Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 70 : earthenware, n. crockery, pottery, stoneware, porcelain, Delftware.earthling, n. mortal

earthenware, n. crockery, pottery, stoneware, porcelain, Delftware.

earthling, n. mortal, tellurian, tellurist.

earthly, a. worldly, carnal, groveling, sordid; terrestrial, terrine; temporal; possible, conceivable.

earthly-minded, a. worldly-minded, sensual, groveling, unspiritual.

earthquake, n. earthshock, earth tremor. a.s.sociated Words: seismology, seismic, seismography, seismometry, seismal, seismometer, seismograph, seismogram, seismoscope, microseism, microseismic, meizoseismal, coscismal, anaseismic, isoseismic.

earthwork, n. fortification, embankment.

earthworm, n. angleworm, dewworm, lumbric, _lumbricus_.

earthy, a. terrestrial, terrene, earthly; gross, carnal, groveling, low.

ear-trumpet, n. sonifer, otophone, auricle.

earwax, n. cerumen.

ease, n. facility, easiness; repose, quiescence, comfort, tranquillity, contentment, peace, serenity; unrestraint, informality, abandon. Antonyms: constraint, difficulty, discomfort, uneasiness, awkwardness.

ease, v. facilitate, mitigate, appease, a.s.suage, allay, soothe, alleviate, palliate, release, relax, mollify.

easiness, n. ease, facility.

east, a. a.s.sociated Words: orientate, orientation, Orient, Orientalism, Orientalist, orientalize, orientality.

eastern, a. oriental, orient, ortive.

easy, a. facile, slight; comfortable, untroubled, quiet, tranquil; gullible, facile, credulous, submissive, compliant, tractable; affluent, independent; smooth, fluent, unconstrained.

easy-going, a. mild-tempered, ease-loving, unenterprising, inactive, happy-go-lucky.

eat, v. feed, devour; bolt, gulp, gorge. Antonyms: abstain, fast, diet, starve, famish.

eat, v. consume, corrode, erode, fret.

eatable, a. edible, comestible, esculent. Antonym: inedible.

eaten away. eroded, erose, fretted.

eating, n. feeding, repast; (excess in eating) gluttony, gormandism, bolting, gulping, superalimentation; browsing. a.s.sociated words: aristology, gastronomy, gastronome, gastronomer, epicure, epicurism, diet, dietetics, dietary, commensal, dietarian, gastronomic, gourmet, gormand, cormorant, glutton, omnivorous, appet.i.te, hunger, hungry, gustatory, pantophagist, pantophagous, pantophagy.

eating, n. corrosion, erosion, fretting, canker.

eating-house, n. restaurant, cafe, chophouse, buffet.

eating-room, n. dining-room, refectory.

eating together. commensalism.

ebb, n. reflux, refluence; decline, wane, deterioration, retrogression.

ebb, v. recede, return, retire; decline, wane, deteriorate, decay.

ebbing, a. receding, refluent, falling.

eccentric, a. whimsical, erratic, unconventional, irregular, odd, idiosyncratic.

eccentricity, n. whimsicality, oddness, unconventionality, freakishness, irregularity.

echo, n. reverberation. a.s.sociated Word: catacoustics.

echo, v. resound, reverberate.

eclipse, n. occultation; obscuration, extinction, concealment, outrivaling.

eclipse, v. obscure, outs.h.i.+ne, surpa.s.s, outrival, overcast.

economical, a. frugal, saving, thrifty, provident. Antonyms: See extravagant.

economize, v. save, retrench, husband.

economy, n. thrift, frugality, thriftiness, retrenchment; management, administration, system.

eczema, n. tetter, milk crust.

eddy, n. vortex, whirlpool.

edge, n. verge, brink, border, margin, rim, extremity; sharpness, intensity, zest, poignancy, sting; selvage, selvedge, listing; bevel, f.l.a.n.g.e.

edge, v. sharpen, fringe, border, rim; hitch along.

edgy, a. touchy, sharp, irritable, excitable, irascible.

edible, a. eatable, esculent, comestible. Antonym: inedible

edict, n. mandate, decree, proclamation, rescript, manifesto, ordinance.

educate, v. teach, instruct, school, nurture, edify, enlighten.

educated, a. learned, versed, erudite, scholarly, enlightened, schooled, literate.

education, n. culture, learning, schooling, tuition, scholars.h.i.+p, nurture, enlightenment, literacy.

efface, v. expunge, obliterate, erase, eradicate.

effect, n. result, outcome, consequence, issue; validity, force, weight; execution, performance, realization; meaning, tenor, purport, intent; ensemble.

Chapter 70 : earthenware, n. crockery, pottery, stoneware, porcelain, Delftware.earthling, n. mortal
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