Wudang: Legends Of Qi Earth
Chapter 1 : Chapter 1: Alex Feng MatthewsMarch 1, 2018Alex kept an open eye as he circled his oppone

Chapter 1: Alex Feng Matthews

March 1, 2018

Alex kept an open eye as he circled his opponent. This maneuver was not going to be easy, and the fact that they had been playing this game for the past 89 minutes already, had him exhausted and tired. Sweat was dripping down his forehead and impairing his vision, but his opponent was not in a good place either.

Sweat also dripped down his muscular brown frame as his muscles tensed in antic.i.p.ation of Alex's next move. This was a crucial part of the game, and the deciding moment. The winner takes all, and the loser fails.

Alex looked beyond his opponent and spotted the goal, the endgame, the net. If he could get it, then this whole fight would be over. Alex tensed his calves as the soles of his feet burned from being in contact with the sun baked tarmac for too long. Alex paused, and then he moved, shooting straight for his opponent with a singular purpose and a very determined look.

Every spectator around was screaming in awe and fright, with a few insults thrown in. Many of them were rather vocal with their insults as they believed he was being foolish to go head on with such an opponent. Alex knew what he was doing, or at least he hoped he did, because there was a lot riding on his shoulders, and he couldn't afford to f.u.c.k up here.

When his opponent was just two feet away from him, Alex maneuvered the ball to the back of his right leg, and using the toes of his left he raised the ball and used the back of his foot to kick it up. Then, he ducked left and watched with satisfaction as his opponent watched the football soar over his head, completely shocked by the skill displayed by Alex. Then Alex, already waiting behind his opponent, kicked the still airborne ball with a bicycle kick and watched in pure glee as it went past the goalkeeper and straight into the net.



"And with the sound of the final whistle, the Iron Pythons of Oganenigu win the champions.h.i.+p! I repeat, the Iron Pythons are now the winners of the under fourteen village tournament! I'm not surprised, the Son of Heaven has struck again. What a glorious match, one to be remembered for the ages to come."

Alex barely had any time to catch his breath before his teammates all crowded around him. There were screams and shouts of joy all around him. Alex found it hard not to be swept into the festivities as a wide smile swept over his face. He looked into the crowd and saw his biggest support, the person who he really won this match for...his father.

And with as stoic as he looked, Alex could see the look of pride on his father's face. It left quite a warm feeling deep within his heart. He raised his hand in a fist and pointed it to his father and his father also did the same thing. Every member of his team also did the same, since monkey see, monkey do, fisting their hands and pointing them at his father. Besides, why wouldn't they? He was their coach after all. It was a wonderful day, one that Alex would never forget for the rest of his life.

"So how do you feel about being a champion."

"I don't know, dad, I feel like I should be happy, but I don't really feel anything. It's like there's more to life than just being the football champion of a village."

"You need to learn to take pride in everything that you do, no matter how unimportant it might seem. Besides, I have something for you."


Alex was surprised by his father. He usually never received gifts from his father, unless it was a really special occasion or it was required for his training. It was a piece of paper. Honestly, it killed any excitement fourteen-year-old Alex had mustered in antic.i.p.ation of the gift.

"Don't look so disappointed when you don't even know what it is yet."

Alex brought his head down and looked at the paper in his hand. Seconds later, he was trembling in excitement and happiness as he read the huge words written on top of the paper.

"The twenty-fifth annual inter-village martial compet.i.tion.

The top 100 winners will have the opportunity to represent their local government in the inter local government compet.i.tion, and the top 100 from the local government compet.i.tion will gain a chance to represent their state in a nationwide martial arts compet.i.tion, of which the top ten would be chosen as outer disciples of the great Wudang sect, bringing glory and honor to his or her household. Registration begins on the 15th of March, 2018, and closes on the 17th.

