English Synonyms and Antonyms
Chapter 135 : Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be ----; Do n.o.ble things, not dream them, all
Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be ----; Do n.o.ble things, not dream them, all day long; And so make life, death, and the vast forever One grand, sweet song.
COMPANY (page 110).
1. From what is _company_ derived? What is its primary meaning? 2. For what are those a.s.sociated who const.i.tute a _company_? Is their a.s.sociation temporary or permanent? 3. What is the difference between _a.s.semblage_ and _a.s.sembly_? 4. What is a _conclave_? a _convocation_? a _convention_? 5. What are the characteristics of a _group_? 6. To what use is _congregation_ restricted? How does _meeting_ agree with and differ from it?
Far from the madding ----'s ign.o.ble strife, Their sober wishes never learned to stray.
The room contained a large ---- of miscellaneous objects.
A fellow that makes no figure in ----.
A great ---- had met, but without organization or officers.
If ye inquire anything concerning other matters, it shall be determined in a lawful ----.
COMPEL (page 111).
1. What is it to _compel_? 2. What does _force_ imply? 3. What is the especial significance of _coerce_? 4. What does _constrain_ imply? In what favorable sense is it used?
Even if we were not willing, they possessed the power of ---- us to do justice.
Employers may ---- their employees into voting as they demand, but for the secret ballot.
These considerations ---- us to aid them to the utmost of our power.
COMPLAIN (page 112).
1. By what is _complaining_ prompted? _murmuring_? _repining_? 2. Which finds outward expression, and which is limited to the mental act? 3. To whom does one _complain_, in the formal sense of the word? 4. With whom does one _remonstrate_?
It is not pleasant to live with one who is constantly ----ing.
The dog gave a low ---- which frightened the tramp away.
COMPLEX (page 112).
1. How does _complex_ differ from _compound_? from _composite_? 2. What is _heterogeneous_? _conglomerate_? 3. How does _complicated_ differ from _intricate_? from _involved_?
CONSCIOUS (page 116).
1. Of what things is one _aware_? of what is he _conscious_? 2. How does _sensible_ compare with the above-mentioned words? 3. What does _sensible_ indicate regarding the emotions, that would not be expressed by _conscious_?
To be ---- that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge.
They are now ---- it would have been better to resist the first temptation.
He was ---- of a stealthy step and a bulk dimly visible through the darkness.
CONSEQUENCE (page 116).
1. How does _consequence_ differ from _effect_? both from _result_? 2.
How do _result_ and _issue_ compare? 3. In what sense is _consequent_ used?
CONTAGION (page 117).