Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 38 : clergyman, n. minister, divine, ecclesiastic, priest, pastor, parson, churchman, preach

clergyman, n. minister, divine, ecclesiastic, priest, pastor, parson, churchman, preacher, rector, curate, dominie, vicar, missionary, evangelist, patriarch, dean, bishop, chaplain, cleric, deacon, presbyter, imparsonee, kirkman, _padre_, _cure_, _abbe_. Antonym: layman.

clergyman's residence. parsonage, rectory, manse.

clerk, n. salesman, saleslady; accountant, recorder, registrar, prothonotary, amanuensis, bookkeeper. a.s.sociated Words: clerical, clerks.h.i.+p.

clever, a. adroit, skillful, expert, ingenious, deft, dexterous.

clients, n. pl. clientele.

cliff, n. crag, bluff, precipice; pl. palisades (line of bold cliffs).

climate, n. a.s.sociated Words: meteorology, phenology, climatology, acclimatable, acclimate, acclimation, acclimatize, acclimatization, climatic, climatize, climatography.

climax, n. culmination.

climb, v. clamber, scale.

climbing, a. scandent, scansorial.

cling, v. adhere, cleave, hold fast.

clip, v. shear, snip, nip, trim, prune, curtail.

clip, n. (Colloq.) blow, knock, thump, rap.

clique, n. coterie, circle.

cloak, n. mantle, coat, capuchin, dolman, palladium, pelisse; pretext, blind, mask.

cloak, v. conceal, mask, hide, veil, disguise.

clock, n. timepiece, timekeeper, horologe, horometer: clepsydra, isochronon; scarab, scarabee, beetle. a.s.sociated Words: horology, horography, horologiography., pendulum, strike, dial, tick.

clockmaker, n. horologist, horologer.

clodhopper, n. b.u.mpkin, boor, hind, lout, clown, yokel.

clog, v. impede, hamper, enc.u.mber, restrain, obstruct.

clog, n. shackle, dragweight, deadweight, enc.u.mbrance; sabot, chopine.

cloister, n. monastery, nunnery, convent, abbey, priory, cen.o.by.

cloisterer, n. cen.o.bite, recluse.

cloistral, a. monastic, cloistered, recluse.

close, a. oppressive, uncomfortable, muggy, unventilated; narrow, cramped; close-mouthed, secretive, reticent, reserved, uncommunicative, taciturn; dense, solid, compact, imporous; near, adjacent, adjoining; intimate, confidential; parsimonious, stingy, penurious n.i.g.g.ardly, miserly, illiberal, close-fisted; exact, literal, faithful; intent, a.s.siduous, fixed, intense.

close, v. shut, stop, occlude; conclude, finish, end, terminate; inclose, encompa.s.s, confine, environ; grapple, clinch; lute, calk.

close, n. conclusion, end; peroration; grapple; court, area, enclosure, inclosure, yard.

close-mouthed, a. wary, cautious, secretive, uncommunicative, reserved.

closeness, n. nearness, proximity, adjacency; density, compactness; intimacy; reticence, secretiveness; parsimony, stinginess, illiberality, penuriousness.

closet, n. private room; clothespress, ambry.

closing, a. concluding, final.

closing, n. stopping up, obstruction, blockade, occlusion; peroration.

clot, n. coagulation, coagulum.--v. coagulate.

cloth, n. fabric, material, drapery, textile, texture, woof, weft.

a.s.sociated Words: draper, drapery, drape.

clothe, v. dress, attire, array, gird, drape.

clothes, n. pl. dress, clothing, garments, vesture, attire, apparel, drapery, costume, raiment, garb, vestment, habiliments, regalia, uniform, livery, guise, wardrobe, rig, toggery, frippery, regimentals, paraphernalia; (clerical) vestments, canonicals; trousseau (bride's).

clothing, n. clothes, raiment. a.s.sociated Words: frippery, wardrobe, habilatory.

cloud, n. nebulosity, rack; cirrus, cat's-tail, mare's-tail; c.u.mulus, stratus, nimbus; cirro-c.u.mulus, cirro-stratus, c.u.mulo-stratus; storm scud, wane cloud; tarnish, blemish; eclipse, obscurity. a.s.sociated Words: nephology, meteorology, nubiferous, nephelodometer, nephelometer, nephoscope, nepheloid, nephograph.

cloud, v. overcast, becloud, obscure, shade, obfuscate; tarnish, sully, blacken.

cloudy, a. overcast, lowering, murky, overclouded, obscure, sullen, nebulous, hazy, dim; tarnished, indistinct, blurred; variegated, mottled.

cloven, a. bisulcate.

clover, n. trifolium, trefoil; alsike.

cloves, n. pl. a.s.sociated Words: eugenic, eugenin, clove, camphor, eugenol, caryophyllin.

clown, n. buffoon, jester, merry-andrew, zany, harlequin, droll, punch, mime, _farceur_, scaramouch, _grimacier_ jackpudding; boor, lout, gawk, gawky, lubber, put, b.u.mpkin, churl, carl, tike; rustic, hind, clodhopper, yokel, yahoo.

clownish, a. boorish, ungainly, awkward, loutish, churlish, gawky.

cloy, v. satiate, glut, surfeit, pall, sate.

club, n. cudgel, bludgeon, truncheon, bat, mace, staff, s.h.i.+llalah, waddy, bandy, k.n.o.bkerry; society, coterie, a.s.sociation, sorosis (woman's club).

club, v. cudgel, beat, pommel; club together, combine, cooperate.

club-bearer, n. claviger. a.s.sociated Word: clavigerous.

Chapter 38 : clergyman, n. minister, divine, ecclesiastic, priest, pastor, parson, churchman, preach
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