Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 44 : connect, v. join, link, couple, attach, unite, affiliate; implicate.connected, a. joine

connect, v. join, link, couple, attach, unite, affiliate; implicate.

connected, a. joined, coupled, linked, affiliated, related, akin, a.s.sociated.

connection, n. union, alliance, relations.h.i.+p, junction, conjunction, affiliation, a.s.sociation, filiation; implication, relative, relation, kinsman; bond, tie, link, coupling vinculum. Antonyms: disconnection, detachment, isolation, incoherence.

conquer, v. defeat, overpower, down, vanquish, triumph, overthrow, subdue, subjugate.

conqueror, n. subjugator, subduer, vanquisher, victor; conquistador.

conquest, n. subjection, subjugation, victory, mastery, triumph, reduction, overthrow, rout.

conscience, n. a.s.sociated Words: casuistry, Erinys, compunction, qualm.

conscientious, a. scrupulous, just, upright, high- minded.

conscionable, a. reasonable, just.

conscious, a. cognizant, aware, sensible, apprised; sentient, percipient, knowing. Antonyms: See unconscious.

consecrate, v. dedicate, sanctify, hallow.

consent, v. agree, accord, concur, accede, yield, a.s.sent, acquiesce, comply, permit. Antonyms: dissent, disagree, refuse.

consent, n. concurrence, acquiescence, compliance, approval, permission, agreement.

consequence, n. result, effect, issue, event, sequence, sequel, outcome, upshot, eventuality; pursuance; importance, moment, weight.

Antonym: inconsequence.

conservation, n. preservation, maintenance, keeping.

conserve, v. save, preserve.

consider, v. meditate on, ponder, contemplate, think about; regard, heed.

considerate, a. thoughtful, circ.u.mspect, heedful, mindful Antonyms: See inconsiderate.

consideration, n. deliberation, advis.e.m.e.nt, contemplation, deference; motive, reason.

console, v. comfort, cheer, condole with, solace, sympathize with.

consolidate, v. solidify, compress, concrete; unify, merge, incorporate, combine.

consolidation, n. unification, union, combination, incorporation.

consonant, n. a.s.sociated Words: spirant, fricative, surd, sibilant.

conspicuous, a. salient, noticeable, prominent, manifest. Antonym: inconspicuous.

conspiracy, n. plot, complot, machination, cabal, intrigue, collusion.

conspirator, n. conspirer, plotter, intriguer, caballer, machinator.

conspire, v. plot, complot, cabal, machinate, intrigue, collude.

constancy, n. steadfastness, stability, unchangeableness, resolution, loyalty, devotion, fidelity.

constant, a. permanent, unchanging; unwavering, unshaken, steadfast, stanch, unswerving, loyal, faithful; continuous, incessant, continual, perpetual, uninterrupted. Antonyms: See inconstant.

consternation, n. dismay, terror, alarm, panic, distraction.

constipated, a. costive, bound.

constipation, n. costiveness, stegnosis.

const.i.tution, n. structure, physique, temperament.

const.i.tutional, a. inborn, innate, organic, inbred, natural, congenital.

constrained, a. involuntary, forced, unnatural, embarra.s.sed.

constraint, n. compulsion, coercion, force, pressure; restraint, restriction.

constrictor, n. sphincter.

consultation, n. conference, council, convocation, advis.e.m.e.nt.

consummate, a. perfect, supreme, complete, finished.

consummation, n. fulfillment, perfection, realization, attainment.

consumption, n. phthisis; consuming.

contact, n. touching, tangency, contingency, impact, juxtaposition, osculation, contiguity, apposition, syzygy.

contagion, n. virus, infection, _contagium_.

contagious, a. communicable, infectious, pestilential, pestiferous.

Antonym: incommunicable.

contain, v. comprise, embody, include, comprehend, hold, restrain.

container, n. receptacle.

contaminate, v. corrupt, pollute, defile, infect, taint, vitiate, sully, debase.

contamination, n. corruption, pollution, defilement, vitiation, taint, infection.

contemporaneous, a. contemporary, synchionous, synchronal, coexistent.

Chapter 44 : connect, v. join, link, couple, attach, unite, affiliate; implicate.connected, a. joine
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