The following are requirements to be eligible for the compet.i.tion. The registering martial artist must not be younger than twelve or older than sixteen. The registered martial artist must be at least the second level of the body refining realm, and should have the express knowledge of at least two martial arts techniques, preferably a defensive technique and an attacking technique. Violation of the rules, or cheating of any kind, would result in instant death."

Alex looked up at his father with sparkling eyes.

"Are you finally going to let me train? You're going to let me fight?"

"It's finally time for you to find your place in this world. If I don't let you do this, you will probably find a way to do what you want anyways. Besides, letting you become a painter, like your father, seems like an extreme waste of talent. I had forbidden you from training, and I know for a fact you never deviated from my orders. You are already at the upper stages of the first level of the body refining realm. You gained all that just by being alive. Talent like that is not meant for a village like this."

Alex was so happy that he jumped up from his chair and ran around the table to hug his father. Hugs were as rare as gifts in this family. Even though it was just the two of them, Alex knew how hard it was for his father to show emotions of any sort. He showed his love for his son in more ways than one.

"I love you, Dad!"

"I know. But, there's something else you need to be aware of. Your mother is the daughter of an important member of the Wudang sect."

Hearing about his mother completely doused any excitement Alex might have mustered about this martial arts compet.i.tion.

"You know what, just forget it. I'm sure I can live a fulfilling life painting people's houses and their portraits."

"Don't be such a child, Alex, I taught you better than this."

"I don't care! That woman left us, especially you! You loved her and she left us. I don't want to have anything to do with her!"

"Alex Feng Matthews! Don't raise your voice in my house! There are things in this life that are not as simple as it may seem. Look at me, look at me, boy! I had nothing to offer your mother, not status, not wealth, and not power. In this world love is not enough to keep a woman, especially not a woman like your mother. Things happened Alex, but it does not mean she did not love me or you. In fact, she loved you so much, she cried by your crib for days before she left.

But duty to her bloodline and her sect overcame her duty to her love and her son. And while it was rather hard for me to swallow, there was nothing I could do to keep the woman I loved from being taken away. And for my weakness I apologize, because I was weak. I deprived you of a childhood with your mother."

And then his father went down on his knees and bowed his head in apology to his son. Alex was so appalled by such a sight, he quickly pulled his father to his feet, feeling guilty for making him humble himself like this.

"I'm sorry, Dad. I did not mean to make you upset. It's just painful that even though you did not have the strength to fight for us, why didn't she. She just left and never looked back."

"My son, the world is cruel and not easy to navigate. You will learn this on your journey to the top. Your mother and I made mistakes that made your childhood really hard. They made fun of you for your light skin, your narrow eyes and your long black hair. It would have been easier if your mom was around since I'm not so good with all this parenting stuff, however, I believe I raised you right, and of all our mistakes, you would solve them and make your mark in this world. Your destiny is bigger than our quaint little village."

All Alex could do was nod his head in understanding. He knew this world really respected strength, but he has this philosophy, this belief that if you loved someone, then you can do anything to make that person happy. You would do anything to make that person happy no matter what. But his parents were raised by very different views and values. He felt it was stupid, but there was hardly anything he could do about it.

His father placed his hands on Alex's shoulders, and gave him a book about four inches thick. On its cover, there was a drawing of a snake; a python.

"I don't have any martial arts manual to pa.s.s to you, however this book was made and compiled by an ancestor of our family, who was successful in reaching the soul awakening realm. This ancestor of ours was very theoretical and loved to experiment and invent martial arts techniques. But he had a problem with finis.h.i.+ng what he started, so that book is filled with uncompleted techniques and a lot of theories about cultivation. It helped me reach the seventh stage of the open Dantian realm, and should do wonders for a boy with as much talent as you."

Then, his father left their tiny dining room, leaving Alex with a grateful look on his face and a dream in his heart.

Chapter 1 : Chapter 1: Alex Feng MatthewsMarch 1, 2018Alex kept an open eye as he circled his oppone
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