English Synonyms and Antonyms
Chapter 139 : ---- the upright man.
Let us minutely ---- the color of the goods.
DISCOVER (page 133)
---- the upright man.
Let us minutely ---- the color of the goods.
DISCOVER (page 133).
1. What is the distinctive meaning of _detect_? _discover_? _invent_? 2.
How do _discover_ and _invent_ differ? 3. Is _detect_ often used in a favorable sense?
An experienced policeman acquires wonderful skill in ----ing criminals.
Newton ---- the law of gravitation.
To ---- a machine, one must first understand the laws of mechanics.
DISEASE (page 134).
1. What was the early and general meaning of _sick_ and _sickness_ in English? 2. How long did that usage prevail? 3. What is the present restriction upon the use of these words in England? What words are there commonly subst.i.tuted? 4. What is the prevalent usage in the United States?
---- spread in the camp and proved deadlier than the sword.
The ---- was found to be contagious.
He is just recovering from a slight ----.
It is not good manners to talk of one's ----s.
DO (page 135).
1. What is the most comprehensive word of this group? 2. In what sense are _finish_ and _complete_ used, and how are they discriminated from each other? 3. How do we discriminate between _fulfil_, _realize_, _effect_, and _execute_? _perform_ and _accomplish_? _accomplish_ and _complete_?
A duty has been ----, a work of grat.i.tude and affection has been ----.
It is wonderful how much can be ---- by steady, plodding industry without brilliant talents.
The work is not only grand in design but it is ---- with the most exquisite delicacy in every detail.
It is the duty of the legislators to make laws, of the magistrates to ---- them.
Every one should labor to ---- his duties faithfully, and ---- the just expectations of those who have committed to him any trust.
DOCTRINE (page 136).
1. To what matters do we apply the word _creed_? _doctrine_? _dogma_?
_principle_? 2. Which is the more inclusive word? 3. Is _dogma_ used favorably or unfavorably?
The ---- rests either upon the authority of the Scriptures, or upon a decision of the Church.
A man may have upright ----s even while he disregards commonly received ----s.
DOUBT, _v._ (page 137).
1. Do we apply _doubt_, _distrust_, _surmise_, and _suspect_ mostly to persons and things, or to motives and intentions? 2. Is _mistrust_ used of persons or of things? 3. Is it used, in a favorable or an unfavorable sense?
We do not ---- that the earth moves around the sun.
Nearly every law of nature was by man first ----, then proved to be true.
I ---- my own heart.