swindle, victimize.

burden, n. load, cargo; incubus, enc.u.mbrance, weight, impediment, trial, oppression; chorus, refrain.

burden, v. enc.u.mber, load, surcharge, oppress.

burial, n. interment, inhumation, sepulture, entombment. Antonyms: disinterment, exhumation.

burlesque, n. travesty, farce.

burn, v. scorch, scald, singe, char, sear, cauterize, brand, consume, incinerate; cremate, incremate.

burn, n. ambustion.

Chapter 28 : brushwood, n. thicket, coppice, underbrush, brush.brutal, a. inhuman, cruel, fell, ruth
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