Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 40 : cogent, a. convincing, conclusive, forcible, influential.coheir, n. parcener.coheirs.h.

cogent, a. convincing, conclusive, forcible, influential.

coheir, n. parcener.

coheirs.h.i.+p, n. parcenary.

coherent, n. consistent, logical.

coil, n. convolution, intervolution; entanglement, toil, mesh, perplexity; querl.

coil, v. convolve, intervolve.

coin, n. quoin, corner, coigne, wedge, plug, key.

coin, n. specie, cash; medallion. a.s.sociated Words: numismatic, numismatics, numismatist, numismatology, jugata, engrailment, nurling, milling, brockage, numismatography, numismatologist, nummary, rouleau, nummular, nummulary.

coin, v. mint; neoterize, neologize; fabricate, invent, originate.

coinage, n. minting; neologism, neology, neoterism.

coincide, v. concur, correspond, agree, harmonize, tally.

coincidence, n. concurrence, correspondence, agreement.

coincident, a. concurrent, contemporaneous;--followed by _with_.

coiner, n. minter; neologist, neoterist.

cold, a. cool, chilly; frigid, gelid, icy; nipping, bleak, raw, frosty, freezing; unresponsive, phlegmatic, pa.s.sionless, chilling, stoical, apathetic, reserved.

cold, n. coldness, frigidity, gelidity, chilliness, algidity: catarrh.

cold-blooded, a. poikilothermal; deliberate.

colic, n. gripe, enteralgia, tormina.

collar, n. neckband, carcanet, ruff, ruche, collet, rabat, piccadilly, d.i.c.key, collarette.

collar-bone, n. clavicle.

collect, v. a.s.semble, acc.u.mulate.

collection, n. a.s.semblage, acc.u.mulation, aggregation, heap; offering, offertory; anthology, symposium, collectanea, miscellany, rosary, chrestomathy.

college, n. a.s.sociated Words: collegiate, Alma Mater.

college dress. academicals.

college grounds. campus.

college student. collegian.

collision, n. clas.h.i.+ng, concussion, interference, brunt, impact.

colloquial, a. conversational, familiar, informal.

colony, n. settlement, dependency. a.s.sociated Words: colonial, colonist, planter, colonize, colonization, colonizationist.

color, n. hue, shade, tinge, tincture, tint; pigment, paint, dye, stain. a.s.sociated Words: chromatics, colorific, colorist, chromatism, chromatology, lake, decolorant, mordant, intinctivity, iridescent, iridescence, prismatic, pigmentation, fugacious, fugitive, fugacity, monochromatic, monochrome, polychromy, polychromatic, suffuse, suffusion, imbuement, chromatic, achromatic.

color, n. ruddiness, redness, flush, blush, rosiness; semblance, pretext; variety, shade, kind, species; pl. flag. Antonyms: decoloration, colorlessness.

color, v. dye, tinge, stain, imbue, tint, tincture, variegate; falsify, pervert, garble, palliate, gloss, distort; blush, flush.

Antonyms: decolor, bleach, decolorize.

colorable, a. specious, plausible, palliated.

color-blindness, n. Daltonism, achromatopsy, acritochromacy.

colored, a. tinged, dyed, tinted, stained, discolored; specious, plausible.

colorific, a. tinctorial.

coloring, n. dyeing, staining, intinction, tinting, tinction, imbuement, variegation.

colorless, a. uncolored, faded; pale, pallid; neutral, characterless.

colossal, a. enormous, gigantic, monstrous, huge, prodigious, t.i.tanic.

colt, n. filly (female); foal (male); hogget.

coltish, a. frisky, sportive, wanton, playful.

column, n. pillar, post, shaft, obelisk; file, line, row; pilaster; pl. peristyle, portico, colonnade. a.s.sociated Words: entablature, frieze, architrave, triglyph, cornice, base, shaft, capital, plinth.

comb, n. crest, caruncle, head-tuft.

combat, n. contest bout, struggle, contention, fight, joust, battle.

combatant, n. contestant, fighter.

combative, a. pugnacious, contentious, bellicose, belligerent.

combination, n. union, alliance, federation, confederacy, syndicate, league, cabal, merger, coalition, conspiracy, cooperation, collusion; amalgamation, synthesis, incorporation.

combine, v. unite, incorporate, merge, amalgamate, blend, coalesce, confederate.

combine, n. (Colloq.) combination.

combined, a. united, confederated, federated, amalgamated, incorporated.

Chapter 40 : cogent, a. convincing, conclusive, forcible, influential.coheir, n. parcener.coheirs.h.
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