Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 51 : crossgrained, a. intractable, contrary, perverse, refractory, froward, stubborn.crossin

crossgrained, a. intractable, contrary, perverse, refractory, froward, stubborn.

crossing, n. hybridization.

crossing, n. intersection, decussation; cancellation; traversing; junction; crosswalk; thwarting, frustration, contradiction, interference; consignation.

crossness, n. petulance, peevishness, cynicism, unamiability, moroseness, irritability, asperity, ill-nature, inaffability, irascibility.

crosswise, adv. across, transversely.

crotch, n. fork, crotchet, angle.

crotchet, n. whim, fancy, vagary, caprice, freak.

crotchety, a. whimsical, fanciful, vagarious, capricious.

crouch, v. squat, couch, stoop; cringe, fawn, truckle.

croup, n. cynanche.

crow, n. a.s.sociated Words: caw, corvine, corviform, corvoid.

crow, v. brag, exult, swagger, vaunt, gasconade, vapor.

crowd, v. press, shove, jostle; compress, cram, cramp, squeeze, stow, impact; swarm, throng, troop; intrude.

crowd, n. concourse, crush, posse, mult.i.tude, number, ma.s.s, throng, horde, host, troop, bevy, knot, a.s.sembly, confluence; populace, rabble, commonalty, mob, proletariat, riffraff, the ma.s.ses, rabblerout, roughscuff.

crowded, a. congested, serried, dense, compact. Antonyms: incompact, loose.

crowding, n. congestion, compression.

crown, n. diadem, coronet, corona; tiara; wreath, garland chaplet, coronal, laurel, bays; royalty, sovereignty; consummation, capsheaf, summit, top, crest, vertex, vortex; krone. a.s.sociated Words: coronal, coronary.

crown, v. consummate, complete.

crowning, a. consummating, completing.

crowning, n. coronation.

crucial, a. cruciform, cross-shaped; severe, trying, ordeal

crude, a. undeveloped, inelaborate, uncouth, inartistic, unfinished.

cruel, a. pitiless, merciless, inhuman, unmerciful, fell, relentless, ruthless, truculent, brutal, unfeeling, severe, inexorable, incompa.s.sionate, implacable.

cruelly, n. inhumanity, implacability, severity, atrocity, pitilessness.

crumble, v. disintegrate, decay, molder.

crumbly, a. friable.

crumple, v. rumple, ruck, wrinkle, crush together.

crush, v. overpower, vanquish, quell, subdue, conquer, suppress; squeeze, press, compress.

crush, n. compression; pressure, crowd.

crus.h.i.+ng, a. overwhelming.

crush-room, n. foyer.

crust, n. incrustation.--v. incrust.

crusty, a. cross, unamiable, surly.

crux, n. puzzle, riddle.

cry, v. weep, sob, wail, bawl, squall, whimper, blubber, pule, bewail; shout, call, exclaim, yell, scream, vociferate, clamor, e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e.

cry, n. exclamation, e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n, acclamation, outcry, clamor, vociferation, yoicks, scream, shriek, howl, yell, proclamation; slogan, s.h.i.+bboleth; halloo, whoop, hoot: crying, weeping, wail, lamentation, mewl, plaint whimpering.

cry down. decry, disparage, dispraise, traduce.

crying, n. weeping, sobbing, wailing, wail, clamation, bawling, puling, squalling.

crying, a. weeping, sobbing, clamant; flagrant, egregious, heinous, nefarious.

cry out upon. denounce, censure, condemn.

crypt, n. catacomb; follicle.

cryptic, a. hidden, secret, occult, enigmatical.

cry to. pray to, implore, beseech.

cry up. extol, laud, praise.

cube, n. hexahedron.

cucking-stool, n. castigatory, tumbrel, trebucket, ducking-stool

cuc.u.mber, n. gherkin (small and p.r.i.c.kly).

cud, n. rumen; quid. a.s.sociated Words: Ruminantia, ruminant, ruminate, rumination, merycism.

cuddle, v. nestle, snuggle.

cudgel, n. club, bludgeon.

Chapter 51 : crossgrained, a. intractable, contrary, perverse, refractory, froward, stubborn.crossin
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